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Here is the related vocabulary words/terms grouped in Microbiology.
form of slight antigenic variation that occurs because of point mutations in the genes that encode surface proteins
form of major antigenic variation that occurs because of gene reassortment
changing of surface antigens (carbohydrates or proteins) such that they are no longer recognized by the host’s immune system
compounds that are competitive inhibitors for bacterial metabolic enzymes
chemical compounds, including naturally produced drugs, semisynthetic derivatives, and synthetic compounds, that target specific microbial structures and enzymes, killing specific microbes or inhibiting their growth
class of nonspecific, cell-derived chemical mediators with broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties
small noncoding RNA molecules that inhibit gene expression by binding to mRNA transcripts via complementary base pairing
transcription template strand of DNA; the strand that is transcribed for gene expression
antimicrobial chemical that can be used safely on living tissue
serum obtained from an animal containing antibodies against a particular antigen that was artificially introduced to the animal
enzyme without its cofactor or coenzyme
programmed and organized cell death without lysis of the cell
any of a variety of viruses that are transmitted by arthropod vectors
cup-shaped fruiting bodies of an ascomycete fungus