Common terms
o Profit
o Loss
o Cost Price
o Selling Price
o Marked Price
o The amount gained after selling a product more than its cost price.
o The amount, the seller gets after selling the product less than its cost price, is mentioned as a loss.
Cost price
o The price at which an article is purchased is called its cost price and denoted by cp.
o For any person, the cost price is an amount or quantity which firstly releases from the pocket of that person.
Selling price
o The price at which an article is sold is called its selling price, denoted by sp.
o For any person, the selling price is an amount or quantity which comes to the pocket of that person.
Marked price
o MRP of an article is known as marked price or labeled price or listed price and denoted by MP
o Discount always carried on MRP (MP)
o MRP is always 100 % in the case of a discount.
Profit or gain: if s.p (selling price ) is greater than c.p(cost price) then the seller is said to have a profit or gain i.eProfit = s.p – c.p
o If s.p is less than c.p the seller is said to have a loss. i.e
Loss = c.p – s.p
o Profit and loss are always counted on c.p
o C.p is always 100% in the case of profit and loss
o For any transaction there are two persons involved one is called the buyer and the second one is called seller.