Job Details 〉
Organisation | Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) |
Qualification | Graduation/Post Graduation |
Employment Type | Government Job |
Application Start Date | 01-Nov-2022 |
Application End Date | 21-Nov-2022 |
Location |
central, India |
IBPS Specialist Officers (SO) 2022 Notification Out | Apply Online for 710 Posts
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released an official notification on their official website for the recruitment to the post of Specialist Officers (SO) (CRP-CPL-XII) 2022-23. IBPS SO 2022 Notification Pdf has been released on 31st October 2022 for filling up total of 710 vacancies in various categories.
Eligible candidates can appply online through the official website of IBPS i.e The last date to apply online is 21st November 2022.
The selection process of IBPS SO 2022 will consists of Online Preliminary Examination, Mains Examination and Interview.
IBPS SO 2022 Eligibility Criteria:-
1. Educational Qualification
S.No. | Name of the Post | Educational Qualification |
1. | I.T Officer (Scale-I) | 1. The candidate should have Bachelor's of Engineering/ Technology Degree in Computer Science/ Computer Applications/ Information Technology/ Electronics/ Electronics & 3 Telecommunications/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation OR 2. Post Graduate Degree in Electronics/ Electronics & Tele Communication/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Computer Applications OR 3. Graduate having passed DOEACC ‘B’ level |
2. | Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I) | The candidate should have a 4 year Degree (graduation) in Agriculture/ Horticulture/Animal Husbandry/ Veterinary Science/ Dairy Science/ Fishery Science/ Pisciculture/ Agri. Marketing & Cooperation/ Co-operation & Banking/ Agro-Forestry/Forestry/ Agricultural Biotechnology/ Food Science/ Agriculture Business Management/ Food Technology/ Dairy Technology/ Agricultural Engineering/ Sericulture. |
3. | Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) | The candidate should have a Post Graduate Degree in Hindi with English as a subject at the degree (graduation) level OR Post graduate degree in Sanskrit with English and Hindi as subjects at the degree (graduation) level. |
4. | Law Officer (Scale I) | A Bachelor Degree in Law (LLB) and enrolled as an advocate with Bar Counci |
5. | HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I) | The candidate should have Graduate and Two Years Full time Post Graduate degree or Two Years Full time Post Graduate diploma in Personnel Management / Industrial Relations/ HR / HRD/ Social Work / Labour Law. |
6. | Marketing Officer (Scale I) | Graduate and Two Years Full time MMS (Marketing)/ Two Years Full time MBA (Marketing)/ Two Years Full time PGDBA / PGDBM/ PGPM/ PGDM with specialization in Marketing |
Minimum age- 20 years
Maximum age- 30 years
The Category-wise age relaxation given to candidates is discussed below:
S.No. | Category | Age Relaxation |
1. | Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) | 5 years |
2. | Other Backward Classes (OBC) | 3 years |
3. | Persons With Disability (PwD) | 10 years |
4. | Ex-Servicemen/Commissioned Officers including ECOs (Emergency Commissioned Officers) / Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) who have rendered at least 5 years military service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from the last date of receipt of application) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or physical disability attributable to military service. | 5 years |
5. | Persons affected by 1984 riots | 5 years |
IBPS SO 2022 Application fee:-
S.No. | Category | Aplication fee |
1. | UR/OBC/Other Candidates | Rs. 850/- (Application fee including intimation charges) |
2. | Sc/ST/PwD Candidates | Rs. 175/- (Intimation charges only) |
IBPS SO 2022 Steps to apply:-
1. Candidates are advised to first visit the official website of IBPS i.e, then click on the Home Page to open the link “CRP Specialist Officers” and then click on the option “CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE FOR CRP- Specialist Officers (CRP-SPL-XII)” to open the Online Application Form.
2. Candidates will have to click on “CLICK HERE FOR NEW REGISTRATION” to register their application by entering their basic information in the online application form. After that a provisional registration number and password will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen.
3. Candidate should note down the Provisional registration number and password. An Email & SMS indicating the Provisional Registration number and Password will also be sent. They can reopen the saved data using Provisional registration number and password and edit the particulars, if needed.
4. Candidates are required to upload their:
(i) Scanned Photograph
(ii) Scanned Signature
(iii) Left Thumb Impression
(iv) A hand written declaration
5. After this, candidates need to pay the application fee according to the categories which He/She belongs to.
6. Before the final submission, candidates are advised to recheck all the details.
7. Takeout a print of the application form for future references.
IBPS SO 2022 Selection process:-
The IBPS SO 2022 Selection process will consists of three phases:
(i) Online Preliminary Examination
(ii) Online Mains Examination
(iii) Interview Process
IBPS SO 2022 Vacancy:-
S.No. | Name of the Post | No. of Vacancies |
1. | I.T Officer (Scale-I) | 44 |
2. | Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I) | 516 |
3. | Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I) | 25 |
4. | Law Officer (Scale I) | 10 |
5. | HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I) | 15 |
6. | Marketing Officer (Scale I) | 100 |
Total | 710 |
S.No. | Events | Tentative Dates |
1. | Notification release date | 31 October 2022 |
2. | Starting date of online submission of application form | 01 November 2022 |
3. | Closing date of online submission of application form | 21 November 2022 |
4. | Download of call letters for Online examination – Preliminary | December 2022 |
5. | Commencement of IBPS SO Preliminary Exam | 24th OR 31st December 2022 |
6. | IBPS SO Mains Admit Card 2022 | January 2023 |
7. | Commencement of IBPS SO Mains Exam | 29 January 2023 |
8. | Conduct of Interview | February/March 2023 |
9. | Provisional Allotment | April 2023 |
IBPS SO 2022 Important Links:-
1. Official website of IBPS -
2. IBPS SO 2022 Notification link-
3. IBPS SO 2022 Apply link-
References 〉
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