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Biochemistry Pharmacist Competitive Exams
Ans → Alcohol dehydrogenase, carbonic anhydrase
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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On enzymes - attemp/practice
Ans → Denaturation
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Ans → Alcohol dehydrogenase, carbonic anhydrase
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Ans → Creatine phosphokinase (CPK)
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Ans → delocalization
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Ans → immunofiltration
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Ans → lubricant
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Ans → Hydrolysis
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Ans → Phosphatidylinositol
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Ans → disperse system
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Ans → polymorphism
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Ans → Oxaloacetate
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Ans → negative stain
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Ans → Deoxyhemoglobin,
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Ans → 3 Hydrogen bonds
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Ans → inactivation factor (IF)
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Ans → Lactase (β-galactosidase)
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Ans → membrane filtration technique
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Ans → host range
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Ans → 129 ATP,
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Ans → light-dependent reaction
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Ans → PRPP synthetase, HGPRT , Glucose 6-phosphatase
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Ans → HMG CoA reductase
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Ans → Glyceraldehydes
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Ans → micelle
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Ans → lyophilization
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Ans → solvate
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Ans → solubilizing agents
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Ans → Glycogenin
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Ans → gastric emptying rate
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