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- bipinnate
- tripinnate
- paripinnate
- imparipinnate
Explanation: bipinnate
- inflorescence axis
- petiole
- roots
- stipules
Explanation: inflorescence axis
- haustorial
- coralloid
- mucorhizal
- all of the above
Explanation: haustorial
- Nepenthes
- Trapa
- Clematis
- all of the above
Explanation: Trapa
- Pistia
- Lemna
- Ficus
- Eichhornia
- Papilionaceous
- Valvate
- Twisted
- Imbricate
Explanation: n pea and bean flowers, there are five petals, the largest overlaps the two lateral petals which in turn overlaps the two smallest anterior petals. This is called Vexillary or papilionaceous aestivation.
- thorns
- cladodes
- tendrils
- spines
Explanation: tendrils
- Tinospora
- Jussiaea
- Viscum
- Vanda
Explanation: Jussiaea
- homologous organs
- analogous organs
- thron is homologous while spine is analogous
- spine is homologous while is analogous
- potato
- ginger
- onion
- colocasia
Explanation: onion
- underground only
- both underground and aerial
- absent
- aerial only
- phylloclade
- cladode
- offset
- phyllode
Explanation: phylloclade
- they are numerous in numbers
- they store the ready food
- they lie horizontally on the soil
- they can produce adventitious roots quite readily at the nodes
Explanation: they can produce adventitious roots quite readily at the nodes
- corolla
- calyx
- bracts
- androecium
Explanation: bracts
- endogenously from the pericycle
- exogenously from the tissues of the shoot apex
- endogenously from the cambium tissues
- exogenously from the innermost layers of cortex
Explanation: exogenously from the tissues of the shoot apex
- Placentation
- Aestivation
- Bracteate
- Phyllotaxy
Explanation: The mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in floral bud with respect to the other members of the same whorl is known as aestivation.
- type of ovary in a plant
- mode of arrangement of leaves
- type of roots
- arrangement of sepals and petals
Explanation: mode of arrangement of leaves
- Indigofera tinctoria
- Opium
- Aloe
- Delbergia sissoo
Explanation: Indigofera tinctoria
- Cuscuta – parasite
- Dischidia – insectivorous
- Opuntia – predator
- Capsella – hydrophyte
Explanation: Cuscuta – parasite
- one cotyledon
- two cotyledons
- many cotyledons
- no cotyledon
Explanation: two cotyledons
- auxins
- proteins
- starch
- lipids
Explanation: proteins
- Solanum tuberosum
- S. nigrum
- S. xanthocarpum
- S. melongena
Explanation: S. xanthocarpum
- Cremocarp
- Berry
- Caryopsis
- Cypsela
Explanation: Cypsela
- Polygamous
- Bisexual
- Dioecious
- Unisexual
Explanation: Unisexual
- Parietal
- Free central
- Marginal
- Axile
Explanation: Axile
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