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Who is the Author of the Book, The Rule Breakers

General Awareness (GA) Books and Authors Books and Authors

Q. Who is the Author of the Book, The Rule Breakers

Ans → Preeti Shenoy

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More one-liners in - General Awareness (GA)

Q. How many people were killed with guillotine in French Revolution

Ans → Approximately 2500

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Q. India's First National Park

Ans → Jim Corbett National Park

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Q. Which dynasty ruled in the Indo- Gangetic plains of India?

Ans → Bharshiva Dynasty

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Q. How many countries are members in the world health organization

Ans → 194 countries as member states

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Q. What is the long form of NAZI

Ans → National Socialist German Workers’ Party

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Q. Longest Highway in the World?

Ans → Pan American Highway

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Q. Who won the French and Indian War?

Ans → British

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Q. Which state has got largest forest in the country?

Ans → Madhya pradesh

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Q. Where is the first headquarters of WHO located?

Ans → Geneva, Switzerland.

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Q. Black soils are best suitable for-

Ans → Dry Land Agriculture

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Q. Who is mother of programming language

Ans → Ada Lovelace

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Q. Nohsngithiang falls are located in which State?

Ans → Meghalaya

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Q. What are the mane reasons of Russian Revaluation

Ans → Political, Social and Economics.

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Q. What is declaratory act

Ans → To accompanied the repeal of the Stamp Act 1765 and the changing and lessening of the Sugar Act.

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Q. Which city is called garden city of India?

Ans → Bangalore

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Q. How Germany lost in the WW2

Ans → Hitler's suicide and Germany were conquered by the Soviet Union with the other Allies.

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Q. What are the geomorphic features of the plains?

Ans → Babar, Bhangar, Terai and Khadar

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Q. Which is the highest peak in the world?

Ans → Mount Everest. It is the highest peak of the world at 8848 m.

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Q. परमाणु शक्ति सयंत्र (nuclear power plant) किस सिद्धान्त पर कार्य करता है?

Ans → परमाणु विखंडन ( nuclear fission ) सिद्धान्त पर

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Q. Another Name of Greater Himalayas is

Ans → Himadri

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Q. Black revolution in India is associated with

Ans → petroleum production

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Q. What is the new name of Jog or Gerosoppa Waterfall?

Ans → Mahatma Gandhi Waterfall

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