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Rules To Use Conjunctions As Part Of Speech

some important rules to use conjunctions as parts of speech. i.e Until is time-oriented and unless is action-oriented. Both of these are negative words. So, not, never and no cannot be used with the clause containing these words.

Anu Jain
updated: 23 May 2022

Rules to Use Conjunctions as Part of Speech

  • Until is time-oriented and unless is action-oriented. Both of these are negative words. So, not, never and no cannot be used with the clause containing these words.


1.)Wait for me in the auditorium until I return.

2.)Unless you work hard, you will not succeed.

  • In an affirmative sentence doubt and doubtful are followed by if/ whether. On the other hand, in a negative or an interrogative sentence, doubt and doubtful are followed by that.


1.) I doubt if she will participate in the quiz competition.

2.) I do not doubt that she will participate in the quiz competition.

  • Both/and connects either two subjects or two objects.


Both Jai and Latika enjoyed the match. (Subjects)

Jai enjoyed both the match and the candyfloss. (Objects)

  • While using a correlative conjunction, the two parts of the conjunction should go before words of the same kind. For instance, if the noun is used after neither, another noun should be used after nor.


Incorrect - Neither is he a singer nor a dancer.

Correct - He is neither a singer nor a dancer.

Incorrect - Not only does he sing but also dance.

Correct - He not only sings but also dances.

Correct - Not only does he sing but he also dances.

  • When two subjects are joined by neither-nor or either-or, the verb should agree with the subject (noun or pronoun) closest to the verb. If it is singular, choose the singular verb; if the noun is plural, choose the plural form of the verb.


  1. Incorrect - Neither Megha nor Amrita were wearing the desired costume.

Correct - Neither Megha nor Amrita was wearing the desired costume.

  1. Incorrect - Neither Priyanka nor Dipika made their presence felt.

Correct - Neither Priya nor her friends are invited.

Correct - Neither Priyanka nor Dipika made her presence felt.


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