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Practice Tests

#1 71.73K Reads
Pharmacognosy Practice test #1 | MCQs for Pharmacy Exams

Practice these 30 MCQs on Pharmacognosy ( a subject related to the study of natural drugs and its co...

#2 68.53K Reads
Online Practice Test for Pharmacy exams, previous Year questions

Online practice test to prepare for pharmacy exams. Most questions are picked from previous year exa...

#3 55.9K Reads
DSBM : MCQs Based Practice Test #1 | D. Pharmacy 2nd year

Drug store and business management, Important MCQs for pharmacist and pharmacy students for basic re...

#4 55.1K Reads
#5 49.74K Reads
HCP Practice Test #1 | Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy MCQs

30 important Practice Questions (MCQs) in hospital and clinical pharmacy for revision of D.pharma sy...

#6 49.27K Reads
Practice Test for Pharmacy Exams (Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence)

Attempt this test to check your Knowledge in Juris. This Practice test in pharmaceutical jurisprud...

#7 47.15K Reads
Practice test 1 (Human Anatomy and Physiology) for competitive exams

This practice test contains 25 important questions from Human Anatomy and physiology,  prepared ...

#8 39.21K Reads
Practice Test #1 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II (organic)

Important Multiple choice question from pharmaceutical organic chemistry. Attempt these 30 questio...

#9 36.06K Reads
Pharmaceutics Practice Quiz (Aptitude test for Pharmacy exams)

This is the short aptitude test with 10 to 20 multiple choice questions (MCQs) from pharmaceutics ...

#10 35.2K Reads
DSSSB Pharmacist (Allopathy) Mock Test 2024: Practice 100 Previous Year Questions

Prepare for the DSSSB Pharmacist Exam 2024 with our comprehensive mock test. This practice session i...

#11 35.19K Reads
general science aptitude test | Science MCQ Quiz with Explained Answers

Attempt this test on general science which contains MCQs from Physics, Chemistry, and Biolog...

#12 29.64K Reads
Practice Test Set #1 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 (inorganic) MCQs

Attempt (practice) these important MCQs from P.Chem 1 and revise the basics of pharmaceutical inor...

#13 29.38K Reads
HCP Practice Test #2 | Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy MCQs

Practice these 30 questions from hospital and clinical pharmacy and revise the basics of pharmacy....

#14 29.24K Reads
World Geography practice test #1 | General Knowledge Quiz

This practice test contains a short quiz of objectivE questions mcqs from important static geo...

#15 27.1K Reads
Practice Test #2 |  Pharmaceutics-II | MCQs for Pharmacy Exams

These 30 MCQs are most important for general revision .. after attempting this test, it will motiv...

#16 23.55K Reads
Classification of drugs in pharmacology Aptitude Test

This is a general aptitude test that contains questions (MCQs) from Drug classification (pha...

#17 23.05K Reads
Biochemistry Practice Test 1 (For Pharmacy, paramedical and other entrance exams).

This practice test includes important questions from basic Biochemistry according to the syllabus ...

#18 22.98K Reads
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Practice test #2 for Pharmacy Exams

The important exam oriented question (MCQs)...

#19 21.39K Reads
Practice Test #2 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II (Organic)

This is practice test no. 2 in pharmaceutical chemistry test series.This practice test includes ...

#20 21.19K Reads
Math Quiz : General aptitude test on Mathematics for competitive Exams

A general aptitude test on mathematics included some common topics like profit and loss, percentag...

#21 20.61K Reads
General Awareness Test (GK/GA Quiz) for competitive Exams

This test includes questions from General awareness ( general science, literature, history, economic...

#22 20.44K Reads
DSBM - MCQs Based Practice Test #2 | D. Pharmacy 2nd Year

This is Practice test #2 (MCQ based) with more 30 questions on Drug store and business management (D...

#23 20.07K Reads
Pharmacognosy Aptitude Test

Attempt basic Questions on Pharmacognosy (Pharmacy) ...

#24 19.28K Reads
Pharmacology Aptitude Test

Attempt Questions on Pharmacology to check your basic knowledge required for Pharmacy profession...

#25 18.43K Reads
Intelligence and Reasoning Practice test Set (1) for DSSSB,SSC and other Competitive Exams

25 important questions (according to DSSSB and SSC Exam Patterns) from general intelligence and ...

#26 17.99K Reads
GK TEST - Practice QUIZ on rivers and dams in India

This test is very helpful for various competitive exams including SSC, Railway, Banking, Tea...

#27 15.65K Reads
मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न (quiz) । हिंदी भाषा परीक्षण (test)

मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियों से संबंधित इस प्रश्नावली को हल करने पर प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी में काफी...

#28 15.58K Reads
Biochemistry MCQs based Practice test 2 | Pharmacy Exams

30 multiple choice questions in biochemistry and clinical pathology for pharmacy / paramedical stude...

#29 14.04K Reads
Practice Test #2 Human Anatomy and Physiology

Attempt these 25 important questions from human anatomy and physiology and check your knowledge an...

#30 14.01K Reads
#31 13.21K Reads
General Science Quiz | Practice test for SSC, DSSSB, UPSSC, UKSSC, railway, and RRB Exams

most important questions from general science (GS). included questions mostly asked in previous ex...

#32 13.19K Reads
Language test hindi and English

 Language part is the common in most of competitive govt. exams. This test includes total 40 q...

#33 12.96K Reads
Reproductive Health (Class 12th Biology Revision Test) | MCQs for NEET

This test includes 25 important questions (MCQ) from the chapter reproductive health class 12th Biol...

#34 12.8K Reads
Structural Organisation in Animals Biology (Class 11th) Revision Test | MCQs for NEET

This practice test includes 25 important multiple choice questions from the chapter structural Organ...

#35 12.73K Reads
Test on Drugs classifications 1

MCQs related to pharmacological classification of drugs including ANS acting drugs, autocoids, d...

#36 12.03K Reads
Pharmacology and Toxicology MCQs | Practice Test #1

This test has 20 important questions from pharmacology. practice these questions and revise some b...

#37 11.82K Reads
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-1 (Inorganic) Practice Test Set #2 | P Chem 1 MCQs

This is the 2nd set of Pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry based on the diploma in pharmacy 1st-year ...

#38 10.35K Reads
Indian National Movement | Practice test #1 | GK Quiz

Important GK MCQ questions from Indian history topic Indian national movement happened in modern h...

#39 10.2K Reads
Health Education Practice Test #1 | H.E.C.P. MCQs for Pharmacy Exams

Health education and community pharmacy MCQ. Practice these 20 MCQs and update your basics on this t...

#40 10.11K Reads
Error Detection Test On English Language Part Of SSC CBT

This Error Detection test in the English language is the set of questions in which a sentence is d...

#41 10.01K Reads
सामान्य हिंदी परीक्षण प्रश्नावली

सामान्य हिंदी का प्रश्नावली हल करें। इस प्रश्नावली में सामान्य हिंदी के कुछ प्रश्न हैं ज...

#42 9.65K Reads
Human Reproduction - Biology Revision Test (Class 12th) | MCQs For NEET

This practice test includes 25 from the chapter human reproduction class 12....

#43 9.35K Reads
A test on latest current affairs

Attempt test to improve your basics on general awareness and current events,  required for every e...

#44 8.79K Reads
Anatomy of Flowering Plants : Biology (Class 11th) Revision Test | MCQs for NEET

This practice test has 25 important multiple choice questions from the Chapter -  Anatomy Of Floweri...

#46 7.99K Reads
English Language Objective Test Based On Synonyms Or Homonyms

This test includes objective (MCQs) on the English language. synonyms are words that have the sa...

#47 7.56K Reads
Biochemistry Test Series | Practice Set 5 | Revision MCQs for Pharmacy and Medical Exams

This is the practice Set 2 of the Biochemistry  test series for Pharmacy, Diploma Pharmacy and medic...

#48 7.17K Reads
Practice test : Biological Classification (Biology class 11th) | Practice MCQs for NEET

Practice these 25 important Questions in Biological Classification class 11th Biology and score bett...

#49 6.91K Reads
Indian Polity and Constitution Practice Test #1 | GK Quiz

20 important GK questions on Indian Polity and the constitution of India. Attempt this test. vie...

#50 6.87K Reads
Basics of Physiology Practice Test part-1 for Staff Nurse and Pharmacist Exams

Practice online some important questions for pharmacy and nursing exams. we have added 20+ questio...


#1 16.76K Reads
Thomson, Rutherford and Bohr model of atom.

Thomson's atomic model proposed that an atom is uniform sphere of positive charges (due to prese...

#2 16.29K Reads
Advantages and Disadvantages of Tablets as Pharmaceutical Dosage Form

Advantages and disadvantages of tablet in manufacturing, Dosage calculation, unit Dosage form, cost,...

#3 11.18K Reads
Types of Containers used for the Packaging of Pharmaceutical Products

Pharmaceutical containers are divided according to their utility i.e. well closed container for so...

#4 10.83K Reads
Latin Terms and Abbreviations Commonly Used in Prescription Writing

The prescriptions are generally written in English language but Latin words and abbreviations are fr...

#5 9.02K Reads
MCQs on antihistamines | medicinal chemistry | by pharmacy infoline

Antihistamines are drugs which treat rhinitis and other allergies. Typically people take antihistami...

#6 7.93K Reads
Water Soluble Vitamins: Source, Function And Deficiency Diseases

Water-soluble vitamins include vitamin B-complex (Vit. B1, B2 or Riboflavin, Nicotinic acid, Pan...

#7 6.62K Reads
Percentage: Formula And Examples Related To Population

demographic calculations or population-based calculations , Let the population of a town be ...

#8 5.99K Reads
भाववाचक संज्ञा

भाववाचक संज्ञा  किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के गुण या धर्म, दशा अथवा व्यापार का बोध कराती है। जैसे -...

#9 5.92K Reads
Khilji Dynasty Rulers, Timeline and decline

The Khalji or Khilji dynasty was a Muslim dynasty that ruled large parts of the Indian subcontin...

#10 5.43K Reads
Cell Division by Mitosis | All stages of mitotic cell division

Mitosis occurs continuously inside the body or somatic cells.Daughter cells have a  diploid num...

#11 5.2K Reads
Degree and Order of Adjectives as Parts of Speech

There are three degrees of adjectives, also known as degrees of comparison, namely, positive,...

#12 5.13K Reads
Complete Guide to Animal Kingdom Flowchart NEET 2024

Animals have several characteristics that set them apart from other living things. Animals are eukar...

#13 5.12K Reads
जातिवाचक संज्ञा

किसी जाति के सम्पूर्ण पदार्थों व उसके समूहों का बोध कराने वाली संज्ञा को जातिवाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं।...

#14 4.93K Reads
Sufi and Bhakti movement in Medieval India

Using devotion to achieve salvation was a key component of Bhakti movement which was started as ...

#15 4.89K Reads
Human Endocrine Glands and Their Hormones

Endocrine glands are the ductless glands which pour their secretions directly into the bloodst...

#16 4.85K Reads
North Indian Kingdoms: Indian Medieval History

All these kingdoms fought with each other and tried to gain control over northern India, howev...

#17 4.68K Reads
The Sangam Age : Sangam Literature And Books

Sangam literature also referred to as Cankam literature connotes the ancient Tamil literatur...

#18 4.54K Reads
व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा

व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा किसी व्यक्ति ,या वस्तु का बोध कराती है। ...

#19 4.42K Reads
Rashtrakutas - Founder, Rulers, and Expansion

 Rashtrakuta was a royal dynasty ruling large parts of the Indian subcontinent between the sixth a...

#20 4.24K Reads
Why Pataliputra (now Patna) was so important in Indian History?

The location of Pataliputra was a strategic one and that is why it was the capital of so many empire...

#21 4.21K Reads
Rashtrakutas - Administration, religion, literature, art, and decline

Inscriptions and other literary records indicate the Rashtrakutas selected the crown prince based ...

#22 4.08K Reads
Classification of antimicrobial drugs according to their type of action, spectrum of activity and mechanism of action

Classification of antimicrobials is based on their type of action on microbes kill or reduce the n...

#23 3.97K Reads
The Constitution of India, Formation History and Timeline

The Constitution of India withholds the constitutional supremacy and not the supremacy of the pa...

#24 3.88K Reads
Fundamental and Derived Quantities

The quantities that are independent of other quantities are called fundamental quantities. The q...

#25 3.68K Reads
Sound waves : Different Characteristics - Frequency, Amplitude, Pitch, Timber

Compression (C) – These are the regions where particles are crowded together and are represented...

#26 3.66K Reads
The Great Plains Of India | Indian Geography

The Great Plains of India are also known as Indo- Gangetic Plains . The Northern Plains are formed b...

#27 3.6K Reads
Bahmani Kingdom (south India 1347 - 1518 CE)

Bahmani Kingdom was the first independent Muslim kingdom in south India. It was a Persianate M...

#28 3.54K Reads
Sayyid Dynasty (1414 - 1451 cE)

The Sayyid dynasty was the fourth dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate, with four rulers ruling fr...

#29 3.52K Reads
Blood | Functions and Composition of Blood

Blood is specialized fluid connective tissue, transports nutrition, water and oxygen to various ti...

#30 3.49K Reads
Indian Medieval History: Rajput Dynasties (between 7th To 12th Century)

The period was from 647 AD to 1200 AD.From the death of Harsha to the 12th century, the destiny of...

#32 3.48K Reads
Chemical Formula of compounds and rules for writing

 The symbolic representation of composition is termed as the chemical formula of a compound. Two t...

#33 3.47K Reads
Chola Dynasty : Brief Overview On Rulers, Literature, Trade and architecture (southern India)

Chola dynasty was a Tamil dynasty of Southern India, one of the longest-ruling dynasties in world ...

#34 3.46K Reads
Cell Parts And Cell Organelles | Cell Biology

Living cells are bound by a membrane called the plasma membrane, also known as the cell membrane...

#35 3.12K Reads
indian States And Union territories With their capitals

In the current scenario, India has 28 states (excluding J &K and including Telan...

#36 3.1K Reads
हिन्दी वर्णमाला - स्वर, व्यंजन

भाषा की सबसे छोटी इकाई ध्वनि होती है, और इस ध्वनि को वर्ण कहते हैं। वर्णो के व्यस्थित समूह को वर्...

#37 3.08K Reads
Indus Valley Civilization / Harappan Civilization : Ancient India

The Civilization was first identified in 1921 at Harappa in the Punjab region (present-day Pakista...

#38 3.06K Reads
The Arab and turkish Invasion in India

 Arabs captured Sindh in 712 AD.The Arab conquest of Sindh was led by Muhammad bin Qasim.In 10...

#39 2.87K Reads
King Harsha: Ruler Of North India (Vardhana Dynasty), Ancient Indian History

The most important battle fought by Harshavardhan was against Chalukyanruler Pulakeshin II with ...

#40 2.82K Reads
Commonly used drugs in Obstetric and Gynaecological conditions (starting with

There are some common drugs used in gynecology. Here is the list of drugs starting from "m" comm...

#41 2.81K Reads
Divisibility Test and Factorials

A number is divisible by 3 only when the sum of its digit is divisible by 3.A number is divisible ...

#42 2.75K Reads
Profit, Loss And Discount - Examples And Tricks To Solve

In the case of profit or loss , the relation is generated between c.p and s.p.In the case of disco...

#43 2.66K Reads
What are Prodrugs? Properties, Examples and Applications | Pharmacy Notes

Prodrugs are generally the esters or amides of parent drug, and are useful in improving the solubi...

#44 2.62K Reads
Miniature Paintings: A Rich Tapestry of India's Historical and Cultural Heritage 

Miniature paintings are colorful handmade paintings and are quite colorful but small in size. The ...

#45 2.59K Reads
Different types of Dams and a List of Major Dams in India 

A Dam is a barrieer that stops the flow of water and results in the creation of a reservoi...

#46 2.5K Reads
List of National Parks in different states of India and some important facts

here is the list of important national parks in India. like Balphakram National Park , Nokrek Nation...

#47 2.42K Reads
Vijayanagara Empire: South India (1336 - 1646 ce)

Vijaynagara empire was established in 1336 by the brothers of the Sangama Dynasty. The Empire is...

#48 2.41K Reads
Physical composition of matter

Although there are so many factors behind the existence of physical composition of matter ...

#49 2.34K Reads
Essentials Of Essential Vitamins

a chart of essential vitamins including their sources, functions, and deficiency diseases. categ...

#50 2.33K Reads
The Mauryan Dynasty And Civilisation : Quick Facts

The Mauryan Empire started from Magadha was founded by Chandragupta Maurya between 322 and 1...


#1 129.14K Reads

वह शब्द जिससे किसी विशेष वस्तु अथवा व्यक्ति के नाम का बोध हो, इसे संज्ञा कहते हैं। संज्ञा के 3 भेद...

#2 7.03K Reads
Ratio and Proportion, Basic Tricks and Practice Problems

ratio  can be written in the form of a :b ( where a and b are integers) is the simplified...

#3 5.59K Reads
Ancient Indian History, Chronology, And Different Civilisations

Indian ancient history - from Indus Valley Civilization (3300-1900 BC) to the first Muslim attac...

#4 5.58K Reads
Number System

In Hindi Arabic system, we use ten symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,...

#5 4.9K Reads
Time and work, formula and basic tricks

The time needed by one or more than one person to complete a job or time for which a person(s) act...

#6 4.5K Reads
Profit And Loss, Basic Tricks And Examples

The price at which an article is purchased is called its cost price and denoted by cp. The amount ...

#7 4.45K Reads
Medieval Indian History: Brief Overview

Medieval India is the phase of the Indian subcontinent between Ancient period and ...

#8 4.11K Reads
Percentage: Basic Concept and  Examples

The percentage can be divided into per-cent-age which means ‘per every hundred’. It is denot...

#9 4.07K Reads
Delhi Sultanate - Indian Medieval history (1206 -1526 CE)

The Delhi Sultanate was an Islamic empire based in Delhi that stretched over large parts of th...

#10 3.29K Reads
Water and Mineral Metabolism | Biochemistry notes

Water and minerals are play major role in the processes of life. Minerals are divided into two types...

#11 3.09K Reads
Health And Nutrition: Vitamins

 Vitamins are the organic catalysts found in food in minute traces and have no calorif...

#12 3.06K Reads
Prepositions, Types And Uses

A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns or phrases to other words within a sente...

#13 3.06K Reads
Cell - The Unit Of Life

Cells are the structural, functional, fundamental and biological unit of life. These are a bui...

#14 2.84K Reads
Classification of organisms

There are billions of species on earth with tones of differences and similarities too. Class...

#15 2.75K Reads
Verb - Parts of Speech | brief overview

 Verbs are used to signify the actions, processes, conditions, or states of being of people or ...

#16 2.69K Reads
Motion and Laws of Motion

·         Rest and motion are relative states. It means an object which is at rest at one fr...

#17 2.67K Reads
waves and sound - types, production, propagation and characteristics.

As the object moves backward and forward consecutively, a series of compression and rarefaction wi...

#18 2.62K Reads
Unit, dimensions and measurement

Unit, Dimensions and measurementsPhysical quantityA quantity that can be measured and by which var...

#19 2.57K Reads
Noun - Parts of Speech | Breif Overview

The 8 parts of speech is a way to describe the function of words in the English language. The ...

#20 2.4K Reads
Adverb - As parts of speech, types, order and forms breif overview

adverb is a word used to modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb or an entire clause. adv...

#21 2.39K Reads
Pronoun - as Parts of Speech | Breif Overview

Pronouns as part of speech are the words which are used in place of nouns like people, ...

#22 2.38K Reads
CONJUNCTION as Parts of Speech | a brief overview on conjunctions | English Grammar

Conjunctions are used to link different clauses together, and to join words, phrases, and sentence...

#23 2.32K Reads
Introduction To Indian History, A Breif Overview With Chronology Of Events

India's History and Culture is dynamic, spanning back to the beginning of human civilization.India...

#24 2.32K Reads
Atoms, Molecules And Ions

The Building block of all matter is called an atom. Atoms are extremely small, smaller than anyt...

#25 2.25K Reads
States of matter

Matter is anything that have definite mass, occupies space, can exert pressure, can produce ph...

#26 2.21K Reads
Packaging of Pharmaceuticals | Pharmaceutics Revision

Packaging is the one of the factor to which stability of drug is depends during its storage.So a p...

#27 2.1K Reads
Histamine And Antihistamine Drugs

histamine and antihistamine drugs...

#28 2.08K Reads
Adjectives - As Parts of speech | Breif Overview

Adjectives are words that describe or modify a noun or a pronoun in the sentence. The adjectives...

#29 1.93K Reads
Processing of Tablets (solid doses form) | Pharmaceutics

Definition of Tablets (oral unit dosage form), types of Tablets, advantages and disadvantages of T...

#30 1.74K Reads
Clinical toxicology: poisoning and antidotes

Poisoning could be accidental, occupational, suicidal or criminal. Self medication is also a cau...

#31 993 Reads
Vitamins : History, Nomenclature, synthesis, and Classification 

Vitamins may be regarded as organic compounds required in the diet in small amounts to perform speci...

#32 965 Reads
Biological Oxidation - Biochemistry B Pharmacy

For a better understanding of biological oxidation, it is worthwhile to have a basic knowledge of bi...

#33 943 Reads
Structure Of The Atom

• We have learnt about atom and molecule that they are the fundamental building blocks of matter. ...

#34 926 Reads
Basic principles of cell injury

Cell injury is the common denominator in almost all diseases. It is defined as 'an alteratio...

#35 886 Reads
Lipids (Biomolecules): structure, classification and functions | Biochemistry

Lipids (Greek: lipos–fat) are of great importance to the body as the chief concentrated storage fo...

#36 823 Reads
Chemistry Short Notes and practice questions

This series cover complete chemistry with short notes and practice questions....

#37 669 Reads
Mineral Metabolism

The mineral (inorganic) elements constitute only a small proportion of the body weight. There is a...

#38 667 Reads
Basic Mechanism Involved In The Process Of Inflammation, Repair, And Atherosclerosis

Inflammation is a critical homeostatic process that is activated by cellular injury regardless o...

#39 642 Reads
Biological Classification

Biological classification is defined as the process of grouping organisms according to certain s...

#40 637 Reads
Plant Kingdom

Plant kingdom includes algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms. Algae are ...

#41 610 Reads
Morphology Of Flowering Plants

Root system is either tap root or fibrous. Generally, dicotyledonous plants have tap roots while...

#42 587 Reads
Hemoglobin And Porphyrins:  Biochemistry | Pharmacy Notes

The structure, functions and abnormalities of haemoglobin, the synthesis and degradation of he...

#43 581 Reads
Cell Division And Cell Cycle

All organisms are made of cells or aggregates of cells. Cells vary in their shape, size and acti...

#44 577 Reads
Proteins And Amino Acids

Proteins are the most abundant organic molecules of the living system. in every part of the cell and...

#45 574 Reads
Photosynthesis In Plants

Green plants make their own food by photosynthesis. During this process carbon dioxide from the ...

#46 573 Reads
Carbohydrates- Biomolecules : functions and classifications | Biochemistry

Carbohydrates are the most abundant organic molecules in nature. They are primarily composed of ...

#47 565 Reads
Respiratory System

The cells of the human body require a constant stream of oxygen to stay alive. There are 3 major par...

#48 553 Reads
Nucleic Acids And Nucleotides

There are two types of nucleic acids namely deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA).&...

#49 550 Reads
The Living World

the first chapter of class 11th Biology NCERT...

#50 549 Reads
Diseases Of Bones & Joints

INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN SKELETON  The human skeleton is the internal framework of the body. It ...

Quiz Posts

#1 36K Reads
Pharmaceutics Quiz | MCQs on Dosage Forms

Practice these important multiple choice questions from the topic Pharmaceutical dosage forms in pha...

#2 24.91K Reads
Pharmaceutics Practice Quiz on packaging and size reduction for pharmacy exams

MCQs from chapters including size reduction and packaging of pharmaceutical products. This S...

#3 18.78K Reads
Introduction to Pharmaceutics - MCQ | Pharmaceutics Quiz

Self practice these important multiple choice objective questions on Introduction to pharmaceutics a...

#4 17.84K Reads
Drugs Acting on Autonomic Nervous System - MCQs | Quiz

Autonomic nervous system (A.N.S.) is a peripheral complex of nerves, plexuses and ganglia that are o...

#6 13.72K Reads
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology | Objective (MCQs) Quiz

Practice Multiple Choice Questions MCQ, related to Human Anatomy and Physiology.     ...

#8 11.15K Reads
Nutrition and Health MCQ | Quiz

This MCQ series include different chapters mcq from Health education and community pharmacy....

#9 8.84K Reads
Pharmacology MCQs | Quiz on General Pharmacological Principles

Practice MCQs on the Pharmacology topic General Pharmacological principles and revise the basics of ...

#10 8.5K Reads
MCQ on Cell | Human Anatomy and Physiology QUIZ

Cell Biology important MCQs in human anatomy and physiology for pharmacy, medical and science stud...

#13 6.26K Reads
#14 6.13K Reads
Human Eye Quiz | MCQs

MCQs related to the Structure and functions of the human eye. ...

#15 5.71K Reads
Carbohydrate Metabolism MCQ | Biochemistry Quiz

Carbohydrate metabolism involves glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain ...

#16 5.46K Reads
Pharmaceutics Quiz | MCQs on Latin Terms

latin terms are the important part of a pharmacist and physician. physicians write prescription with...

#17 4.78K Reads
MCQ on Pathology of Blood | Quiz

MCQs related to the Human blood components and their role in blood....

#18 4.59K Reads
Pharmacology Quiz 

These Pharmacology MCQ's are prepared for considering exam points of view which can be used for pr...

#19 4.48K Reads
Forms of Business Organisation : Sole Proprietorship | DSBM Notes and MCQs

A sole proprietorship also referred to as a sole tradership, individual entrepreneurship, or proprie...

#20 4.34K Reads
HAP Quiz | MCQs on Skeletal System

Practice these important objective questions (MCQs) and revise the basics of the skeletal system.&nb...

#21 3.76K Reads
"यह मेरा घर है|"  वाक्य में 'मेरा' शब्द मेंं कारक बताइए।

"यह मेरा घर है|"  वाक्य में 'मेरा' शब्द मेंं कारक बताइए।...

#22 3.51K Reads
#23 3.48K Reads
Pharmacognosy MCQs : Important Questions for Pharmacy Exams

most important questions from Pharmacology for various competitive exams in Pharmacy. ...

#25 3.43K Reads
#27 3.37K Reads
'ट वर्ग' उच्चारण की दृष्टि से किस प्रकार की ध्वनि है?

'ट वर्ग' उच्चारण की दृष्टि से किस प्रकार की ध्वनि है?...

#28 3.34K Reads
quiz on Quit India movement

This Quit India Movement 1942 MCQ Quiz -Objective Question with answers for the Quit India Movemen...

#30 2.93K Reads
Practice Problems on Average | Math Quiz

To find an average of quantities of the same kind is to add all the items together and then di...

#32 2.73K Reads
MCQ's on Plantation Crops in India | Important Questions

This Quiz is all about Crops and soil in India.This is an important quiz for Govt. Exam aspirants....

#33 2.64K Reads
Important Days And Events Current Affairs MCQ's

this is a quiz about important days and events....

#34 2.58K Reads
Ginseng is commonly used for

Ginseng is commonly used for...

#35 2.58K Reads
Forms of Business Organisation : Partnership | DSBM Notes And MCQs

A business partner may be a commercial entity with which another commercial entity has some sort of ...

#36 2.53K Reads
#37 2.02K Reads
 Which among the following personalities got the India's highest civilian award?

 Which among the following personalities got the India's highest civilian award?...

#38 1.97K Reads
कुशलता किस प्रकार की संज्ञा है?

कुशलता किस प्रकार की संज्ञा है?...

#39 1.91K Reads
Which one of the following is a Neutralized State ?  

Which one of the following is a Neutralized State ?  ...

#40 1.9K Reads
Berana is a wedding ceremony of ?

Berana is a wedding ceremony of ?...

#41 1.89K Reads
बर्बर का विलोम शब्द है

बर्बर का विलोम शब्द है...

#42 1.88K Reads
Mirza Ghalib was a contemporary of which among the following Mughal Emperors?

Mirza Ghalib was a contemporary of which among the following Mughal Emperors?...

#43 1.72K Reads
The Eighth-century Tripartite Power Struggle Was Among Which Of The Following?

Ques.The eighth-century tripartite power struggle was among which of the following?...

#44 1.63K Reads
Who is the first Tirthankara of Jainism?

Who is the first Tirthankara of Jainism?...

#45 1.58K Reads
 Who introduced Turkan-e-Chahalgani?

 Who introduced Turkan-e-Chahalgani?...

#46 1.51K Reads
हाथ कंगन को आरसी क्या? लोकोक्ति का उपयुक्त अर्थ है-

हाथ कंगन को आरसी क्या? लोकोक्ति का उपयुक्त अर्थ है-...

#47 1.46K Reads
Who is the current Chairman of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)?

Who is the current Chairman of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)?...

#48 1.44K Reads
Shatavary Is Common Name For 

shatavary is common name for ...

#49 1.43K Reads
#50 1.41K Reads
A Trader Who Marks His Good Upto 50% And Offered Discount Of 20% . What % Profit The Trade Makes After Offering The Payment?

A trader who marks his good up to 50% and offered a discount of 20%. What % profit the trade mak...

one Liners

#1 5.43K Reads
Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy Important Questions (one liners)

These questions are from hospital and clinical pharmacy topic. These important points will help ev...

#2 4.23K Reads
Important Questions on National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuary

Important short answer (one liners) Questions on National Park and Wildlife Sanctuaries of India....

#3 4.01K Reads
Important Questions on The Great Plains of India | Indian Geography

These are one liners on the most important topic The Great Plains of India from the Indian Geography...

#4 3.92K Reads
Important Questions on Stone Age

Important questions asked in competitive exams from stone age.. the prehistoric period of human civi...

#5 3.89K Reads
Important questions on National Highways in India

one liner on National Highways in India, Important for government exams....

#6 3.82K Reads
General Pharmacology questions (one Liners) 

Adrenaline and insulin are administered through - Subcutaneous (SC) route...

#7 3.8K Reads
Important questions on Carbohydrate metabolism | Biochemistry One Liners

disease of carbohydrate metabolism occurs due to the deficiency of insulin - diabetes mellitus...

#8 3.38K Reads
Most Important Exam Oriented Questions on Immunity and Immunological products | Pharmacy Exams

These are some important completion type (fill in the blanks) questions  (one liners) ...

#9 2.61K Reads
Important Questions Related to Waterfalls In India

One liners on Waterfalls In India...

#10 2.6K Reads
Important Questions on Solar System

One Liner Questions on Solar System...

#11 2.55K Reads
Important Questions on Airports in India

Important Questions on Airports in India. Here are 20 most importat questions on Airports in India....

#12 2.45K Reads
Mountains In India - Important Questions

Mountains and mountain ranges (systems) in India. important one liner questions with explanation....

#13 2.38K Reads
Important Questions on History of Computers

Important Questions on history of computers for competitive exams point of view like CTET, JRF etc....

#15 2.27K Reads
Important Questions, The Harappan/ Indus Valley Civilization | Art, Culture And Heritage 

Important short answer questions on Indus valley civilisation.     ...

#18 2.13K Reads
Pharmaceutics useful terms and definitions (oneLiner Questions)

Pharmaceutics useful important terms and definitions, one liner questions and answers....

#19 2.09K Reads
Important Questions on Computer Architecture

Important one liners questions on computer architecture for various competive exams like TET, SSC, D...

#20 2.08K Reads
Important Questions on Major Lakes in India

Important exam-oriented one-liners questions from Major Lakes in India.    ...

#21 2.03K Reads
50 Important GK questions for every exams

These are some  50+ important general knowledge questions, which should be memorized to everybo...

#22 1.98K Reads
One liner GK Questions | Important Books and Authors | Static GK

In this post we have included static GK questions and  answers related to some important books ...

#23 1.88K Reads
Quiz on Indus Valley Civilization | Art And Culture/ Heritage

Indus Valley civilisation is the very first civilisation found to exist in the ancient Indian histor...

#25 1.8K Reads
#26 1.7K Reads
Different colour revolutions in India

one liners Father of green revolution - M.S. Swaminathan...

#27 1.53K Reads
political science Questions | GK One Liners

Indian polity one liners Questions and answers, important for various exams like SSC, dsssb, ukssc, ...

#28 1.51K Reads
Revision of Pharmacology, some basic points (one liners)

Pharmacology one liners, important short answer questions, basic pharmacology points for revision ...

#30 1.43K Reads
terms related to Human Anatomy and physiology (one liners)

 Human anatomy and physiology important terms, one liners ...

#31 1.4K Reads
Physiology or medicine Nobel Prize Laureates 2019

Physiology or medicine Nobel Laureates 2019 ...

#33 1.32K Reads
Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On HEMOGLOBIN AND PORPHYRINS

This post includes important one liners from chapter HEMOGLOBIN AND PORPHYRINS of Biochemistry. This...

#34 1.31K Reads
Which Is The Highest Peak Of Western Ghats?

Which is the Highest peak of western Ghats? - Anaimudi ( 2695 m. ) ...

#35 1.28K Reads
Who is the Author of the Book, The Rule Breakers

Who is the Author of the Book, The Rule Breakers - Preeti Shenoy...

#36 1.24K Reads
Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On Vitamins

This post includes important one liners from chapter Vitamins of biochemistry . This post summarises...

#38 1.2K Reads
Who are the fathers of various field.

Many important persons contribute work and time in there respective fields. This one liners knowledg...

#39 1.2K Reads
Important one line question answers on Indian Society.

Indian society is important topic in real life and also in UPSC exam. Lets read the all one liners o...

#40 1.2K Reads
Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On enzymes

This post includes important one liners from chapter Enzymes of biochemistry. This post summarises t...

#41 1.19K Reads
#43 1.18K Reads
Health Education and Community Pharmacy important terms | One Liners

health education one-liners (important short answer questions)...

#44 1.17K Reads
GK Common Abbreviations | General Science One Liners

Here are some Important short forms for scientific terms, substances or organisations....

#46 1.15K Reads

Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Other t...

#48 1.11K Reads
The author of the book Lal Bahadur Shastri : Politics and Beyond

The author of the book Lal Bahadur Shastri : Politics and Beyond...

#49 1.1K Reads
Important Questions on World History | Frequently asked questions on World War - 1

In this One Liners we are knowing about World war- 1 causes, impact, leaders,..etc.....

#50 1.1K Reads
Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On Mineral Metabolism

This post includes important one-liners from chapter Mineral Metabolism of biochemistry. This post s...

Blog Posts

#1 35.47K Reads
Practice tests and MCQs for Diploma in Pharmacy 2nd year students

Here are the subject wise collection of all the practice tests and multiple choice questions (MCQs...

#3 5.69K Reads
Diploma in Pharmacy 1st year Subjective Practice Tests and MCQs

subject-wise collection of practice tests, MCQs and One-liners for 1st-year students...

#4 5.48K Reads

HSSC PHARMACIST PREVIOUS YEAR 100 questions for practice PDF...

#5 4.47K Reads
Scheme of Examination for the post of Pharmacist | Delhi University Recruitment 2021

Delhi university is going to conduct recruitment examination for various non-teaching faculty post...

#6 3.47K Reads
IGNOU TEE December 2020 Admit Cards released (Direct Download link)

Indra Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has released admit cards for students appearing in t...

#7 2.71K Reads
SSC, बैंकिंग और रेलवे नौकरियों के लिए सामान्य पात्रता परीक्षा (CET) क्या है?

SSC, बैंकिंग और रेलवे की नौकरियों के लिए एक ही सामान्य पात्रता परीक्षा (CET), राष्ट्रीय भर्ती एज...

#8 2.63K Reads
IGNOU Term-end Exams For June 2020: Online Form Submission Started

Examination form submission for IGNOU term-end exams for June 2020 is started at IGNOU w...

#9 2.21K Reads
SSC CHSL 2020 Admit Card Released For Northern Region, (download)

Admit cards for appearing in tier 1 exam of SSC CHSL exam to be held in between 16th March to ...

#10 2.12K Reads
Registration Open For IGNOU's 33rd Convocation Programme 2020

IGNOU'S 33rd convocation will be held on 17th Feb 2020. those candidates who have completed the ...

#11 1.9K Reads
SSC Syllabus and details of tests for Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination, 2019

SSC will conduct Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination from the mid of March 2020...

#12 1.88K Reads
DU Admissions 2020-21 Started - Apply online for UG, PG, M.Phil. and Ph.D. Programs

The admissions process for various programs at Delhi University is already started on 20th Jun...

#13 1.81K Reads
IGNOU: Important Dates for TEE June 2021, assignments, exam form and re-registration form submission

IGNOU announced date for TEE june 2021. Exam will be held from 3rd august 2021.  Also assignme...

#14 1.77K Reads
This year's theme of short assay writing contest for participating in pareeksha pe charcha 2020

The ministry of HRD on partnership with myGov has lounched an assay writing contest to enter int...

#15 1.72K Reads
DSSSB Alert : Update your details and photo in OARS for Posts applied in february 2020

DSSSB released a notification ragarding the updation of details in OARS( online Application and&nb...

#16 1.62K Reads
IGNOU (TEE June-2020) - Last date extended for assignments submission

Indra Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has further extended the last date for TEE  assi...

#17 1.6K Reads
IGNOU July session 2020-21, Admission Proccess begins apply online for various programs

the online admission process is started for Ignou July session 2020-21. students can apply at  htt...

#18 1.59K Reads

Find here previous year question papers for the Haryana staff selection commission (hssc) genera...

#19 1.55K Reads
These Three Online Mock Tests Will Help You A Lot, If You Are Preparing For DSSSB Or SSC Exams

After attempting these English language online aptitude tests you will able to clear above 80...

#20 1.53K Reads
GPAT 2021 Online Application Forms are Out Apply before 22 January

NTA released graduate pharmacy aptitude test (GPAT) 2021 application forms on its website. Eligi...

#21 1.48K Reads
Prof Maneesha Inamdar, an Indian scientist to held position on WHO advisory committee

The Indian somatic cell and developmental biologist Prof. Maneesha Inamdar has been a part of the ...

#22 1.44K Reads
SSC Released Tentative Vacancies For SSC CHSL (combined Higher Secondary Level ) Examination

SSC released vacancy updates for CHSL examination 2019. for LDC/JSA there are total 1269 vacancies...

#23 1.41K Reads
DSSSB : List of exams scheduled on 01, 09, 10, 16 and 17 of October 2021

DSSSB recently released a notification regarding the scheduled exams for various postcodes in the mo...

#24 1.33K Reads
Delhi University Admission schedule released - UG & PG admissions will start from 12th October

Delhi university recently released its schedule for UG admissions (entrance based and merit-based ...

#25 1.32K Reads
All About DRDO. How DRDO Works, jobs, Eligibility and more.

The Defence Research and Development Organisation [DRDO].- Work under Ministry of Defence of the Gov...

#26 1.26K Reads
SBI Pharmacist and Data Analyst exam is Postponed due to Covid 19

SBI Pharmacist and data analyst exam is postponed to another date not scheduled yet due to the dea...

#27 1.24K Reads
DU Final and Semester exams may-june 2021 postponed, re-scheduled from 7th june

Delhi University final/semester exam may/june 2021 now postponed and shall be conducted from 7th jun...

#28 1.24K Reads
IGNOU TEE December 2020, will be held in February 2021, Datesheet released

check datasheet recently released from IGNOU for Term-end examination December 2020. exam scheduled ...

#29 1.22K Reads
Indicative Syllabus for the SSC Phase-IX 2021 Selection CBT

There will be three separate Computer Based Examinations consisting of Objective Type Multiple Ch...

#30 1.17K Reads
GPAT 2021 Admit Cards Released, Exam on 27th February

Download admit cards for GPAT 2021 to be held on 27th Feb, 2021....

#31 1.13K Reads
Top Government Jobs and Exams

To get a government job in India a candidate has to qualify for a particular exam in different field...

#32 1.09K Reads
Tentative Calendar for DSSSB Exams during Year 2022

DSSSB exam calendar  for year 2022 is released.  ...

#33 621 Reads
How to become Entrepreneur Part- 1

The person who identifies the problem and comes up with a new innovative solution. Entrepreneu...

#34 571 Reads
Preparation strategy for UPSC Exams -  Tips and tricks

If you want to be successful in UPSC exam, then you must have a proper preparation strategy. The b...

#35 427 Reads
SSC GD Constable 2022 Exam Date, Syllabus and Pattern PDF

SSC has released the notification of an open Competitive Examination for the recruitment to the po...

#36 398 Reads
Celebrating World Pharmacist Day: The Unsung Heroes of Healthcare

As we celebrate World Pharmacist Day, let's take a moment to acknowledge the pharmacists who work ti...

#37 349 Reads
Rising Penetration of Retail Pharmacies in Developing Nations to Boost Market for Pharmaceutical Packaging

The packaging used for pharmaceutical preparations is called pharmaceutical packaging, which involve...

#38 349 Reads
Rising Penetration of Retail Pharmacies in Developing Nations to Boost Market for Pharmaceutical Packaging

The packaging used for pharmaceutical preparations is called pharmaceutical packaging, which involve...

#39 349 Reads
Rising Penetration of Retail Pharmacies in Developing Nations to Boost Market for Pharmaceutical Packaging

The packaging used for pharmaceutical preparations is called pharmaceutical packaging, which involve...

#40 349 Reads
Rising Penetration of Retail Pharmacies in Developing Nations to Boost Market for Pharmaceutical Packaging

The packaging used for pharmaceutical preparations is called pharmaceutical packaging, which involve...

#41 349 Reads
Rising Penetration of Retail Pharmacies in Developing Nations to Boost Market for Pharmaceutical Packaging

The packaging used for pharmaceutical preparations is called pharmaceutical packaging, which involve...

#42 349 Reads
Rising Penetration of Retail Pharmacies in Developing Nations to Boost Market for Pharmaceutical Packaging

The packaging used for pharmaceutical preparations is called pharmaceutical packaging, which involve...

#43 349 Reads
Rising Penetration of Retail Pharmacies in Developing Nations to Boost Market for Pharmaceutical Packaging

The packaging used for pharmaceutical preparations is called pharmaceutical packaging, which involve...

#44 349 Reads
Rising Penetration of Retail Pharmacies in Developing Nations to Boost Market for Pharmaceutical Packaging

The packaging used for pharmaceutical preparations is called pharmaceutical packaging, which involve...

#45 349 Reads
Rising Penetration of Retail Pharmacies in Developing Nations to Boost Market for Pharmaceutical Packaging

The packaging used for pharmaceutical preparations is called pharmaceutical packaging, which involve...

#46 349 Reads
Rising Penetration of Retail Pharmacies in Developing Nations to Boost Market for Pharmaceutical Packaging

The packaging used for pharmaceutical preparations is called pharmaceutical packaging, which involve...

#47 349 Reads
Rising Penetration of Retail Pharmacies in Developing Nations to Boost Market for Pharmaceutical Packaging

The packaging used for pharmaceutical preparations is called pharmaceutical packaging, which involve...

#48 349 Reads
Rising Penetration of Retail Pharmacies in Developing Nations to Boost Market for Pharmaceutical Packaging

The packaging used for pharmaceutical preparations is called pharmaceutical packaging, which involve...

#49 349 Reads
Rising Penetration of Retail Pharmacies in Developing Nations to Boost Market for Pharmaceutical Packaging

The packaging used for pharmaceutical preparations is called pharmaceutical packaging, which involve...

#50 349 Reads
Rising Penetration of Retail Pharmacies in Developing Nations to Boost Market for Pharmaceutical Packaging

The packaging used for pharmaceutical preparations is called pharmaceutical packaging, which involve...

Media - Documents and Images

#1 14.18K Reads
DUET MSc Biomedical Science question paper 2018

DUET MSc Biomedical Science question paper 2018. check pattern of questions asked in the Duet exam...

#2 12.06K Reads
DUET MSC Zoology 2018 question paper

DUET MSC Zoology 2018 question paper ...

#3 11.4K Reads
DUET MSc microbiology question paper 2018

DUET MSc microbiology question paper 2018 ...

#4 4.31K Reads
DSSSB Lab Technician Previous Year Question Paper 2015

Lab Technician previous year question paper DSSSB 2015. download complete master booklet of old Qu...

#5 3.44K Reads
Pharmaceutical Analysis Notes - Unit 1 hand written notes B.Pharma 1st year

complete simplified notes on pharmaceutical analysis prepared by students... introduction to pharm...

#6 3.1K Reads
esential vitamins

essential vitamins...

#7 2.59K Reads
Palm leaf old manuscript from sangam literature

Palm leaf old manuscript from sangam literature...

#8 2.54K Reads
states and capitals of India map

states and capitals of India map...

#9 2.45K Reads
human endocrine glands

human endocrine glands...

#10 2.31K Reads
National parks in India state wise (pdf)

National parks in India state wise (pdf)...

#11 2.27K Reads
SSC Exam Model Question paper

SSC Exam Model Question paper ...

#12 2.27K Reads
indian states and union territories with capitals pdf file

indian states and union territories with capitals pdf file...

#14 2.24K Reads
SSC important update for CHSL and CGL exam dates

All pending and postponed exams of SSC will be held in between august to september months. ssc has...

#15 2.17K Reads
DSSSB Lab (Laboratory) Technician Previous Year Question Paper 2012

DSSSB LABORATORY TECHNICIAN 2012 QUESTION PAPER, lab technician question paper 2012 DSSSB,...

#16 2.06K Reads
National Parks In India And Some Facts (state-wise List Pdf)

National parks in India and some facts (state-wise list pdf) ...

#17 2.05K Reads
Notification of online application for various recruitments in HPSSSB

Notification of online application for various recruitments in HPSSSB...

#18 2K Reads

hssc previous year question paper...

#19 1.96K Reads

200 questions from reasoning, general awareness, science, quantitative aptitude and computer etc....

#20 1.87K Reads
#21 1.73K Reads
SSC Exam calender for year 2020-21

SSC Exam calender for year 2020-21 ...

#22 1.31K Reads
classification of antimicrobials according to the mechanism of action of the drug

classification of antimicrobials according to the mechanism of action of the drug...

#23 1.22K Reads
Types of Tablets

Tablets different types, dosage form...

#24 1.1K Reads

Hssc gram sachive question paper 2019 ...

#25 1.09K Reads
classification of antimicrobials according to the type of action of the drug

classification of antimicrobials according to the type of action of the drug...

#26 1.04K Reads
classification of antimicrobials according to the spectrum of activity of the drug

classification of antimicrobials according to the spectrum of activity of the drug...

#27 918 Reads
Pharmaceutical analysis (chemistry) notes b.pharma 1st year - Acid base titration

Acid base titration, B.pharma 1st year hand written notes ...

#28 903 Reads
#29 808 Reads
Pharmaceutical analysis (chemistry) notes b.pharma 1st year - Non Aqueous titration

Non aqueous titration, B.pharma 1st year hand written notes ...

#30 488 Reads
background video for stories

background video for stories...

#31 483 Reads

Job Updates

#1 10.37K Reads
SSC Recruitment 2021 - CGHS (HQ) | Apply online for Pharmacist, Nursing, MLT, and other Paramedical/Healthcare posts

Staff Selection Commission  (SSC) recently invited online applications for various vacancies in ...

#2 8.27K Reads
DU Recruitment 2021 | Job for Laboratory Assistant and Laboratory Attendant in Delhi University

Online applications are invited for various non-teaching faculty in Delhi University including...

#3 6.35K Reads
Job for Pharmacist and ANM in Delhi Mohalla Clinics | Apply Online before 30th April 2022

Directorate General of Health Services Govt. Of N.C.T of Delhi has released a notification f...

#4 5.87K Reads
DSSSB Pharmacist Jobs | Apply online for Unani, Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Pharmacist

DSSSB (Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board) has invited online applications for the ...

#5 5.54K Reads
#6 5.41K Reads
pharmacist jobs 2021 | Recruitment of Pharmacist in Delhi University

Delhi University invited online applications from eligible candidates for non-teaching fac...

#7 4.61K Reads
Job Openings For Pharmacists In AIIMS (21 Posts) | Govt. Jobs

Applications are invited for pharmacists in aiims. last date 13 march 2020. Exam will be com...

#8 3.2K Reads
सीआरपीएफ में इंस्पेक्टर, एसआई, एएसआई, हेड कांस्टेबल और कांस्टेबल पदों के लिए पैरामेडिकल स्टाफ की भर्ती

नर्स, फार्मासिस्ट, रेडियोग्राफर, कुक, वाशरमैन आदि विभिन्न पैरामेडिकल श्रेणियों के लिए योग्य उम्मीदवा...

#9 3.06K Reads
एसएससी : स्टेनोग्राफर ग्रेड C, व D भर्ती के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन शुरू,आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि 4 नवंबर

एसएससी (Staff Selection Commision) की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर स्टेनोग्राफर (आशुलिपिक )  ग्रेड सी (ग्...

#10 3.02K Reads
Recruitment for Forester-I, Stenographer (Grade-III), Forest Guards, Surveyor, Mahut, Carpenter and Driver in Forest Department

Applications are invited for filling up the various posts of the Forest Department, Assam fr...

#11 2.88K Reads
Applications Are Invited For The Various Group A, B And C Posts At AIIMS 2020

Aiims invited online applications for various group A, B and group C posts. Scientists, pharmaci...

#12 2.72K Reads
Banking Jobs 2020 - Recruitment of Officers (Scale-I, II & III) and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) in RRBs - CRP RRBs IX

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is Going to conduct the online examinations fo...

#13 2.63K Reads
SSC दिल्ली पुलिस कांस्टेबल (कार्यकारी) भर्ती 2020, ऑनलाइन आवेदन करें (5843 रिक्तियां, पुरुष और महिला)

दिल्ली पुलिस और कर्मचारी चयन आयोग के बीच समझौता ज्ञापन के अनुसार दिल्ली पुलिस में कांस्टेबल ...

#14 2.5K Reads
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) Recruitments 2020, Apply Online For Various Post

Online Applications are invited for direct recruitment of under mentioned categories of posts us...

#15 2.45K Reads
SSC CPO jobs 2020 : recruitment for SI in delhi police And CAPFs

SSC has invited online applications for Sub Inspectors  in Delhi Police and Sub inspecto...

#16 2.36K Reads
Nurse Jobs in Delhi University | DU Non-Teaching Faculty Recruitment 2021

Delhi University is currently accepting online applications for the post of Nurse (7 posts...

#17 2.34K Reads

RAC (Recruitment and Assessment center , Delhi ) invites online applications from graduate eng...

#18 2.24K Reads
DSSSB Teacher Recruitment 2021 | Apply Online for 7000+ TGT, 554 Primary and 74 Nursery teacher posts.

Delhi subordinate services selection board (dsssb) is going to recruit 7000 new TGTs, 600+ assi...

#19 2.19K Reads
Recruitment of Pharmacist (67 Posts) in State Bank of India | Pharmacist jobs 2021

Pharmacists between the age 18 to 30  years are eligible to apply for the post of Pharmacist in st...

#20 2.09K Reads
Applications started for Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination, 2019

The Staff selection commission will hold a competitive examination for recruitment to...

#21 2.09K Reads
सहायक लेखागार के 80 पदों पर सीधी भर्ती गोविन्द बल्लभ पंत कृषि विश्वविद्यालय, पंत नगर (उधम सिंह नगर),

उत्तराखंड अधीनस्थ सेवा चयन आयोग के अंतर्गत गोविंद बल्लभ पंत कृषि विश्वविद्यालय में सहायक लेख...

#22 2.02K Reads
HPSSC, Health and Family Welfare Jobs 2021 | Apply online for MLT, LA, Nurse, Pharmacist and Ophthalmic officer posts

Himanchal Pradesh staff selection commission, invited online recruitment applications (ORA ) f...

#23 1.95K Reads
Applications are invited for community health officers (800 vacancies)

 National Health mission, Chattisgarh invites applications for the post of community health offi...

#24 1.95K Reads
RSSB Recruitment 2020 - apply online for 2177 paramedical Vacancies

Applications are invited for paramedical posts via online mode from Rajasthan staff selection Bo...

#25 1.86K Reads
AIIMS Jobs : Online Applications invited for the Nursing Officer Recruitment Common Eligibility Test (NORCET) 2020

Online Application is invited for the Nursing Officer Recruitment Common Eligibility Test (NORCE...

#26 1.82K Reads
APPSC Recruitment 2021 | AP Government Jobs | Apply Online for various non-Gazetted Posts

Andhra Pradesh PSC Recruitment 2021. Apply Online at - Andhra Pradesh Public Ser...

#27 1.81K Reads
Indian Navy Jobs : Applications out for 10+2 (B.Tech) Cadet Entry Scheme

Opportunity for UNMARRIED MALE CANDIDATES who have already applied for JEE mains to join the pre...

#28 1.81K Reads
HPSC Recruitment | Apply online for HCS (Executive Branch) and Allied Services Examination 2021

HPSC invited online applications for the posts of HCS(Ex. Br.) and Allied Services Examination Exa...

#29 1.77K Reads
Recruitment for Pharmacist, and other Group C and D posts in NIHFW

The national institute of health and family welfare (NIHFW) invited applications from eligible...

#30 1.64K Reads
DSSSB Recruitment 2021 | Online Applications started for Teaching and non-teaching staff posts

DSSSB online applications are open for teachers (TGTs and assistant teacher Primary and nursery) , h...

#31 1.63K Reads
HPSSC Recruitment 2021 | Apply Online for the posts of Pharmacist and Staff Nurse

Himanchal Pradesh staff selection commission, invited online recruitment applications (ORA ) from ...

#32 1.62K Reads
UPSC Recruitments, Applications open for Foreman, Senior Scientific Assistant, Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) invited online recruitment applications (ORA) for posts...

#33 1.62K Reads
Agriculture Insurance Company (AIC) Recruitment 2021 | Manager Trainee and Hindi Officer Jobs

Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AIC) has released notification on its official web...

#34 1.61K Reads
UPSC Online Recruitment for Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor in MOHFW

UPSC invited online applications for the Recruitment of Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor...

#35 1.6K Reads
Pharma Recruitment at Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices Bureau of India

PMBI Recruitment of managers and executives for Delhi NCR region (contract basis). Candidates are ...

#36 1.58K Reads
POWERGRID Recruitment 2021 | Apprenticeship for graduate (electrical, computer science) and HR executive.

PowerGrid Corporation of India Limited, a Maharatna enterprise under the Ministry of Power, Govern...

#37 1.58K Reads
The Indian navy invites online applications from unmarried male candidates for enrollment as sailors

Online applications are invited from unmarried male candidates (who fulfill eligibility conditions a...

#38 1.58K Reads
AIIMS Research Grant | Recruitment of JRF and Pharmacist posts

Applications are invited for the following temporary posts ( JRF and Pharmacist) in the Rese...

#39 1.56K Reads
UPSC invited Online Recruitment Applications for the post of Senior Scientific Assistant (Computer, mechanical and electrical)

UPSC invited Online Recruitment Applications for the post of Senior Scientific Assistant (Comput...

#40 1.49K Reads
Content Writer/creators Jobs at (work from Home, part Time, fresher) seeks content creators to write revision notes on subjects including science, mathem...

#41 1.46K Reads
AIIMS Recruitment 2022, Apply online for Pharmacist grade-II, Store keeper & other posts

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi  has invited online applications from e...

#42 1.45K Reads
UPSC : Online Recruitment Applications are invited for the post of Foreman (Computer Science)

UPSC invited Online Recruitment Applications for the post of  Foreman (Computer Science) in Di...

#43 1.44K Reads
IGNOU में Registrar के पद के लिए आवेदन शुरू , ऑनलाइन आवेदन करें ।

इंद्रा गांधी राष्ट्रीय विश्वविद्यालय में रजिस्ट्रार के पद के लिए आवेदन शुरू हो गए हैं। इच्छुक अभ...

#44 1.43K Reads
ISRO Jobs 2021 | ICRB Recruitment for administrative, accounts, and purchase officers | Govt. job

ICRB invited applications for the recruitment of officers in administration, accounts ...

#45 1.4K Reads
M.Pharm, M.Sc Jobs at Central Ayurveda Research Institute, Jhansi

Apply for the post of consultant (botany) and project offficer at...

#46 1.38K Reads
HPSSC Recruitment 2021, date Extended | Apply Online before 30th may for Nurse, Pharmacist, paramedics and other general posts

HPSSC again extended the date to apply ORA for various posts advertised in the month of April 20...

#47 1.32K Reads
Pharmacy Professional Jobs at National Dope Testing Laboratory, New Delhi | NDTL recruitment 2021

Recruitment of scientists D, scientist C, and scientist B posts at the national dope testing labor...

#48 1.32K Reads
SHSB Jobs: Online applications for District ASHA Trainers Recruitment-2020 In state health society Bihar

Interested Candidates ( with ANM, GNM, or other nursing qualifications) are requested to apply...

#49 1.31K Reads
NABARD Jobs 2021 | Recruitment of Assistant Managers Grade A and B

The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development has issued a notification for ...

#50 1.28K Reads
West Bengal Post Office Recruitment 2021

West Bengal (WB) Post Office Recruitment 2021 has announced 124 Vacancies for the posts of Postal As...

Web Stories

#1 6.3K Reads
20 Important Questions for Pharmacy Exams

there are 20 questions from Pharmacy subjects. we have selected some important question mostly asked...

#2 3.98K Reads
10 Facts About Mahakaleshwar Temple Ujjain

Top 10 Facts about the Mahakaleshwar Ujjain Temple ...

#3 3.82K Reads
Pharmacology Important Questions for Exams

In this web story we are displaying some important questions one liners from pharmacology useful for...

#4 2.18K Reads
Interactive GK Quiz on Rivers and Dams in India

Important general knowledge questions from rivers and dams in we are making it simpler to...

#5 1.34K Reads
These are the Top 10 Richest Person's in India

Top 10 Richest Person's in India...

#6 1.22K Reads
Classification of Antimicrobial Drugs

Classification of antimicrobial drugs according to the type of action, mechanisms of action,  and sp...

#7 1.11K Reads
Rivers and Drainage System in India | Important GK Questions

Important questions on the drainage system of rivers in India. GK one-liners questions from Indian g...

#8 1.08K Reads
Add these Words in Your English Vocabulary

These are the important words in english vocabulary every student must know. these are exam specific...

#9 976 Reads
You Must Know these Terms in Pharmacy

These are the important terms in pharmacy with definition part 1 .. Visit our Glossary or vocabulary...

#10 967 Reads
GK Quiz for Competitive Exams

intract with these visual stories and intractive quizzes......

#11 917 Reads
#12 893 Reads
Top 10 Largest Volcanoes in the World

Top 10 largest Volcanoes in the World ...

#13 879 Reads
Important Terms Related to Computer

Important terms Related to Computer Awareness...

#16 787 Reads
Top 10 National Parks in India

Top 10 National Parks in India...

#17 766 Reads
हिंदी भाषा महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रश्न , सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए

हिंदी भाषा के महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रश्नो  को देखें और अभ्यास करें। ये  प्रश्न प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं  जैसे ds...

#18 766 Reads
सामान्य विज्ञान के बार बार पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न हिंदी में

सामान्य ज्ञान के अति महत्वपूर्ण परीक्षोपयोगी  प्रश्न  ...

#20 508 Reads
बुरी आदतें छोड़ें, नई दिशा अपनाएं: राहुल और पूजा की प्रेरक कहानी

एक छोटे से शहर में रहने वाला राहुल और उसकी दोस्ती में खोई हुई पूजा दोनों ने अपनी जिन्दगी में एक अजीब...