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- a rare congenital deformity in which the hands or feet are attached close to the trunk, the limbs being grossly underdeveloped or absent. This condition was a side effect of the drug thalidomide taken during early pregnancy.
- derived from Greek words ph?k? meaning ‘seal’ and melos meaning ‘limb’.ie. sealed limbs.
Process of agglomeration that converts fine powders or granules of bulk drugs and excipients into small, free-flowing, spherical, or semi-spherical units, referred to as pellets.
Science of preparation of drugs, dosage forms, and drug delivery systems taking into account the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug as well as its physical and chemical properties.
Solid material that exists at least in two different molecular arrangements, i.e., distinctly different crystal species.
Transition of a solid crystalline phase to another phase having the same chemical composition but a different crystal structure.
Dry solid material consisting of many, usually free flowing, fine particles. Conventionally, the title “powder” should be restricted to powder mixes for internal use and alternative terms are used for other powdered formulations presented in this way, e.g., dusting powders, which are for external use.
Exploratory activity that begins early in pharmaceutics, involving studies designed to determine the compatibility of excipients with the active substance for a biopharmaceutical; physicochemical and bioanalytical investigation in support of promising experimental formulations.
Chemically modified form of a pharmacologically active compound that has to undergo biochemical or chemical transformation before exhibiting its pharmacological effect.
Different crystalline form(s) of a solvated compound that differ in the identity and/or the stoichiometry of the solvating molecule.