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चुम्बकशीलता का मात्रक क्या है?

General Awareness (GA) General Science (GS) Class 9th

Q. चुम्बकशीलता का मात्रक क्या है?

Ans → हेनरी/मीटर (H/m)

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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: सामान्य विज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण लघुउत्तरीय प्रश्न जो परीक्षाओ में पूछे जाते हैं | GS One Liners - attemp/practice

More oneliners in - सामान्य विज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण लघुउत्तरीय प्रश्न जो परीक्षाओ में पूछे जाते हैं | GS One Liners

Q. परमाणु शक्ति सयंत्र (nuclear power plant) किस सिद्धान्त पर कार्य करता है?

Ans → परमाणु विखंडन ( nuclear fission ) सिद्धान्त पर

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Q. जब प्रकाश हीरे से कांच में जाता है तो कैसा परिवर्तन होता है?

Ans → पूर्ण आंतरिक परावर्तन (total internal reflection)

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Q. तड़ित चालक का अविष्कार किसने किया?

Ans → बेंजामिन फ्रेंक्लिन (Benjamin Franklin) ने

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Q. सोडियम धातु को कहाँ या कैसे रखा जाता है ?

Ans → मिट्टी के तेल (Kerosene) में

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Q. एटलस (Atlas) किस ग्रह का उपग्रह है?

Ans → शनि ग्रह (saturn)

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Q. फ्यूज़ का सिद्धांत किस पर आधारित है?

Ans → विद्युत के ऊष्मीय प्रभाव पर

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Q. मनुष्य में पाचन क्रिया कहां प्रारंभ होती है?

Ans → मुख में (in oral cavity ) , लार द्वारा ( by saliva )

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Q. अंडे का बाह्य खोल प्रमुखतः किसका बना होता है?

Ans → कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट (calcium carbonate)

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Q. चुम्बकशीलता का मात्रक क्या है?

Ans → हेनरी/मीटर (H/m)

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Q. किस रोग को ल्युकेमिया भी कहा जाता है?

Ans → रक्त कैंसर (blood cancer)

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More one-liners in - General Awareness (GA)

Q. What is D.D.T. and what is the full form of D.D.T?

Ans → Disinfectant, Dichloro-Diphenyl Trichloro ethane

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Q. Who is the founder of Communist Party in Russia?

Ans → Vladimir Lenin

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Q. What is Imperialism

Ans → A policy of extending the rule over peoples and other countries, for extending political, economic access, power and control

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Q. The High Court Judge can be removed by-

Ans → A resolution passed by the Parliament With a special majority

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Q. Timeline of modern imperialism in world

Ans → 16th to 19th century

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Q. What is the timeline of 13 colonies?

Ans → 1607 (Virginia) and concluding in 1732 (Georgia).

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Q. Which is the rainiest station of India?

Ans → Shillong, Meghalaya

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Q. Which Event led to the Russian Revaluation in 1905

Ans → The Russian defeat in the Russo-Japanese War

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Q. Highest Waterfall in India

Ans → Kunchikal Falls in Shimoga District of Karnataka

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Q. How many people were killed with guillotine in French Revolution

Ans → Approximately 2500

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Q. IN India, Which are the important sites Middle Paleolithic culture

Ans → Bagor - Rajasthan and Adamgarh - Madhya Pradesh

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Q. What is the Orbital period of Moon?

Ans → 27 Days

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Q. Who does not participate in the appointment of the High Court Judge?

Ans → Chief Minister of the State

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Q. Who was the last of the 24th Jain Tirthankaras?

Ans → Mahavira

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Q. Which bank is the Banker of the Banks?

Ans → RBI

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Q. The direction of wind is measured by-

Ans → Wind Vane

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Q. परमाणु शक्ति सयंत्र (nuclear power plant) किस सिद्धान्त पर कार्य करता है?

Ans → परमाणु विखंडन ( nuclear fission ) सिद्धान्त पर

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Q. ‘Gobar gas’ contains mainly which gas?

Ans → Methane

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Q. Most of the exchange of gases in soil is due to-

Ans → Diffusion

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Q. Who is the current president of World Health Organization

Ans → Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

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Q. What is the timeline of imperialism in India

Ans → From 1858 to 1947

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Q. Which is the largest fresh water lake of India?

Ans → Wular lake

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Q. The coldest season of the year in India is -

Ans → Winter

Explanation → Winter is the coldest season of the year (falls in the month of January and February) with an average temperature of around 20 degrees centigrade and the weather is affected by air pressure.

Q. When is International Human Solidarity Day observed?

Ans → December 20

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Q. India's First Human Atonomy Park situated at?

Ans → Phulwari ke Naal Wildlife Sanctuary

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Q. Who was the last king of French

Ans → Louis XVI

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