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Q.1 Which of the following Antibody involve in Type-I ypersensitivity reaction?
- IgG
- IgA
- IgE
- IgM
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Q.2 Which immunoglobin is react with allergens?
- IgE
- IgM
- IgA
- IgD
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Q.3 Rheumatoid Arthritis is a example of
- Type I Hypersnsitivity
- Type II Hypersnsitivity
- Type III Hypersnsitivity
- Type IV Hypersnsitivity
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Q.4 Which of the following part of the HIV is bind to CD4 receptor of of T per cell?
- gp120
- gp12000
- gp12
- gp1200
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Q.5 HIV AIDS is a ____ disease.
- Autoimmune
- Hyper immunity
- Immunodeficiency
- All of above
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Q.6 __________ protein transfer thyroxine & retinol.
- AL
- APrP
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Q.7 Which of the following is not a type of cellular adaptation?
- Hypertrophy
- Superplasia
- Hyperplasia
- Atrophy
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Q.8 The common cause of atrophy are as follows except
- Decreased work load
- Loss of innovation
- Stimulation of endocrine hormone release
- Inadequate nutrition
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Q.9 Which enzymes are responsible for removal of free radical
- Superoxide dismutase
- Peroxidase
- Catalase
- All of the above
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Q.10 Cell swelling is a result of
- Decreased protein synthesis
- Decreased lactic acid secretion
- Decreased activity of sodium pump
- Increased glycogen production