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Human Anatomy And Physiology

Human Anatomy is a branch of biomedical science which deals with normal structure, shape, size, and location of various parts of the body.
Human Physiology is the branch of biomedical science dealing with the mechanical, physical and biochemical functioning of human body.

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Basic principles of cell injury

diksha bhatla  
3 Jun 2022   

Cell injury is the common denominator in almost all diseases. It is defined as 'an alteration in cell structure or biochemical functioning, re...

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Notes All ❱

Morphology Of Cell Injury- Adaptive Changes

diksha bhatla  
4 Jun 2022   

Cell adaptation within limits: Most cells have the ability to adapt to changes in their environment by altering their morphology, pattern of growth ...

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Mechanism of Cell Injury -  Reversible and Irreversible Cell Injury

diksha bhatla  
4 Jun 2022   

Cell injury is the common denominator in almost all diseases. It is defined as 'an alteration in cell structure or biochemical functioning, resulting ...

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Homeostasis : definition, and mechanism | B.pharma 2nd sem. Notes 

diksha bhatla  
2 Jun 2022   

Homeostasis may be defined as “The maintenance of the internal conditions of the body at equilibrium, despite changes in the external environment”. ...

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Respiratory system in human beings

jigisha mehra  
25 Oct 2021   

The energy is generated by the breakdown of glucose molecules in all living cells of the human body.Oxygen is inhaled and is transported to various pa...

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Human Endocrine Glands and Their Hormones

prakash joshi  
11 Nov 2020   

Endocrine glands are the ductless glands which pour their secretions directly into the bloodstream. secretions are called as Hormones. human end...

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One Liners All ❱

terms related to Human Anatomy and physiology (one liners) 1 of 8 〉 The accumulation of gas in the stomach and /or instestine, arising from aerophagy, intestinal fermentation, deficient absorption or constipation


2 of 8 〉 The swallowing air in stomach, unknowingly is termed as


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Practice (MCQs) All ❱

1 of 71

Q.1 the wall of eyeball is made up of how many layers? 

  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyDiploma

2 of 71

Q.2 Out of the following options which one is NOT the accessory structure of eye?

  • Eyelids
  • the lacrimal apparatus
  • intrinsic eye muscles
  • eyebrows

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyDiploma

3 of 71

Q.3 Which of the following statement is NOT true?

  • cornea is highly vascularized structure
  • vascular tunic is also known as uvea
  • the junction of sclera and cornea forms scleral venous sinus
  • melanin prevents reflection and scattering of light within eye

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyDiploma

4 of 71

Q.4 In what condition the color of eye appears as blue?

  • When the concentration of melanin is high in iris
  • When the concentration of melanin is moderate
  • When the concentration of melanin is very low
  • none of the above

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyDiploma

5 of 71

Q.5 What causes the size of pupil to decrease during bright light

  • contraction of circular muscles of iris
  • contraction of radial muscles of iris
  • relaxation of circular muscle of iris
  • relaxation of radial muscle of iris

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyDiploma

6 of 71

Q.6 Which one is the only body part where the blood vessels can be viewed directly?

  • iris
  • heart
  • retina
  • choroid

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyDiploma

7 of 71

Q.7 Which of the following is the retinal neurons present in ganglia cell layer?

  • rods
  • cones
  • amacrine cells
  • none of the above

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyDiploma

8 of 71

Q.8 Which structure is also known as the “blind spot”?

  • optic disc
  • macula lutea
  • cornea
  • ciliary body

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyDiploma

9 of 71

Q.9 Color blindness is due to defect in ________

  • Cones
  • Rods
  • Rods and cons
  • Rhodopsin

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyDiploma

10 of 71

Q.10 Which of the following is the function of sclera?

  • gives the shape to eyeball
  • makes it more rigid
  • protects inner parts
  • all of the above

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyDiploma

11 of 71

Q.1 Skin or bone is an example of what level of organization

  • organ
  • macromolecule
  • cell
  • tissue

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

12 of 71

Q.2 Which one of the following traits is not a characteristic of life shared by all organisms?

  • growth
  • circulation
  • photosynthesis
  • digestion

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

13 of 71

Q.3 Which of the following is the most complex level of organization?

  • macromolecule
  • organ
  • organ system
  • organelle

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

14 of 71

Q.4 The ______________ of the body includes the head, neck, and trunk

  • dorsal cavity
  • axial portion
  • appendicular portion
  • ventral cavity

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

15 of 71

Q.5 The _____________ cavity is the portion enclosed by the pelvic bones

  • abdominopelvic
  • abdominal
  • thoracic
  • pelvic

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

16 of 71

Q.6 The lungs are covered by a membrane called the _____

  • parietal pleura
  • visceral pleura
  • parietal pericardium
  • peritoneum

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

17 of 71

Q.7 The ______________ system includes all the glands that secrete hormones.

  • muscular
  • endocrine
  • nervous
  • lymphatic

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

18 of 71

Q.8 A ______________ section divides the body into right and left portions.

  • sagittal
  • coronal
  • transverse
  • oblique

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

19 of 71

Q.9 Anatomy is a term that means the study of _____.

  • physiology
  • human functions
  • morphology
  • cell functions

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

20 of 71

Q.10 A study dealing with the explanations of how an organ works would be an example of _____

  • anatomy
  • physiology
  • cytology
  • teleology

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

21 of 71

Q.1 Which of the following includes the other terms?

  • systm
  • cell
  • organ
  • tissue

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

22 of 71

Q.2 Which of the following terms means the same as ventral in humans?

  • posterior
  • anterior
  • dorsal
  • medial

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

23 of 71

Q.3 The chin can be described as being on the _____ surface of the skull.

  • inferior
  • lateral
  • superior
  • ventral

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

24 of 71

Q.4 Which of the following terms cannot be properly paired?

  • cranial, skull
  • nasal, buccal
  • orbital, eyes
  • frontal, forehead

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

25 of 71

Q.5 Which term refers to the back of the knee?

  • popliteal
  • pelvic
  • pedal
  • perineal

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

26 of 71

Q.6 Which types of neurons are likely to increase muscular activities?

  • bipolar neurons
  • inhibitory neurons
  • sensory neurons
  • accelerator neurons

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

27 of 71

Q.7 When a neuron reaches action potential, it depolarizes and repolarizes in an amount of time on the order of _____________

  • seconds
  • miliseconds
  • microseconds
  • nanoseconds

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

28 of 71

Q.8 Which structure within the cell produces ATP (adenosine triphosphate)?

  • the mitochondria
  • the nucleus
  • peripheral proteins
  • the endoplasmic reticulum

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

29 of 71

Q.9 In which part of a cell does the process of making ATP from oxygen and glucose take place?

  • lysosomes
  • ribosome
  • mitochondria
  • dna

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

30 of 71

Q.10 Which cell organelles contain an acidic environment capable of digesting a wide variety of molecules?

  • Ribosomes
  • Mesosomes
  • Goglgi apparatus
  • Lysosomes

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

31 of 71

Q.1 Which of the following is a function of the skeletal system?

  • haemopoiesis
  • haemostasis
  • peristalsis
  • glycogenolysis

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. Pharma

32 of 71

Q.2 In which of the following bone structures do osteocytes live?

  • canaliculi
  • osteons
  • lacunae
  • lamellae

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. Pharma

33 of 71

Q.3 Which bone is most superior?

  • cervical vertebra
  • patella
  • manubrium
  • occipital bone

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. Pharma

34 of 71

Q.4 What is a “trochanter”?

  • projection that forms part of an articulation
  • part of a femur
  • groove in which lies a tendon
  • a feature of the pelvis

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. Pharma

35 of 71

Q.5 One of the functions of bones is to make red blood cells. What is this process known as?

  • Haemopoiesis
  • Haematuria
  • Haemostasis
  • Haemolysis

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. Pharma

36 of 71

Q.6 Where do osteocytes reside?

  • In lamellae
  • In lacunae
  • In trabeculae
  • In endosteum

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. Pharma

37 of 71

Q.7 Which one of the following is a bone that is embedded within a tendon?

  • hyoid
  • sesamoid
  • sphenoid
  • ethmoid

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. Pharma

38 of 71

Q.8 Which bone of the head has a synovial joint?

  • The mandible
  • The sphenoid
  • The maxilla
  • The hyoid

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. Pharma

39 of 71

Q.9 What are the bones of the fingers known as?

  • carpals
  • phalanges
  • short bones
  • metacarpals

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. Pharma

40 of 71

Q.10 Which of the following comprise seven bones?

  • Cranial bones
  • Carpals
  • Lumbar vertebrae
  • Cervical vertebrae

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaB. Pharma

41 of 71

Q.1 Which of the following is not an aspect of the pathophysiology in disease

  • Morphological changes
  • Therapeutic treatment
  • Causes
  • Pathogenesis

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

42 of 71

Q.2 Which of the following is a cell death

  • Apoptosis
  • Gluconeogenesis
  • Glycogenesis
  • Lipolysis

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

43 of 71

Q.3 Which of the following is physical agent of cell injury?

  • Dil. HCl
  • Hypoxia
  • Viruses
  • Hot Surface

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

44 of 71

Q.4 Hypoxia is occurs in following condition except

  • Anaemia
  • Thyroid disease
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Lung disease

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

45 of 71

Q.5 Iatrogenic causes means

  • Cell injury by Pharmacist
  • Cell injury by Nurse
  • Cell injury by Physician
  • None of the above

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

46 of 71

Q.6 Adaptation means reversible change in

  • Functions of cell
  • Size of cell
  • Phenotype of cell
  • All of the above

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

47 of 71

Q.7 Which of the above is not a cellular adaptation?

  • Hyperplasia
  • Hypertrophy
  • Hypoplasia
  • Metaplasia

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

48 of 71

Q.8 Ischemia causes following except

  • Increase Cytosolic Calcium
  • Detachment of Ribosome
  • Decrease in activity of Na pump
  • Increase Anaerobic Glycolysis

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

49 of 71

Q.9 Loss of Calcium Homeostasis leads to

  • Decrease ATP Production
  • Nuclear Damage
  • Membrane Damage
  • All of the above

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

50 of 71

Q.10 Cell mediated immunity is derived from

  • T cells
  • Monocytes
  • Eosinophils
  • B cells

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. Pharma

51 of 71

Q.1 Redness in inflammation is occur due to

  • Vasodilation
  • migration of leukocytes
  • Increase hydro static pressure
  • Vasoconstriction

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

52 of 71

Q.2 Swelling in inflammation is also called

  • Vasodilation of blood vessels in dermis
  • Infiltration of neutrophil
  • Edema
  • Ischemia

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

53 of 71

Q.3 The edema is most likely the result of

  • Increased vascular permeability
  • Increased arterial hydrostatic pressure
  • Vasodilation
  • All of the above

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

54 of 71

Q.4 The cell which lost ability to proliferate is called

  • Stable
  • Labile
  • Permanant
  • All of the above

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

55 of 71

Q.5 Which of the following factors are delay the healing process?

  • Movement
  • Infection
  • Poor blood supply
  • All of the above

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

56 of 71

Q.6 EGF stands for

  • Edema growth factor
  • Enzyme growth factor
  • Energy growth factor
  • Epithelial growth factor

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

57 of 71

Q.7 Prostaglandins (PGs) are

  • LOX pathway product
  • Cytokinines
  • Vasoactiveamines
  • COX pathway product

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

58 of 71

Q.8 CD8+ cell is also called

  • Cytotoxic T cells
  • Helper B cell
  • Helper T cell
  • Cell None of above

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

59 of 71

Q.9 HLA stands for

  • Human leukocyte Antigen
  • Human leukocyte Antibody
  • Human leukocyte Agent
  • Human leukotrine Antigen

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

60 of 71

Q.10 What do you mean by autoimmune diseases?

  • Increase ability to identify between self & non -self
  • Decrease ability to identify between self & non -self
  • Hypo activity of immune responses
  • Hyper activity of immune responses

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

61 of 71

Q.1 Which of the following Antibody involve in Type-I ypersensitivity reaction?

  • IgG
  • IgA
  • IgE
  • IgM

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

62 of 71

Q.2 Which immunoglobin is react with allergens?

  • IgE
  • IgM
  • IgA
  • IgD

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

63 of 71

Q.3 Rheumatoid Arthritis is a example of

  • Type I Hypersnsitivity
  • Type II Hypersnsitivity
  • Type III Hypersnsitivity
  • Type IV Hypersnsitivity

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

64 of 71

Q.4 Which of the following part of the HIV is bind to CD4 receptor of of T per cell?

  • gp120
  • gp12000
  • gp12
  • gp1200

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

65 of 71

Q.5 HIV AIDS is a ____ disease.

  • Autoimmune
  • Hyper immunity
  • Immunodeficiency
  • All of above

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

66 of 71

Q.6 __________ protein transfer thyroxine & retinol.

  • TTR
  • AL
  • APrP
  • TLS

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

67 of 71

Q.7 Which of the following is not a type of cellular adaptation?

  • Hypertrophy
  • Superplasia
  • Hyperplasia
  • Atrophy

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

68 of 71

Q.8 The common cause of atrophy are as follows except

  • Decreased work load
  • Loss of innovation
  • Stimulation of endocrine hormone release
  • Inadequate nutrition

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

69 of 71

Q.9 Which enzymes are responsible for removal of free radical

  • Superoxide dismutase
  • Peroxidase
  • Catalase
  • All of the above

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

70 of 71

Q.10 Cell swelling is a result of

  • Decreased protein synthesis
  • Decreased lactic acid secretion
  • Decreased activity of sodium pump
  • Increased glycogen production

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyD. PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy

71 of 71

Q.1 Name the largest skeletal-muscle of the human body?

  • Biceps
  • Quadriceps femoris
  • Supinator
  • Sartorius

Biomedical ScienceHuman Anatomy and Physiology

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