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Anatomy Of Flowering Plants : Biology (Class 11th) Revision Test | MCQs For NEET

This practice test has 25 important multiple choice questions from the Chapter -  Anatomy Of Flowering Plants in Biology - Class 11th. 

Diksha Bhatla
updated: 3 Jul 2022

This practice test has 25 important multiple choice questions from the Chapter -  Anatomy Of Flowering Plants in Biology - Class 11th. 

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Q.1. Quiescent centre is present in the
  1. apical meristem
  2. shoot meristem
  3. lateral meristem
  4. root meristem
Q.2. Closed vascular bundles lacks
  1. pith
  2. xylem
  3. cambium
  4. xylem vessels
Q.3. Which of the following is not a feature of spring wood?
  1. Color of the wood is light.
  2. Density is less.
  3. Cambium is active.
  4. Lesser number of xylary elements.
Q.4. In a monocot leaf
  1. bulliform cells are absent from the eqidermis
  2. veins from a network
  3. mesophyll is well differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma
  4. mesophyll is not differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma
Q.5. A.T.S. of a young dicot root can be distinguished from that of a young dicot stem by the presence of
  1. radial arrangement of xylem and phloem
  2. collateral arrangement of xylem and phloem
  3. interfascicular cambium
  4. intrafascicular cambium
Q.6. Fusifrom initial cells of cambium from
  1. vascular rays
  2. tracheary elements
  3. ray parenchyma
  4. phloem parenchyma
Q.7. Callose deposition is found in
  1. tracheids
  2. companion cells
  3. sieve areas
  4. phloem parenchyma
Q.8. Stem develops from
  1. radicle
  2. cotyledon
  3. mesocarp
  4. plumule
Q.9. Stem grows in girth due to
  1. outer cortical
  2. epidermis
  3. vascular cambium
  4. phellogen
Q.10. Which of the following is true about heartwood?
  1. They are dead but gives mechanical support to stem
  2. They are light in color
  3. They conduct water and minerals.
  4. 1 and 3
Q.11. Pith is very well developed in
  1. monocot root and monocot stem
  2. monocot root and dicot root
  3. dicot root and monocot stem
  4. monocot root and dicot stem
Q.12. Which of the following helps in the curling of the leaf surface?
  1. Bulliform cells
  2. Xylem tissue
  3. Palisade parenchyma
  4. Bundle sheath cells
Q.13. Walls of sclerenchyma are
  1. rigid
  2. lignified
  3. pectinised
  4. suberised
Q.14. Fusifrom initial cells of cambium from
  1. vascular rays
  2. tracheary elements
  3. ray parenchyma
  4. phloem parenchyma
Q.15. Closed vascular bundles lacks
  1. pith
  2. xylem
  3. cambium
  4. xylem vessels
Q.16. After the secondary growth, the oldest layer of secondary phloem in a dicot stem is located
  1. just outside the vascular cambium
  2. just inside the vascular cambium
  3. just inside the vascular phloem
  4. just outside the secondary xylem
Q.17. The innermost layer of cortex which shows casparian thickenings in its cells is called as
  1. epidermis
  2. endodermis
  3. pericycle
  4. exodermis
Q.18. Vessels differ from tracheids
  1. in being living
  2. in being derived from a single cell
  3. in that they consist of vertical row of cells with cross walls dissolved
  4. in coducting water and minerals
Q.19. Endodermis cells are rich in
  1. cellulose
  2. starch grains
  3. fibers
  4. resins and wax
Q.20. Formation of secondary xylem and phloem respectively
  1. Centrifugal and centripetal
  2. Centripetal and centrifugal
  3. Both centripetal
  4. Both centrifugal
Q.21. Bark includes all the tissues
  1. Lying outside the vascular cambium
  2. Formed by vascular cambium
  3. Formed by phellogen
  4. Phellem & phelloderm
Q.22. Living tissue in lenticel is called
  1. Conjunctive tissue
  2. Connective tissue
  3. Complementary tissue
  4. Phelloderm
Q.23. Which among the following are elongated or tube like cells with thick and lignified walls and tapering ends?
  1. Xylem fibres
  2. Xylem parenchyma
  3. vessels
  4. Tracheids
Q.24. Which of the following provide maximum mechanical strength to a tree trunk.
  1. Heart wood
  2. Sap wood
  3. Cork
  4. Late wood
Q.25. Vessels and companion cells are respectively present in the xylem and phloem of
  1. Gymnosperm
  2. Pteridophytes
  3. Angiosperm
  4. Bryophyta

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