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D. Pharma One Liners

Revision of Pharmacology, some basic points (one liners)

Pharmacology revision notes, some basic points from general pharmacology, pharmacology one liners, for pharmacy exams. 

Pharmaceutics useful terms and definitions (oneLiner Questions)

One liners from Some common terms related to various dosage forms in pharmacy. 

Autonomic Nervous System.

Health Education and Community Pharmacy important terms | One Liners

Health education one-liners (important short answer questions) for basic revisions and practice.

Most Important Exam Oriented Questions on Immunity and Immunological products | Pharmacy Exams

These are some important completion type (fill in the blanks) questions  (one liners)  from the diploma in pharmacy text books, which  will help you to revise the most of Immunology concepts. Refer Pharmaceutics - I textbook (Diploma in Pharmacy)  and see the chapter 👉Immunity and immunological products.

Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy Important Questions (one liners)

These questions are from hospital and clinical pharmacy topic. These important points will help every pharmacist to revise update their knowledge or to pass most of pharmacy exams. 

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D. Pharma Practice MCQs

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Question 1 of 743

Q.1 Alupent is common brand name for-

  • Isoprenaline
  • Phenylephrine
  • Orciprenaline
  • Terbutaline

Question 2 of 743

Q.2 Which of these hypnotic possess a muscle relaxant property?

  • Paraldehyde
  • Phenobarbitone
  • Barbitone
  • Diazepam

Question 3 of 743

Q.3 Paracetamol is excreted as-

  • Glucuronide
  • Deacetylated product
  • Hydroxy derivatives
  • none of the above

Question 4 of 743

Q.4 Cardiovuscular action of epinephrine is mediated through-

  • α - receptor
  • α and β receptor
  • β receptor
  • none of the above

Question 5 of 743

Q.5 Slow metabolism of isoniazid in africans are due to-

  • Genetic variation
  • Idiosyncracy
  • Teratogenic effect
  • none of the above

Question 6 of 743

Q.6 Phenytoin act as anti-epilectic drug by-

  • inhibiting the enzyme
  • blocking the receptor
  • acting on cell membrane
  • non-specific drug action

Question 7 of 743

Q.7 Isosorbide dinitrate is usually administered by-

  • sublingual route
  • Oral route
  • Intravenous route
  • none of the above

Question 8 of 743

Q.8 Methotrexate is a -

  • Enzyme inhibitor
  • Receptor blocker
  • Alkylating agent
  • Anti-metabolic

Question 9 of 743

Q.9 Which one of these antibiotics is used in amoebic dysentery?

  • Tetracycline
  • Bacitracin
  • Paramomycin
  • tobramycin

Question 10 of 743

Q.10 Niclosamide is used in the infection caused by-

  • Nematodes
  • Cestodes
  • Trematodes
  • all of the above

Question 11 of 743

Q.11 Which one of these is not a antiviral agent?

  • Amantadine
  • Idoxuridine
  • Acyclovir
  • Haymycin

Question 12 of 743

Q.12 Amphotericin B, polyene antibiotic act by-

  • Intracting with fungal membrane sterol
  • Inhibiting protein synthesis
  • Inhibiting cell wall synthesis
  • all of the above

Question 13 of 743

Q.13 Steven-Johnson syndrome is associated with-

  • Penicillin
  • Cephalosporin
  • Sulphonamides
  • Erythromycin

Question 14 of 743

Q.14 Penicillinase resistance penicillin include-

  • Penicillin G
  • Penicillin V
  • Cloxacilline
  • Ampicilline

Question 15 of 743

Q.15 Which one of the antibacterial agent is effective against typhoid fever?

  • Chloramphenicol
  • Penicillin
  • Teracycline
  • Sulphathiazole

Question 16 of 743

Q.16 5-hydroxytryptophan on decarboxylation gives-

  • Tryptophan
  • 5-hydroxy indole acetic acid
  • 5-hydroxytryptamine
  • Indole

Question 17 of 743

Q.17 Pharmaclogical action of morphine is-

  • CNS stimulant
  • Vasoconstriction
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Release of histamine

Question 18 of 743

Q.18 Rhabdomylosis side effect is related with-

  • Atenolol
  • Atorvastatin
  • Propranalol
  • Digoxin

Question 19 of 743

Q.19 Inchthamol is used in the treatment of-

  • Tuberculosis
  • Diarrhoea
  • inflammation and boils
  • Leprosy

Question 20 of 743

Q.20 Famciclovir is an ester prodrug of-

  • Cytosine nucleoside
  • Guanosine nucleoside
  • Thymidine nucleoside
  • Adenine nucleoside

Question 21 of 743

Q.1 Vginal sponge, means of family planning belongs to-

  • Physical method
  • Chemical method
  • Hormonal method
  • none of the these

Question 22 of 743

Q.2 Mala - D (oral pills) contains which of the following hormone?

  • Oestrogen
  • Progestogen
  • Both (a) and (b)
  • none of the these

Question 23 of 743

Q.3 Water borne disease is-

  • Tuberculosis
  • cholera
  • measles
  • influenza

Question 24 of 743

Q.4 In diphtheria the causetive organism affects-

  • upper respiratory tract
  • Intestine
  • brain
  • lungs

Question 25 of 743

Q.5 Elisa test is used for diagnosis of-

  • Tuberculosis
  • Typhoid
  • AIDS
  • Rabies

Question 26 of 743

Q.6 In liver, Glucose is stored as-

  • Starch
  • Glycogen
  • Sucrose
  • Lactose

Question 27 of 743

Q.7 The reserve food material of a plant is-

  • Cellulose
  • Starch
  • Glucose
  • Pectine

Question 28 of 743

Q.8 Measles is caused by-

  • Variola virus
  • Rubeola virus
  • Varicella zoster
  • Herpes virus

Question 29 of 743

Q.9 Removal of disease from universe is-

  • Eradication
  • Prevention
  • Epidemic
  • Pandemic

Question 30 of 743

Q.10 Chlorhexidine is used as-

  • Disinfectant
  • Bacteriostatic
  • Antiseptic
  • none of the these

Question 31 of 743

Q.11 Malaria is transmitted through -

  • Female culex musquito
  • Female housefly
  • Female anopheles mosquito
  • none of the these

Question 32 of 743

Q.12 The Popular IUCD is-

  • Condom
  • Copper T
  • Foam tablet
  • Cream

Question 33 of 743

Q.13 The intrinsic factor for the absorption of iron is-

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin A

Question 34 of 743

Q.14 Which of the following has the highest amount of polyunsaturated fatty acid?

  • sunflower oil
  • Ground nut oil
  • Palm Oil
  • Soyabean oil

Question 35 of 743

Q.15 Which of the following is the carbohydrate of animal origin?

  • Glucose
  • Sucrose
  • starch
  • Glycogen

Question 36 of 743

Q.16 How much retinol is equal to one I.U.?

  • 0.3 mcg
  • 0.6 mcg
  • 1.2 mcg
  • 2 mcg

Question 37 of 743

Q.17 leprosy mainly affects-

  • muscles and bones
  • nerves and skin
  • testes and eye
  • all of the above

Question 38 of 743

Q.18 Which is not a live attenuated vaccine?

  • BCG
  • OPV
  • measles
  • pertusis

Question 39 of 743

Q.19 In general, which foods are considered to be high in vitamin K and should be avoided in large amounts when on warfarin dose?

  • Citrus fruits
  • Dairy products
  • bread and cereals
  • Green leafy vegatables

Question 40 of 743

Q.20 Tocoferol also known as-

  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin K

Question 41 of 743

Q.1 The term transactions in business referes to-

  • Exchange of goods
  • goods and services
  • transfer of goods
  • Goods and sale

Question 42 of 743

Q.2 Channel of distribution is zero level in-

  • Manufacturers → physician → consumer
  • Manufacturer → wholesaler → physician → patient
  • Manufacturer → retailer → patient
  • Manufacturer → patient

Question 43 of 743

Q.3 Type of relationship of street vendor is-

  • small scale fixed retailer
  • large scale retailer
  • Itinerant retailer
  • Pertinent retailer

Question 44 of 743

Q.4 OTC drugs are-

  • Ethical drugs
  • Prescription drugs
  • Ethical and prescription drugs
  • non-prescription drugs

Question 45 of 743

Q.5 Safety stock is used for -

  • For protection of store from fire or thefts
  • As an insuarance claim during emergency
  • for emergency to meet unforeseen demands
  • to increase the market value of product

Question 46 of 743

Q.6 ICICI stands for -

  • Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
  • Inductrial and Commercial Investment Corporation of India
  • Indian Corporation of Investments and Commercial Institution
  • Industrial Corporation of Investment and Credit Income

Question 47 of 743

Q.7 Which one of the following will not apear as source of fund in flow statement?

  • Increase in share capital
  • increase in working capital
  • increase in secured loans
  • funds from operation

Question 48 of 743

Q.8 Inventories comprise of-

  • Raw material
  • General store machinery
  • Finished products
  • All of the above

Question 49 of 743

Q.9 A leader who permits the members of the group to do whatever they want to do whatever they want to do may be classified into-

  • Democratic leader
  • Laissez - Faire leader
  • Herzberg leader
  • social leader

Question 50 of 743

Q.10 Advertisement and salesmanship help to remove the-

  • Hindrance of place
  • Hindrance of persons
  • Hindrance of finance
  • Unawareness

Question 51 of 743

Q.11 Business is an-

  • non-economic activity
  • economic activity
  • both economic and non-economic activity
  • All of the above

Question 52 of 743

Q.12 Partners who are neither entitled to take part in the management nor do they invest and get a share of profits are-

  • silent partners
  • Prtners by estoppel
  • Nominal partner
  • Limited partner

Question 53 of 743

Q.13 The oldest form of business organisation is-

  • Joint stock company
  • Sole Proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • All of the above

Question 54 of 743

Q.14 The buying and selling of pharmaceuticals items for making profit is called-

  • Trading
  • Commerce
  • Direct service
  • Miscellaneous

Question 55 of 743

Q.15 Warehousing is done to save-

  • Time
  • Place
  • Cost
  • Labour requirements

Question 56 of 743

Q.16 The maximum number of members in public limited company is-

  • 20
  • 30
  • 50
  • unlimited

Question 57 of 743

Q.17 In a mail order business goods are sold on-

  • cash
  • credit
  • both cash and credit
  • Instalment basis

Question 58 of 743

Q.18 Coding of items helps in-

  • Handling of store items
  • Standardization of drug
  • Reduction of items
  • All of the above

Question 59 of 743

Q.19 The layout of drug store depends upon-

  • Pharmacist/proprietor
  • Rules specified in shedule N
  • Availability of space
  • All of the above

Question 60 of 743

Q.20 ABC analysis is based on-

  • Unit price material
  • consumption value of material
  • storage value of material
  • All of the above

Question 61 of 743

Q.21 Which of these data of marketing research is more reliable?

  • Primary data
  • secondary data
  • both primary and secondary data
  • none of the above

Question 62 of 743

Q.22 Location which attracts the customer for shopping may be termed as-

  • Interceptive location
  • Geographic location
  • Generative Location
  • Sucipent location

Question 63 of 743

Q.23 Bank provides finance to bussiness for-

  • Long term
  • Short term
  • medium term
  • Any of the above

Question 64 of 743

Q.24 Fixed rate of divident is given to-

  • Equity share holders
  • Preference share holders
  • Differed shares
  • Any of the above

Question 65 of 743

Q.25 Each transaction has double effect is shown by-

  • Dual aspect concept
  • Realization concept
  • cost concept
  • Money measurement concept

Question 66 of 743

Q.26 What is the role of shareholders in a company?

  • Owners
  • Creditors
  • Managers
  • Any of the above

Question 67 of 743

Q.27 Plant and machinery will appear on-

  • Debit side of balance sheet
  • Debit side of profit and loss account
  • Credit side of balance sheet
  • Credit side of profit and loss account

Question 68 of 743

Q.28 Buying of items from foreign country is called-

  • Export
  • Import
  • Enteport
  • All of the above

Question 69 of 743

Q.29 Trial balance helps in preparing-

  • Trading account
  • profit and loss account
  • Balance sheet
  • All of the above

Question 70 of 743

Q.30 A chemist shop deals only in drugs so it is an example of-

  • General store
  • Single line store
  • Street stall
  • none of the above

Question 71 of 743

Q.1 Proteins are precipitated by-

  • water
  • sodium hydroxide
  • formaldehyde
  • Trichloro acetic acid

Question 72 of 743

Q.2 The major site of fat digestion is-

  • Large intestine
  • small intestine
  • Kidney
  • Liver

Question 73 of 743

Q.3 Ninhydrin oxidatively decarboxylates α-amino acids to-

  • CO2
  • H2O,CO2
  • CO2,NH3
  • NH3

Question 74 of 743

Q.4 one example of glycoside is-

  • Cholesterol
  • Sphingomyelin
  • Lecithin
  • Gangliosides

Question 75 of 743

Q.5 Malonate is a competitive inhibitor of-

  • Succinate
  • Fumerate
  • Oxaloacetate
  • Aspaartate

Question 76 of 743

Q.6 Alkaline phosphate level is increases in which disease?

  • Rickets
  • Leukemia
  • Cardial infection
  • Pancreatic deficiency

Question 77 of 743

Q.7 What are the chief storage sites for manganese in the body?

  • Kidney
  • Muscles
  • Stomach
  • Heart

Question 78 of 743

Q.8 Microcytic hypochromic anemia occurs due to deficiency of-

  • Cu++
  • CO2
  • Zinc
  • Iron

Question 79 of 743

Q.9 The first amino acid during protein synthesis is-

  • Arginine
  • leucine
  • valine
  • methionine

Question 80 of 743

Q.10 Milky type colour of urine is due to the presence of-

  • Albumins
  • haemoglobin
  • Fatty acid
  • Nephritis

Question 81 of 743

Q.11 FAD and FMN are coenzyme form of-

  • Thiamine
  • Riboflavin
  • Ascorbic acid
  • none of the above

Question 82 of 743

Q.12 Which monosaccharide unit constitutes Milk Sugar?

  • Galactose and glucose
  • 2 galactose units
  • 2 glucose units
  • Fructose and galactose

Question 83 of 743

Q.13 The sugars formed as a result of sucrose digestion are-

  • Fructose and glucose
  • maltose and glucose
  • glucose and glucose
  • galactose and glucose

Question 84 of 743

Q.14 The processing of blood clotting is initiated by-

  • Prothrombin
  • Fibrinogen
  • Thrombin
  • Thromboplastin

Question 85 of 743

Q.15 Intracellular substance present in connective tissue is-

  • Fatty in nature
  • Muco polysaccharide
  • Protein
  • none of the above

Question 86 of 743

Q.16 Multiple forms of same enzymes are called-

  • Coenzyme
  • Apoenzymes
  • Isoenzymes
  • Haloenzymes

Question 87 of 743

Q.17 Treatment of glycogen with iodine shows which colour?

  • Violet
  • Green
  • Red
  • Yellow

Question 88 of 743

Q.18 Which alcohol is a constituent of flavin coenzyme?

  • inositol
  • xylitol
  • Ribitol
  • Mannitol

Question 89 of 743

Q.19 In TCA, oxaloacetate is formed from-

  • Fumarate
  • L-ketoglutarate
  • succinate
  • Malate

Question 90 of 743

Q.20 Net ATPs formed in the β oxidation of palmitic acid?

  • 100
  • 30
  • 50
  • 129

Question 91 of 743

Q.21 Edman's reagent is chemically-

  • Phenyl isothiocyanate
  • Phenyl chloride
  • Phenyl bromide
  • Aniline

Question 92 of 743

Q.22 The main ring structure is present in tryptophan is-

  • Indole
  • imidazole
  • furan
  • thiophane

Question 93 of 743

Q.23 Double helix structure of DNA was proposed by-

  • Lewis
  • Chargaff's
  • James Watson and crick
  • Mandel

Question 94 of 743

Q.24 The smallest amino acid is-

  • Alanine
  • Glycine
  • Valine
  • Phenylalanine

Question 95 of 743

Q.25 Xanthine is converted to uric acid in the presence of enzyme-

  • Xanthine oxidase
  • xanthine reductase
  • xanthine transferase
  • xanthine isomerase

Question 96 of 743

Q.26 Pantohenic acid is also known as-

  • vitamin B1
  • vitamin B5
  • vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B12

Question 97 of 743

Q.27 Cholesterol is one of the important factor in the synthesis of-

  • Bile acids
  • hormones
  • vitamin D
  • All of the above

Question 98 of 743

Q.28 The cyclic fatty acid, Chaulmoogric acid is used in the treatment of-

  • T.B.
  • ulcers
  • Leprosy
  • Goiter

Question 99 of 743

Q.29 Cynocobalamine is the metabolic effect of-

  • Bacillus pumulis
  • Streptomyces griseus
  • Bacillus subtilis
  • Bacillus sterothermophilus

Question 100 of 743

Q.30 Menke's disease is related to-

  • deficiency of sulphur
  • deficiency of zinc
  • defect in transport of copper
  • defect in transport of zinc

Question 101 of 743

Q.1 Suganril is common brand name for:

  • Phenylbutazone
  • Piroxican
  • Benorylate
  • Indomethacin

Question 102 of 743

Q.2 Which one of these is μ-opioid agonist?

  • Pethidine
  • Codeine
  • Nalorphine
  • None of these

Question 103 of 743

Q.3 Levodopa is amino acid precursor of - 

  • Adrenaline
  • Dopamine
  • Norepinephrine
  • All of these

Question 104 of 743

Q.4 The most potent CNS stimulant among xanthine bases are-

  • Theophylline
  • Caffeine
  • Theobromine
  • All of these

Question 105 of 743

Q.5 Chlorpromazine is useful in the treatment of -

  • Mental depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • Parkinsonism
  • None of the above

Question 106 of 743

Q.6 Amlodepine Lowers blood pressure by-

  • Inhibition of calcium influx
  • Inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
  • Blocking norepinephrine reuptake
  • All of the above

Question 107 of 743

Q.7 Cholestyramine is useful in the treatment of -

  • Arrhythmia
  • Hypertension
  • Hyper lipoproteinemia
  • Angina pectoris

Question 108 of 743

Q.8 Clofibrate mainly Lowers the -

  • LDL
  • VLDL
  • HDL
  • Chylomicrons

Question 109 of 743

Q.9 Lovastatin is useful in -

  • High blood pressure
  • Arrhythmia
  • Hyper lipoproteinemia
  • Angina pectoris

Question 110 of 743

Q.10 Oral anticoagulants act by antagonising the actions of -

  • Calcium ion
  • Prothrombin
  • Vitamin K
  • Fibrinogen

Question 111 of 743

Q.11 Glucocorticoid are used in the treatment of :

  • Inflammation
  • Inflammation and allergy
  • Skin infections
  • Allergy

Question 112 of 743

Q.12 The sulphonamides are :

  • Bactericidal in nature
  • Bacteriostatic in nature
  • Bactericidal only at high dose
  • None of the above

Question 113 of 743

Q.13 Tetracycline act by -

  • Inhibition of protein synthesis
  • Interfering in cell wall synthesis
  • Altering the permeability of cell membrane of organism
  • All of the above

Question 114 of 743

Q.14 Nystatin is principally effective in:

  • Candidia albicans
  • Blastomyces
  • Cryptococcus histoplasma
  • All of the above

Question 115 of 743

Q.15 Pyridoxine is administered with isoniazid to minimise the:

  • Hepatotoxicity
  • Neurotoxicity
  • Nephrotoxicity
  • Allergic reaction

Question 116 of 743

Q.16 Which one of these combination is used in Chloroquine resistance malaria?

  • Trimethoprim + pyrimethamine
  • Pyrimethamine + sulphadoxine
  • Mefloquine + Primaquine
  • None of the above

Question 117 of 743

Q.17 Which one of the enzyme is used in the treatment of cancer?

  • L- asparginase
  • Phosphodiesterase
  • Xanthine Oxidase
  • None of the above

Question 118 of 743

Q.18 Eserine acts by -

  • Receptor mechanism
  • Acting on cell membrane
  • Drug-enzyme interactions
  • None of the above

Question 119 of 743

Q.19 Desferrioxamine is a :

  • Chelating agent
  • Antimetabolite
  • Enzyme inhibitor
  • None of the above

Question 120 of 743

Q.20 Sodium valproate prevent the epileptic seizure by -

  • Depressing the CNS
  • Preventing influx of sodium
  • Preventing influx of calcium
  • None of the above

Question 121 of 743

Q.21 Which one of these is used with hyoscine to induce Twilight sleep?

  • Pentazocine
  • Pethidine
  • Diphenhydramine
  • None of the above

Question 122 of 743

Q.22 Ergot preparations are useful in migraine due to its-

  • Oxytocic action
  • Vasoconstriction action
  • α -receptors blocking action
  • None of the above

Question 123 of 743

Q.23 Which one of these is a major tranquilizer?

  • Phenelzine
  • Promethazine
  • Trifluoperazine
  • Hydroxyzine

Question 124 of 743

Q.24 Which one is a cholinomimetic agent?

  • Atropine
  • Salbutamol
  • Tolbutamide
  • Acetylcholine

Question 125 of 743

Q.25 Testosterone is not orally active because?

  • React with acid
  • Degradation
  • Reduction
  • Rapid oxidation of 17-hydroxy group to ketones

Question 126 of 743

Q.26 Which one of the following drug shows antiplatelet activity?

  • Verapamil
  • Nifedipine
  • Warferin
  • Dipyridamole

Question 127 of 743

Q.27 Nociceptors are associated with:

  • Chemical
  • Pain
  • Temperature
  • Pressure

Question 128 of 743

Q.28 Drug that shows selective antagonistic selective H1 antagonistic action?

  • Chlorpheniramine
  • Cimetidine
  • Ranitidine
  • Thioperamide

Question 129 of 743

Q.29 Which one is the alkylating anticancer drug?

  • Fluorouracil
  • Vincristine
  • Thiotepa
  • Doxorubicin

Question 130 of 743

Q.30 Which one is a HMGC A reductase inhibitor?

  • Rhabdomylosis
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Rise in serum transaminase

Question 131 of 743

Q.1 The term 'Pharmacognosy' was coined by-

  • Pelletier
  • Sertuener
  • Stars and Otto
  • Seydler

Question 132 of 743

Q.2 The source of Indian acacia is-

  • Acacia arabica
  • Gelidium amansii
  • Astragalus gummifur
  • Sterculia urens

Question 133 of 743

Q.3 Ashwagandha is common name for-

  • Wthania somniferum
  • Holarrhena antidysentrica
  • Bacopa moneira
  • Centella asiatica

Question 134 of 743

Q.4 Quinine and quinidine is differ in-

  • Chemical structure
  • solubility
  • In rotating the plane of polarized light
  • none of the above

Question 135 of 743

Q.5 Cinchona belongs to family-

  • Rutaceae
  • Apocynaceae
  • Rubiaceae
  • Lauraceae

Question 136 of 743

Q.6 Which one of these is called a Indian tobacco?

  • Lobelia
  • Nicotina
  • Cocca leaves
  • none of the above

Question 137 of 743

Q.7 Sarpagandha is related to-

  • Rauwolfia
  • Arjuna
  • Nux-vomica
  • Physostigma

Question 138 of 743

Q.8 Deadly night shade plant is related to-

  • Hyoscyamus niger
  • Datura stramonium
  • Belladonna
  • none of the above

Question 139 of 743

Q.9 Which one of these reagent is used to indicate the presence of emetine?

  • Picric acid
  • Potassium chlorate
  • potassium bismuth iodide
  • Iodine in pottassium iodide solution

Question 140 of 743

Q.10 Nux-vomica seed belongs to the family-

  • Rubiaceae
  • Loganiaceae
  • Papaveraceae
  • Apocynaceae

Question 141 of 743

Q.11 Which one of these alkaloids is volatile in nature?

  • Narcotine
  • Papaverine
  • Nicotine
  • Thebaine

Question 142 of 743

Q.12 Keller-Killiani test is specified for-

  • Aglycon part of digitalis glycosides
  • Glycon part of Digitalis glycosides
  • Both Glycon and Aglycon part
  • none of the above

Question 143 of 743

Q.13 which one of these is adulterant of digitalis leaves?

  • Verbasscum thapsus
  • Digitalis lutea
  • Digitalis thapsi
  • none of the above

Question 144 of 743

Q.14 Revand chini is common name for-

  • Aloe
  • Rhubarb
  • Cascara
  • Cinnamon

Question 145 of 743

Q.15 Amylum is synonym for-

  • starch
  • cellulose
  • sodium alginate
  • isaphgol mucilage

Question 146 of 743

Q.16 The marmelosin is constituent of-

  • Agar
  • Acacia gum
  • Bael
  • Karaya gum

Question 147 of 743

Q.17 Urginea maritimma is used as-

  • Purgative
  • Astringent
  • Cardiotonic
  • Anti-infective

Question 148 of 743

Q.18 Vasaka is used as-

  • Expectorant
  • sedative
  • stimulant
  • cardiac tonic

Question 149 of 743

Q.19 Camphor is obtained from which plant?

  • Eucalyptus globulus
  • Cinnammonnum camphora
  • Chenopodium ambrosoids
  • none of the above

Question 150 of 743

Q.20 Cymbopogon citratus belongs to the family-

  • Graminae
  • Lauraceae
  • Myrtaceae
  • Rubiaceae

Question 151 of 743

Q.21 Terpentine oil contains mainly-

  • citral
  • α-pinene
  • Limonene
  • Phellandrene

Question 152 of 743

Q.22 Peppermint oil is synonym for-

  • Mentha oil
  • Chenopodium oil
  • Cardamom oil
  • Lemon oil

Question 153 of 743

Q.23 Which part of the Dill fruit contains oil?

  • Entire fruit
  • Endosperm
  • Vittae
  • Mericarp

Question 154 of 743

Q.24 Pale and black catechu are differentiated on the basis of presence/ absence of-

  • Catechin
  • Quercetin
  • Gambier fluorecin
  • Gums

Question 155 of 743

Q.25 Triterpenoid saponins are present in-

  • Arjuna Bark
  • Black catechu
  • Bahera
  • none of the above

Question 156 of 743

Q.26 Pungency of chilies is due to the presence of?

  • Capsaicin
  • Capsanthin
  • Carotene
  • Pungent protein

Question 157 of 743

Q.27 Turmeric possess saffron colour due to presence of-

  • Curcumin
  • Turmerone
  • Curcumens
  • Phellandrene

Question 158 of 743

Q.28 Free cinnamic acid is present in-

  • Colophony
  • Storax
  • Asafoetida
  • Balsam of tolu

Question 159 of 743

Q.29 Bees wax mainly contains-

  • Palmitin
  • Myricin
  • Stearin
  • Cerotic acid

Question 160 of 743

Q.30 Silk fibres obtained from-

  • seeds of goissypium
  • Cacoons of Bombyx mori
  • Synthetic source
  • Corchorus cupsularin

Question 161 of 743

Q.1 Opthalmic solutions are not evaluated for:

  • Sterility test
  • Active ingredient
  • Clarity test
  • Pyrogen test

Question 162 of 743

Q.2 Which among the given is not suitable for controlled release dosase form

  • Diclofenace
  • Nicotine
  • Carbamazepine
  • Fentanyl

Question 163 of 743

Q.3 Kries test is related to

  • Skin sensitivity studies
  • Identification test of resin
  • Rancidity index
  • Identification test of aloin

Question 164 of 743

Q.4 Isoniazid causes hapatotoxicity due to

  • Its metabolite acetylhydrazine
  • Accumulation of isoniazid in hepatic cells
  • Its metabolite acetylisoniazid
  • Deficience of pyrifoxine caused by prolonged isoniazid theory

Question 165 of 743

Q.5 Which one of the following drug's tablet should be stored in the closely tight container to prevent loss of potency?

  • Phenytoin
  • Propranolol
  • Nitroglycerine
  • All of these

Question 166 of 743

Q.6 Metabolite of chlordiazepoxide is

  • Nordiazepam
  • Oxazepam
  • Demoxipam
  • All of these

Question 167 of 743

Q.7 Lemon Grass oil is obtained by steam distilation of the

  • Fresh leaves of Eucalyptus globulus
  • Fresh flowering tops of the menths piperata
  • Leaves of aerial parts of the cymopogon citratus
  • Pericarp of the ripe or nearly ripe fruits of citrus limonis

Question 168 of 743

Q.8 Azaspirodecandione agents are primarily used in the treatment of

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Anxiety
  • Mania

Question 169 of 743

Q.9 Praracetamol is a derivative of:

  • p-amino phenol
  • Aryl acetic acid
  • Aryl propionic acid
  • Anthranilic acid

Question 170 of 743

Q.10 Efficiency of ball mill depends on

  • Rotational speed
  • Density of balls
  • Volume occupied by the balls
  • All of these

Question 171 of 743

Q.11 Which of the following properties of a drug is affected by micronisation

  • Flow properties
  • Chemical stability
  • Therapeutic effectiveness
  • All of these

Question 172 of 743

Q.12 The phosphate antiviral agent is

  • Ribavirin
  • Didanosine
  • Ganciclovir
  • Foscarnet

Question 173 of 743

Q.13 side effect of drugs is arise due to its intraction to cellular molucules other than the target. these effect can be minimized by their:

  • specificity
  • Solubility
  • Affinity
  • Hydrophobicity

Question 174 of 743

Q.14 Which statement is not correct about levodopa?

  • In perkinsonism, phenothiazines reduce its efficacy
  • It is a prodrug
  • Pyridoxine reduces effect of levodopa in parkinsonism.
  • Domperidone blocks levodopa induced emesis and its therapeutic potential

Question 175 of 743

Q.15 Most widely used film former in nail lacquer is

  • Ethyle cellulose
  • cellulose acetate
  • cellulose nitrate
  • cellulose acetobutyrate

Question 176 of 743

Q.16 Which of the following metabolite of cyclophosphamide is responsible for its anti-tumor actitivity?

  • Phosphoramide mustard
  • Acrolein
  • Aldophosphamide
  • 4-hydroxy cyclophosphamide

Question 177 of 743

Q.17 The pH of tears is about

  • 6.0
  • 8.0
  • 7.4
  • 9.0

Question 178 of 743

Q.18 Food poisoning is caused by :

  • Clostridium tetani
  • Clostridium welchi
  • Clostridium botulinium
  • Clostridium septicum

Question 179 of 743

Q.19 Which animal is used for studying insulin preparations?

  • Horse
  • Pigeon
  • Rabbit
  • Chicken

Question 180 of 743

Q.20 Geiger muller counter is used in :

  • UV specroscopy
  • Ionisation methods
  • IR spectroscopy
  • NMR spectroscopy

Question 181 of 743

Q.21 Antipsychotic drug-induced parkinsonism is treated by

  • Trihexyphenidyl
  • Levodopa
  • Selegiline
  • Amantadine

Question 182 of 743

Q.22 As per drug and cosmetic act 1940 phenobarbitone sodium belongs to

  • Schedule L
  • Shedule X
  • Shedule R
  • Shedule O

Question 183 of 743

Q.23 Menthol is the main constituent of the volatile oil of

  • Pinus leaf
  • Peppermint leaf
  • Clove buds
  • Rose marry

Question 184 of 743

Q.24 The nitrogen in ephedrine is present as a

  • Primary amine
  • Secondary amines
  • Tertiary amines
  • Quarternary amines

Question 185 of 743

Q.25 Hardness of water is expressed in

  • mL
  • Dynes
  • ppm
  • Mhos

Question 186 of 743

Q.26 Sterilisation of packed food such as milk and meat products can be done by

  • Gas
  • Moist heat
  • Radiation
  • Dry heat

Question 187 of 743

Q.27 Chlorophyll test is positive in

  • Male fern
  • Clove
  • Rhubarb
  • Pale catechu

Question 188 of 743

Q.28 Removal of para-nitro group of chloramphenicol may

  • Increases the toxicity
  • Decreases bitterness
  • Decreses potency
  • Increases water solubility

Question 189 of 743

Q.29 A process of sepration of molecules through the use of semi-permeable membrane is known as

  • Osmosis
  • Dialysis
  • Seiving
  • Diffusion

Question 190 of 743

Q.30 Which one of the following is the initial step in the absorption of the drug from a tablet

  • Deaggregation
  • Diffusion
  • Disintegration
  • Dissolutuin

Question 191 of 743

Q.31 Fenbufen is used in

  • TB
  • Plague
  • Dengu
  • Inflammation

Question 192 of 743

Q.32 The female insect Coccus cacti is the source of

  • Honey
  • Canthrites
  • Shellac
  • Colchicine

Question 193 of 743

Q.33 Tragacanth in water is associated with

  • Plastic flow
  • Pseudoplatic flow
  • Dialatant flow
  • None of these

Question 194 of 743

Q.34 Antioxidants are added in lipstics to

  • Impart pleasant ordour
  • Staining of lips
  • Dissolving insoluble Pigments and dyes
  • Prevent rancidity

Question 195 of 743

Q.35 Borntrager test is used to identification of

  • Senna
  • Squill
  • Cinchona
  • Digitalis

Question 196 of 743

Q.36 Plasma protiens act as

  • Reserve protiens
  • Immunoglobulins
  • Buffers
  • All of these

Question 197 of 743

Q.37 Ketone bodies are synthesised from the fatty acid oxidisation products by which of the following organ

  • Brain
  • Liver
  • Skeletal muscle
  • Kidney

Question 198 of 743

Q.38 An example of protien denaturation is

  • Dissolving sugar in water
  • Metabolism of meat
  • Heating milk
  • Heating egg

Question 199 of 743

Q.39 An enzyme catalysed the conversion of alddose sugar to ketose sugar would be classified as

  • Isomerases
  • Transferases
  • Hydrolysases
  • Oxydoreductases

Question 200 of 743

Q.40 The constituent of essential oil is

  • Polyterpenoid
  • Tetraterpenoid
  • mono and sesquiterpenoid
  • Triterpenoid

Question 201 of 743

Q.41 Which of the given combination has an intraction, beneficial for routine clinical use?

  • Hydralazine and atenolol
  • Metochlopramide and levodopa
  • Quinidine and digoxine
  • Furosemide and lithium carbonate

Question 202 of 743

Q.42 Hyperuricemia is associated with the the abnormal metabolism of

  • Purine
  • Thiamine
  • Riboflavin
  • Pyrimidine

Question 203 of 743

Q.43 Active immunity is induced by

  • Placental transfer of antibodies
  • Infection
  • Injection of gamma-globulins
  • Injection of antibodies

Question 204 of 743

Q.44 HIV infection can be clinical controlled with

  • Ribavirin
  • Ganciclovir
  • Stavudine
  • Acyclovir

Question 205 of 743

Q.45 An anti-arrythmic drug that is also used to control seizures is

  • Lidocain
  • Disipyramide
  • Phenytoin
  • Amiodarone

Question 206 of 743

Q.46 Drug of choice for thyroid storm is

  • Carbimazole
  • Radioactive iodine
  • Propyl thiouracil
  • Centimizone

Question 207 of 743

Q.47 The cellular organells called 'suiside bags' are

  • Lysosomes
  • Nucleolus
  • Ribosomes
  • Golgi's bodies

Question 208 of 743

Q.48 The drug included in 'dope test' for athletes is

  • Propranolol
  • Prazocine
  • Dexamphetamine
  • Diazepam

Question 209 of 743

Q.49 Fifth edition of I.P. was published in the year

  • 1985
  • 1996
  • 2007
  • 2015

Question 210 of 743

Q.50 List of minimum equipements required for efficient running of pharmacy is given in shedule

  • M
  • N
  • A
  • R

Question 211 of 743

Q.1 Which drug from these is a schedule G drug?

  • Cimetidine
  • Allopurinol
  • L-Asparginase
  • Ketoprofen

Question 212 of 743

Q.2 Bromhexin HCL is a -

  • Sch. G drug
  • Sch. H drug
  • Sch. X drug
  • Sch. W drug

Question 213 of 743

Q.3 'Magic remedies Act' was passed in -

  • April 1954
  • May 1950
  • October 1948
  • June 1959

Question 214 of 743

Q.4 Drug Ferrous Sulphate is covered in schedule -

  • G
  • H
  • X
  • W

Question 215 of 743

Q.5 Which disease is not included in schedule J ?

  • AIDS
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Tuberculosis

Question 216 of 743

Q.6 Life period of whole human blood is

  • 21 days
  • 21 months
  • 2 days
  • 30 days

Question 217 of 743

Q.7  The term 'cool place' means -

  • Temperature between 2℃ to 8℃
  • Temperature between 4℃ to 6℃
  • Temperature not exceeding 25℃
  • Temperature between 10℃ to 25℃

Question 218 of 743

Q.8 List of drugs that shall be marketed under generic names only included in schedule - 

  • H
  • X
  • G
  • W

Question 219 of 743

Q.9 Schedule D of Drug and Cosmetic act is related to

  • List of prescription drugs
  • List of exempted from the certain provisions related to the manufacturing of drugs
  • Standards for surgical dressings
  • List of drugs exempted from the provisions of import of drug

Question 220 of 743

Q.10 Penalty for use of government analyst report for advertisement is-

  • ₹ 5000
  • ₹ 2500
  • ₹ 1000
  • ₹ 500

Question 221 of 743

Q.11 Poisonous drugs are covered in 

  • Schedule F
  • Schedule E
  • Schedule Y
  • Schedule X

Question 222 of 743

Q.12 Minimum requirements for grant of licence to procure blood components from whole human blood is give in which schedule? 

  • F1
  • F(i)
  • F(ii)
  • F2

Question 223 of 743

Q.13 Schedule F2 of Drug and Cosmetic act is related to - 

  • Standards for opthalmic preparations
  • Standards for surgical dressings
  • Standards for sterilized umbilical tapes
  • Standards for disinfectant fluids

Question 224 of 743

Q.14 Which no. of form should be used for application for grant of license to sell, stock or distribute Drug?

  • Form 8
  • Form 19
  • Form 12 A
  • Form 10

Question 225 of 743

Q.15 The Pharmacy Council of India is constituted by the:

  • Central government
  • State government
  • Cabinet health minister
  • Legislative assembly

Question 226 of 743

Q.16 The Insecticide act was passed in the year - 

  • 1968
  • 1960
  • 1965
  • 1967

Question 227 of 743

Q.17 If a Cosmetic contains a colour which is not prescribed, is called -

  • Spurious
  • Misbranded
  • Adulterated
  • Narcotic

Question 228 of 743

Q.18 Which of the following are prohibited to be imported?

  • Toilet preparation
  • Misbranded drugs
  • Unani drugs
  • None of the above

Question 229 of 743

Q.19 The President of PCI is:

  • Elected by its members
  • Nominated by health secretary
  • Elected by registered pharmacist
  • None of these

Question 230 of 743

Q.20 In case of the schedule X drugs the prescription should be in:

  • Duplicate
  • Triplicate
  • Only one copy
  • 5 copies

Question 231 of 743

Q.21 Import of drugs in India through sea and air both is allowed in which of the following places?

  • Chennai
  • Kolkata
  • Mumbai
  • All of these

Question 232 of 743

Q.22  The Joint State Council has

  • 3-5 registered pharmacists
  • 5-10 registered pharmacists
  • 1-9 registered pharmacists
  • 4-9 registered pharmacists

Question 233 of 743

Q.23 What is the punishment, when any person obstructing an inspector to exercise his duty?

  • Imprisonment upto 6 months or fine upto Rs. 1000 or both
  • Imprisonment upto 1 yrs or fine upto Rs. 5000 or both
  • Imprisonment upto 5 yrs or fine upto Rs. 10000 or both
  • Imprisonment upto 3 yrs or fine upto Rs. 5000 or both

Question 234 of 743

Q.24 The committee that advises the D.T.A.B and various governments is :

  • D.C.C.
  • D.E.C.
  • D.C.I.
  • None of the above

Question 235 of 743

Q.25 Manufacture without bond licences are issued by -

  • Excise Commissioner
  • Drug Inspector
  • Government Analyst
  • Registrar

Question 236 of 743

Q.1 one pound apothecary is equivalent to

  • 7000 grains
  • 6375 grains
  • 5760 grains
  • 480 grains

Question 237 of 743

Q.2 Ampoules generally contain

  • Single dose parentral product
  • multiple dose parental product
  • Two or three doses
  • none of these

Question 238 of 743

Q.3 Plasticizers are added in plastic to provide

  • Flexibility
  • heat stability
  • Mechanical strength
  • none of these

Question 239 of 743

Q.4 Which mill is used for size reduction of fibrous material?

  • Roller mill
  • Hammer mill
  • Ball mill
  • cutter milll

Question 240 of 743

Q.5 Ball mill works on the principle of

  • Impact
  • Compression
  • Attrition
  • Attrition and impact

Question 241 of 743

Q.6 Micrometrics deals with the study of

  • Powders
  • Micropores
  • small particles
  • metric system of measurements

Question 242 of 743

Q.7 Which filter is used for bacterial filtration?

  • Filter paper
  • Sintered glass filter
  • Membrane filter
  • none of these

Question 243 of 743

Q.8 The extraction process, in which crude drug is kept in contact with menstrum is called

  • infusion
  • maceration
  • percolation
  • none of these

Question 244 of 743

Q.9 Belladonne tincture is prepared by percolation due to its

  • Nature of crude drug
  • therapeutic value of drug
  • chemical properties of constituents
  • none of these

Question 245 of 743

Q.10 Drug and menstrum ratio of tincture is

  • 1 : 3
  • 1 : 4
  • 1 : 10
  • 1 : 2

Question 246 of 743

Q.11 Fractional distillation is carried out for seprating

  • miscible liquids
  • Immiscible liquids
  • Volatile oils
  • hormones

Question 247 of 743

Q.12 In which dryer, drying takes place at very low temprature?

  • Sublimation dryer
  • Vacuum dryer
  • Fluidized bed dryer
  • Rotatory dryer

Question 248 of 743

Q.13 Sera are used to provide

  • Artificial passive immunity
  • Artificial active immunity
  • Natural passive immunity
  • none of these

Question 249 of 743

Q.14 The lack of ability to resist infection is

  • susceptibility
  • Tolerance
  • Virulence
  • none of these

Question 250 of 743

Q.15 Tablet is film coated with

  • cellulose acetate phthalate
  • Cellulose
  • Hydroxy propyle methyle cellulose
  • carboxy methyle cellulose

Question 251 of 743

Q.16 Which one of these substance can be directly compressed into tablet?

  • Paracetamol
  • Aspirin
  • Indomethacin
  • Salicylic acid

Question 252 of 743

Q.17 Slugging is related to

  • Wet granulation
  • Mixing
  • Dry granulation
  • Filling of the die

Question 253 of 743

Q.18 The solution of potassium permangnate is filterd through

  • Filter paper
  • Whatman filter paper
  • cotton wool
  • Glass wool

Question 254 of 743

Q.19 Water attack test is is used to identify the alkalinity in:

  • Type I glass
  • Type II glass
  • Type III glass
  • All of these

Question 255 of 743

Q.20 Saccharin sodium is used as :

  • colouring agent
  • Sweetening agent
  • Flavouring agent
  • none of these

Question 256 of 743

Q.1 Aromatic spirit of ammonia is -

  • Antidote
  • Expectorant
  • Respiratory stimulant
  • Astringent

Question 257 of 743

Q.2 Most widely used anticaries agent is-

  • sodium bicarbonate
  • sodium carbonate
  • sodium fluoride
  • acacia

Question 258 of 743

Q.3 Acid-base theory was given by-

  • Lewis
  • Hamilton
  • John
  • Raman

Question 259 of 743

Q.4 Caustic soda is synonym of-

  • NaOH
  • HCl
  • CaCO7
  • I2

Question 260 of 743

Q.5 Hydrochloric Acid (HCl ) is used in-

  • Diarrhea
  • Hyperacidity
  • Achlorhydria
  • Fever

Question 261 of 743

Q.6 The colour of the cylinder of nitrous oxide is-

  • Red
  • Blue
  • Black
  • Orange

Question 262 of 743

Q.7 A gas used for fumigation is-

  • Nitrogen oxide
  • Ethylene
  • Oxygen
  • Sulphur dioxide

Question 263 of 743

Q.8 Antimony potassium tartarate is used as-

  • Antidote
  • Emetic
  • Astringent
  • Buffer

Question 264 of 743

Q.9 Amchlor is a synonym of-

  • Ammonium chloride
  • Sodium chloride
  • Potassium chloride
  • Ammonium hydroxide

Question 265 of 743

Q.10 Iodine dissolves in water with the addition of-

  • Sodium chloride
  • Sulphur
  • Potassium iodide
  • Calcium carbonate

Question 266 of 743

Q.11 Antidote used in Cyanide poisoning is-

  • Sodium chloride
  • Potassium iodide
  • sodium thiosulphate
  • sodium bicarbonate

Question 267 of 743

Q.12 Unit of measurement of radioactivity is-

  • Curie
  • Cm
  • Litre
  • Gm

Question 268 of 743

Q.13 Which of the following particles have no charge and mass?

  • α- particles
  • β-particles
  • γ-particles
  • All of the above

Question 269 of 743

Q.14 Milk of magnesia is a common name for-

  • Suspension of magnesium oxide
  • suspension of magnesium hydroxide
  • suspension of magnesium carbonate
  • none of the above

Question 270 of 743

Q.15 Epsom salt is-

  • Sodium sulphate
  • Potassium sulphate
  • Magnesium sulphate
  • none of the above

Question 271 of 743

Q.16 Brine is a concentrated solution of-

  • sodium hydroxide
  • sodium chloride
  • Potassium chloride
  • Potassium carbonate

Question 272 of 743

Q.17 Tincture of iodine is -

  • Strong iodine solution
  • weak iodine solution
  • Aqueous iodine solution
  • none of the above

Question 273 of 743

Q.18 Ammonium chloride is dried by-

  • Heating to constant weight
  • Keeping in air
  • Drying over desicant
  • All of the above

Question 274 of 743

Q.19 Which one of these is used to treat dandruff?

  • Sulphur
  • Selenium sulphide
  • yellow mercuric oxide
  • none of the above

Question 275 of 743

Q.20 Alum is added to bacterial toxins and toxoids to-

  • increase activity
  • precipitation of protein
  • Reduce toxicity
  • none of the above

Question 276 of 743

Q.21 What is calamine?

  • Zinc oxide
  • Zinc oxide with traces of magnesium oxide
  • Zinc oxide with traces of ferric oxide
  • Zinc carbonate

Question 277 of 743

Q.22 Which one of these is a major cation in intracellular fluid?

  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • magnesium
  • calcium

Question 278 of 743

Q.23 Titrant used in the assay of ferrous sulphate I.P.1996 is-

  • Potassium parmangnate
  • cerric ammonium sulphate
  • sulphuric acid
  • none of the above

Question 279 of 743

Q.24 The lead acetate cotton wool is used in limit test for arsenic to-

  • Make the arsine gas
  • Develop the yellow colour
  • Trap the hydrogen sulphide gas
  • none of the above

Question 280 of 743

Q.25 Limit tests are performed in-

  • Flask
  • Test Tube
  • Nesslar cylinder
  • none of the above

Question 281 of 743

Q.26 Silver nitrate should be stored in-

  • clean, dry white bottles
  • lead free white bottle
  • amber colourd bottle
  • neutral glass bottle

Question 282 of 743

Q.27 The drug commonly used to prevent sepsis in severe burn cases is-

  • sulfamethoxazole
  • silversulphadiazine
  • Salazopyrine
  • Sulfadiamidine

Question 283 of 743

Q.28 Which of the following is used as cryotherepeutic agent?

  • Calcium carbide
  • Liquid nitrogen
  • calcium cyanamide
  • sodium nitrite

Question 284 of 743

Q.29 which of the following is used in the eye treatment in minor infections?

  • Ammoniated mercury
  • Yellow mercuric oxide
  • Potassium permangnate
  • none of the above

Question 285 of 743

Q.30 which of the following is used as Rust inhibitor?

  • Sodium nitrite
  • liquid nitrogen
  • Calcium carbide
  • sodium thiosulphate

Question 286 of 743

Q.1 The peptide bond in proteins is detected by

  • Biuret test
  • formaldehyde
  • Million test
  • water

Question 287 of 743

Q.2 Which is the smallest amino acid?

  • Glycine
  • Alanine
  • Valine
  • Phenylalanine

Question 288 of 743

Q.3 Vitamin A is related to:

  • β-ionone
  • α-ionone
  • δ-ionone
  • ɣ-ionone

Question 289 of 743

Q.4 Vitamins that bind to Ca++ ATPase in intestinal cells is:

  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin D

Question 290 of 743

Q.5 Regular use of isoniazid as antitubercular drug causes deficiency of:

  • Vitamin B2
  • vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B1

Question 291 of 743

Q.6 Sakaguchi's test is specified to:

  • Glycine
  • Arginine
  • Tryptophan
  • Tyrosine

Question 292 of 743

Q.7 Which Enzyme is useful for the clinical diagnosis of acute pancreatitis?

  • Lipase
  • Amylase
  • Creatinine phosphokinase
  • Both A and B

Question 293 of 743

Q.8 Which enzyme catalyse the linking of two compounds?

  • Transferase
  • Isomerase
  • Ligase
  • Lyases

Question 294 of 743

Q.9 Enzyme Reaction kinetics are governed by:

  • Michaelis theory
  • Menten theory
  • Michaellis and Menten theory
  • Noyes and Whitney theory

Question 295 of 743

Q.10 What is the source of carbon atoms in Cholesterol?

  • Acetyl-CoA
  • Lanosterol
  • Squalene
  • Mevalonic acid

Question 296 of 743

Q.11 The Enzymes of HMP pathway are located in:

  • Cytosol
  • Adipose tissue
  • Heart
  • Intestine

Question 297 of 743

Q.12 The citrate is converted into isocitrate via cis-aconitase by the enzyme:

  • Cutrate synthase
  • aconitase
  • isocitrate dehydrogenate
  • malate dehydrogenase

Question 298 of 743

Q.13 In Glycolysis under anaerobic condition, there is a net gain of:

  • 4 ATP
  • 3 ATP
  • 2 ATP
  • 1 ATP

Question 299 of 743

Q.14 Which is the major pathway/cycle for removal of amonia in brain?

  • Glutamine pathway
  • Kreb's Henseleit cycle
  • Urea synthesis pathway
  • None of these

Question 300 of 743

Q.15 The disease albinism is related to:

  • defect of tyrosine metabolism
  • defect of phenylealanine metabolism
  • defect related to melanin biosynthesis
  • All of these

Question 301 of 743

Q.16 Knoop's beta oxidation is related to:

  • oxidation of fatty acids
  • oxidation of acetyl Coenzyme
  • oxidation of keto-bodies
  • oxidation of uric acid

Question 302 of 743

Q.17 The normal level of calcium in blood plasma is:

  • 20-40 mg/ 100ml
  • 30-40 mg/100 ml
  • 9-11 mg/100 ml
  • 100mg/100 ml

Question 303 of 743

Q.18 Xanthine oxidase contains:

  • Zinc
  • Molybdenum
  • cobalt
  • magnesium

Question 304 of 743

Q.19 Barfoed's reagent is a solution of:

  • copper sulphate
  • copper acetate in acetic acid
  • cupric tartrate
  • cupric nitrate

Question 305 of 743

Q.20 The risk factor for atherosclerosis is related to:

  • Chylomicron
  • VLDL
  • HDL
  • VLDL and LDL

Question 306 of 743

Q.21 The precursor for Vitamin D is:

  • Fatty acid
  • Sterol
  • Cholesterol
  • Lipid

Question 307 of 743

Q.22 Glutathione is:

  • Dipeptide
  • Tripeptide
  • Cyclic peptide
  • Polypeptide

Question 308 of 743

Q.23 Bial's Reagent is a solution of:

  • Alpha napthol in alcohol
  • Phenol in 30% HCL
  • Orcinol in 30% HCL
  • Orcinol in 30% HCL + ferric chloride

Question 309 of 743

Q.24 Fluorosis is caused by the excess intake of:

  • Copper
  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Fluorine

Question 310 of 743

Q.25 Mutarotation is:

  • change in structure
  • change in cyclic structure
  • change in optical rotation
  • none of above

Question 311 of 743

Q.1 Basal metabolic rate is related to -

  • Surface area
  • Height
  • Body weight
  • All of these

Question 312 of 743

Q.2 Which enzyme does not act on dietary proteins?

  • Elastase
  • Hydrolase
  • Trypsin
  • Chymotrypsin

Question 313 of 743

Q.3 LH is required for -

  • Follicular growth
  • Menstruation
  • Fertilization
  • Tubular motility

Question 314 of 743

Q.4 which of the following is called as hormone of abundance?

  • Insulin
  • Adrenaline
  • Somatostatin
  • Glucagon

Question 315 of 743

Q.5 which hormone causes contraction of the gall bladder?

  • Secretin
  • Gastrin
  • Bradykinin
  • Cholecystokinin

Question 316 of 743

Q.6 pH of CSF is -

  • 7.13
  • 7.33
  • 7.23
  • 7.40

Question 317 of 743

Q.7 Iron is stored in - 

  • R.E. cells
  • Plasma
  • Erythrocytes
  • All of these

Question 318 of 743

Q.8 Prostaglandin secretion is maximum in -

  • Urine
  • Amniotic fluid
  • Saliva
  • Semen

Question 319 of 743

Q.9 Turner syndrome caused by -

  • Presence of only one X chromosome
  • Presence of only Y chromosome
  • Presence of XXY chromosome
  • None of the above

Question 320 of 743

Q.10 Name the hormone involved in regulation of calcium?

  • Growth hormone
  • Thyroid hormone
  • Insulin hormone
  • PTH (parathyroid hormone)

Question 321 of 743

Q.11 Name the receptor which detects pressure sensation?

  • Chemoreceptor
  • Thermoreceptor
  • Baroreceptor
  • Mechanoreceptor

Question 322 of 743

Q.12 Which receptor is responsible for pain?

  • Chemoreceptor
  • Thermoreceptor
  • Nocireceptor
  • Baroreceptor

Question 323 of 743

Q.13 Which hormone acts via tyrokinase receptors?

  • Steroid hormones
  • Thyroid hormone
  • Insulin hormone
  • All of these

Question 324 of 743

Q.14 Which part of CNS controls respiration?

  • Medulla
  • Spinal cord
  • Cerebellum
  • None of the above

Question 325 of 743

Q.15 What is micturition?

  • Discharge of blood
  • Discharge of urine
  • Discharge of semen
  • None of the above

Question 326 of 743

Q.16 Spermatozoa are formed in

  • Vasa deference
  • Prostate gland
  • Seminal vesicles
  • None of the above

Question 327 of 743

Q.17 Progesterone is secreted by

  • Corpus leteum
  • Testis
  • Ovary
  • None of the above

Question 328 of 743

Q.18 Lysosomes are also known as -

  • Power house of cell
  • Protien factories
  • Suicidal bags
  • None of the above

Question 329 of 743

Q.19 Sarcolemma is a covering of 

  • Nerve fibre
  • Muscle fibre
  • Collagen fibre
  • Cartilage

Question 330 of 743

Q.20 Lungs are covered by 

  • Pericardium
  • Pleura
  • Sclera
  • Myocardium

Question 331 of 743

Q.21 How many pairs of spinal nerves are in humans?

  • 12
  • 13
  • 25
  • 31

Question 332 of 743

Q.22 The structural and functional unit of brain is?

  • Nephrone
  • Neuron
  • Myosites
  • Synapse

Question 333 of 743

Q.23 What is embolism?

  • Breaking of blood clot
  • Stoping of blood clot
  • Movement of blood clot in vessels
  • None of the above

Question 334 of 743

Q.24 which one is a iron transporter in the blood?

  • Hemosiderin
  • Transferrin
  • Mosiderin
  • None of the above

Question 335 of 743

Q.25 The deposition of sodium urate crystals in joints leads to disease -

  • Arthritis
  • Inflammation
  • Gout
  • Calculi

Question 336 of 743

Q.1 Endocardium is the layer of

  • kidney
  • lung
  • heart
  • stomach

Question 337 of 743

Q.2 The reserve pacemaker is

  • AV node
  • SA node
  • Bundle of his
  • purkinje fibre

Question 338 of 743

Q.3 The peritonium is a

  • Outer covering of elementary tract in abdomen
  • outer covering of thorax
  • inner covering of rectum
  • None of Above

Question 339 of 743

Q.4 Parotids glands are present in

  • Stomach
  • mouth
  • Pharynx
  • Intestine

Question 340 of 743

Q.5 Succus entericus is related to

  • Pancreatic Juice
  • Intestinal juice
  • Enzymes present in stomach
  • None of these

Question 341 of 743

Q.6 Which one of these glands has both endocrine and exocrine function?

  • Liver
  • Pancreas
  • Parotid gland
  • Thyroid gland

Question 342 of 743

Q.7 C-shaped hyaline cartilages are present in

  • Larynx
  • Trachea
  • Pharynx
  • None of these

Question 343 of 743

Q.8 Tonsils are present in

  • Pharynx
  • Larynx
  • Pancreas
  • Liver

Question 344 of 743

Q.9 Accumulation of carbon dioxide gas in lungs is called

  • Anoxia
  • Asphyxia
  • Anorexia
  • None of the above

Question 345 of 743

Q.10 The basic unit of kidney is

  • Glmerulus
  • Nephron
  • Loop of henley
  • None of these

Question 346 of 743

Q.11 Glucose reabsorption takes place mainly in:

  • Distal convulated tubules
  • Collecting duct
  • Proximal convulated tubule
  • Loop of henley

Question 347 of 743

Q.12 The Hormone concerned with the basic metabolic rate is

  • Thyroxin
  • Pratharmone
  • Arenaline
  • Calcitonin

Question 348 of 743

Q.13 Melatonin is secreted by

  • Thymus gland
  • Adenophysis
  • Pineal gland
  • Adrenal gland

Question 349 of 743

Q.14 Tetany is related to

  • Hypoparathyroidism
  • Hypocalcemia
  • Both (a) and (b)
  • None of above

Question 350 of 743

Q.15 The Upper jaw bone is

  • Ethmoid
  • Maxilla
  • Mandible
  • Hyoid

Question 351 of 743

Q.16 The shoulder joint is a type of:

  • Hinge Joint
  • Ball and socket joint
  • Pivot joint
  • Gliding joint

Question 352 of 743

Q.17 Vestibule is present in

  • External ear
  • Internal ear
  • Middle ear
  • None of these

Question 353 of 743

Q.18 Which cranial nerve is attached with the eye?

  • 2nd
  • 4th
  • 6th
  • 8th

Question 354 of 743

Q.19 Ciliary body in the eye ball is the extension of:

  • Sclera
  • Choroid
  • Retina
  • cornea

Question 355 of 743

Q.20 Perkinson's disease is due to lesion in the:

  • cerebellum
  • basal ganglia
  • cerebrum
  • hypothalamus

Question 356 of 743

Q.21 Hyoglosal cranial nerve is related with:

  • Movement of tongue
  • Movement of saliva
  • Movement of layrynx
  • None of the above

Question 357 of 743

Q.22 The longest skeletal muscle is

  • Biceps
  • Quadriceps femoris
  • supinator
  • sartorius

Question 358 of 743

Q.23 Which Tarsal bone forms the heel of the foot?

  • Talus
  • Calcaneous
  • Navicular
  • cuboid

Question 359 of 743

Q.24 The lymph fluid is:

  • Colourless
  • Reddish
  • Light brown
  • Pinkish

Question 360 of 743

Q.25 What is autocrine?

  • Local hormones
  • Steroids
  • Biogenic amines
  • None of the above

Question 361 of 743

Q.1 License for chemist shop is issued by:

  • Drug Controller of India
  • Custom collector
  • State Drug Authority
  • Director of health services

Question 362 of 743

Q.2 The Magic remedies act was passed in the year:

  • 1954
  • 1944
  • 1920
  • 1935

Question 363 of 743

Q.3 Cure for cancer is an example for following advertisement:

  • Prohibited
  • Exempted
  • Bonafide
  • Permitted

Question 364 of 743

Q.4 advertisements of prescription drugs are meant for:

  • Physician
  • Distributor
  • Patient
  • Retail Pharmacy

Question 365 of 743

Q.5 List of Ayurvedic poison is related to shedule

  • E
  • F and F1
  • E1
  • G

Question 366 of 743

Q.6 Import of drug for personal use contain average dose up to:

  • 200
  • 150
  • 100
  • no limit

Question 367 of 743

Q.7 The Records for the drugs having date of expiry should be preserved for a period of atleast:

  • 5 years
  • 2 years
  • 1 year
  • 6 months

Question 368 of 743

Q.8 Spurious' drugs means:

  • Imitations
  • Substitutes
  • Resembled drugs
  • All of the above

Question 369 of 743

Q.9 Example of shedule G drug is:

  • Tetracycline
  • Glibenclamide
  • Ibuprofen
  • Paracetamol

Question 370 of 743

Q.10 Biologicals are tested at:

  • Mumbai
  • Kilkata
  • Chennai
  • Kasauli

Question 371 of 743

Q.11 A 20 weeks pregnancy can be terminated with the consent of:

  • Doctor holding MBBS degree
  • Doctor holding M.D. degree
  • Gynecologist
  • Two registered medical practitionars

Question 372 of 743

Q.12 License for the Manufacture of medicinal and toilet preparation in bond are issued by:

  • Custom collector
  • Excise Commissioner
  • Central Government
  • None of the above

Question 373 of 743

Q.13 Opium straw include all parts except:

  • Flower
  • Stem
  • Seed
  • Root

Question 374 of 743

Q.14 Shedule N indicates

  • Drug used under medical supervision
  • drugs marketed under generic names only
  • Minimum equipments needed for retail pharmacy
  • Life period of drugs

Question 375 of 743

Q.15 Which one of these disease does not belongs to Shedule J

  • Leucoderma
  • Diabetes
  • Glaucoma
  • Diphtheria

Question 376 of 743

Q.16 D.T.A.B is constituted by:

  • State Government
  • P.C.I.
  • DCTE
  • Central government

Question 377 of 743

Q.17 Which colour is permitted in soaps?

  • Phthalocyanine blue
  • Citrus red number 2
  • Rhodamine
  • All of these

Question 378 of 743

Q.18 Which of the following colours is a natural colour?

  • Carotene
  • Caramel
  • Tartrazine
  • All of these

Question 379 of 743

Q.19 Permission to initiate clinical trials with new drug is obtained by applying in :

  • form number 22
  • form number 12
  • form number 11
  • form number 20

Question 380 of 743

Q.20 Which drug is not shedule C1 drug?

  • Digitalis
  • Ergot
  • Fish liver oil
  • Streptomycin

Question 381 of 743

Q.21 The tablet or capsules of drug specified in shedule X can be marketed in packing not exceeding?

  • 200 unit doses
  • 150 unit doses
  • 100 unit doses
  • 250 unit doses

Question 382 of 743

Q.22 Vaccine, Sera, Insulin, Chloramphenicol is included in shedule?

  • Shedule C
  • Shedule C1
  • Shedule E
  • Shedule L

Question 383 of 743

Q.23 State pharmacy council should have the following no. of elected members?

  • 6
  • 9
  • 5
  • 7

Question 384 of 743

Q.24 Import of cosmetic intended for use on the eye lash containing coaltar:

  • Permitted
  • Exempted
  • Prohibited
  • None of the above

Question 385 of 743

Q.25 The area of the section to be used as dispensing department shall be not less than

  • 4 sq. metres
  • 6 sq. metres
  • 10 sq. metres
  • 8 sq. metres

Question 386 of 743

Q.1 Which part of prescription contains information regarding the type and quality of dosage form?

  • Subscription
  • Inscription
  • Superscription
  • Signature

Question 387 of 743

Q.2 The latin word Pulvis consperus is used for

  • Powder
  • Paste
  • Ointment
  • Dusting powder

Question 388 of 743

Q.3 Which one if these ingredients used in dusting powder, should be sterilised?

  • Starch
  • Kaolin
  • Zinc oxide
  • None of the above

Question 389 of 743

Q.4 Cataplasma is related to -

  • Powder
  • Poultice
  • Cream
  • Ointment

Question 390 of 743

Q.5 Lemon spirit is used in the mixtures as -

  • Vehicle
  • Flavouring agent
  • Preservative
  • None of the above

Question 391 of 743

Q.6 what is the w/v percentage of sucrose in simple syrup I.P. ?

  • 66.7
  • 75
  • 50
  • 40

Question 392 of 743

Q.7 Vehicle present in the linctuses is -

  • Syrup
  • Aromatic waters
  • Water
  • None of the above

Question 393 of 743

Q.8 The label shake well before use is indicated on the mixture containing -

  • Soluble medicaments
  • Potent medicament
  • Diffusible medicaments
  • Miscible liquid

Question 394 of 743

Q.9 Paracetamol elixir is magenta red in colour due to presence which colouring agent?

  • Tartrazine
  • Compound tartrazine
  • Amaranth
  • None of the above

Question 395 of 743

Q.10 Which thickening agent is inorganic in nature?

  • Acacia
  • Compound tragacanth powder
  • Bentonite
  • None of the above

Question 396 of 743

Q.11 Aqueous alcoholic solution of volatile oil is called?

  • Aromatic water
  • Elixirs
  • Tinctures
  • Spirits

Question 397 of 743

Q.12 O/W and W/O type of emulsion can be differentiated by -

  • Miscibility test
  • Staining test
  • Dye test
  • All of these

Question 398 of 743

Q.13 Which is an anionic surfactant?

  • Sodium lauryl sulphate
  • Glycerol monostearate
  • Tetradecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide
  • Sorbitan mono oleate

Question 399 of 743

Q.14 The condensed product of oleic acid and ethylene oxide is called -

  • Macrogol
  • Cetomacrogol
  • Polysorbates
  • Spans

Question 400 of 743

Q.15 Name the suspending agent used in calamine lotion?

  • ZnO
  • Bentonite
  • Sodium citrate
  • Glycerol

Question 401 of 743

Q.16 In non-staining iodine ointment, which ingredient is added to bind the iodine?

  • Arachis oil
  • Yellow soft paraffin
  • Methyl salicylate
  • None of the above

Question 402 of 743

Q.17 Which fatty base is used in suppositories?

  • Witespol
  • Massupol
  • Cocoa butter
  • Soap glycerin base

Question 403 of 743

Q.18 In testosterone propionate injection, vehicle is -

  • Apyrogenic water
  • Seasome oil
  • Polyethylene glycol
  • None of the above

Question 404 of 743

Q.19 Which part of pyrogen elevates body temperature?

  • Protein
  • Lipopolysaccharide
  • Lipid
  • None of the above

Question 405 of 743

Q.20 Mineral oil cannot be used as oily vehicle in injection because

  • It is toxic
  • It is not absorbed in the body
  • It is incompatible
  • It is not metabolised in body

Question 406 of 743

Q.21 If the red blood cells are placed in 5% w/v sodium chloride solution then -

  • Hemolysis occurs
  • Shrinkage of cell occur
  • Cells become more red
  • None of the above

Question 407 of 743

Q.22 Henderson - Hassel equation is related to

  • Buffer solution
  • Osmotic pressure
  • Absorption
  • Dissolution rate

Question 408 of 743

Q.23 Hydroxymethyl cellulose is added in eye drops to -

  • Enhance viscosity
  • Maintain pH
  • Provide isotonicity
  • None of the above

Question 409 of 743

Q.24 Contact lenses are made up of -

  • Polyvinyl alcohols
  • Chitin
  • Polymethyl methacrylate
  • None of the above

Question 410 of 743

Q.25 One fluid ounce is equal to

  • 30ml
  • 20 ml
  • 25 ml
  • 50 ml

Question 411 of 743

Q.26 Dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate is used in toothpaste as:

  • Sweetening agent
  • Surface active agent
  • Humectant
  • Binder

Question 412 of 743

Q.27 Sustained released tablet is designed to -

  • Disintegrate slowly in G.I. tract
  • Release the medicaments slowly
  • Reduce toxic effect
  • None of the above

Question 413 of 743

Q.28 Adhesion of tablet material to a die wall is called

  • Mottling
  • Sticking
  • Picking
  • Capping

Question 414 of 743

Q.29 Which one of these is an example of 'ayurvedic drug?

  • Arks
  • Bhasmas
  • Asavas
  • All of these

Question 415 of 743

Q.30 Which machine is used for making soft gelatin capsules?

  • Dry cota
  • Rotary dye process
  • Rotary punch machine
  • Press cota

Question 416 of 743

Q.1 Type of emulsion produced with bees wax is -

  • O/W
  • W/O
  • Both type
  • None of the above

Question 417 of 743

Q.2 An example of physical incompatibility is -

  • Milk + water
  • Sugar + water
  • Camphor + menthol
  • Sodium chloride + water

Question 418 of 743

Q.3 Moist granules are dried at

  • 50℃
  • 90℃
  • 80℃
  • 60℃

Question 419 of 743

Q.4 The latin word Primo mane means -

  • Every morning
  • Early in the morning
  • In the morning
  • At night

Question 420 of 743

Q.5 Simple syrup B.P. contains sugar in percenetage is-

  • 85%
  • 60%
  • 75%
  • 50%

Question 421 of 743

Q.6 Which one of these is present in compound sulphur lotion as wetting agent?

  • Talc
  • Quillaia tincture
  • Zinc oxide
  • Sodium citrate

Question 422 of 743

Q.7 Which type of surfactants have both hydrophobic and hydrophilic portion?

  • Anionic surfactants
  • Cationic surfactants
  • Non-ionic surfactants
  • Sodium soap

Question 423 of 743

Q.8 Span 80 is name given to -

  • Sorbitan mono laurate
  • Sorbitan mono stearate
  • Sorbitan mono oleate
  • None of the above

Question 424 of 743

Q.9 Hypodermic injection is given in -

  • Subcutaneous tissue
  • Deltoid muscle
  • Subarachnoid tissue
  • None of the above

Question 425 of 743

Q.10 Pharmagel A is obtained by :

  • Acid hydrolysis
  • Enzymatic hydrolysis
  • Basic hydrolysis
  • None of the above

Question 426 of 743

Q.11 The temperature at which blood plasma and tears freeze is -

  • - 0.122 ℃
  • - 0.3 ℃
  • - 0.52 ℃
  • None of the above

Question 427 of 743

Q.12 Extraction of vegetables drug with cold or boiling water for short time is called

  • Tincture
  • Infusion
  • Percolate
  • Spirit

Question 428 of 743

Q.13 in capsules ROTOSORT is used for -

  • Filling powders into capsules
  • Filling pallets into capsules
  • Filling liquids into capsules
  • Sorting the unfilled capsules

Question 429 of 743

Q.14 Lozenges are also known as

  • Buccal tablets
  • Pessaries
  • Troches
  • Pastilles

Question 430 of 743

Q.15 Enteric coated tablets are meant for disintegration in -

  • Stomach
  • Mouth
  • Intestine
  • None of these

Question 431 of 743

Q.16 Dextrose injection is sterilised by

  • Hot air oven
  • Autoclave
  • Tyndallization
  • Pasteurization

Question 432 of 743

Q.17 Youngs formula for dose calculation is -

  • \({Age \ in \ years \over Age \ in \ years + 12} × adult dose\)
  • \({Age \over 20} × adult \ dose\)
  • Weight of the child in lbs/150 × adult dose
  • Age in months / 150 × adult dose

Question 433 of 743

Q.18 Talc is used in the preparation of aromatic water as a 

  • Vehicle
  • Distributive agent
  • Medicament
  • None of the above

Question 434 of 743

Q.19 Amorphous forms of drugs are

  • Usually less soluble than crystalline forms
  • Usually more soluble than crystal form.
  • Also called solvents
  • Practically insoluble

Question 435 of 743

Q.20 Shrinkage of gel by extrusion of liquid is called -

  • Dilatancy
  • Plasticity
  • Ebullition
  • Syneresis

Question 436 of 743

Q.21 In situ salt formation is a technique used in drug therapy to overcome -

  • Lack of solubility of salt
  • Poor absorption
  • Chemical instability
  • Complexation problems

Question 437 of 743

Q.22 Disposable syringes are made up of -

  • Polypropylene
  • Transparent polystyrene
  • Glass
  • Poly tetrachloro ethylene

Question 438 of 743

Q.23 Fine droplets of nasal sprays are produced by using -

  • Nebuliser
  • Atomiser
  • Propellent
  • Sprayer

Question 439 of 743

Q.24 The process of grinding a substance to very fine powder is termed -

  • Trituration
  • Sublimation
  • Percolation
  • Levigation

Question 440 of 743

Q.25 The ideal antiseptic concentration of ethyl alcohol is -

  • 95%
  • 100%
  • 70%
  • 50%

Question 441 of 743

Q.26 Urethral suppositories are also called as -

  • Pessaries
  • Nasal bougies
  • Bougies
  • Suppositories

Question 442 of 743

Q.27 The substance added to form deflocculated suspensions is -

  • Suspending agent
  • Wetting agent
  • Electrolytes
  • Dispersing agents

Question 443 of 743

Q.28 Which is not a mineral hydrocolloid?

  • Veegum
  • Colloidal silica
  • Colloidal alumina
  • Tragacanth

Question 444 of 743

Q.29 Number of fluid ounce present in one pint is -

  • 15
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40

Question 445 of 743

Q.30 The symbol ℞ is written in which part of the prescription?

  • Inscription
  • Superscription
  • Subscription
  • Signature

Question 446 of 743

Q.1 Diflunisal is a diflourophenyl derivative of -

  • Acetic acid
  • Propionic acid
  • Salicylic acid
  • Pyrazole

Question 447 of 743

Q.2 Drug used in gout is -

  • Ibuprofen
  • Oxyphenbutazone
  • Indomethacin
  • None of the above

Question 448 of 743

Q.3 Oxyphenbutazone is active metabolite of following -

  • Sulphinpyrazole
  • Pyrazole
  • Phenylbutazone
  • None of the above

Question 449 of 743

Q.4 Carbomal, used in mild insomnia is a -

  • Monoguanide
  • Barbiturate
  • Monoureides
  • None of the above

Question 450 of 743

Q.5 Cocaine is rarely used due to its -

  • Toxicity
  • Irritatant action
  • Toxicity and addiction
  • Incompatibility

Question 451 of 743

Q.6 Largactil is a a common name for -

  • Prochlorperazine
  • Chlorpromazine
  • Perphenazine
  • Promethazine

Question 452 of 743

Q.7 Which drug is preferred to give to bed wetted children?

  • Amitriptyline
  • Imipramine
  • Phenelzine
  • Isocarboxazide

Question 453 of 743

Q.8 Which one of these drug is mono-amine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor?

  • Imipramine
  • Lithium citrate
  • Amitriptyline
  • Tranylcypromine

Question 454 of 743

Q.9 Caffeine is a -

  • 3,7-dimethyl xanthene
  • 1,3,7-trimethyl xanthene
  • 1,3-dimethyl xanthene
  • None of the above

Question 455 of 743

Q.10 Parkinsonism occurs due to -

  • Excess of dopamine
  • Depletion of dopamine
  • Depletion of epinephrine
  • None of the above

Question 456 of 743

Q.11 Naphazoline is used in -

  • Asthma
  • Hypotension
  • Nasal congestion
  • Hay fever

Question 457 of 743

Q.12 Hyoscine (scopolamine) differs structurally from atropine -

  • Hyoscine is not a ester
  • Hyoscine is an ester of different alcohol and tropic acid
  • Hyoscine possesses epoxide linkage between carbon 6 and 7
  • None of the above

Question 458 of 743

Q.13 Quinidine acts as antiarrhythmic drug by -

  • Calcium channel blockade
  • β -receptor blockade
  • Sodium channel blockade
  • None of the above

Question 459 of 743

Q.14 Propranolol, atenolol, and metoprolol are similar in structure due to possession of-

  • Basic nucleus
  • Side chain (2-hydroxy-3-isopropylaminopropoxy)
  • Alkyl group
  • All of these

Question 460 of 743

Q.15 Mannitol acts as diuretic by-

  • Increasing the osmotic pressor in renal tubule
  • Increasing the rate if glomerular filtration
  • Inhibiting the reabsorption of sodium ion
  • None of the above

Question 461 of 743

Q.16 Sulphonylureas act as oral hypoglycaemic agent by -

  • Increasing the metabolism of carbohydrate
  • Utilising the Glucose
  • Stimulating insulin secretion
  • None of the above

Question 462 of 743

Q.17 Antithyroid drugs decrease the synthesis of thyroxine by -

  • Decreasing the availability of amino acid
  • Destroying the cell in thyroid gland
  • Interfering with incorporation of iodide thyroglobulin
  • All of these

Question 463 of 743

Q.18 Which one of these is an anabolic steroid?

  • Testosterone propionate
  • Fluxymesterone
  • Stanozolol
  • None of the above

Question 464 of 743

Q.19 Hydrocortisone differ from cortisone in possessing -

  • Basic nucleus
  • Double bond
  • Hydroxy group in place of keto group at C-11
  • None of the above

Question 465 of 743

Q.20 Sulphonamides act as antibacterial drug due to -

  • Free amino group
  • Sulphonamide group
  • Benzene nucleus
  • None of the above

Question 466 of 743

Q.21 The structure of penicillin consists of

  • Thiozolidine
  • β -lactam
  • Thiazolidine and β -lactam ring
  • None of the above

Question 467 of 743

Q.22 Which one if these antibiotics is effective in the treatment of intestinal amoebiasis?

  • Streptomycin
  • Paromomycin
  • Ampicillin
  • Chloramphenicol

Question 468 of 743

Q.23 Vermox is a common brand for -

  • Thiabendazole
  • Piperazine
  • Mebendazole
  • Metronidazole

Question 469 of 743

Q.24 Which one of these drugs is used as an opthalmic diagnostic agent?

  • Fluorescein sodium
  • Congo red
  • Methelene blue
  • Indigo carmine

Question 470 of 743

Q.25 Evans blue is used to determine -

  • Liver function
  • kidney function
  • Blood volume
  • Ulceration in Eye cornea

Question 471 of 743

Q.26 Which one of these vitamin is a naphthaquinone derivative?

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin D

Question 472 of 743

Q.27 Chemical structure of halothene is-

  • CH3-CHBrCl
  • CF3 -CHCl-O-CHF2
  • C3H7 - O- CH3
  • CHF.Cl-CF2-OCHF2

Question 473 of 743

Q.28 The number of nitrogen atom in benzimidazole is :

  • 2 in the same ring
  • 3 in the same ring
  • 1 in the five membered ring
  • 2 in the different ring

Question 474 of 743

Q.29 which one of these antineoplastic (anticancer) drugs contains platinum?

  • Nitrogen mustard
  • Busulphan
  • Cisplatin
  • Daunorubicin

Question 475 of 743

Q.30 The organophosphate poisoning is treated by

  • Neostigmine
  • Physostigmine
  • Pralidoxime
  • Pyridostigmine

Question 476 of 743

Q.1 Commonly used amide type of local anesthetic agent is

  • Procaine
  • Benzocaine
  • Amethocaine
  • Lignocaine

Question 477 of 743

Q.2 Adrenaline (vasoconstrictor) is used with procaine hydrochloride injection to -

  • Increase the activity of procaine
  • Prolong the duration of anesthetic action
  • Reduce the toxicity
  • None of the above

Question 478 of 743

Q.3 Mogadone, hypnotic drug is brand name of -

  • Lorazepam
  • Nitrazepam
  • Methaqualone
  • None of the above

Question 479 of 743

Q.4 which one of these is not true for pilocarpine?

  • It is naturally occuring alkaloid
  • Used for teatment of glaucoma
  • It is a cholinergic antagonist
  • It contains imidazole nucleus

Question 480 of 743

Q.5 Pseudoephedrine differs from ephedrine in -

  • Chemical structure
  • Isomerism
  • Activity
  • Activity and isomerism

Question 481 of 743

Q.6 Digoxin contains hydroxyl groups at position-

  • 3 and 12
  • 3 and 14
  • 3, 12 and 14
  • 3, 12 and 15

Question 482 of 743

Q.7 Lasix is the common brand name for

  • Furosemide
  • Ethacrynic acid
  • Sprinolactone
  • Hydrochlorthiazide

Question 483 of 743

Q.8 Which one of these contain benzhydryl group?

  • Histamine
  • Diphenhydramine
  • Dimenhydrinate
  • Both option (b) and (c)

Question 484 of 743

Q.9 The piperidine ring skeleton is present in 

  • Pantazocine
  • Levorphan
  • Pethidine
  • Nalorphine

Question 485 of 743

Q.10 Paracetamol is marketed as -

  • Tylenol
  • Calpol
  • Crocin
  • All of the above

Question 486 of 743

Q.11 Which drug has the antiserotonin activity?

  • Cyproheptadine
  • Promethazine
  • Terfinadine
  • All of the above

Question 487 of 743

Q.12 Which is the non acidic anti-inflammatory agent?

  • Oxyphenbutazone
  • Ibuprofen
  • Piroxicam
  • Nabumetone

Question 488 of 743

Q.13 Which one of these antitubercular drugs contain pyridine nucleus?

  • Isoniazid
  • Pyrizinamide
  • Ethionamide
  • Cycloserine

Question 489 of 743

Q.14 Erythromycin will be unstable at pH

  • 8
  • 9
  • 4
  • None of the above

Question 490 of 743

Q.15 The chemical name for metronidazole is

  • 2-methyl-5- nitro-1H-imidazole-1-ethanol
  • 2-methyl- 5-nitro-1H-imidazole-1-methanol
  • 2-methyl-5-nitro-2H-imidazole-1-ethanol
  • 2-methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazole-1- methanol

Question 491 of 743

Q.16 The clofibrate is used in -

  • type iii hyperlipoproteinemia
  • Hypertension
  • vascular problems
  • Raynauds disease

Question 492 of 743

Q.17 Which of these has azocinyl moiety?

  • Guanethidine
  • Clofibrate
  • Quinidine
  • Quinine

Question 493 of 743

Q.18 The muscle relaxant 'meprobamate' is a derivative of -

  • Dicarbamate
  • Dioic acid
  • Diamine
  • Diol

Question 494 of 743

Q.19 Which one of these is not a mydriatic agent?

  • Atropine
  • Homatropine
  • Tropicamide
  • Hyoscyamine

Question 495 of 743

Q.20 The chemical name 1,1-oxybisethane belongs to -

  • Dimethyl ether
  • Diethyl ether
  • Methyl ethyl ether
  • Cyclopropyl ether

Question 496 of 743

Q.21 The pentothal sodium is a -

  • Local anesthetic
  • Intravenous anesthetic
  • General anesthetic
  • Hypnotic

Question 497 of 743

Q.22 The prefix 'sila' is used for

  • Sulphur
  • Silicon
  • Selenium
  • None of the above

Question 498 of 743

Q.23 Which one of these sulpha drug possess guanidine, used in bacillary dysentery?

  • Sulphadiazine
  • Sulphadimidine
  • Sulphaguanidine
  • Sulphasomidine

Question 499 of 743

Q.24 The basic ring present in estradiol (female sex hormone) -

  • 5 α - androstane
  • 5 α - estrane
  • 5 α - pregnane
  • None of the above

Question 500 of 743

Q.25 Two polypeptide chain in insulin is linked together by -

  • Hydrogen bond
  • Disulphide bond
  • Covalent bond
  • None of the above

Question 501 of 743

Q.26 Acetazolamide, carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, is used in

  • Glaucoma
  • Hypertension
  • Bacterial infection
  • None of the above

Question 502 of 743

Q.27 One of the anti-rheumatic drug owes its activity due to its sulphide metabolites -

  • Indomethacin
  • Sulindac
  • Ketoprofen
  • None of the above

Question 503 of 743

Q.28 Which one of these drug is a tricyclic antidepressant drug?

  • Tranylcypromine
  • Phenelzine
  • Isocarboxazide
  • Trimipramine

Question 504 of 743

Q.29 Aminophylline is salt of ethylenediamine with -

  • Theophylline
  • Caffeine
  • Theobromine
  • None of the above

Question 505 of 743

Q.30 The diagnostic agent propyliodone is used for -

  • Urography
  • Bronchography
  • Arteriography
  • Myelography

Question 506 of 743

Q.1 Poultry farms comes under which industry?

  • Extractive industries
  • Genetic industries
  • Manufacturing industries
  • Construction industries

Question 507 of 743

Q.2 A type of account relating to losses and incomes is:

  • Personal
  • Real
  • Nominal
  • Profit and loss

Question 508 of 743

Q.3 In VED analysis D stands for-

  • Data of receipt of items
  • Desirable item
  • Deviation of stock
  • Daily desired item

Question 509 of 743

Q.4 alpha numeric codification is suitable for a -

  • Large scale organisation
  • Small scale organisation
  • Medium scale organisation
  • All of the above

Question 510 of 743

Q.5 Purchase indent is an -

  • External document
  • Internal document
  • Legal document
  • None of the above

Question 511 of 743

Q.6 Economic order quantity (EOQ) aims at minimizing -

  • Carrying cost
  • Ordering cost
  • Both of carrying cost and ordering cost
  • Suppliers price

Question 512 of 743

Q.7 Which of the method of advertisement is suitable for uneducated media?

  • Magazines
  • Audio visual
  • News papers
  • Any of the above

Question 513 of 743

Q.8 The business financial year in India ends on -

  • March 31st
  • December 31st
  • July 31st
  • March 31st and December 31st

Question 514 of 743

Q.9 Patent, copyright, trademarks comes under which type of assets?

  • Current assets
  • Intangible assets
  • Tangible assets
  • Miscellaneous assets

Question 515 of 743

Q.10 Uniform part of a loan raised by a company is known as -

  • Public deposit
  • Equity shares
  • Debentures
  • Borrowed capital

Question 516 of 743

Q.11 Induction training is meant for -

  • Existing employees
  • New employees
  • Both (a) and (b)
  • None of the above

Question 517 of 743

Q.12 Bank is an organisation which deals in -

  • Deposits
  • Loans
  • Money
  • All of the above

Question 518 of 743

Q.13 What is a pooled commission?

  • Share of commission on total profit
  • Equal share of commission on total sale
  • Equal share of commission on annual total sale
  • Straight salary plus bonus on sale

Question 519 of 743

Q.14 Drug samples worth Rs. 5,000 were distributed to physicians. The amount should be debited to -

  • Sales account
  • Samples account
  • Advertisement account
  • None of the above

Question 520 of 743

Q.15 Credit balance of a ledger account is denoted by -

  • Excess of credit side over debit side
  • Excess of debit side over credit side
  • Equally of debit and credit
  • Any of the above

Question 521 of 743

Q.16 The exchange of goods between foreign producers and foreign consumer comes under -

  • Import and export trade
  • Import trade
  • Entrepot trade
  • External trade

Question 522 of 743

Q.17 Indian contract act was passed in -

  • 1992
  • 1872
  • 1972
  • 1892

Question 523 of 743

Q.18 Scrap and surplus disposal helps to -

  • Reduce investments
  • Release surplus funds
  • Make available funds
  • All of the above

Question 524 of 743

Q.19 The Imprest system is used in relation to -

  • Sales book
  • Purchase book
  • Petty cash book
  • Journal

Question 525 of 743

Q.20 In fund flow system the term 'fund' means -

  • Cash
  • Current assets
  • Current liabilities
  • Current liabilities - current assets

Question 526 of 743

Q.21 A budget is a -

  • Financial statement
  • Quantitative statement
  • A report only
  • Any of the above

Question 527 of 743

Q.22 in the journal data is recorded on the basis of -

  • Account
  • Nature
  • Year
  • Transaction

Question 528 of 743

Q.23 A person who is interested to start a retail drug store must be -

  • D.Pharmacy
  • Registered Pharmacist
  • Chemist
  • Druggist

Question 529 of 743

Q.24 Which one is not the function of management?

  • Planning
  • Organising
  • Crediting
  • Staffing

Question 530 of 743

Q.25 Open tender means -

  • Major tender
  • Moderate tender
  • Minor tender
  • None of these

Question 531 of 743

Q.26 The form of cheque for which we cannot get cash in hand is -

  • Bearer cheque
  • Order cheque
  • Crossed cheque
  • None of the above

Question 532 of 743

Q.27 The maximum number of partners allowed in a general business -

  • 10
  • 20
  • 50
  • 100

Question 533 of 743

Q.28 The perpetual inventory system includes-

  • Bin card
  • Stores ledger
  • Continuous stock taking
  • All of the above

Question 534 of 743

Q.29 Commerce is a term involved in -

  • Earning profit
  • Buying and selling of goods
  • Managing work
  • Providing finance

Question 535 of 743

Q.30 Formula of debt equity ratio is -

  • Net profit after tax
  • Owners equity
  • Total liabilities / shareholders equity
  • Internal equity / external equity

Question 536 of 743

Q.1 Ambulatory patients are-

  • Required emergency treatment
  • required to admit in the ward for the treatment
  • required to go home after taking treatment in O.P.D.
  • none of the above

Question 537 of 743

Q.2 Which one of these is a genetically determined adverse drug reaction?

  • Teratogenicity
  • addiction
  • idiosyncrasy
  • carcinogenecity

Question 538 of 743

Q.3 Merk index belongs to the category of-

  • Primary source of information
  • Secondary source of information
  • Tertiary source of information
  • none of the above

Question 539 of 743

Q.4 Xylocaine HCL is not used orally because it is-

  • Ineffective orally
  • Acidic in nature
  • Unstable in acidic media
  • Stomach irritant

Question 540 of 743

Q.5 which one of these is used to increase the serum level of penicilline?

  • Aspirin
  • Ranitidine
  • Probenecid
  • Aluminium hydroxide gel

Question 541 of 743

Q.6 Morphine poisoning cause death due to-

  • CNS depressant
  • cardiac arrest
  • Respiratory depression
  • none of the above

Question 542 of 743

Q.7 Ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid administered in the poisoning of-

  • Lead
  • Cocaine
  • morphine
  • Cannabis

Question 543 of 743

Q.8 The drug contraindicated in active tuberculosis?

  • INH
  • PABA
  • PAS
  • Hdrocortisone

Question 544 of 743

Q.9 Hypokalaemia side effect of diuretics can be countered by-

  • Common salt
  • Potassium Chloride
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Any of the above

Question 545 of 743

Q.10 The defective purine metabolism may lead to-

  • Spondolytes
  • Anaemia
  • Gout
  • Arthritis

Question 546 of 743

Q.11 Patient with fracture in femure bone is preferably reffered to-

  • Paediatric hospital
  • Maternity hospital
  • Orthopaedic hospital
  • General hospital

Question 547 of 743

Q.12 a branch related to blood is-

  • Biochemistry
  • Pathology
  • Microbiology
  • Haematology

Question 548 of 743

Q.13 Which forcep is used to hold the appendix?

  • Alli's tissue forcep
  • Badcock's forcep
  • Lan's tissue forcep
  • all of the above

Question 549 of 743

Q.14 In lever damage, there is increased level of-

  • Red blood cells
  • WBCs
  • Platelets
  • SGPT

Question 550 of 743

Q.15 The oral dosage form of laxative Bisacodyl is not given with milk or antacid because-

  • abasorption of antacid decreases
  • It could lead to irritation due to release of drug in stomach
  • Bisacodyl forms complex with calcium in milk
  • all of the above

Question 551 of 743

Q.16 Grey baby syndrome occurs due to administration of

  • Thalidomide
  • Chloramphenicol
  • Penicillin
  • Aminoglycosides

Question 552 of 743

Q.17 Texas urinary catheter is designed for-

  • female patients
  • male patients
  • elderly patients
  • small children

Question 553 of 743

Q.18 Relative to oral temperature, axillary temperature is-

  • same
  • 1° lower
  • 1° higher
  • 2° higher

Question 554 of 743

Q.19 The drug which is administered into the auditory canal is called as-

  • OTC drug
  • Enteral drug
  • Otic drug
  • none of the above

Question 555 of 743

Q.20 Haematologic testing with AIDS patient will show-

  • Basophilia
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Lymphopenia
  • Eosinophilia

Question 556 of 743

Q.21 Angina induced by emotions is reffered to as-

  • Prinz metals angina
  • variant angina
  • classic angina
  • unstable angina

Question 557 of 743

Q.22 Invert suger consists of-

  • Dextrose and laevulose
  • Dextrose and sucrose
  • Fructose and sucrose
  • Dextrose and fructose

Question 558 of 743

Q.23 Patient controlled analgesia (PCA) is a system in which-

  • Analgesia drugs are taken orally
  • Analgesia are taken I/V or I/M
  • Analgesia are administered I/V by nurse/physician
  • Analgesia are taken by I/V or S/C route directly by patient himself.

Question 559 of 743

Q.24 The overbed trapeze bar is used for-

  • Hanging 1/v solution /drip
  • repositioning the patient while sleeping
  • safety rail on a hospital bed
  • sitting up and getting into and out of bed by the patient

Question 560 of 743

Q.25 Low bioavailability indicates that-

  • drug is poorly absorbed
  • drug is rapidly metabolised
  • drug is not properly relesaed from the formulation
  • all of the above

Question 561 of 743

Q.26 High incidence of vaginal adenocarcinoma is associated with the therapy involving-

  • Antithyroid
  • stilbosterol
  • testosterone
  • none of the above

Question 562 of 743

Q.27 administration of oxygen in new borns causes-

  • blood loss
  • ototoxicity
  • Impaired site
  • none of the above

Question 563 of 743

Q.28 The antileprotic drug clofazimine causes-

  • nephrotoxicity
  • photosensitivity
  • hepatotoxicity
  • none of the above

Question 564 of 743

Q.29 Number of pharmacists required in a 300 bed hospital?

  • 3
  • 5
  • 8
  • 10

Question 565 of 743

Q.30 The method of sealing the ampoules by melting it below the tip is-

  • Tip sealing
  • pull sealing
  • fusion sealing
  • mechanical method

Question 566 of 743



Question 567 of 743



Question 568 of 743



Question 569 of 743



Question 570 of 743



Question 571 of 743

Q.1 When businesses organisations owned and controlled by a single person it is…

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership firms
  • Co operative society
  • All of them

Question 572 of 743

Q.2 .. . Encourage self-employment.

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Co operative society
  • Partnership firms
  • All of them

Question 573 of 743

Q.3 The highest secrecy can be maintained in

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Co operative society
  • Partnership firms
  • All of them

Question 574 of 743

Q.4 Limited scope of expansion is the disadvantage of…

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership firms
  • Co operative society
  • All of them

Question 575 of 743

Q.5 The oldest form of business organisation is….

  • Partnership
  • Joint hindu family
  • Sole Proprietorship
  • All of them

Question 576 of 743

Q.6 In which of the following forms of business organization, registration is compulsory…

  • Partnership firm
  • Sole proprietorship
  • Joint-stock company
  • All of them

Question 577 of 743

Q.1 Substances in which medicament is either dissolved or suspended are… …

  • Elixirs
  • Vehicles
  • Emulsions
  • Mixtures

Question 578 of 743

Q.2 Alcoholic solutions of volatile substances or medicaments are…

  • Syrups
  • Spirits
  • Injections
  • Mixtures

Question 579 of 743

Q.3 Alcoholic or hydroalcoholic preparations of vegetable drugs are….

  • Syrups
  • Emulsions
  • Mixtures
  • Tinctures

Question 580 of 743

Q.4 Vaginal suppositories are also known as …

  • Gels
  • Liniments
  • Poultice
  • Pessaries

Question 581 of 743

Q.5 A book published by the government called as official books to prescribe the standards of purity and potency of the drugs is called… ..

  • Pharmacopoeia
  • Prescribed books
  • Prescription
  • Reference book

Question 582 of 743

Q.6 Protozoal infection is also known as… . .

  • Amoebiasis
  • Helminthiasis
  • Antiemetics
  • None of them

Question 583 of 743

Q.7 Worm infestation is also called ....

  • Amoebiasis
  • Helminthiasis
  • Antiemetics
  • None of them

Question 584 of 743

Q.8 Drugs used in treatment of worm infestation are called…

  • Local anaesthetic
  • Analgesics
  • Anthelmintics
  • Antiemetics

Question 585 of 743

Q.9 Substances which anesthetize the restricted area without making subject unconscious…

  • Local anaesthetic
  • Antiemetics
  • General anaesthetic
  • Analgesics

Question 586 of 743

Q.10 Drugs that cause evacuation of bowels or defecation are… . .

  • Purgatives
  • Antiemetics
  • Tranquilizers
  • Adsobent

Question 587 of 743

Q.1 Substances in which medicament is either dissolved or suspended are… …

  • Elixirs
  • Vehicles
  • Emulsions
  • Mixtures

Question 588 of 743

Q.2 Alcoholic solutions of volatile substances or medicaments are…

  • Syrups
  • Spirits
  • Injections
  • Mixtures

Question 589 of 743

Q.3 Alcoholic or hydroalcoholic preparations of vegetable drugs are….

  • Syrups
  • Emulsions
  • Mixtures
  • Tinctures

Question 590 of 743

Q.4 Vaginal suppositories are also known as …

  • Gels
  • Liniments
  • Poultice
  • Pessaries

Question 591 of 743

Q.5 A book published by the government called as official books to prescribe the standards of purity and potency of the drugs is called… ..

  • Pharmacopoeia
  • Prescribed books
  • Prescription
  • Reference book

Question 592 of 743

Q.6 Protozoal infection is also known as… . .

  • Amoebiasis
  • Helminthiasis
  • Antiemetics
  • None of them

Question 593 of 743

Q.7 Worm infestation is also called ....

  • Amoebiasis
  • Helminthiasis
  • Antiemetics
  • None of them

Question 594 of 743

Q.8 Drugs used in treatment of worm infestation are called…

  • Local anaesthetic
  • Analgesics
  • Anthelmintics
  • Antiemetics

Question 595 of 743

Q.9 Substances which anesthetize the restricted area without making subject unconscious…

  • Local anaesthetic
  • Antiemetics
  • General anaesthetic
  • Analgesics

Question 596 of 743

Q.10 Drugs that cause evacuation of bowels or defecation are… . .

  • Purgatives
  • Antiemetics
  • Tranquilizers
  • Adsobent

Question 597 of 743

Q.1 Substances in which medicament is either dissolved or suspended are… …

  • Elixirs
  • Vehicles
  • Emulsions
  • Mixtures

Question 598 of 743

Q.2 Alcoholic solutions of volatile substances or medicaments are…

  • Syrups
  • Spirits
  • Injections
  • Mixtures

Question 599 of 743

Q.3 Alcoholic or hydroalcoholic preparations of vegetable drugs are….

  • Syrups
  • Emulsions
  • Mixtures
  • Tinctures

Question 600 of 743

Q.4 Vaginal suppositories are also known as …

  • Gels
  • Liniments
  • Poultice
  • Pessaries

Question 601 of 743

Q.5 A book published by the government called as official books to prescribe the standards of purity and potency of the drugs is called… ..

  • Pharmacopoeia
  • Prescribed books
  • Prescription
  • Reference book

Question 602 of 743

Q.6 Protozoal infection is also known as… . .

  • Amoebiasis
  • Helminthiasis
  • Antiemetics
  • None of them

Question 603 of 743

Q.7 Worm infestation is also called ....

  • Amoebiasis
  • Helminthiasis
  • Antiemetics
  • None of them

Question 604 of 743

Q.8 Drugs used in treatment of worm infestation are called…

  • Local anaesthetic
  • Analgesics
  • Anthelmintics
  • Antiemetics

Question 605 of 743

Q.9 Substances which anesthetize the restricted area without making subject unconscious…

  • Local anaesthetic
  • Antiemetics
  • General anaesthetic
  • Analgesics

Question 606 of 743

Q.10 Drugs that cause evacuation of bowels or defecation are… . .

  • Purgatives
  • Antiemetics
  • Tranquilizers
  • Adsobent

Question 607 of 743

Q.1 An institution of community health is…

  • Hospital
  • Industries
  • Educational institutions
  • None of them

Question 608 of 743

Q.2 Functions of modern hospitals include…

  • Doctors & nurses receive training
  • Lowers the incidence of disease
  • Raises the quality of care & standards of medical practice
  • All of them

Question 609 of 743

Q.3 DGHS stands for…. . .

  • Director General of health services
  • Director General of habitual services
  • Director General of health society
  • Decorum General of health services

Question 610 of 743

Q.4 At the central government level, the health delivery system in the Constitution of India is…

  • Union ministry of health & family welfare
  • Ministry of health
  • DGHS
  • Health ministry welfare

Question 611 of 743

Q.5 DHO stands for …

  • District health officer
  • District hazard officer
  • District medical offence
  • District medical officer

Question 612 of 743

Q.6 The consumption of a drug apart from medical needs or in unnecessary quantities is…

  • Drug misuse
  • Drug habituation
  • Drug abuse
  • Drug addiction

Question 613 of 743

Q.7 The use of drugs for purposes for which they are unsuited even their appropriate use but in improper dosage is … .

  • Drug misuse
  • Drug abuse
  • Drug addiction
  • Drug habituation

Question 614 of 743

Q.1 Compared to subcutaneous injection, the intramus- cular injection of drugs:

  • Is more painful
  • Produces faster response
  • Is unsuitable for depot preparations
  • Carries greater risk of anaphylactic reaction

Question 615 of 743

Q.2 The majority of drugs cross biological membranes primarily by

  • Passive diffusion
  • Facilitated diffusion
  • Active transport
  • Pinocytosis

Question 616 of 743

Q.3 Which of the following drugs is most likely to be absorbed from the stomach

  • Hyoscine hydrobromide
  • Morphine sulfate
  • Diclofenac sodium
  • Quinine dihydrochloride

Question 617 of 743

Q.4 The most important factor governing absorption of a drug from intact skin is

  • Nature of the base used in the formulation
  • Lipid solubility of the drug
  • Molecular weight of the drug
  • Site of application

Question 618 of 743

Q.5 Bioavailability differences among oral formulations of a drug are most likely to occur if the drug

  • Undergoes little first-pass metabolism
  • Is incompletely absorbed
  • Is freely water soluble
  • Is completely absorbed

Question 619 of 743

Q.6 Marked redistribution is a feature of

  • Highly plasma protein bound drugs
  • Depot preparations
  • Highly lipid soluble drugs
  • Poorly lipid soluble drugs

Question 620 of 743

Q.7 High plasma protein binding

  • Increases volume of distribution of the drug
  • Generally makes the drug long acting
  • Facilitates glomerular filtration of the drug
  • Minimises drug interactions

Question 621 of 743

Q.8 Which of the following is a prodrug

  • Enalapril
  • Menapril
  • Thiazine
  • Penicillin

Question 622 of 743

Q.9 Microsomal enzyme induction can be a cause of

  • Tolerance
  • Physical dependence
  • Psychological dependence
  • Idiosyncrasy

Question 623 of 743

Q.10 Glomerular filtration of a drug is affected by its

  • Plasma protein binding
  • Lipid solubility
  • Degree of ionization
  • Rate of tubular secretion

Question 624 of 743

Q.1 Which of the following organs is innervated only by parasympathetic nerves

  • Sweat glands
  • Ciliary muscle
  • Iris muscles
  • Splenic capsule

Question 625 of 743

Q.2 The following cotransmitter is most probably involved in mediating nonadrenergic-noncholinergic (NANC) relaxation of the gut

  • Nitric oxide (NO)
  • Adenosine
  • Neuropeptide Y (NPY)
  • Kallidin

Question 626 of 743

Q.3 The major postjunctional cholinergic receptor is of the muscarinic type at the following site

  • Neuromuscular junction
  • Postganglionic parasympathetic
  • Adrenal medulla
  • Autonomic ganglia

Question 627 of 743

Q.4 The choline ester resistant to both true and pseudo- cholinesterase is

  • Bethanechol
  • Butyrylcholine
  • Methacholine
  • Benzoylcholine

Question 628 of 743

Q.5 The smooth muscle structure that is relaxed by choli- nergic drugs is

  • Colon
  • Gastric fundus
  • Bladder trigone
  • Major bronchi

Question 629 of 743

Q.6 Pilocarpine is used for

  • Glaucoma
  • Paralytic ileus
  • Urinary retention
  • Infection

Question 630 of 743

Q.7 The following inhibitor binds only to the ani-onic site of the cholinesterase enzyme

  • Neostigmine
  • Edrophonium
  • Physostigmine
  • Dyflos

Question 631 of 743

Q.8 Reactivation of cholinesterase enzyme occurs on hydrolysis of the inhibitor by the same enzyme mole- cule in case of the following anticholinesterase

  • Edrophonium
  • Dyflos
  • Tacrine
  • Neostigmine

Question 632 of 743

Q.9 Pyridostigmine differs from neostigmine in that

  • It produces less muscarinic side effects
  • It is more potent orally
  • It is longer acting
  • It does not have any direct action on NM receptor

Question 633 of 743

Q.10 The site of action of miotics for therapeutic effect in angle closure glaucoma is

  • Canal of Schlemm
  • Ciliary body
  • Ciliary muscle
  • Sphincter pupillae muscle

Question 634 of 743

Q.1 Labetalol differs from propranolol in that

  • It has additional α1 blocking property
  • It is a selective βS1 blocker
  • It does not undergo first pass metabolism
  • All of the above

Question 635 of 743

Q.2 Select the β-adrenergic blocker that has additional β1blocking, vasodilator and antioxidant properties

  • Celiprolol
  • Metoprolol
  • Carvedilol
  • Acebutolol

Question 636 of 743

Q.3 Select the β adrenergic blocker that is primarily eliminated unchanged by renal excretion

  • Atenolol
  • Carbinol
  • Ethanol
  • Dompirol

Question 637 of 743

Q.4 Select the ultrashort acting cardioselective β adre- nergic blocker

  • Carbinol
  • Ethanol
  • Esmolol
  • Propalol

Question 638 of 743

Q.5 The following disease is worsened by propranolol

  • Raynaud’s disease
  • Infection
  • Heart attack
  • Epilepsy

Question 639 of 743

Q.6 Select the drug which is administered orally for erectile dysfunction in men

  • Albendazole
  • Mebendazole
  • Cocaine
  • Sildenafil

Question 640 of 743

Q.7 Which of the following is a selective α1A receptor bloc- ker that affords symptomatic relief in benign prostatic hypertrophy without producing significant fall in blood pressure

  • Doxazosin
  • Alprostadil
  • Tamsulosin
  • Yohimbine

Question 641 of 743

Q.8 The bladder trigone and prostatic muscles are relaxed by

  • Adrenergic α1 agonists
  • Adrenergic α1 antagonists
  • Adrenergic α2 antagonists
  • Adrenergic α2 agonists

Question 642 of 743

Q.9 The drug which produces vasoconstriction despite being an α adrenergic blocker is

  • Tolazoline
  • Desmopressin
  • Ergotamine
  • Sildenafil

Question 643 of 743

Q.10 While undergoing a surgical procedure a patient deve- lops hypotension. Which drug can be injected intramuscularly to raise his BP

  • Noradrenaline
  • Mephentermine
  • Isoxsuprine
  • Oxymetazoline

Question 644 of 743

Q.1 Skin or bone is an example of what level of organization

  • organ
  • macromolecule
  • cell
  • tissue

Question 645 of 743

Q.2 Which one of the following traits is not a characteristic of life shared by all organisms?

  • growth
  • circulation
  • photosynthesis
  • digestion

Question 646 of 743

Q.3 Which of the following is the most complex level of organization?

  • macromolecule
  • organ
  • organ system
  • organelle

Question 647 of 743

Q.4 The ______________ of the body includes the head, neck, and trunk

  • dorsal cavity
  • axial portion
  • appendicular portion
  • ventral cavity

Question 648 of 743

Q.5 The _____________ cavity is the portion enclosed by the pelvic bones

  • abdominopelvic
  • abdominal
  • thoracic
  • pelvic

Question 649 of 743

Q.6 The lungs are covered by a membrane called the _____

  • parietal pleura
  • visceral pleura
  • parietal pericardium
  • peritoneum

Question 650 of 743

Q.7 The ______________ system includes all the glands that secrete hormones.

  • muscular
  • endocrine
  • nervous
  • lymphatic

Question 651 of 743

Q.8 A ______________ section divides the body into right and left portions.

  • sagittal
  • coronal
  • transverse
  • oblique

Question 652 of 743

Q.9 Anatomy is a term that means the study of _____.

  • physiology
  • human functions
  • morphology
  • cell functions

Question 653 of 743

Q.10 A study dealing with the explanations of how an organ works would be an example of _____

  • anatomy
  • physiology
  • cytology
  • teleology

Question 654 of 743

Q.1 Which of the following includes the other terms?

  • systm
  • cell
  • organ
  • tissue

Question 655 of 743

Q.2 Which of the following terms means the same as ventral in humans?

  • posterior
  • anterior
  • dorsal
  • medial

Question 656 of 743

Q.3 The chin can be described as being on the _____ surface of the skull.

  • inferior
  • lateral
  • superior
  • ventral

Question 657 of 743

Q.4 Which of the following terms cannot be properly paired?

  • cranial, skull
  • nasal, buccal
  • orbital, eyes
  • frontal, forehead

Question 658 of 743

Q.5 Which term refers to the back of the knee?

  • popliteal
  • pelvic
  • pedal
  • perineal

Question 659 of 743

Q.6 Which types of neurons are likely to increase muscular activities?

  • bipolar neurons
  • inhibitory neurons
  • sensory neurons
  • accelerator neurons

Question 660 of 743

Q.7 When a neuron reaches action potential, it depolarizes and repolarizes in an amount of time on the order of _____________

  • seconds
  • miliseconds
  • microseconds
  • nanoseconds

Question 661 of 743

Q.8 Which structure within the cell produces ATP (adenosine triphosphate)?

  • the mitochondria
  • the nucleus
  • peripheral proteins
  • the endoplasmic reticulum

Question 662 of 743

Q.9 In which part of a cell does the process of making ATP from oxygen and glucose take place?

  • lysosomes
  • ribosome
  • mitochondria
  • dna

Question 663 of 743

Q.10 Which cell organelles contain an acidic environment capable of digesting a wide variety of molecules?

  • Ribosomes
  • Mesosomes
  • Goglgi apparatus
  • Lysosomes

Question 664 of 743

Q.1 BID in pharmaceutical terms refers to which of the following? 

  • Twice a day
  • Thrice a day
  • Twice a week
  • After two days

Question 665 of 743

Q.2 Latin term "Infricandus" means the following dosage form,

  • to be spread on
  • to be applied on
  • to be inhaled
  • to be rubbed on

Question 666 of 743

Q.3 Latin term "inhalateur" means the following

  • to be inhaled
  • to be taken
  • to be swalloed
  • to be injected

Question 667 of 743

Q.4 Latin term "Utendus" means the following

  • to be dissolved
  • to be used
  • to be discarded
  • to be inhaled

Question 668 of 743

Q.5 Latin term "talis / tales / talia" means the following

  • such
  • as
  • after
  • before

Question 669 of 743

Q.6 Latin term "mitte" means the following

  • inject
  • give
  • send
  • take

Question 670 of 743

Q.7 hora somni meaning

  • at bedtime
  • at sunrise
  • after meal
  • at meal

Question 671 of 743

Q.8 Latin shortform for "three times a day" is

  • b.i.d.
  • t.i.d.
  • f.i.d
  • h.s.

Question 672 of 743

Q.9 "ante cibum" refer to

  • with milk
  • after meal
  • before meal
  • with water

Question 673 of 743

Q.10 "oculus sinister" is used to indiacate

  • right eye
  • left eye
  • right ear
  • left ear

Question 674 of 743

Q.1 To identify the emulsion type, which of the following tests are conducted?

  • Conductivity test
  • Sedimentation test
  • Tensile strength
  • Bioadhesion

Question 675 of 743

Q.2 Which of the following is not used as an emulsifying agent?

  • Finely divided solids
  • Surfactant
  • Hydrophilic colloid
  • Electrolytes

Question 676 of 743

Q.3 Which of the following is not a semisolid dosage form?

  • Cream
  • Solution
  • Paste
  • Gel

Question 677 of 743

Q.4 Generally pastes contain

  • Very low percentage of insoluble solids
  • Low percentage of insoluble solids
  • High percentage of insoluble solids
  • soluble solids

Question 678 of 743

Q.5 In the preparation of vanishing creams, which types of bases are used generally?

  • Water removable bases
  • Absorption base
  • Hydrocarbon base
  • Oily base

Question 679 of 743

Q.6 In the preparation of cold creams, which types of bases are used generally?

  • Fatty base
  • Hydrocarbon base
  • Water removable bases
  • Absorption base

Question 680 of 743

Q.7 Water soluble bases are also known as

  • Greasy ointment bases
  • Greaseless ointment bases
  • Water removable base
  • None of them

Question 681 of 743

Q.8 A suppository is generally intended for use in

  • Rectum
  • Ear
  • Nose
  • Mouth

Question 682 of 743

Q.9 .Vaginal suppositories also called as

  • Simple suppositories
  • Bougies
  • Pessaries
  • Soft tablet

Question 683 of 743

Q.10 Which of the following method is used to manufacture suppositories

  • Compression molding
  • Dissolution
  • Sterilisation
  • Disinfection

Question 684 of 743

Q.1 Who is the father of medicine………

  • Luther
  • Hippocrates
  • Pastuer
  • Bohr

Question 685 of 743

Q.2 The first edition of IP was published in …

  • 1955
  • 1965
  • 1975
  • 1985

Question 686 of 743

Q.3 The seventh edition of IP was published in …

  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014

Question 687 of 743

Q.4 The “Pharmacy Act” came in force in ….

  • 1947
  • 1948
  • 1949
  • 1950

Question 688 of 743

Q.5 Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) was established in …..

  • 1947
  • 1948
  • 1949
  • 1950

Question 689 of 743

Q.6 What is USP?

  • The United States Pharmacology
  • The United States Pharmacopoeia
  • The United States Pharmcy
  • The United States Pharmacy Department

Question 690 of 743

Q.7 Drugs converted to suitable form are known as

  • Dosage form
  • Excipients
  • API
  • Diluents

Question 691 of 743

Q.8 Simple syrup is a saturated solution of…

  • Fructose
  • Mannose
  • Glucose
  • Sucrose

Question 692 of 743

Q.9 When two or more drugs are used in combination to increase the pharmacological action, the phenomenon is known as ………

  • Potentisation
  • Combination
  • Synergism
  • Antagonism

Question 693 of 743

Q.10 When the action of the drug is opposed by the other drug, the the phenomenon is known as

  • Antagonism
  • Synergism
  • Opposition
  • Potentisation

Question 694 of 743

Q.1 Which of the following is a function of the skeletal system?

  • haemopoiesis
  • haemostasis
  • peristalsis
  • glycogenolysis

Question 695 of 743

Q.2 In which of the following bone structures do osteocytes live?

  • canaliculi
  • osteons
  • lacunae
  • lamellae

Question 696 of 743

Q.3 Which bone is most superior?

  • cervical vertebra
  • patella
  • manubrium
  • occipital bone

Question 697 of 743

Q.4 What is a “trochanter”?

  • projection that forms part of an articulation
  • part of a femur
  • groove in which lies a tendon
  • a feature of the pelvis

Question 698 of 743

Q.5 One of the functions of bones is to make red blood cells. What is this process known as?

  • Haemopoiesis
  • Haematuria
  • Haemostasis
  • Haemolysis

Question 699 of 743

Q.6 Where do osteocytes reside?

  • In lamellae
  • In lacunae
  • In trabeculae
  • In endosteum

Question 700 of 743

Q.7 Which one of the following is a bone that is embedded within a tendon?

  • hyoid
  • sesamoid
  • sphenoid
  • ethmoid

Question 701 of 743

Q.8 Which bone of the head has a synovial joint?

  • The mandible
  • The sphenoid
  • The maxilla
  • The hyoid

Question 702 of 743

Q.9 What are the bones of the fingers known as?

  • carpals
  • phalanges
  • short bones
  • metacarpals

Question 703 of 743

Q.10 Which of the following comprise seven bones?

  • Cranial bones
  • Carpals
  • Lumbar vertebrae
  • Cervical vertebrae

Question 704 of 743

Q.1 The process occurring in the presence of oxygen is called… ..

  • Anaerobic
  • Aerobic
  • Glycogenic
  • Microaerophilic

Question 705 of 743

Q.2 The process occuring in the absence of oxygen is called… .

  • Anaerobic
  • Aerobic
  • Glycogenic
  • Microaerophilic

Question 706 of 743

Q.3 Enzymatic hydrolysis of major nutrients in GIT to yield their simpler components is .....

  • Fermentation
  • Deglutition
  • Glycolysis
  • Digestion

Question 707 of 743

Q.4 Amino acids with carbon chains that can be metabolically converted into glucose or glycogen are called… .

  • Metagenic amino acids
  • Glucogenic amino acids
  • Ketogenic amino acids
  • Glutamic amino acids

Question 708 of 743

Q.5 Amino acids with carbon chains that can be metabolically converted into ketone bodies are called… .

  • Metagenic amino acids
  • Glucogenic amino acids
  • Ketogenic amino acids
  • Glutamic amino acids

Question 709 of 743

Q.6 The water soluble fuels which are overproduced during fasting or in untreated diabetes mellitus are called… . .

  • Melanin bodies
  • Ketone bodies
  • Glucose bodies
  • Citrate bodies

Question 710 of 743

Q.7 Energy yielding anaerobic breakdown of glucose yielding lactate, ethanol with some other products is… . ..

  • Protein fermentation
  • Fat metabolism
  • Glucose fermentation
  • Nucleic acid fermentation

Question 711 of 743

Q.8 The biosynthesis of carbohydrates from simpler, non carbohydrate precursors is… . .

  • Gluconeogenesis
  • Glycogenolysis
  • Thermogenesis
  • Glycogenesis

Question 712 of 743

Q.9 An oxidative pathway of glucose-6-phosphate is also known as…

  • Phosphogluconate pathway
  • Pentose phosphate pathway
  • Hexose monophosphate pathway
  • All of them

Question 713 of 743

Q.10 The process of breakdown of glycogen to blood glucose is … . .

  • Gluconeogenesis
  • Glycogenesis
  • Thermogenesis
  • Glycogenolysis

Question 714 of 743

Q.1 Which of the following is not an aspect of the pathophysiology in disease

  • Morphological changes
  • Therapeutic treatment
  • Causes
  • Pathogenesis

Question 715 of 743

Q.2 Which of the following is a cell death

  • Apoptosis
  • Gluconeogenesis
  • Glycogenesis
  • Lipolysis

Question 716 of 743

Q.3 Which of the following is physical agent of cell injury?

  • Dil. HCl
  • Hypoxia
  • Viruses
  • Hot Surface

Question 717 of 743

Q.4 Hypoxia is occurs in following condition except

  • Anaemia
  • Thyroid disease
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Lung disease

Question 718 of 743

Q.5 Iatrogenic causes means

  • Cell injury by Pharmacist
  • Cell injury by Nurse
  • Cell injury by Physician
  • None of the above

Question 719 of 743

Q.6 Adaptation means reversible change in

  • Functions of cell
  • Size of cell
  • Phenotype of cell
  • All of the above

Question 720 of 743

Q.7 Which of the above is not a cellular adaptation?

  • Hyperplasia
  • Hypertrophy
  • Hypoplasia
  • Metaplasia

Question 721 of 743

Q.8 Ischemia causes following except

  • Increase Cytosolic Calcium
  • Detachment of Ribosome
  • Decrease in activity of Na pump
  • Increase Anaerobic Glycolysis

Question 722 of 743

Q.9 Loss of Calcium Homeostasis leads to

  • Decrease ATP Production
  • Nuclear Damage
  • Membrane Damage
  • All of the above

Question 723 of 743

Q.10 Cell mediated immunity is derived from

  • T cells
  • Monocytes
  • Eosinophils
  • B cells

Question 724 of 743

Q.1 Redness in inflammation is occur due to

  • Vasodilation
  • migration of leukocytes
  • Increase hydro static pressure
  • Vasoconstriction

Question 725 of 743

Q.2 Swelling in inflammation is also called

  • Vasodilation of blood vessels in dermis
  • Infiltration of neutrophil
  • Edema
  • Ischemia

Question 726 of 743

Q.3 The edema is most likely the result of

  • Increased vascular permeability
  • Increased arterial hydrostatic pressure
  • Vasodilation
  • All of the above

Question 727 of 743

Q.4 The cell which lost ability to proliferate is called

  • Stable
  • Labile
  • Permanant
  • All of the above

Question 728 of 743

Q.5 Which of the following factors are delay the healing process?

  • Movement
  • Infection
  • Poor blood supply
  • All of the above

Question 729 of 743

Q.6 EGF stands for

  • Edema growth factor
  • Enzyme growth factor
  • Energy growth factor
  • Epithelial growth factor

Question 730 of 743

Q.7 Prostaglandins (PGs) are

  • LOX pathway product
  • Cytokinines
  • Vasoactiveamines
  • COX pathway product

Question 731 of 743

Q.8 CD8+ cell is also called

  • Cytotoxic T cells
  • Helper B cell
  • Helper T cell
  • Cell None of above

Question 732 of 743

Q.9 HLA stands for

  • Human leukocyte Antigen
  • Human leukocyte Antibody
  • Human leukocyte Agent
  • Human leukotrine Antigen

Question 733 of 743

Q.10 What do you mean by autoimmune diseases?

  • Increase ability to identify between self & non -self
  • Decrease ability to identify between self & non -self
  • Hypo activity of immune responses
  • Hyper activity of immune responses

Question 734 of 743

Q.1 Which of the following Antibody involve in Type-I ypersensitivity reaction?

  • IgG
  • IgA
  • IgE
  • IgM

Question 735 of 743

Q.2 Which immunoglobin is react with allergens?

  • IgE
  • IgM
  • IgA
  • IgD

Question 736 of 743

Q.3 Rheumatoid Arthritis is a example of

  • Type I Hypersnsitivity
  • Type II Hypersnsitivity
  • Type III Hypersnsitivity
  • Type IV Hypersnsitivity

Question 737 of 743

Q.4 Which of the following part of the HIV is bind to CD4 receptor of of T per cell?

  • gp120
  • gp12000
  • gp12
  • gp1200

Question 738 of 743

Q.5 HIV AIDS is a ____ disease.

  • Autoimmune
  • Hyper immunity
  • Immunodeficiency
  • All of above

Question 739 of 743

Q.6 __________ protein transfer thyroxine & retinol.

  • TTR
  • AL
  • APrP
  • TLS

Question 740 of 743

Q.7 Which of the following is not a type of cellular adaptation?

  • Hypertrophy
  • Superplasia
  • Hyperplasia
  • Atrophy

Question 741 of 743

Q.8 The common cause of atrophy are as follows except

  • Decreased work load
  • Loss of innovation
  • Stimulation of endocrine hormone release
  • Inadequate nutrition

Question 742 of 743

Q.9 Which enzymes are responsible for removal of free radical

  • Superoxide dismutase
  • Peroxidase
  • Catalase
  • All of the above

Question 743 of 743

Q.10 Cell swelling is a result of

  • Decreased protein synthesis
  • Decreased lactic acid secretion
  • Decreased activity of sodium pump
  • Increased glycogen production

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