Computer Virus

A Computer Virus is a malicious piece of code or software which affects the normal functioning of a computer. Viruses may disrupt the system by hijacking system memory, surreptitiously collect data or shut down the system altogether.

Antivirus Software

 Antivirus software is a program used to protect computers from computer viruses such as malware, trojans and network viruses. Many prominent software companies specialise in antivirus software. Some of the biggest software vendors who develop and market antivirus software are McAfee, Norton, Eset and Kaspersky Labs


Malware is a type of virus. It is defined as malicious software which corrupts computer and mobile operations and provides unauthorized access to a private system or displays harmful content. The information on a specific system gets copied without the user’s notice and disrupts the normal operation. Usage of malware specific tools or antivirus helps to prevent malware.

Computer Worm

A computer worm is a standalone malware that spreads through computer networks. It is a self-replicating software that infects computers connected to a network while remaining active in the original system. It is one of the most common viruses.

Trojan horse

 A trojan horse is a malicious program which infects a system by masquerading as an innocuous program. It introduces the virus to a system. They do not replicate themselves but are very destructive.


A hacker is a person who has complete knowledge about a specific area of computer security and uses it to gain access to the systems. Hackers can be classified as black hat and white hat hackers. White hat hackers use their knowledge to expose flaws in computer security practices and suggest more effective solutions to security issues.


 When the credentials are compared to those of the database of the original file it is termed as authentication. Authentication can be used to confirm the validity of an authorisation, or the safety of a database etc. It helps the system to give access to legitimate users.


The practice of sending fake emails or trying to get personal information like name, password or money at times is known as phishing. Phishing is conducted by posing as a legitimate user of a system and collecting data through electronic communication

Spoofing Attack

When a person or program impersonates the identity of another by falsifying important data, thereby gaining an unfair and illegitimate advantage is called spoofing. There are various spoofing attacks that the fraudulent party can use for their purpose.


Authorization is the function of specifying access rights related to information security or computer security. In organisations, authorisation can only be controlled by a specified user or group of users known as system administrators.

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