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Glossary of Microbiology

Here is the related vocabulary words/terms grouped in Microbiology.

Antigenic Drift

form of slight antigenic variation that occurs because of point mutations in the genes that encode surface proteins

Antigenic Shift

form of major antigenic variation that occurs because of gene reassortment

Antigenic Variation

changing of surface antigens (carbohydrates or proteins) such that they are no longer recognized by the host’s immune system


compounds that are competitive inhibitors for bacterial metabolic enzymes

Antimicrobial Drugs

chemical compounds, including naturally produced drugs, semisynthetic derivatives, and synthetic compounds, that target specific microbial structures and enzymes, killing specific microbes or inhibiting their growth

Antimicrobial Peptides (amps)

class of nonspecific, cell-derived chemical mediators with broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties

Antisense Rna

small noncoding RNA molecules that inhibit gene expression by binding to mRNA transcripts via complementary base pairing

Antisense Strand

transcription template strand of DNA; the strand that is transcribed for gene expression


antimicrobial chemical that can be used safely on living tissue


serum obtained from an animal containing antibodies against a particular antigen that was artificially introduced to the animal


enzyme without its cofactor or coenzyme


programmed and organized cell death without lysis of the cell


any of a variety of viruses that are transmitted by arthropod vectors


cup-shaped fruiting bodies of an ascomycete fungus

B Lymphocyte

antibody-producing cells of humoral immunity; B cell

Bacillus (bacilli)

rod-shaped prokaryotic cell


condition marked by the presence of bacteria in the blood


any of various unicellular prokaryotic microorganisms typically (but not always) having cell wells that contain peptidoglycan

Bacterial Lawn

layer of confluent bacterial growth on an agar plate

Bacterial Meningitis

bacterial infection that results in an inflammation of the meninges

Bacterial Vaginosis

a condition caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina that may or may not cause symptoms


irreversible inhibition of a microbe’s ability to divide


chemical or physical treatment that kills bacteria


green, purple, or blue pigments of bacteria; they are similar to chlorophyll of plants


the study of bacteria


having the ability to inhibit bacterial growth, generally by means of chemical or physical treatment; reversible inhibition of a microbe’s ability to divide


organism that grows under high atmospheric pressure

Basal Body

component of eukaryotic flagellum or cilium composed of nine microtubule triplets and attaches the flagellum or cilium to the cell


use of microbes to remove xenobiotics or environmental pollutants from a contaminated site


replication of viral genome and other protein components


fungal disease associated with infections by Blastomyces dermatitidis; can cause disfiguring scarring of the hands and other extremities

Blue-white Screening

a technique commonly used for identifying transformed bacterial cells containing recombinant plasmids using lacZ-encoding plasmid vectors

Blunt Ends

ends of DNA molecules lacking single-stranded complementary overhangs that are produced when some restriction enzymes cut DNA

Broad-spectrum Antimicrobial

drug that targets many different types of microbes

Budding Yeasts

yeasts that divide by budding off of daughter cells

Burst Size

the number of virions released from a host cell when it is lysed because of a viral infection

Candle Jar

container with a tight-fitting lid in which a burning candle consumes oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, thereby creating an environment suitable for capnophiles


protein coat surrounding the genome of the virus


individual protein subunits that make up the capsid

Capsule Staining

a negative staining technique that stains around a bacterial capsule while leaving the capsule clear


organic molecule required for proper enzyme function that is not consumed and is reusable


inorganic ion that helps stabilize enzyme conformation and function


able to be transmitted directly or indirectly from one person to another

Competitive Inhibitor

molecule that binds to an enzyme’s active site, preventing substrate binding

Complementary Base Pairs

base pairing due to hydrogen bonding that occurs between a specific purine and a specific pyrimidine; A bonds with T (in DNA), and C bonds with G

Complementary Dna

a DNA molecule complementary to mRNA that is made through the activity of reverse transcriptase

Complex Virus

virus shape that often includes intricate characteristics not seen in the other categories of capsid


 asexual fungal spores not enclosed in a sac; produced in a chain at the end of specialized hyphae called conidiophores


inflammation of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane covering the eye and inside of the eyelid

Culture Medium

combination of compounds in solution that supports growth


the gel-like material composed of water and dissolved or suspended chemicals contained within the plasma membrane of a cell


a network of filaments or tubules in the eukaryotic cell that provides shape and structural support for cells; aids movement of materials throughout the cell

Cytotoxic T Cells

effector cells of cellular immunity that target and eliminate cells infected with intracellular pathogens through induction of apoptosis


harmful effects to host cell

Death Phase (decline Phase)

phase of the growth curve at which the number of dying cells exceeds the number of new cells formed

Decolorizing Agent

a substance that removes a stain, usually from some parts of the specimen

Definitive Host

the preferred host organism for a parasite, in which the parasite reaches maturity and may reproduce sexually


redundancy in the genetic code because a given amino acid is encoded by more than one nucleotide triplet codon


release of the contents of mast cell granules in response to the cross-linking of IgE molecules on the cell surface with allergen molecules

Dehydration Synthesis

chemical reaction in which monomer molecules bind end to end in a process that results in the formation of water molecules as a byproduct


type of mutation involving the removal of one or more bases from a DNA sequence

Denatured Protein

protein that has lost its secondary and tertiary structures (and quaternary structure, if applicable) without the loss of its primary structure


branched extensions of the soma of a neuron that interact with other cells

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (dna)

double-stranded nucleic acid composed of deoxyribonucleotides that serves as the genetic material of the cell


method of microbial control involving the removal of water from cells through drying or dehydration

Differential Staining

staining that uses multiple dyes to differentiate between structures or organisms


the changing of direction (bending or spreading) that occurs when a light wave interacts with an opening or barrier


having two separate nuclei within one cell

Dimorphic Fungus

a fungus that can take the form of a yeast or a mold, depending on environmental conditions


refers to sexually reproducing organisms in which individuals have either male or female reproductive organs (not both)

Direct Elisa

enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay in which the antigens are immobilized in the well of a microtiter plate; only a single antibody is used in the test


any condition in which the normal structure or function of the body is damaged or impaired


antimicrobial chemical applied to a fomite during disinfection that may be toxic to tissues


protocol that removes potential pathogens from a formite


the separation of light of different frequencies due to different degrees of refraction

Dna Ligase

enzyme that catalyzes the formation of a covalent phosphodiester linkage between the 3’-OH end of one DNA fragment and the 5’ phosphate end of another DNA fragment

Dna Probe

a single-stranded DNA fragment that is complementary to part of the gene (DNA or RNA) of interest

Dry-heat Sterilization

protocol that involves the direct application of high heat


intestinal inflammation that causes diarrhea with blood and mucus


urination accompanied by burning, discomfort, or pain


outer, more gelatinous layer of cytoplasm under a protist cell membrane


swelling due to accumulation of fluid and protein in tissue as a result of increased permeability of capillary walls during an inflammatory response;

F Plasmid (fertility)

bacterial plasmid in E. coli containing genes encoding the ability to conjugate, including genes encoding the formation of the conjugation pilus

F+ (donor) Cell

E. coli cell containing the F plasmid, capable of forming a conjugation pilus

Facultative Anaerobe

organism that grows better in the presence of oxygen but can proliferate in its absence


process that uses an organic molecule as a final electron acceptor to regenerate NAD+ from NADH such that glycolysis can continue


system-wide sign of inflammation that raises the body temperature and stimulates the immune response


filamentous appendages found by the hundreds on some bacterial cells; they aid adherence to host cells

Flagella Staining

a staaining protocol that uses a mordant to coat the flagella with stain until they are thick enough to be seen


visible aggregation that forms between a substance in suspension (e.g., lipid in water) and antibodies against the substance

Fluid Mosaic Model

refers to the ability of membrane components to move fluidly within the plane of the membrane, as well as the mosaic-like composition of the components

Fluorescence Microscope

a microscope that uses natural fluorochromes or fluorescent stains to increase contrast


the ability of certain materials to absorb energy and then immediately release that energy in the form of light

Focal Infection

infection in which the pathogen causes infection in one location that then spreads to a secondary location

Free Ribosome

eukaryotic 80S ribosome found in the cytoplasm; synthesizes water-soluble proteins


having the ability to inhibit fungal growth, generally by means of chemical or physical treatment

Gene Expression

production of proteins from the information contained in DNA through the processes of transcription and translation

Gene Gun

an apparatus that shoots gold or tungsten particles coated with recombinant DNA molecules at high speeds into plant protoplasts

Genetic Code

correspondence between mRNA nucleotide codons and the translated amino acids

Genomic Library

a repository of an organism’s entire genome maintained as cloned fragments in the genomes of strains of a host organism


full collection of genes that a cell contains within its genome


class of antibacterials that inhibit cell wall synthesis by binding to peptidoglycan subunits and blocking their insertion into the cell wall backbone,

Gram Stain Procedure

a differential staining technique that distinguishes bacteria based upon their cell wall structure

Green Sulfur Bacteria,

anaerobic bacteria that use sulfide for oxidation and produce large amounts of green bacteriochlorophyll


a molecule that is too small to be antigenic alone but becomes antigenic when conjugated to a larger protein molecule


enzyme that unwinds DNA by breaking the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous base pairs, using ATP

Helper T Cells

class of T cells that is the central orchestrator of the cellular and humoral defenses of adaptive immunity and the cellular defenses of innate immunity

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