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BUDDHISM : The Religion Of Enlightenment, History And Important Concepts

 According to Gautama Buddha, the person after following the Eight-Fold Paths leads to liberation from samsara, the painful cycle of rebirth.The Buddha taught in the language of the ordinary people, Prakrit

Priyansha Thapa
updated: 23 May 2022

What is Buddhism?

  • It was started by Gautama Buddha who was also known as Sakyamuni and Tathagata.
  • Lord Buddha was born in 563 BC in the sacred area of Lumbini located in the Terai plains of southern Nepal.
  • His childhood name was Siddhartha.
  • He was a Kshatriya prince of the Sakya/Shakya clan.
  • His father’s name was King Suddhodana who was the ruler of the Sakya dynasty and his mother’s name was Maya who was the princess of the Koliya dynasty.
  • Seven days after his birth, his mother died and he was brought up by his maternal aunt Mahapajapati Goutami.
  • Siddhartha was married to Yasodhara at the age of 16.he also had a son named Rahula, but neither his son nor wife was able to tie him to the worldly life.
  • After seeing the sorrow of the world Gautama Buddha decided to leave the pleasures of life and start living the life of a wanderer.
  • At the age of 29, he left home in search of salvation. This event in Buddha’s life is known as ‘Mahabhinishkraman’.
  • He reached Vaishali where he became the discipline of Alara Kalama but was not convinced by his teachings and he moved from there and became the discipline of Uddaka Ramaputta.
  • After seven years of roaming around, he got enlightenment at the age of 35 while meditating on the bank of river Niranjana under a Peepal tree. This tree is called the Bodhi tree band the place is known as Bodh Gaya (Bihar).
  • He delivered his first sermon at Sarnath. This event in Buddha’s life is known as ‘Dhammacakkappravattana’ or ‘Turning of Wheel of Law’.
  • The Buddha taught in the language of the ordinary people, Prakrit.
  • There are many stories about Buddha’s lives called Jatakas.
  • He died at the age of 80 in 486 BC under a sal tree in Kushinagar. His death is known as Mahaparinirvana.


Eightfold paths of Buddhism

  • Right speech
  • Right livelihood
  • Right efforts
  • Right thoughts
  • Right actions
  • Right remembrance
  • Right concentration
  • Right mindfulness

According to Gautama Buddha, the person after following the Eight-Fold Paths leads to liberation from samsara, the painful cycle of rebirth.

Buddhist Literature

  • written in the Pali language.

  • Vinaya Pitaka
  • It deals with the laws of the Buddhist monasteries.
  • It was recited by Upali in the first Buddhist Council in the year 483 BC.


  • Sutta Pitaka
  • It is the collection of Buddha’s sermons.
  • It is divided into five parts.


  • Abhidhamma Pitaka
  • It deals with the life and the philosophy of the Buddha’s teachings.


  • Milinda Panha
  • It deals with the conversation with the Greek King Menander and the Buddhist Monk Nagasena.


  • Tripitaka
  • It is the sacred book of Buddhism.


  • Dhammapada
  • It is the collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form.
  • It is widely read and best known as Buddhist scriptures.


Buddhist councils:

  • First council
  • It was held in 483 BC at Saptaparni caves near Rajgriha in Bihar.
  • It was under the chairmanship of King Ajatashatru.
  • Two Buddhist literatures were compiled; Vinaya and Sutta Pitaka by Upali.


  • Second council
  • It was held in the year 383 BC.
  • It was under the chairmanship of King Kalashoka.


  • Third council
  • It was held in the year 250 BC at Patliputra under the chairmanship of Ashoka the Great.
  • Abhidhamma Pitaka was added and Buddhist holy book Tripitaka was compiled.


  • Fourth council
  • It was held in year 78 AD at Kundalvan in Kashmir under the chairmanship of King Kanishka.
  • During this council, Hinayana and Mahayana were divided.


Types of Buddhist:

Buddhism after the death of Buddha was divided into three parts:

  • Hinayana
  • They believe in the real teachings of Gautama Buddha in attaining Nirvana.
  • They do not believe in idol worship.
  • Pali language was used in the Hinayana text.


  • Mahayana
  • They believed that Nirvana is attained by the grace of Gautama Buddha and not by following his teachings.
  • They believe in idol worship.
  • Sanskrit was used in Mahayana text.


  • Vajrayana
  • They believe that Nirvana is attained by the help of magical tricks or black magic.


  • Symbols associated with Gautama Buddha:
  • Birth – Lotus or Bull
  • Great renunciation – Horse
  • First sermon – Wheel
  • Nirvana – Bodhi tree/ Peepal tree
  • Mahaparinirvana/ death – Stupa


  • Famous monks at the time of Buddha:
  • Ananda - constant companion of Buddha and the most devoted disciple.
  • Anuruddha- master of right mindfulness.
  • Mahakasyapa- president of the Buddhist council held at Rajagriha.
  • Maudgalyayana- he had the greatest supernatural powers.
  • Sariputra- possessed a profound insight into the Dhammapada.
  • Upali- master of Vinaya.


  • Famous Buddhist Scholars
  • Ashvaghosha – contemporary of Kanishka, poet, dramatist, musician who wrote famous poem Buddhacarita.
  • Nagarjuna – friend and contemporary of Satavahanas king who wrote the famous book Madhyamik Shastra.
  • Buddhaghosa – Pali scholar who wrote Visuddhimagga.
  • Dignaga – founder of Buddhist logic.


  • Important Buddhist Gods and Goddess:
  • Buddha Shakyamuni- the historical Buddha.
  • Buddha Maitreya- the future Buddha.
  • Avalokiteshvara- the Bodhisattva of wisdom and literature.
  • Tara- a female Bodhisattva. She was considered a great protector that guards people against the eight major dangers in life.
  • Padmasambhava- also called Guru Rinpoche is the historically tangible founder of Tibetan Buddhism.

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