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Pharmacy is the clinical health science that links medical science with chemistry. It is charged with the discovery, production, disposal, safe and effective use, and control of medications and drugs. The practice of pharmacy requires excellent knowledge of drugs, their mechanism of action, side effects, interactions, mobility and toxicity. At the same time, it requires knowledge of treatment and understanding of the pathological process. Some specialties of pharmacists, such as that of clinical pharmacists, require other skills, e.g. knowledge about the acquisition and evaluation of physical and laboratory data.

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Explore in Pharmacy

Chapters All ❱

Gastrointestinal Tract

diksha bhatla  
29 Jun 2022   

The human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is an organ system responsible for consuming and digesting food....

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Nervous System

diksha bhatla  
28 Jun 2022   

The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, sensory organs, and all of the  nerves that connect these organs with the rest of the body. ...

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Endocrine System

diksha bhatla  
27 Jun 2022   

The endocrine system is a network of glands that produce and release hormones that help to control many important body functions, especially the body’...

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Hematological Diseases

diksha bhatla  
25 Jun 2022   

Anemia is a medical condition in which the red blood cell count or hemoglobin (Hb) is less than normal. The oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is...

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Urinary System

diksha bhatla  
24 Jun 2022   

The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra. The kidneys filter the blood...

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Respiratory System

diksha bhatla  
23 Jun 2022   

The cells of the human body require a constant stream of oxygen to stay alive. There are 3 major parts of the respiratory system: the airway, the lung...

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Principles Of Cancer

diksha bhatla  
22 Jun 2022   

When cells in some area of body duplicate without control, the excess of tissue that...

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Diseases Of Bones & Joints

diksha bhatla  
21 Jun 2022   

INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN SKELETON  The human skeleton is the internal framework of the body. It is composed of 270 bones at birth. This total 206 ...

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Diseases Of Bones & Joints

diksha bhatla  
21 Jun 2022   

INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN SKELETON  The human skeleton is the internal framework of the body. It is composed of 270 bones at birth. This total 206 ...

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Cardiovascular System

diksha bhatla  
20 Jun 2022   

INTRODUCTION TO CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM The heart is muscular organ about the size of a closed fist located in the chest between the lungs behind th...

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Cardiovascular System

diksha bhatla  
20 Jun 2022   

INTRODUCTION TO CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM The heart is muscular organ about the size of a closed fist located in the chest between the lungs behind th...

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Basic Mechanism Involved In The Process Of Inflammation, Repair, And Atherosclerosis

diksha bhatla  
9 Jun 2022   

Inflammation is a critical homeostatic process that is activated by cellular injury regardless of the mechanism of that injury. ...

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Basic Mechanism Involved In The Process Of Inflammation, Repair, And Atherosclerosis

diksha bhatla  
9 Jun 2022   

Inflammation is a critical homeostatic process that is activated by cellular injury regardless of the mechanism of that injury. ...

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Basic principles of cell injury

diksha bhatla  
3 Jun 2022   

Cell injury is the common denominator in almost all diseases. It is defined as 'an alteration in cell structure or biochemical functioning, re...

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Basic principles of cell injury

diksha bhatla  
3 Jun 2022   

Cell injury is the common denominator in almost all diseases. It is defined as 'an alteration in cell structure or biochemical functioning, re...

Read ( 0 min )

Health And Nutrition: Vitamins

prince joshi  
16 Apr 2020   

 Vitamins are the organic catalysts found in food in minute traces and have no calorific value but they are vital to physiological proce...

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Histamine And Antihistamine Drugs

pharmacy infoline  
30 Nov -0001   

histamine and antihistamine drugs...

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Histamine And Antihistamine Drugs

pharmacy infoline  
30 Nov -0001   

histamine and antihistamine drugs...

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Notes All ❱

Liquid Crystals: The Fourth State of Matter in Pharmacy 

diksha bhatla  
17 Dec 2022   

Liquid crystals, the fourth state of matter, exhibit an intermediate order between liquids and crystals. Divided into thermotropic and lyotropic class...

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Metal Ion Complexes: Coordination Bonds, Chelates, and Applications 

diksha bhatla  
20 Dec 2022   

Explore the metal ion complexes, where central metallic ions bond with ligands to form coordination bonds. Learn about inorganic and chelate complexes...

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Ligands: Building Blocks of Coordination Chemistry

diksha bhatla  
20 Dec 2022   

coordination compounds, also known as complexes, arising from Lewis acid-base reactions. Understand the crucial roles of ligands and metal ions in for...

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Inflammation: Acute vs. Chronic and Basic Mechanisms

diksha bhatla  
13 Jun 2022   

Explore the intricacies of inflammation, classified into acute and chronic responses. Acute inflammation, of short duration, marks the early b...

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Pharmacy notes: Acidosis and Alkalosis in Phathophysiology

diksha bhatla  
7 Jun 2022   

Alkalosis is excessive blood alkalinity caused by an overabundance of bicarbonate in the blood or a loss of acid from the blood (metabolic alkalosis...

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Pharmacy Notes: Solubilization and Detergency in Physical Pharmaceutics

diksha bhatla  
8 Dec 2022   

Solubilization, introduced by Mc Bain in 1937, involves dissolving poorly soluble solutes in water using surfactants, forming thermodynamically st...

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diksha bhatla  
8 Nov 2022   


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diksha bhatla  
7 Dec 2022   


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diksha bhatla  
6 Dec 2022   


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diksha bhatla  
30 Nov 2022   


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diksha bhatla  
29 Nov 2022   

The surface and interfacial phenomena play an important role in the formulation of pharmaceutical products. They affect the adsorption process taking ...

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Dissociation Constant

diksha bhatla  
28 Nov 2022   


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diksha bhatla  
26 Nov 2022   


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diksha bhatla  
25 Nov 2022   


Read ( 0 min )

One Liners All ❱

Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On Mineral Metabolism 1 of 15 〉 The normal concentration of serum calcium

9–11 mg/dl. (4.5–5.5 mEq./l.)

2 of 15 〉 The vitamin derived hormone that regulates calcium homeostasis


13 more 👇

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Revision of Pharmacology, some basic points (one liners) 1 of 12 〉 binding of Morphine and Naloxone to the Opioid receptors

competitive antagonism

2 of 12 〉 When both agonist and antagonist binds reversibly on the same site of the receptor

competitive antagonism

10 more 👇

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Pharmaceutics useful terms and definitions (oneLiner Questions) 1 of 14 〉 A medicated solution meant for rinsing a body cavity


2 of 14 〉 Viscous liquid preparations used for mouth and throat infections

Throat paints

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Autonomic Nervous System. 1 of 3 〉 The junction of a post-ga1nglionic axonal terminal with its effector cell is termed a neuroeffector junction.

Neuroeffector junction

2 of 3 〉 Nerves that convey impulses from the brain and spinal cord (CNS) to muscles, glands and other effector organs

Efferent (Motor)

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Health Education and Community Pharmacy important terms | One Liners 1 of 12 〉 It is isolation of infected individual such that he does not mingle with others till the incubation period of infecting microorganism is over


2 of 12 〉 It is a period between entry of an infectious agent in the body till the onset of symptoms of disease


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Most Important Exam Oriented Questions on Immunity and Immunological products | Pharmacy Exams 1 of 15 〉 The mantous test is done to detect the immunity or susceptibility to _____ .


2 of 15 〉 The Schick test is done to detect the immunity or susceptibility to _______.


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Identify the Drugs based on Given information 1 of 5 〉 indicated for the short term treatment of apnea of prematurity in infants and off label for the prevention and treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia caused by premature birth. broad range of over the counter uses, and is found in energy supplements, athletic enhancement products, pain relief products, as well as cosmetic products.


2 of 5 〉 Antineoplastic Agents which is specific tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitor that is used in the therapy of Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myelogenous leukemia and gastrointestinal stromal tumors


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TYPES OF CANCER 1 of 7 〉 cancer derived from germ cell which are commonly found in the brain of young ages.


2 of 7 〉 cancer of skin that develops when melanocytes (the cells that give the skin its tan or brown color) start to grow out of control.


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Fundamental principles of microbiology 1 of 11 〉 Round or oval bodies as they lack cell wall. So shape is not fixed.


2 of 11 〉 Branching filamentous bacteria


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Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy Important Questions (one liners) 1 of 9 〉 Griseofulvin is better absorbed in

Presence of fatty meal

2 of 9 〉 Death due to cyanide poisoning results from

Inhibition of cytochrome oxidase

7 more 👇

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Practice (MCQs) All ❱

1 of 122

Q.1 'Jangali Pyaz' is synonym for

  • Strophanthus
  • Indian squil 
  • Garlic 
  • None of the above 

PharmacyPharmacognosyPharmacist Competitive ExamsDSSSB Pharmacist

2 of 122

Q.2 Nutmeg belongs to the family-

  • Myristicaceae
  • Myrtaceae
  • Lauraceae
  • Caryophyllaceae

PharmacyPharmacognosyPharmacist Competitive ExamsDSSSB Pharmacist

3 of 122

Q.3 Anise fruit is obtained from-

  • piper cubeba
  • Pimpenella anisum
  • Apium graveolens
  • none of these

PharmacyPharmacognosyPharmacist Competitive ExamsDSSSB Pharmacist

4 of 122

Q.4 Fennel contains sweet principle called-

  • fenchone
  • anethole
  • limonene
  • none of these

PharmacyPharmacognosyPharmacist Competitive ExamsDSSSB Pharmacist

5 of 122

Q.5 'Mother cloves' is a term given to-

  • Ripened fruit
  • Allied fruit
  • Clove stalk
  • Flowers of clove tree

PharmacyPharmacognosyPharmacist Competitive ExamsDSSSB Pharmacist

6 of 122



PharmacyD. PharmaPharmacist Competitive Exams

7 of 122



PharmacyD. PharmaPharmacist Competitive Exams

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PharmacyD. PharmaPharmacist Competitive Exams

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PharmacyD. PharmaPharmacist Competitive Exams

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PharmacyD. PharmaPharmacist Competitive Exams

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PharmacyD. PharmaPharmacist Competitive Exams

15 of 122



PharmacyD. PharmaPharmacist Competitive Exams

16 of 122

Q.1 Ginseng is commonly used for -

  • Cardiac tonic
  • Aphrodiasiac
  • Purgative
  • Demulcent


17 of 122

Q.1 Shatavary Is Common Name For 

  • Asparagus racemosus 
  • Catelli asiatica 
  • Bacopa moniera
  • None of the above


18 of 122

Q.1 Lipase Enzyme Is Used For Estimation Of:

  • Urea
  • Cholesterol
  • Uric acid
  • Triacylglycerol


19 of 122

Q.2 Which Of These Is Not A Mental Disease?

  • Psychoses
  • Neuroses
  • Schizophrenia
  • Arrhythmia


20 of 122

Q.1 When businesses organisations owned and controlled by a single person it is…

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership firms
  • Co operative society
  • All of them

DiplomaD. PharmaDrug Store and Business ManagementDiploma in Pharmacy

21 of 122

Q.2 .. . Encourage self-employment.

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Co operative society
  • Partnership firms
  • All of them

DiplomaD. PharmaDrug Store and Business ManagementDiploma in Pharmacy

22 of 122

Q.3 The highest secrecy can be maintained in

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Co operative society
  • Partnership firms
  • All of them

DiplomaD. PharmaDrug Store and Business ManagementDiploma in Pharmacy

23 of 122

Q.4 Limited scope of expansion is the disadvantage of…

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership firms
  • Co operative society
  • All of them

DiplomaD. PharmaDrug Store and Business ManagementDiploma in Pharmacy

24 of 122

Q.5 The oldest form of business organisation is….

  • Partnership
  • Joint hindu family
  • Sole Proprietorship
  • All of them

DiplomaD. PharmaDrug Store and Business ManagementDiploma in Pharmacy

25 of 122

Q.6 In which of the following forms of business organization, registration is compulsory…

  • Partnership firm
  • Sole proprietorship
  • Joint-stock company
  • All of them

DiplomaD. PharmaDrug Store and Business ManagementDiploma in Pharmacy

26 of 122


Q.1 Substances in which medicament is either dissolved or suspended are… …

  • Elixirs
  • Vehicles
  • Emulsions
  • Mixtures

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

27 of 122

Q.2 Alcoholic solutions of volatile substances or medicaments are…

  • Syrups
  • Spirits
  • Injections
  • Mixtures

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

28 of 122

Q.3 Alcoholic or hydroalcoholic preparations of vegetable drugs are….

  • Syrups
  • Emulsions
  • Mixtures
  • Tinctures

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

29 of 122

Q.4 Vaginal suppositories are also known as …

  • Gels
  • Liniments
  • Poultice
  • Pessaries

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

30 of 122

Q.5 A book published by the government called as official books to prescribe the standards of purity and potency of the drugs is called… ..

  • Pharmacopoeia
  • Prescribed books
  • Prescription
  • Reference book

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

31 of 122

Q.6 Protozoal infection is also known as… . .

  • Amoebiasis
  • Helminthiasis
  • Antiemetics
  • None of them

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

32 of 122

Q.7 Worm infestation is also called ....

  • Amoebiasis
  • Helminthiasis
  • Antiemetics
  • None of them

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

33 of 122

Q.8 Drugs used in treatment of worm infestation are called…

  • Local anaesthetic
  • Analgesics
  • Anthelmintics
  • Antiemetics

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

34 of 122

Q.9 Substances which anesthetize the restricted area without making subject unconscious…

  • Local anaesthetic
  • Antiemetics
  • General anaesthetic
  • Analgesics

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

35 of 122

Q.10 Drugs that cause evacuation of bowels or defecation are… . .

  • Purgatives
  • Antiemetics
  • Tranquilizers
  • Adsobent

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

36 of 122


Q.1 Substances in which medicament is either dissolved or suspended are… …

  • Elixirs
  • Vehicles
  • Emulsions
  • Mixtures

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

37 of 122

Q.2 Alcoholic solutions of volatile substances or medicaments are…

  • Syrups
  • Spirits
  • Injections
  • Mixtures

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

38 of 122

Q.3 Alcoholic or hydroalcoholic preparations of vegetable drugs are….

  • Syrups
  • Emulsions
  • Mixtures
  • Tinctures

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

39 of 122

Q.4 Vaginal suppositories are also known as …

  • Gels
  • Liniments
  • Poultice
  • Pessaries

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

40 of 122

Q.5 A book published by the government called as official books to prescribe the standards of purity and potency of the drugs is called… ..

  • Pharmacopoeia
  • Prescribed books
  • Prescription
  • Reference book

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

41 of 122

Q.6 Protozoal infection is also known as… . .

  • Amoebiasis
  • Helminthiasis
  • Antiemetics
  • None of them

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

42 of 122

Q.7 Worm infestation is also called ....

  • Amoebiasis
  • Helminthiasis
  • Antiemetics
  • None of them

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

43 of 122

Q.8 Drugs used in treatment of worm infestation are called…

  • Local anaesthetic
  • Analgesics
  • Anthelmintics
  • Antiemetics

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

44 of 122

Q.9 Substances which anesthetize the restricted area without making subject unconscious…

  • Local anaesthetic
  • Antiemetics
  • General anaesthetic
  • Analgesics

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

45 of 122

Q.10 Drugs that cause evacuation of bowels or defecation are… . .

  • Purgatives
  • Antiemetics
  • Tranquilizers
  • Adsobent

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

46 of 122


Q.1 Substances in which medicament is either dissolved or suspended are… …

  • Elixirs
  • Vehicles
  • Emulsions
  • Mixtures

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

47 of 122

Q.2 Alcoholic solutions of volatile substances or medicaments are…

  • Syrups
  • Spirits
  • Injections
  • Mixtures

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

48 of 122

Q.3 Alcoholic or hydroalcoholic preparations of vegetable drugs are….

  • Syrups
  • Emulsions
  • Mixtures
  • Tinctures

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

49 of 122

Q.4 Vaginal suppositories are also known as …

  • Gels
  • Liniments
  • Poultice
  • Pessaries

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

50 of 122

Q.5 A book published by the government called as official books to prescribe the standards of purity and potency of the drugs is called… ..

  • Pharmacopoeia
  • Prescribed books
  • Prescription
  • Reference book

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

51 of 122

Q.6 Protozoal infection is also known as… . .

  • Amoebiasis
  • Helminthiasis
  • Antiemetics
  • None of them

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

52 of 122

Q.7 Worm infestation is also called ....

  • Amoebiasis
  • Helminthiasis
  • Antiemetics
  • None of them

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

53 of 122

Q.8 Drugs used in treatment of worm infestation are called…

  • Local anaesthetic
  • Analgesics
  • Anthelmintics
  • Antiemetics

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

54 of 122

Q.9 Substances which anesthetize the restricted area without making subject unconscious…

  • Local anaesthetic
  • Antiemetics
  • General anaesthetic
  • Analgesics

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

55 of 122

Q.10 Drugs that cause evacuation of bowels or defecation are… . .

  • Purgatives
  • Antiemetics
  • Tranquilizers
  • Adsobent

D. PharmaD. PharmaD. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

56 of 122

Q.1 An institution of community health is…

  • Hospital
  • Industries
  • Educational institutions
  • None of them

D. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

57 of 122

Q.2 Functions of modern hospitals include…

  • Doctors & nurses receive training
  • Lowers the incidence of disease
  • Raises the quality of care & standards of medical practice
  • All of them

D. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

58 of 122

Q.3 DGHS stands for…. . .

  • Director General of health services
  • Director General of habitual services
  • Director General of health society
  • Decorum General of health services

D. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

59 of 122

Q.4 At the central government level, the health delivery system in the Constitution of India is…

  • Union ministry of health & family welfare
  • Ministry of health
  • DGHS
  • Health ministry welfare

D. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

60 of 122

Q.5 DHO stands for …

  • District health officer
  • District hazard officer
  • District medical offence
  • District medical officer

D. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

61 of 122

Q.6 The consumption of a drug apart from medical needs or in unnecessary quantities is…

  • Drug misuse
  • Drug habituation
  • Drug abuse
  • Drug addiction

D. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

62 of 122

Q.7 The use of drugs for purposes for which they are unsuited even their appropriate use but in improper dosage is … .

  • Drug misuse
  • Drug abuse
  • Drug addiction
  • Drug habituation

D. PharmaHospital and Clinical PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

63 of 122

Q.1 Compared to subcutaneous injection, the intramus- cular injection of drugs:

  • Is more painful
  • Produces faster response
  • Is unsuitable for depot preparations
  • Carries greater risk of anaphylactic reaction

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

64 of 122

Q.2 The majority of drugs cross biological membranes primarily by

  • Passive diffusion
  • Facilitated diffusion
  • Active transport
  • Pinocytosis

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

65 of 122


Q.3 Which of the following drugs is most likely to be absorbed from the stomach

  • Hyoscine hydrobromide
  • Morphine sulfate
  • Diclofenac sodium
  • Quinine dihydrochloride

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

66 of 122


Q.4 The most important factor governing absorption of a drug from intact skin is

  • Nature of the base used in the formulation
  • Lipid solubility of the drug
  • Molecular weight of the drug
  • Site of application

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

67 of 122

Q.5 Bioavailability differences among oral formulations of a drug are most likely to occur if the drug

  • Undergoes little first-pass metabolism
  • Is incompletely absorbed
  • Is freely water soluble
  • Is completely absorbed

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

68 of 122

Q.6 Marked redistribution is a feature of

  • Highly plasma protein bound drugs
  • Depot preparations
  • Highly lipid soluble drugs
  • Poorly lipid soluble drugs

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

69 of 122

Q.7 High plasma protein binding

  • Increases volume of distribution of the drug
  • Generally makes the drug long acting
  • Facilitates glomerular filtration of the drug
  • Minimises drug interactions

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

70 of 122

Q.8 Which of the following is a prodrug

  • Enalapril
  • Menapril
  • Thiazine
  • Penicillin

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

71 of 122

Q.9 Microsomal enzyme induction can be a cause of

  • Tolerance
  • Physical dependence
  • Psychological dependence
  • Idiosyncrasy

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

72 of 122

Q.10 Glomerular filtration of a drug is affected by its

  • Plasma protein binding
  • Lipid solubility
  • Degree of ionization
  • Rate of tubular secretion

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

73 of 122

Q.1 Compared to subcutaneous injection, the intramus- cular injection of drugs:

  • Is more painful
  • Produces faster response
  • Is unsuitable for depot preparations
  • Carries greater risk of anaphylactic reaction

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

74 of 122

Q.2 The majority of drugs cross biological membranes primarily by

  • Passive diffusion
  • Facilitated diffusion
  • Active transport
  • Pinocytosis

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

75 of 122


Q.3 Which of the following drugs is most likely to be absorbed from the stomach

  • Hyoscine hydrobromide
  • Morphine sulfate
  • Diclofenac sodium
  • Quinine dihydrochloride

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

76 of 122


Q.4 The most important factor governing absorption of a drug from intact skin is

  • Nature of the base used in the formulation
  • Lipid solubility of the drug
  • Molecular weight of the drug
  • Site of application

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

77 of 122

Q.5 Bioavailability differences among oral formulations of a drug are most likely to occur if the drug

  • Undergoes little first-pass metabolism
  • Is incompletely absorbed
  • Is freely water soluble
  • Is completely absorbed

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

78 of 122

Q.6 Marked redistribution is a feature of

  • Highly plasma protein bound drugs
  • Depot preparations
  • Highly lipid soluble drugs
  • Poorly lipid soluble drugs

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

79 of 122

Q.7 High plasma protein binding

  • Increases volume of distribution of the drug
  • Generally makes the drug long acting
  • Facilitates glomerular filtration of the drug
  • Minimises drug interactions

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

80 of 122

Q.8 Which of the following is a prodrug

  • Enalapril
  • Menapril
  • Thiazine
  • Penicillin

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

81 of 122

Q.9 Microsomal enzyme induction can be a cause of

  • Tolerance
  • Physical dependence
  • Psychological dependence
  • Idiosyncrasy

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

82 of 122

Q.10 Glomerular filtration of a drug is affected by its

  • Plasma protein binding
  • Lipid solubility
  • Degree of ionization
  • Rate of tubular secretion

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

83 of 122


Q.1 Which of the following organs is innervated only by parasympathetic nerves

  • Sweat glands
  • Ciliary muscle
  • Iris muscles
  • Splenic capsule

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

84 of 122

Directions: .

Q.2 The following cotransmitter is most probably involved in mediating nonadrenergic-noncholinergic (NANC) relaxation of the gut

  • Nitric oxide (NO)
  • Adenosine
  • Neuropeptide Y (NPY)
  • Kallidin

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

85 of 122

Q.3 The major postjunctional cholinergic receptor is of the muscarinic type at the following site

  • Neuromuscular junction
  • Postganglionic parasympathetic
  • Adrenal medulla
  • Autonomic ganglia

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

86 of 122

Q.4 The choline ester resistant to both true and pseudo- cholinesterase is

  • Bethanechol
  • Butyrylcholine
  • Methacholine
  • Benzoylcholine

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

87 of 122

Q.5 The smooth muscle structure that is relaxed by choli- nergic drugs is

  • Colon
  • Gastric fundus
  • Bladder trigone
  • Major bronchi

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

88 of 122

Q.6 Pilocarpine is used for

  • Glaucoma
  • Paralytic ileus
  • Urinary retention
  • Infection

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

89 of 122

Q.7 The following inhibitor binds only to the ani-onic site of the cholinesterase enzyme

  • Neostigmine
  • Edrophonium
  • Physostigmine
  • Dyflos

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

90 of 122

Q.8 Reactivation of cholinesterase enzyme occurs on hydrolysis of the inhibitor by the same enzyme mole- cule in case of the following anticholinesterase

  • Edrophonium
  • Dyflos
  • Tacrine
  • Neostigmine

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

91 of 122

Q.9 Pyridostigmine differs from neostigmine in that

  • It produces less muscarinic side effects
  • It is more potent orally
  • It is longer acting
  • It does not have any direct action on NM receptor

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

92 of 122

Q.10 The site of action of miotics for therapeutic effect in angle closure glaucoma is

  • Canal of Schlemm
  • Ciliary body
  • Ciliary muscle
  • Sphincter pupillae muscle

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

93 of 122


Q.1 Which of the following organs is innervated only by parasympathetic nerves

  • Sweat glands
  • Ciliary muscle
  • Iris muscles
  • Splenic capsule

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

94 of 122

Directions: .

Q.2 The following cotransmitter is most probably involved in mediating nonadrenergic-noncholinergic (NANC) relaxation of the gut

  • Nitric oxide (NO)
  • Adenosine
  • Neuropeptide Y (NPY)
  • Kallidin

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

95 of 122

Q.3 The major postjunctional cholinergic receptor is of the muscarinic type at the following site

  • Neuromuscular junction
  • Postganglionic parasympathetic
  • Adrenal medulla
  • Autonomic ganglia

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

96 of 122

Q.4 The choline ester resistant to both true and pseudo- cholinesterase is

  • Bethanechol
  • Butyrylcholine
  • Methacholine
  • Benzoylcholine

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

97 of 122

Q.5 The smooth muscle structure that is relaxed by choli- nergic drugs is

  • Colon
  • Gastric fundus
  • Bladder trigone
  • Major bronchi

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

98 of 122

Q.6 Pilocarpine is used for

  • Glaucoma
  • Paralytic ileus
  • Urinary retention
  • Infection

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

99 of 122

Q.7 The following inhibitor binds only to the ani-onic site of the cholinesterase enzyme

  • Neostigmine
  • Edrophonium
  • Physostigmine
  • Dyflos

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

100 of 122

Q.8 Reactivation of cholinesterase enzyme occurs on hydrolysis of the inhibitor by the same enzyme mole- cule in case of the following anticholinesterase

  • Edrophonium
  • Dyflos
  • Tacrine
  • Neostigmine

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

101 of 122

Q.9 Pyridostigmine differs from neostigmine in that

  • It produces less muscarinic side effects
  • It is more potent orally
  • It is longer acting
  • It does not have any direct action on NM receptor

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

102 of 122

Q.10 The site of action of miotics for therapeutic effect in angle closure glaucoma is

  • Canal of Schlemm
  • Ciliary body
  • Ciliary muscle
  • Sphincter pupillae muscle

PharmacologyD. PharmaB. PharmaBachelor of PharmacyDiploma in Pharmacy

103 of 122

Q.1 Labetalol differs from propranolol in that

  • It has additional α1 blocking property
  • It is a selective βS1 blocker
  • It does not undergo first pass metabolism
  • All of the above

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

104 of 122

Q.2 Select the β-adrenergic blocker that has additional β1blocking, vasodilator and antioxidant properties

  • Celiprolol
  • Metoprolol
  • Carvedilol
  • Acebutolol

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

105 of 122

Q.3 Select the β adrenergic blocker that is primarily eliminated unchanged by renal excretion

  • Atenolol
  • Carbinol
  • Ethanol
  • Dompirol

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

106 of 122

Q.4 Select the ultrashort acting cardioselective β adre- nergic blocker

  • Carbinol
  • Ethanol
  • Esmolol
  • Propalol

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

107 of 122

Q.5 The following disease is worsened by propranolol

  • Raynaud’s disease
  • Infection
  • Heart attack
  • Epilepsy

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

108 of 122

Q.6 Select the drug which is administered orally for erectile dysfunction in men

  • Albendazole
  • Mebendazole
  • Cocaine
  • Sildenafil

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

109 of 122

Q.7 Which of the following is a selective α1A receptor bloc- ker that affords symptomatic relief in benign prostatic hypertrophy without producing significant fall in blood pressure

  • Doxazosin
  • Alprostadil
  • Tamsulosin
  • Yohimbine

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

110 of 122

Q.8 The bladder trigone and prostatic muscles are relaxed by

  • Adrenergic α1 agonists
  • Adrenergic α1 antagonists
  • Adrenergic α2 antagonists
  • Adrenergic α2 agonists

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

111 of 122

Q.9 The drug which produces vasoconstriction despite being an α adrenergic blocker is

  • Tolazoline
  • Desmopressin
  • Ergotamine
  • Sildenafil

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

112 of 122

Q.10 While undergoing a surgical procedure a patient deve- lops hypotension. Which drug can be injected intramuscularly to raise his BP

  • Noradrenaline
  • Mephentermine
  • Isoxsuprine
  • Oxymetazoline

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

113 of 122

Q.1 Labetalol differs from propranolol in that

  • It has additional α1 blocking property
  • It is a selective βS1 blocker
  • It does not undergo first pass metabolism
  • All of the above

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

114 of 122

Q.2 Select the β-adrenergic blocker that has additional β1blocking, vasodilator and antioxidant properties

  • Celiprolol
  • Metoprolol
  • Carvedilol
  • Acebutolol

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

115 of 122

Q.3 Select the β adrenergic blocker that is primarily eliminated unchanged by renal excretion

  • Atenolol
  • Carbinol
  • Ethanol
  • Dompirol

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

116 of 122

Q.4 Select the ultrashort acting cardioselective β adre- nergic blocker

  • Carbinol
  • Ethanol
  • Esmolol
  • Propalol

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

117 of 122

Q.5 The following disease is worsened by propranolol

  • Raynaud’s disease
  • Infection
  • Heart attack
  • Epilepsy

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

118 of 122

Q.6 Select the drug which is administered orally for erectile dysfunction in men

  • Albendazole
  • Mebendazole
  • Cocaine
  • Sildenafil

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

119 of 122

Q.7 Which of the following is a selective α1A receptor bloc- ker that affords symptomatic relief in benign prostatic hypertrophy without producing significant fall in blood pressure

  • Doxazosin
  • Alprostadil
  • Tamsulosin
  • Yohimbine

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

120 of 122

Q.8 The bladder trigone and prostatic muscles are relaxed by

  • Adrenergic α1 agonists
  • Adrenergic α1 antagonists
  • Adrenergic α2 antagonists
  • Adrenergic α2 agonists

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

121 of 122

Q.9 The drug which produces vasoconstriction despite being an α adrenergic blocker is

  • Tolazoline
  • Desmopressin
  • Ergotamine
  • Sildenafil

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

122 of 122

Q.10 While undergoing a surgical procedure a patient deve- lops hypotension. Which drug can be injected intramuscularly to raise his BP

  • Noradrenaline
  • Mephentermine
  • Isoxsuprine
  • Oxymetazoline

PharmacologyPharmacologyPharmacologyPost GraduationD. PharmaB. PharmaDiploma in Pharmacy

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