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Test Attempted : Practice Test 1 (Human Anatomy And Physiology) For Competitive Exams

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Practice Test 1 (Human Anatomy And Physiology) For Competitive Exams (25 Questions)

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Q.1. Endocardium is the layer of

  1. kidney
  2. lung
  3. heart
  4. stomach

Your Response : (c) heart
Correct Response : c) heart
Marks : 1

Answer: (c) heart
Explanation: Endocardium is the innermost layer of tissue that lines the chambers of the heart

Q.2. The reserve pacemaker is

  1. AV node
  2. SA node
  3. Bundle of his
  4. purkinje fibre

Your Response : (b) SA node
Correct Response : a) AV node
Marks : 0

Answer: (a) AV node
Explanation: When SA node fails to generate impulse then AV node becomes the pacemaker and generates impulse 40-60 impulse/min. hence AV node is called the reserve pacemaker of heart.

Q.3. The peritonium is a

  1. Outer covering of elementary tract in abdomen
  2. outer covering of thorax
  3. inner covering of rectum
  4. None of Above

Your Response : (a) Outer covering of elementary tract in abdomen
Correct Response : a) Outer covering of elementary tract in abdomen
Marks : 1

Answer: (a) Outer covering of elementary tract in abdomen
Explanation: Peritoneum is the serous membrane that term the lining of the abdomen cavity

Q.4. Parotids glands are present in

  1. Stomach
  2. mouth
  3. Pharynx
  4. Intestine

Your Response : (b) mouth
Correct Response : b) mouth
Marks : 1

Answer: (b) mouth
Explanation: Parotid gland is a major salivary gland in humans.

Q.5. Succus entericus is related to

  1. Pancreatic Juice
  2. Intestinal juice
  3. Enzymes present in stomach
  4. None of these

Your Response : (b) Intestinal juice
Correct Response : b) Intestinal juice
Marks : 1

Answer: (b) Intestinal juice
Explanation: Succus entericus (intestinal juice) is secreted by mucous glands of intestine. It neutralizes hydrochloric acid coming from stomach.

Q.6. Which one of these glands has both endocrine and exocrine function?

  1. Liver
  2. Pancreas
  3. Parotid gland
  4. Thyroid gland

Your Response : (d) Thyroid gland
Correct Response : b) Pancreas
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Pancreas
Explanation: Exocrine secretion of Pancreas helps in digestion of food and the endocrine function are secretion of insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin.

Q.7. C-shaped hyaline cartilages are present in

  1. Larynx
  2. Trachea
  3. Pharynx
  4. None of these

Your Response : (b) Trachea
Correct Response : b) Trachea
Marks : 1

Answer: (b) Trachea
Explanation: Cartilage ring in trachea needs to be C-shaped so that large mass of food can pass through oesophagous during swallowing and large mass of air pass through trachea.

Q.8. Tonsils are present in

  1. Pharynx
  2. Larynx
  3. Pancreas
  4. Liver

Your Response : (b) Larynx
Correct Response : a) Pharynx
Marks : 0

Answer: (a) Pharynx
Explanation: The palatine tonsils and nasophareangeal tonsils are lymphoepithelial tissues near oropharynx and nasopharynx.

Q.9. Accumulation of carbon dioxide gas in lungs is called

  1. Anoxia
  2. Asphyxia
  3. Anorexia
  4. None of the above

Your Response : (c) Anorexia
Correct Response : b) Asphyxia
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Asphyxia
Explanation: Asphyxia is a condition in which extreme decrease of oxigen in body accompanied by increase in CO2 that leads to death and loss of conciousness and loss of pulse.

Q.10. The basic unit of kidney is

  1. Glmerulus
  2. Nephron
  3. Loop of henley
  4. None of these

Your Response : (b) Nephron
Correct Response : b) Nephron
Marks : 1

Answer: (b) Nephron
Explanation: Nephron is the basic structural and function unit of kidney.

Q.11. Glucose reabsorption takes place mainly in:

  1. Distal convulated tubules
  2. Collecting duct
  3. Proximal convulated tubule
  4. Loop of henley

Your Response : (c) Proximal convulated tubule
Correct Response : c) Proximal convulated tubule
Marks : 1

Answer: (c) Proximal convulated tubule
Explanation: Reabsoption of glucose occurs in PCT (proximal convulated tubules) regardless of concentration gradient via secondary active transport. It is reabsorbed sodium transporter medium.

Q.12. The Hormone concerned with the basic metabolic rate is

  1. Thyroxin
  2. Pratharmone
  3. Arenaline
  4. Calcitonin

Your Response : (c) Arenaline
Correct Response : a) Thyroxin
Marks : 0

Answer: (a) Thyroxin
Explanation: Thyroxin increases basal metabolic rate. It increases body heat production by increasing oxygen consumption and rates of ATP production. It causes lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

Q.13. Melatonin is secreted by

  1. Thymus gland
  2. Adenophysis
  3. Pineal gland
  4. Adrenal gland

Your Response : (d) Adrenal gland
Correct Response : c) Pineal gland
Marks : 0

Answer: (c) Pineal gland
Explanation: Melatonin is hormone secreted by pineal gland. It helps to regulate body circadian rhythm and other hormones in body as well.

Q.14. Tetany is related to

  1. Hypoparathyroidism
  2. Hypocalcemia
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. None of above

Your Response : (a) Hypoparathyroidism
Correct Response : b) Hypocalcemia
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Hypocalcemia
Explanation: Tetany is an involuntary contraction of muscles. It occurs due to Hypocalcemia.

Q.15. The Upper jaw bone is

  1. Ethmoid
  2. Maxilla
  3. Mandible
  4. Hyoid

Your Response : (b) Maxilla
Correct Response : b) Maxilla
Marks : 1

Answer: (b) Maxilla
Explanation: The maxilla form the upper jaw and the major portion of the palate. The upper set of teeth are fixed in it.

Q.16. The shoulder joint is a type of:

  1. Hinge Joint
  2. Ball and socket joint
  3. Pivot joint
  4. Gliding joint

Your Response : (d) Gliding joint
Correct Response : b) Ball and socket joint
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Ball and socket joint
Explanation: Also known as humero-scapular joint. It is a type of Ball and socket joint (most flexible and movable joint).

Q.17. Vestibule is present in

  1. External ear
  2. Internal ear
  3. Middle ear
  4. None of these

Your Response : (b) Internal ear
Correct Response : b) Internal ear
Marks : 1

Answer: (b) Internal ear
Explanation: Main function of vestibule is to provide balance.

Q.18. Which cranial nerve is attached with the eye?

  1. 2nd
  2. 4th
  3. 6th
  4. 8th

Your Response : (b) 4th
Correct Response : a) 2nd
Marks : 0

Answer: (a) 2nd
Explanation: 2nd nerve is also called optic nervewhich transmits visual information.

Q.19. Ciliary body in the eye ball is the extension of:

  1. Sclera
  2. Choroid
  3. Retina
  4. cornea

Your Response : (d) cornea
Correct Response : b) Choroid
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Choroid
Explanation: It is a circumferential tissue composed of ciliary muscle and ciliary process.

Q.20. Perkinson's disease is due to lesion in the:

  1. cerebellum
  2. basal ganglia
  3. cerebrum
  4. hypothalamus

Your Response : (b) basal ganglia
Correct Response : b) basal ganglia
Marks : 1

Answer: (b) basal ganglia
Explanation: Perkisan's disease is a degenerative disorder of CNS. Basal ganglia innervated by dopiminergic system are most seriously effected.

Q.21. Hyoglosal cranial nerve is related with:

  1. Movement of tongue
  2. Movement of saliva
  3. Movement of layrynx
  4. None of the above

Your Response : (c) Movement of layrynx
Correct Response : a) Movement of tongue
Marks : 0

Answer: (a) Movement of tongue
Explanation: The hyoglossal cranial nerve is 12th cranial nerve that innervates muscle of tounge.

Q.22. The longest skeletal muscle is

  1. Biceps
  2. Quadriceps femoris
  3. supinator
  4. sartorius

Your Response : (b) Quadriceps femoris
Correct Response : d) sartorius
Marks : 0

Answer: (d) sartorius
Explanation: Sartorius is the longest muscle in the human body which crosses both the hip and knee joints.

Q.23. Which Tarsal bone forms the heel of the foot?

  1. Talus
  2. Calcaneous
  3. Navicular
  4. cuboid

Your Response : (a) Talus
Correct Response : b) Calcaneous
Marks : 0

Answer: (b) Calcaneous
Explanation: Calcaneous forms the heel of the foot.

Q.24. The lymph fluid is:

  1. Colourless
  2. Reddish
  3. Light brown
  4. Pinkish

Your Response : (a) Colourless
Correct Response : a) Colourless
Marks : 1

Answer: (a) Colourless
Explanation: Lymph fluid contains white blood cells. It is fluid that circulates throughout the lymphatic system.

Q.25. What is autocrine?

  1. Local hormones
  2. Steroids
  3. Biogenic amines
  4. None of the above

Your Response : (b) Steroids
Correct Response : a) Local hormones
Marks : 0

Answer: (a) Local hormones
Explanation: Autocrine is cell signelling process, molecules act on the same cell which produces them.