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Here is the related vocabulary words/terms grouped in Microbiology.
bacterial plasmid in E. coli containing genes encoding the ability to conjugate, including genes encoding the formation of the conjugation pilus
E. coli cell containing the F plasmid, capable of forming a conjugation pilus
organism that grows better in the presence of oxygen but can proliferate in its absence
process that uses an organic molecule as a final electron acceptor to regenerate NAD+ from NADH such that glycolysis can continue
system-wide sign of inflammation that raises the body temperature and stimulates the immune response
filamentous appendages found by the hundreds on some bacterial cells; they aid adherence to host cells
a staaining protocol that uses a mordant to coat the flagella with stain until they are thick enough to be seen
visible aggregation that forms between a substance in suspension (e.g., lipid in water) and antibodies against the substance
refers to the ability of membrane components to move fluidly within the plane of the membrane, as well as the mosaic-like composition of the components
a microscope that uses natural fluorochromes or fluorescent stains to increase contrast
the ability of certain materials to absorb energy and then immediately release that energy in the form of light
infection in which the pathogen causes infection in one location that then spreads to a secondary location
eukaryotic 80S ribosome found in the cytoplasm; synthesizes water-soluble proteins
having the ability to inhibit fungal growth, generally by means of chemical or physical treatment