This practice test has 30 objective questions (MCQs) from Pharmacognosy. This practice test is helpful for D. Pharma (1st year), B. Pharma and Pharmacists preparing for competitive exams. Attempt this test for basic revision of important topics in pharmacognosy.
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- Pelletier
- Sertuener
- Stars and Otto
- Seydler
Explanation: In 1811 seydler used the term in his work titled Analects Pharma Cognostica.
- Acacia arabica
- Gelidium amansii
- Astragalus gummifur
- Sterculia urens
Explanation: Acacia contains gallic acid, catechin, chlorogenic acid and gallolyated falvan-3,4-diole.
- Wthania somniferum
- Holarrhena antidysentrica
- Bacopa moneira
- Centella asiatica
Explanation: Withania somnifera, Indian ginseng is a plant in Solanaceae or nightshade family.
- Chemical structure
- solubility
- In rotating the plane of polarized light
- none of the above
Explanation: Quinine is levo isomer while quinidine is dextro isomer.
- Rutaceae
- Apocynaceae
- Rubiaceae
- Lauraceae
Explanation: Cinchona is a genus of about 38 species in the family Rubiaceae.
- Lobelia
- Nicotina
- Cocca leaves
- none of the above
Explanation: Lobelia is also called Indian Tobacco is used as herbal remedy for respiratory condition such as asthma, bronchitis.
- Rauwolfia
- Arjuna
- Nux-vomica
- Physostigma
Explanation: Rauwolfia serpentina, commonly known as Indian Snak root or sarpagandha, contain ajmaline, reserpine extra.
- Hyoscyamus niger
- Datura stramonium
- Belladonna
- none of the above
Explanation: Atropa belladonna, commonly known as deadly night shade, is a perennial herbaceous plants in the family Solanaceae.
- Picric acid
- Potassium chlorate
- potassium bismuth iodide
- Iodine in pottassium iodide solution
Explanation: Emetine is shaken with water and small amount of HCL. To the filtrate pottasium chlorate is added. It goves a yellow colour changing to red.
- Rubiaceae
- Loganiaceae
- Papaveraceae
- Apocynaceae
Explanation: Nux-vomica is also known as poison nut and quaker buttons.
- Narcotine
- Papaverine
- Nicotine
- Thebaine
Explanation: Due to volatile nature of narcotine it is extracted out by steam distillation process.
- Aglycon part of digitalis glycosides
- Glycon part of Digitalis glycosides
- Both Glycon and Aglycon part
- none of the above
Explanation: Cardiac glycoside + CH3COOH + H2SO4 +FeCl3 → brown colour.
- Verbasscum thapsus
- Digitalis lutea
- Digitalis thapsi
- none of the above
Explanation: The leaves of Verbascum thapsus belonging to the family Scrophulareae are usually mixed with digitalis leaves which may be identified and distinguised by the abundant presence of huge woody and branched candelabra trichomes. Pemula vulgaris is another adultrant.
- Aloe
- Rhubarb
- Cascara
- Cinnamon
Explanation: Revand Chini is the common name for Rhubarb (Rheum emodi) in Hindi language.
- starch
- cellulose
- sodium alginate
- isaphgol mucilage
Explanation: The word 'starch' means to stiffen. The 'amylum' is dried from greek greek word 'amylon' means not ground at a mill.
- Agar
- Acacia gum
- Bael
- Karaya gum
Explanation: Bael contains shikimmianine, lupeol, cineol, marmelosin, etc.
- Purgative
- Astringent
- Cardiotonic
- Anti-infective
Explanation: due to presence of Scillarene B, it is used as cardiotonic. It also has diuretic and expectorant actions.
- Expectorant
- sedative
- stimulant
- cardiac tonic
Explanation: vasaka shows bonchodilatory activity due to presence of alkaloids vasicine and vasicinone.
- Eucalyptus globulus
- Cinnammonnum camphora
- Chenopodium ambrosoids
- none of the above
Explanation: Camphor is obtained from the wood of Camphor laurel (Cinnammonnum camphora).
- Graminae
- Lauraceae
- Myrtaceae
- Rubiaceae
Explanation: Cymbopogon citratus, commony known as lemon grass, is tropical plants from southeast Asia. It belongs to the family Graminae or poaceae.
- citral
- α-pinene
- Limonene
- Phellandrene
Explanation: Terpentine oil contains mainly terpenes, alpha-pinene and beta-pinene with lesser amounts of camphene dipentene and terpinolene.
- Mentha oil
- Chenopodium oil
- Cardamom oil
- Lemon oil
Explanation: Mentha oil obtained by steam distillation of mentha arensis leaves.
- Entire fruit
- Endosperm
- Vittae
- Mericarp
Explanation: Dill fruits are oval compressed, winged about one tenth wide, with three longitudinal ridges on the bark and three dark lines or oil cells (vittae) between them and two on the flat surface.
- Catechin
- Quercetin
- Gambier fluorecin
- Gums
Explanation: Alcoholic extract of the drug when treated with NaOH and light petrolium ether, Pale catechu shows green fluorescence due to the presence of Gambier fluorecin.
- Arjuna Bark
- Black catechu
- Bahera
- none of the above
Explanation: The terpenoidal saponins are arjunic acid, arjunolic acid, and arjugenins.
- Capsaicin
- Capsanthin
- Carotene
- Pungent protein
Explanation: pungency is due to the group of coumpounds named capsicinoids.
- Curcumin
- Turmerone
- Curcumens
- Phellandrene
Explanation: Turmeric contains group of compounds called curcuminoids, which includes curcumin (diferucoylmehane), dimethoxycurcumin, and bisdimethoxycurcumin. Curcumin impart saffron colour to it.
- Colophony
- Storax
- Asafoetida
- Balsam of tolu
Explanation: The balsam contains a fairly large amount of benzyl and cinnamylester of benzoic acid and cinnamic acid.
- Palmitin
- Myricin
- Stearin
- Cerotic acid
Explanation: Myricin is present in beeswax.
- seeds of goissypium
- Cacoons of Bombyx mori
- Synthetic source
- Corchorus cupsularin
Explanation: Silk is natural protein fiber, some forms of which can be wooven into textiles. The best known type of silk is obtained from cocoons of larvae of the mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori.
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