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Que.: Describe the methods for measuring vapour pressure


Methods for Measuring Vapour Pressure: Vapour pressure of liquids are measured by static and dynamic methods as follows:

1. Static method:

This is a simple method for determination of vapour pressure. A sufficient amount of liquid whose vapour pressure is to be determined is placed in the bulb connected to a mercury manometer and a vacuum pump. All the air from the bulb is removed with the help of the vacuum pump and the stop cock is closed. A part of the liquid evaporates. The system is then maintained at a fixed temperature for enough time for equilibrium. The difference in the levels of mercury in the manometer is equal to the vapour pressure of the liquid.

Dynamic Method:

An inert gas is passed through a given liquid at a constant temperature (T). The gas saturated with the vapour of the liquid leaves the flask at the exit tube. This method is particularly useful for liquids of low vapour pressure.