Pharmacology is the branch of medical science which deals with the mechanism, functioning, experimental analysis of impact of different drugs on living system.
Explore in Pharmacology
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pharmacy infoline
30 Nov -0001
histamine and antihistamine drugs...
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12 Jun 2020
Some of drugs or chemicals are fatal to embryo development. Those drugs and chemical substances which produce deviations and abnormalities in the ...
prakash joshi
5 Nov 2020
There are some common drugs used in gynecology. Here is the list of drugs starting from "m" commonly used in obstetrics and gynecological conditio...
pharmacy exams
19 May 2021
Classification of antimicrobials is based on their type of action on microbes kill or reduce the number, spectrum of activity i.e can work on specif...
pharmacy infoline
12 Jul 2021
Antihistamines are drugs which treat rhinitis and other allergies. Typically people take antihistamines as a cheap , generic, over-the-counter medicin...
pharmacy infoline
12 Jul 2021
Antihistamines are drugs which treat rhinitis and other allergies. Typically people take antihistamines as a cheap , generic, over-the-counter medicin...
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2 of 15 〉 A ligand that binds to a receptor and alters the receptor state resulting in a biological response.Agonist
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Subcutaneous (SC) route
2 of 12 〉 In Sublingual route of drug administration Drug is absorbed throughBuccal mucosa membrane
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competitive antagonism
2 of 12 〉 When both agonist and antagonist binds reversibly on the same site of the receptorcompetitive antagonism
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Presence of fatty meal
2 of 9 〉 Death due to cyanide poisoning results fromInhibition of cytochrome oxidase
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Neuroeffector junction
2 of 3 〉 Nerves that convey impulses from the brain and spinal cord (CNS) to muscles, glands and other effector organsEfferent (Motor)
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2 of 7 〉 cancer of skin that develops when melanocytes (the cells that give the skin its tan or brown color) start to grow out of control.Melanoma
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Online Practice Test for Pharmacy exams, previous Year questions
(50 Questions , 2712 attempts)