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- a rare congenital deformity in which the hands or feet are attached close to the trunk, the limbs being grossly underdeveloped or absent. This condition was a side effect of the drug thalidomide taken during early pregnancy.
- derived from Greek words ph?k? meaning ‘seal’ and melos meaning ‘limb’.ie. sealed limbs.
Synonyms (similar) : amelia
A blood disorder involving lower-than-normal amounts of an oxygen-carrying protein.
- a red blood cell. (noun)
- hemoglobin-containing cells in the blood, red in color, transports oxygen from lungs to other body organs.
insensitivity to pain without losing the consciousness achieved by injecting sedative analgesics.
Movement of a body part away from the midline (central axis) of the body.
End of pregnancy by means of natural causes (miscarriage) or by surgical or medical procedures.
A blood disorder involving lower-than-normal amounts of an oxygen-carrying protein.
- a red blood cell. (noun)
- hemoglobin-containing cells in the blood, red in color, transports oxygen from lungs to other body organs.