In this practice test, we have included some important questions from the 11th class chapter "chemical coordination and integration" for neet aspirants. all questions and well explained with answers. Practice this test and score good marks...
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- Norepinephrine
- Androgen
- Cortisol
Explanation: Epinephrine and norepinephrine is released during emergency or stress.
- Bile juice
- Water
- Gastric secretion
- Pepsinogen
Explanation: It acts on exocrine pancreas and stimulates secretion of water and bicarbonate ions
- Myxoedema
- Goitre
- Tetany
- Cretinism
- Pheromones
- Aldosterone
- Cortisols
- Androgens
Explanation: Aldosterone is released
- Tetradiodothyronine
- Tridiodothyronine
- Tetraiodothyronine
- Triiodothyronine
Explanation: T3 is triiodothyronine and T4 is tetraiodothronine
- Effective
- Synthetic
- Natural
- Ineffective
Explanation: Synthetic
- Melatonin
- Triiodothyronine
- GH
- Parathyroid
Explanation: Parathyroid hormone also stimulates bone reabsorption
- Thyroid gland
- Pituitary
- Adrenal
- Pancreas
- Insulins
- Aldosterone
- Androgens
- Pheromones
Explanation: Rest all are not male sex organs
- Hormones are non-nutrients chemicals
- Exocrine glands are ductless glands
- Invertebrates have simple endocrine system
- All of the above statements are incorrect
Explanation: Endocrine are ductless glands
- Increased thyroid function
- Normal thyroid function
- Decreased thyroid function
- Moderate thyroid function
Explanation: Decreased thyroid function
- Absorption of CaCo3 from digested food
- Reabsorption of water from renal tubules
- Increasing blood calcium levels
- Maintain ion balance in blood
Explanation: This is called so because PTH stimulates reabsorption of calcium by renal tubules and increase calcium reabsorption from digested food
- Progesterone
- Estrogen
- Vasopressin
- Glucagon
Explanation: After ovulation follicles convert into corpus leuteum and release progesterone
- Goitre
- Acromegaly
- Cretinism
- Myxoedema
Explanation: Cretinism
- Melatonin
- Isthmus
- Norepinephrine
Explanation: Melatonin is released by pineal gland
- Insulin
- Gonadotrophin
- Somatostatin
- Thymosin
Explanation: Somatostatin is released from hypothalamus
- nacl
- I3
- CaCo2
- H2Co3
Explanation: Iodine is essential for thyroid gland
- Leydigs cell
- Pituitary gland
- Both a and b
- Non of the above
Explanation: Leydig cell
- Ovulatory
- Menstruation
- Luteal
- Follicular
Explanation: Ovulatory phase
- Pituitary
- Adrenal
- Thymus
- Thyroid
Explanation: Adrenal gland regulates bp
- Pituitary
- Parathyroid
- Thyroid
- Pineal
- Adrenal
- Thyroid
- Pituitary
- Parathyroid
- Estrogen
- Progesterone
- Estradiol
- Acinus
- A cells
- P cells
- Y cells
Explanation: P cells
- Excretory pdt
- Enzymatory pdt
- Chemical messenger
- Nerve impulse
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