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Body Fluid And Circulation, Class 11th Biology Practice Test | NEET MCQs

25 important Multiple choice questions from the topic body fluid and circulation, biology class 11th for NEET 2022. Practice these questions and be ready for the upcoming exam.

Diksha Bhatla
updated: 3 Jul 2022

25 important Multiple choice questions from the topic body fluid and circulation, biology class 11th for NEET 2022. Practice these questions and be ready for the upcoming exam.

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Q.1. How many percent of plasma is water
  1. 90-92
  2. 6-8
  3. 20-25
  4. None of the above
Q.2. Which among the following is not the major protein of plasma
  1. Fibrinogen
  2. Globulin
  3. Albumins
  4. Basophil
Q.3. What is life span of RBC in days
  1. 120
  2. 110
  3. 115
  4. 125
Q.4. Which is devoid of nucleus
  1. WBC
  2. Leucocytes
  3. RBC
  4. Both a and b
Q.5. What is the percent of formed elements in blood
  1. 55
  2. 45
  3. 35
  4. 95
Q.6. Plasma without clotting factor is known as
  1. sirum
  2. Serum
  3. Both a and b
  4. None of the above
Q.7. Which is also known as reservoir of RBC
  1. Thymus
  2. Kidney
  3. Gall bladder
  4. Spleen
Q.8. Which among the following WBC secrete histamine, serotonin,heparin
  1. Eosinophil
  2. Neutrophil
  3. Basophil
  4. None of the above
Q.9. Where does erythropoiesis in adult takes place
  1. Bone marrow
  2. Spleen
  3. Thymus
  4. None of the above
Q.10. which blood group is known as universal donor
  1. AB
  2. 0
  3. A
  4. B
Q.11. which blood group is known as universal acceptor
  1. AB
  2. 0
  3. B
  4. C
Q.12. Which enzyme converts prothrombin into thrombin
  1. Thrombin
  2. Thrombokinase
  3. Pepcase
  4. Ligase
Q.13. Which among the following plays imp role in clotting
  1. mg2+
  2. Ca2+
  3. Na+
  4. Mn2+
Q.14. which is antigen for blood group A
  1. A
  2. B
  3. AB
  4. Anti-A
Q.15. Which blood group lacks antigens
  1. A
  2. B
  3. O
  4. AB
Q.16. Which among the following has 2 chamber heart
  1. Fish
  2. Crocodile
  3. Birds
  4. Mammals
Q.17. Which is known as pacemaker of
  1. SA Node
  2. AV node
  3. AV bundle
  4. Purkinjee fibres
Q.18. How many times our heart beats in a minute
  1. 65-59
  2. 70-75
  3. 25-45
  4. None of the above
Q.19. What is duration of cardiac cycle in sec
  1. 0.8
  2. 0.9
  3. 0.6
  4. 0.4
Q.20. What is first name of heart sound
  1. Dubb
  2. Lubb
  3. Both a and b
  4. None of the above
Q.21. What does P wave indicate
  1. Depolarisation of atria
  2. repolarisation
  3. Depolarisation of ventricle
  4. None of the above
Q.22. What?s meaning of systole
  1. Relaxation
  2. Contraction
  3. Both a and b
  4. None of the above
Q.23. What is normal blood pressure
  1. 120 over 80
  2. 190 over 120
  3. 70 over 70
  4. None of the above
Q.24. T wave represents
  1. Repolarisation
  2. Depolarisation of atria
  3. Depolarisation of ventricle
  4. Both b and c
Q.25. What condition occurs when not enough oxygen reaches heart muscle
  1. High bp
  2. Low bp
  3. Angina
  4. Heart failure

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