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The storage form of high-energy compound in invertebrates is

Biochemistry Pharmacist Competitive Exams

Q. The storage form of high-energy compound in invertebrates is

Ans → Phosphoarginine

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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On Biological Oxidation - attemp/practice

More oneliners in - Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On Biological Oxidation

Q. A negative sign of free energy indicates that the reaction is

Ans → Exergonic or spontaneous

Explanation →

Q. The bonds responsible for a majority of high-energy compounds are

Ans → Phosphoanhydride bonds

Explanation →

Q. The electron transport chain is located in

Ans → Inner mitochondrial membrane

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Q. The prosthetic group present in cytochromes

Ans → Heme (porphyrin with iron)

Explanation →

Q. The site of ETC inhibited by cyanide

Ans → Cytochrome a + a3

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Q. Superoxide is converted to H2O2 by the enzyme

Ans → Superoxide dismutase

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Q. Name the compound with the greatest standard free energy.

Ans → Phosphoenolpyruvate

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Q. Which components of ETC possesses isoprenoid units

Ans → Coenzyme Q

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Q. Inner mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to

Ans → OH– K+ H+

Explanation →

More one-liners in - Biochemistry

Q. Used to describe the study of the flow of heat.

Ans → calorimetry

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Q. The fatty acid that is commonly found in the C2 of triacylglycerols is

Ans → Unsaturated fatty acid

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Q. The most important enzyme involved in oxidative deamination is

Ans → Glutamate dehydrogenase

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Q. Inflammation of the liver is known as

Ans → hepatitis

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Q. Formation of microparticles encapsulating a drug.

Ans → microencapsulation

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Q. The chemical name of Sanger’s reagent

Ans → 1-Fluro 2,4-dinitrobenzene

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Q. When a reaction affects the nucleus of an atom.

Ans → nuclear reaction

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Q. In the feedback regulation, the end product binds at

Ans → Allosteric site

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Q. The amino acid required for the formation of glutathione

Ans → Glycine, Cysteine, Glutamate

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Q. substance(s) is(are) involved in the regulation of plasma calcium level

Ans → Calcitriol , Parathyroid hormone, Calcitonin

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Q. Energy that holds nucleus’ neutrons and protons together

Ans → binding energy

Explanation →

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