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Test Attempted : Online Practice Test For Pharmacy Exams, Previous Year Questions

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Online Practice Test For Pharmacy Exams, Previous Year Questions (50 Questions)

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Q.1. Opthalmic solutions are not evaluated for:

  1. Sterility test
  2. Active ingredient
  3. Clarity test
  4. Pyrogen test

Your Response : (b) Active ingredient
Correct Response : d) Pyrogen test
Marks : 0

Answer: (d) Pyrogen test
Explanation: Ophthalmic solutions are evaluated for Sterility, Clarity and Active ingredients not for Pyrogen testing

Q.2. Which among the given is not suitable for controlled release dosase form

  1. Diclofenace
  2. Nicotine
  3. Carbamazepine
  4. Fentanyl

Your Response : (c) Carbamazepine
Correct Response : c) Carbamazepine
Marks : 1

Answer: (c) Carbamazepine
Explanation: Carbamazepine is an anticonvulsant drug and not suitable for controlled release dosage form

Q.3. Kries test is related to

  1. Skin sensitivity studies
  2. Identification test of resin
  3. Rancidity index
  4. Identification test of aloin

Your Response : (c) Rancidity index
Correct Response : c) Rancidity index
Marks : 1

Answer: (c) Rancidity index
Explanation: Kries test refers to the spoilage of food such a way that it becomes undesirable for consumption.

Q.4. Isoniazid causes hapatotoxicity due to

  1. Its metabolite acetylhydrazine
  2. Accumulation of isoniazid in hepatic cells
  3. Its metabolite acetylisoniazid
  4. Deficience of pyrifoxine caused by prolonged isoniazid theory

Your Response : (b) Accumulation of isoniazid in hepatic cells
Correct Response : a) Its metabolite acetylhydrazine
Marks : 0

Answer: (a) Its metabolite acetylhydrazine
Explanation: Isoniazid is an organic compound that is the first line medication for treatment of tuberculosis.

Q.5. Which one of the following drug's tablet should be stored in the closely tight container to prevent loss of potency?

  1. Phenytoin
  2. Propranolol
  3. Nitroglycerine
  4. All of these

Your Response : (c) Nitroglycerine
Correct Response : c) Nitroglycerine
Marks : 1

Answer: (c) Nitroglycerine
Explanation: nitroglycerine is a heavy, colorless, oily, explosive liquid most commonly produced by treating glycerol with white fuming nitric acid. It should be protected form light and air exposure.

Q.6. Metabolite of chlordiazepoxide is

  1. Nordiazepam
  2. Oxazepam
  3. Demoxipam
  4. All of these

Your Response : (d) All of these
Correct Response : c) Demoxipam
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) Demoxipam
Explanation: Demoxipam is a benzodiazipine derivative. it has anticonvulsant properties.

Q.7. Lemon Grass oil is obtained by steam distilation of the

  1. Fresh leaves of Eucalyptus globulus
  2. Fresh flowering tops of the menths piperata
  3. Leaves of aerial parts of the cymopogon citratus
  4. Pericarp of the ripe or nearly ripe fruits of citrus limonis

Your Response : (b) Fresh flowering tops of the menths piperata
Correct Response : c) Leaves of aerial parts of the cymopogon citratus
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) Leaves of aerial parts of the cymopogon citratus
Explanation: Aerial parts of the cymopogon citratus (lemon grass) are used in soaps, beauty products, insect repellents etc.

Q.8. Azaspirodecandione agents are primarily used in the treatment of

  1. Obsessive-compulsive disorders
  2. Schizophrenia
  3. Anxiety
  4. Mania

Your Response : (d) Mania
Correct Response : c) Anxiety
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) Anxiety

Q.9. Praracetamol is a derivative of:

  1. p-amino phenol
  2. Aryl acetic acid
  3. Aryl propionic acid
  4. Anthranilic acid

Your Response : (a) p-amino phenol
Correct Response : a) p-amino phenol
Marks : 1

Answer: (a) p-amino phenol

Q.10. Efficiency of ball mill depends on

  1. Rotational speed
  2. Density of balls
  3. Volume occupied by the balls
  4. All of these

Your Response : (b) Density of balls
Correct Response : d) All of these
Marks : 0

Answer: (d) All of these

Q.11. Which of the following properties of a drug is affected by micronisation

  1. Flow properties
  2. Chemical stability
  3. Therapeutic effectiveness
  4. All of these

Your Response : (a) Flow properties
Correct Response : d) All of these
Marks : 0

Answer: (d) All of these

Q.12. The phosphate antiviral agent is

  1. Ribavirin
  2. Didanosine
  3. Ganciclovir
  4. Foscarnet

Your Response : (c) Ganciclovir
Correct Response : d) Foscarnet
Marks : 0

Answer: (d) Foscarnet

Q.13. side effect of drugs is arise due to its intraction to cellular molucules other than the target. these effect can be minimized by their:

  1. specificity
  2. Solubility
  3. Affinity
  4. Hydrophobicity

Your Response : (a) specificity
Correct Response : a) specificity
Marks : 1

Answer: (a) specificity

Q.14. Which statement is not correct about levodopa?

  1. In perkinsonism, phenothiazines reduce its efficacy
  2. It is a prodrug
  3. Pyridoxine reduces effect of levodopa in parkinsonism.
  4. Domperidone blocks levodopa induced emesis and its therapeutic potential

Your Response : (c) Pyridoxine reduces effect of levodopa in parkinsonism.
Correct Response : d) Domperidone blocks levodopa induced emesis and its therapeutic potential
Marks : 0

Answer: (d) Domperidone blocks levodopa induced emesis and its therapeutic potential

Q.15. Most widely used film former in nail lacquer is

  1. Ethyle cellulose
  2. cellulose acetate
  3. cellulose nitrate
  4. cellulose acetobutyrate

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Correct Response : c) cellulose nitrate
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) cellulose nitrate

Q.16. Which of the following metabolite of cyclophosphamide is responsible for its anti-tumor actitivity?

  1. Phosphoramide mustard
  2. Acrolein
  3. Aldophosphamide
  4. 4-hydroxy cyclophosphamide

You have Skipped this Question
Correct Response : a) Phosphoramide mustard
Marks : 0

Answer: (a) Phosphoramide mustard

Q.17. The pH of tears is about

  1. 6.0
  2. 8.0
  3. 7.4
  4. 9.0

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Correct Response : c) 7.4
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) 7.4

Q.18. Food poisoning is caused by :

  1. Clostridium tetani
  2. Clostridium welchi
  3. Clostridium botulinium
  4. Clostridium septicum

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Correct Response : c) Clostridium botulinium
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) Clostridium botulinium

Q.19. Which animal is used for studying insulin preparations?

  1. Horse
  2. Pigeon
  3. Rabbit
  4. Chicken

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Correct Response : c) Rabbit
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) Rabbit

Q.20. Geiger muller counter is used in :

  1. UV specroscopy
  2. Ionisation methods
  3. IR spectroscopy
  4. NMR spectroscopy

You have Skipped this Question
Correct Response : b) Ionisation methods
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Ionisation methods

Q.21. Antipsychotic drug-induced parkinsonism is treated by

  1. Trihexyphenidyl
  2. Levodopa
  3. Selegiline
  4. Amantadine

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Correct Response : a) Trihexyphenidyl
Marks : 0

Answer: (a) Trihexyphenidyl

Q.22. As per drug and cosmetic act 1940 phenobarbitone sodium belongs to

  1. Schedule L
  2. Shedule X
  3. Shedule R
  4. Shedule O

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Correct Response : b) Shedule X
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Shedule X

Q.23. Menthol is the main constituent of the volatile oil of

  1. Pinus leaf
  2. Peppermint leaf
  3. Clove buds
  4. Rose marry

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Correct Response : b) Peppermint leaf
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Peppermint leaf

Q.24. The nitrogen in ephedrine is present as a

  1. Primary amine
  2. Secondary amines
  3. Tertiary amines
  4. Quarternary amines

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Correct Response : b) Secondary amines
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Secondary amines

Q.25. Hardness of water is expressed in

  1. mL
  2. Dynes
  3. ppm
  4. Mhos

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Correct Response : c) ppm
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) ppm

Q.26. Sterilisation of packed food such as milk and meat products can be done by

  1. Gas
  2. Moist heat
  3. Radiation
  4. Dry heat

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Correct Response : c) Radiation
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) Radiation

Q.27. Chlorophyll test is positive in

  1. Male fern
  2. Clove
  3. Rhubarb
  4. Pale catechu

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Correct Response : d) Pale catechu
Marks : 0

Answer: (d) Pale catechu

Q.28. Removal of para-nitro group of chloramphenicol may

  1. Increases the toxicity
  2. Decreases bitterness
  3. Decreses potency
  4. Increases water solubility

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Correct Response : c) Decreses potency
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) Decreses potency

Q.29. A process of sepration of molecules through the use of semi-permeable membrane is known as

  1. Osmosis
  2. Dialysis
  3. Seiving
  4. Diffusion

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Correct Response : b) Dialysis
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Dialysis

Q.30. Which one of the following is the initial step in the absorption of the drug from a tablet

  1. Deaggregation
  2. Diffusion
  3. Disintegration
  4. Dissolutuin

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Correct Response : c) Disintegration
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) Disintegration

Q.31. Fenbufen is used in

  1. TB
  2. Plague
  3. Dengu
  4. Inflammation

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Correct Response : d) Inflammation
Marks : 0

Answer: (d) Inflammation

Q.32. The female insect Coccus cacti is the source of

  1. Honey
  2. Canthrites
  3. Shellac
  4. Colchicine

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Correct Response : b) Canthrites
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Canthrites

Q.33. Tragacanth in water is associated with

  1. Plastic flow
  2. Pseudoplatic flow
  3. Dialatant flow
  4. None of these

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Correct Response : b) Pseudoplatic flow
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Pseudoplatic flow

Q.34. Antioxidants are added in lipstics to

  1. Impart pleasant ordour
  2. Staining of lips
  3. Dissolving insoluble Pigments and dyes
  4. Prevent rancidity

You have Skipped this Question
Correct Response : d) Prevent rancidity
Marks : 0

Answer: (d) Prevent rancidity

Q.35. Borntrager test is used to identification of

  1. Senna
  2. Squill
  3. Cinchona
  4. Digitalis

You have Skipped this Question
Correct Response : a) Senna
Marks : 0

Answer: (a) Senna

Q.36. Plasma protiens act as

  1. Reserve protiens
  2. Immunoglobulins
  3. Buffers
  4. All of these

You have Skipped this Question
Correct Response : c) Buffers
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) Buffers

Q.37. Ketone bodies are synthesised from the fatty acid oxidisation products by which of the following organ

  1. Brain
  2. Liver
  3. Skeletal muscle
  4. Kidney

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Correct Response : b) Liver
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Liver

Q.38. An example of protien denaturation is

  1. Dissolving sugar in water
  2. Metabolism of meat
  3. Heating milk
  4. Heating egg

You have Skipped this Question
Correct Response : d) Heating egg
Marks : 0

Answer: (d) Heating egg

Q.39. An enzyme catalysed the conversion of alddose sugar to ketose sugar would be classified as

  1. Isomerases
  2. Transferases
  3. Hydrolysases
  4. Oxydoreductases

You have Skipped this Question
Correct Response : a) Isomerases
Marks : 0

Answer: (a) Isomerases

Q.40. The constituent of essential oil is

  1. Polyterpenoid
  2. Tetraterpenoid
  3. mono and sesquiterpenoid
  4. Triterpenoid

You have Skipped this Question
Correct Response : c) mono and sesquiterpenoid
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) mono and sesquiterpenoid

Q.41. Which of the given combination has an intraction, beneficial for routine clinical use?

  1. Hydralazine and atenolol
  2. Metochlopramide and levodopa
  3. Quinidine and digoxine
  4. Furosemide and lithium carbonate

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Correct Response : a) Hydralazine and atenolol
Marks : 0

Answer: (a) Hydralazine and atenolol
Explanation: hydrolazine is vasodilator and atenolol is B-blocker

Q.42. Hyperuricemia is associated with the the abnormal metabolism of

  1. Purine
  2. Thiamine
  3. Riboflavin
  4. Pyrimidine

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Correct Response : a) Purine
Marks : 0

Answer: (a) Purine

Q.43. Active immunity is induced by

  1. Placental transfer of antibodies
  2. Infection
  3. Injection of gamma-globulins
  4. Injection of antibodies

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Correct Response : b) Infection
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Infection

Q.44. HIV infection can be clinical controlled with

  1. Ribavirin
  2. Ganciclovir
  3. Stavudine
  4. Acyclovir

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Correct Response : c) Stavudine
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) Stavudine
Explanation: stavudine is a nucleoside analogue reverse transcripted inhibitor

Q.45. An anti-arrythmic drug that is also used to control seizures is

  1. Lidocain
  2. Disipyramide
  3. Phenytoin
  4. Amiodarone

You have Skipped this Question
Correct Response : c) Phenytoin
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) Phenytoin

Q.46. Drug of choice for thyroid storm is

  1. Carbimazole
  2. Radioactive iodine
  3. Propyl thiouracil
  4. Centimizone

You have Skipped this Question
Correct Response : c) Propyl thiouracil
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) Propyl thiouracil
Explanation: Propyl thiouracil is used to control hyperthyroidism condition.

Q.47. The cellular organells called 'suiside bags' are

  1. Lysosomes
  2. Nucleolus
  3. Ribosomes
  4. Golgi's bodies

You have Skipped this Question
Correct Response : a) Lysosomes
Marks : 0

Answer: (a) Lysosomes

Q.48. The drug included in 'dope test' for athletes is

  1. Propranolol
  2. Prazocine
  3. Dexamphetamine
  4. Diazepam

You have Skipped this Question
Correct Response : c) Dexamphetamine
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) Dexamphetamine

Q.49. Fifth edition of I.P. was published in the year

  1. 1985
  2. 1996
  3. 2007
  4. 2015

You have Skipped this Question
Correct Response : c) 2007
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) 2007

Q.50. List of minimum equipements required for efficient running of pharmacy is given in shedule

  1. M
  2. N
  3. A
  4. R

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Correct Response : b) N
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) N