25 important questions from general intelligence and reasoning are included in this test. Attempt this test online free of cost and check your score. for each question, an explanation is also given. By attempting this test you will able to check your progress and your reasoning. Practice more by attempting tests on solotutes.com.
Type of questions included in this testQ.1 - Q. 6 ( Relationship and Analogy )
Q.7 - Q.10 ( Spotting the Dissimilar )
Q.11 - Q.16 ( Series Completion )
Q.17 - Q.18 (Coding and decoding )
Q.19 - Q.20 (Blood Relation )
Q.21 (Direction Sense )
Q.22 - Q.23 ( Venn Diagram )
Q.24 - Q.25 (Mathematical Ability )
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- Author
- Publisher
- Teacher
- Printer
- Press
Explanation: As 'parent' produces a 'child', similarly an 'Author' produces a 'book'.
- Mountain
- Air
- Atmosphere
- Pole
- Sky
Explanation: As Roof is above a House similarly Sky is above the Earth.
- Sun
- Dark
- Night
- Morning
- Electricity
Explanation: As Valley is the antonym of mountain, similarly dark is the antonym of Light.
- Light signals
- Vehicle
- Speed
- Path
- None of These
Explanation: As dam controls the river flow, similarly light-signals control traffic.
- None of These
Explanation: Each letter of first word in reverse direction is the next letter to each corresponding letter of second word in correct direction.
- 25113
- 22614
- 14520
- 25614
- 22416
Explanation: Place of N in reverse order of alphabet id 13, and the place of E in reverse order of alphabet is 22 and the place of T in reverse oreder is 7.
as NET = 13227
Similarly YAM = 22614
- Gentle
- Citizen
- Impertinent
- Humble
- Naughty
Explanation: All the rest are human characteristics.
- Root
- Foundation
- Tunnel
- Base
- Bottom
Explanation: All the rest represents the lower part of body, organisation or a pertcular thing.
- Jasmine
- Rose
- Marigold
- Sandal
- Lotus
Explanation: All the rest are flowers while the sandal is wood.
Explanation: In all the rest terms according to alphabet one letter is missing between the first and third and fifth letters and one letter is missing between third and fourth letter.
- 75
- 80
- 85
- 90
- 95
Explanation: The differences of two consecutive numbers are 15,20,25,30 and 35 respectively.
- 52
- 30
- 28
- 48
- 26
Explanation: on adding 2 in the first number, 2nd number is obtained and on doubling the second number, third number is obtained.
- 38
- 40
- 45
- 48
- 51
Explanation: The differences of two consecutive numbers are 6,9,12 and 15 respectively.
- 22
- 29
- 34
- 15
- 28
Explanation: Two series are formed in this -
5, 15, 23, 29, 33,?... And 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, ?.....
Explanation: In each term first and second letters are in reverse order of alphabet. Similarly the third and fourth letters are. Besides there is a gap of one letter between the second and third letter.
- vya
- xza
- vxz
- uyb
- avy
Explanation: In each term between the consecutive letters one letter is missing. Besides the first letter of each term stands two places ahead from the last letter of its previous term.
- None of These
Explanation: Each letter of 'UVCDKNUG' stands for each corresponding letter of the ' STABILISE' two letters ahead.
(i) 453 means 'PENS ARE NEW'.
(ii) 362 means 'BOYS ARE YOUNG'.
(iii) 598 means 'BUY NEW CLOTHES'.
Which digit in that language means 'PENS'?
- 3
- 4
- 8
- 6
- None of These
Explanation: By comparing (i) and (ii) 3 means 'ARE'. By comparing (i) and (iii) 5 means 'NEW' . Therefore for 'PENS' there is '4' .
- sister
- daughter
- aunt
- mother
- grandmother
Explanation: Since the father of the lady is the only son of the mother of the man, therefore, the father of the lady I that man and the lady is the daughter of the man.
- A + P + B
- B - P + A
- A - P + B
- A + P - B
- B - P + A
Explanation: A + P - B means A is the sister of P and P is the father of B. Thus A is the aunt of B.
- Vijay
- Rajesh
- Anil
- Mukand
Explanation: The below diagram represents the question. Hence, Mukand is sitting to the right of Nagesh.
- 6
- 8
- 4
- 3
- 22
- 4
- 25
- 3
Explanation: the part is completely out from the triangle and rectangle.
- 14
- 13
- 12
- 11
Explanation: There are 14 squares in the figure. (1) ABCD (2) CDGF (3) DEHG (4) FGKJ (5) GHLK (6) HIML (7) JKPO (8) KLQP (9) LMRQ (10) MNSR (11) CELJ (12) FHQO (13) GIRP (14) GLPJ.
- 6
- 5
- 8
- 9
Explanation: The sum of upper two numbers is 9 times of the lower number in each figure.
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