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- Triose
- Tetrose
- Pentose
- Hexose
Explanation: Ribose is an organic compound with a pentose monosaccharide
- Fumarate
- L-ketoglutarate
- Succinate
- Oxaloacetate
Explanation: Malate dehydrogenase is an enzyme that reversibly catalyse the oxidation of malate to oxaloacetate.
- Monosaccharide
- Disaccharide
- Mucopolysaccharide
- Heteropolysaccharide
Explanation: Heparin is a highly sulphated glycosaminoglycogen.
- Liver
- Muscles
- Stomach
- Gall bladder
Explanation: Liver is the main organ where transamination takes place.
- Hydrogen bond
- Sulphate bond
- Ionic bond
- Peptide bond
Explanation: Proteins are polymers linked by peptide bond.
- Phenylalanine
- Tryptophan
- Casein
- Glycine
Explanation: Phosphoprotein is a protein that is post translationally modified by the attachment of single phosphate group.
- C terminal amino acid
- N and C terminal amino acid
- N terminal amino acid
- Nono of the above
Explanation: Schlock and humph method is used to determine C terminal amino acid.
- Water
- Sodium hydroxide
- Formaldehyde
- Trichloroethane acetic acid
Explanation: Trichloroacetic acid is widely used in downstream processing of biological products.
- Aspartate
- Cysteine
- Serine
- Tyrosine
- 4
- 2
- 5
- Nono of the above
Explanation: In beta oxidation no of ATP molecule utilised are 4
- 1-5 mg/dl
- 10 mg/dl
- 15 mg/dl
- 20 mg/dl
Explanation: The normal level of ketone bodies in the blood are 1-5 mg/dl.
- Completely insoluble in water
- Sparingly soluble in water
- Completely soluble in water
- Nono of the above
- Acetic acid
- Butanoic acid
- Glyceric acid
- Linoleic acid
Explanation: polyunsaturated fattyacid contains more than one double bond in their backbone
- Cytoplasm
- Mitochondria
- Heart
- Lungs
Explanation: Fatty acids synthesis occurs in Cytoplasm.
- 27 carbon atom
- 30 carbon atom
- 14 carbon atom
- 35 carbon atom
Explanation: Cholesterol contains of 27 carbon atom.
- Cholesterol
- Sphingomyelin
- Lecithin
- Gangliosides
Explanation: Gangliosides belong to glycosides.
- They have very high molecular weight
- Both catalyse the biological reaction
- Both are efficient catalysts
- They temporally combine with substrate molecule
Explanation: inorganic catalysts and enzymes only temporally combine with substrate molecule.
- Succinate
- Fumarate
- Oxaloacetate
- Aspartate
Explanation: Malonate is competitive inhibitor of Succinate
- Which are concerned with beta oxidation and reduction
- Catalyse the transfer of group from one substance to other
- Carry out hydrolytic reaction
- None of the above
Explanation: Oxidoreductase catalyse the transfer of electrons from one molecule to the other molecule.
- cu2+
- Iron
- Ca2+
- Mg2+
Explanation: It is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder in which copper accumulates in tissues.
- Keratin
- Myosin
- Collagen
- Melanin
Explanation: Myosin comprise a family of ATP dependent motor proteins and are best known for their role in muscle contraction.
- Ribose
- Xylose
- Glycose
- Fructose
Explanation: Ribose comprises the backbone for RNA and relates to deoxyribose as found in DNA by removal of the hydroxyl group on the 2C carbon.
- Calcium
- Sodium
- Magnesium
- Manganese
Explanation: Muscle contraction is regulated by Ca2+ ions.
- Glucose from fat
- Fats from glucose
- Fats from surplus glucose
- Glycogen from fats
Explanation: Lipogenesis is the formation of fatty acid from acetyl coA
- Carcinoma
- Pancreatitis
- Leukemia
- Obstructive jaundice
Explanation: Serum and phosphatase activity increases during Carcinoma.
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