Here we have selected some important MCQs for the purpose of a general revision and preparation of exams. Practice these question and learn more from the explanatory notes added for each question.
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1 of 20
Q.1 Vginal sponge, means of family planning belongs to-
- Physical method
- Chemical method
- Hormonal method
- none of the these
2 of 20
Q.2 Mala - D (oral pills) contains which of the following hormone?
- Oestrogen
- Progestogen
- Both (a) and (b)
- none of the these
3 of 20
Q.3 Water borne disease is-
- Tuberculosis
- cholera
- measles
- influenza
4 of 20
Q.4 In diphtheria the causetive organism affects-
- upper respiratory tract
- Intestine
- brain
- lungs
5 of 20
Q.5 Elisa test is used for diagnosis of-
- Tuberculosis
- Typhoid
- Rabies
6 of 20
Q.6 In liver, Glucose is stored as-
- Starch
- Glycogen
- Sucrose
- Lactose
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Q.7 The reserve food material of a plant is-
- Cellulose
- Starch
- Glucose
- Pectine
8 of 20
Q.8 Measles is caused by-
- Variola virus
- Rubeola virus
- Varicella zoster
- Herpes virus
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Q.9 Removal of disease from universe is-
- Eradication
- Prevention
- Epidemic
- Pandemic
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Q.10 Chlorhexidine is used as-
- Disinfectant
- Bacteriostatic
- Antiseptic
- none of the these
11 of 20
Q.11 Malaria is transmitted through -
- Female culex musquito
- Female housefly
- Female anopheles mosquito
- none of the these
12 of 20
Q.12 The Popular IUCD is-
- Condom
- Copper T
- Foam tablet
- Cream
13 of 20
Q.13 The intrinsic factor for the absorption of iron is-
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin A
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Q.14 Which of the following has the highest amount of polyunsaturated fatty acid?
- sunflower oil
- Ground nut oil
- Palm Oil
- Soyabean oil
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Q.15 Which of the following is the carbohydrate of animal origin?
- Glucose
- Sucrose
- starch
- Glycogen
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Q.16 How much retinol is equal to one I.U.?
- 0.3 mcg
- 0.6 mcg
- 1.2 mcg
- 2 mcg
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Q.17 leprosy mainly affects-
- muscles and bones
- nerves and skin
- testes and eye
- all of the above
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Q.18 Which is not a live attenuated vaccine?
- measles
- pertusis
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Q.19 In general, which foods are considered to be high in vitamin K and should be avoided in large amounts when on warfarin dose?
- Citrus fruits
- Dairy products
- bread and cereals
- Green leafy vegatables
20 of 20
Q.20 Tocoferol also known as-
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin K