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Pharmacognosy Aptitude Test

10 Questions 441 Attempts 19.89K Seen
This test will check your  basic knowledge of medicinal plants and some drugs related to them.
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Q.1. 'Jungli pyaz' is synonym for

  1. Strophanthus
  2. Indian squil
  3. Garlic
  4. None of these

Q.2. Shatavary is common name for

  1. Asparagus racemosus
  2. Catelli asiatica
  3. Bacopa moniera
  4. None of these

Q.3. Ginseng is commonly used for

  1. Cardiac tonic
  2. Aphrodisiac
  3. Purgative
  4. Demulcent

Q.4. Ephedra is used as :

  1. Astringent
  2. Bronchodilator
  3. Hypotensive
  4. None of these

Q.5. Which one of these is immunomodulatory drug?

  1. Amla
  2. Brahmi
  3. Ashwagandha
  4. None of these

Q.6. Which one of these terpenoids is solid in nature?

  1. Camphor
  2. α-pinene
  3. Citral
  4. Ascaridol

Q.7. Caraway Oil contains :

  1. Phellandrene
  2. Pinene
  3. Carvone
  4. Cineole

Q.8. Which one of these is a drying oil?

  1. Linseed Oil
  2. Castor Oil
  3. Coconut Oil
  4. Seasome Oli

Q.9. Which one of these oils contain cynogenetic glycoside?

  1. Ground nut oil
  2. Seasome oil
  3. Linseed oil
  4. Olive oil

Q.10. Which one of these possess cytotoxic action?

  1. Circuma longa
  2. Ipomoea hederacea
  3. Podophyllum emodi
  4. None of these

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