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Biochemistry Pharmacist Competitive Exams
Ans → Thymine
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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: Biochemistry Important One Liners Questions On Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides - attemp/practice
Ans → Erwin Chargaff
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Ans → 3 Hydrogen bonds
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Ans → β-Form
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Ans → 10
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Ans → Phosphodiester bridges
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Ans → UDP-glucose , CDP- acylglycerol , S Adenosylmethionine
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Ans → periodontitis
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Ans → light chains
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Ans → Lactase (β-galactosidase)
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Ans → Hydrolysis
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Ans → reversible process
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Ans → eclipsed
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Ans → Addiction
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Ans → initiation of transcription
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Ans → lincomycin
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Ans → Folic acid
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Ans → Calcitriol , Parathyroid hormone, Calcitonin
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Ans → hard chancre
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Ans → excited state
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Ans → neutralization reaction
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Ans → Acetyl CoA
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Ans → alkaloid
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Ans → helper T cells
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Ans → MHC II molecule
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Ans → hypersensitivity
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Ans → Pyridoxal phosphate
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Ans → Glutathione
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Ans → Mixed micelles
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