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Types Of Adjective As A Part Of Speech

Adjectives are words that describe or modify a noun or a pronoun in the sentence. The adjectives come immediately before the noun or pronoun they modify.

Anu Jain
updated: 23 May 2022

Types of Adjective as a part of speech:

  1. Adjectives of Quality:

    They describe the kind, quality or characteristic of a noun or a pronoun they are referring to.


    • Parth is clever.
    • Jigisha is a voracious reader.
    • Mitali’s gestures are amazing.

  2. Adjectives of Quantity:

    They indicate how much of a thing is meant in indefinite terms, or it answers the question How much? These adjectives are mostly used with uncountable nouns. Some of these adjectives are many, much, some, little, great, any, enough, etc.

    • Can I have some water?
    • I had enough rest for the day.

  3. Adjectives of Number:

     They indicate how many people or things are meant and it answers the question How many? It can also demonstrate a noun’s position or place in a certain order. Adjectives of number are used with countable nouns.

     The adjective of numbers are of three types:

    1. Definite Numeral Adjective: It denotes the exact number of nouns or their exact position like one, two, three, first, second, third, etc.

      Example: The class consists of forty- five students.

    2. Indefinite Numeral Adjective: These adjectives indicate an approximate amount like several, few, many, some, etc.

      Example: Several books are torn.

    3. Distributive Numeral Adjective: It refers to individual nouns within the whole amount like each, every, either, neither, etc.

      Example:  Every student is required to participate.

  4. Demonstrative:

    These adjectives point out at pronouns and nouns and always come before the words that they are referring to: these, that, those.


    • I used to wear these type of trousers.
    • Those are the bangles you were looking for.

  5. Interrogative:

     The Interrogative adjectives are used to ask questions and are always followed by a noun: which, what, who etc.


    • Which song should I sing?
    • What date is it?

  6. Exclamatory:

    They Exclamatory Adjectives indicate strong emotions and are used with the noun.


    • What an idea!
    • What a beautiful flower it is!

  7. Possessive:

     They show ownership or possession and always come before the noun: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their, etc.


    • I will use my pencil.
    • This is her camera.

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