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What is the timeline of Industrial revolution

General Awareness (GA)

Q. What is the timeline of Industrial revolution

Ans → 1750 to 1914

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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: Important questions on World History | Important questions on Industrial Revolution - attemp/practice

More oneliners in - Important questions on World History | Important questions on Industrial Revolution

Q. What is the Innovation of Richard Arkwright

Ans → The spinning frame

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Q. Who is the father of industrial revolution

Ans → Sir Richard Arkwright [ inventor and entrepreneur ]

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Q. In which sectors Industrial revolution happened

Ans → Coal, Gas, Electronics, Nuclear, and Internet and Renewable energy

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Q. What are the negative impact of the industrial revolution

Ans → Child labor, increase pollution, exploitation of women and children, and income inequality

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Q. What are the benefits of the industrial revolution

Ans → Increase in wealth, job opportunities, Production levels, inspired innovation

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Q. What were the reasons of industrial revolution

Ans → Capitalism, Scientific Revolution, Agricultural Revolution, Governmental Policies, Good mineral resources, Growing population, and Trading opportunities

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Q. In which Countries, Industrial revolution happened

Ans → Britain, United States and other European countries

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Q. Why does industrial revolution started in Britain

Ans → In Britain booming cotton and trade industries allowed investors on risks for make profits to support the construction of factories.

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Q. What is the Industrial revolution

Ans → The process of change from an agrarian economy and handicraft economy to industry and machine manufacturing industry.

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Q. What is the timeline of Industrial revolution

Ans → 1750 to 1914

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More one-liners in - General Awareness (GA)

Q. IN India, Which are the important sites Lower Paleolithic culture

Ans → Belan valley -Allahabad district, Bhimbetka and Adamgarh - Hoshangabad district, Pahalgam - Kashmir, Singi Talav - Nagaur district

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Q. What is the time of Mesolithic Age

Ans → Mesolithic Age (10000- 4000BC),

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Q. Pontiac conspiracy timeline

Ans → 1763 to 1766

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Q. The first talkie film of India was

Ans → Alam Ara

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Q. Father of History

Ans → Herodotus

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Q. Where decoded instructions are stored

Ans → IR [ Instruction Register ]

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Q. Who is the father of computer science

Ans → Alan Turing

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Q. Black revolution in India is associated with

Ans → petroleum production

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Q. Who built the Red Fort of Agra?

Ans → Akbar

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Q. What are 4 tiers of architecture?

Ans → Presentation layer (PL), Data service layer (DSL), Business logic layer (BLL), Data access layer (DAL).

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Q. In which state is Jog Falls located?

Ans → Karnataka

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Q. Jog falls is located on which River?

Ans → Sharavati

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Q. What are the benefits of the industrial revolution

Ans → Increase in wealth, job opportunities, Production levels, inspired innovation

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Q. World's first computer

Ans → ENIAC [Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer]

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Q. अंडे का बाह्य खोल प्रमुखतः किसका बना होता है?

Ans → कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट (calcium carbonate)

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Q. Nohsngithiang falls are located in which State?

Ans → Meghalaya

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Q. Who is the father of supercomputer in india

Ans → Vijay Pandurang Bhatkar

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Q. ‘Gobar gas’ contains mainly which gas?

Ans → Methane

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Q. Largest waterfall in Kerala-

Ans → Athirappilly Falls

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Q. तड़ित चालक का अविष्कार किसने किया?

Ans → बेंजामिन फ्रेंक्लिन (Benjamin Franklin) ने

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Q. How many people died in French revolution

Ans → Approximately 50,000

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Q. Timeline of modern imperialism in world

Ans → 16th to 19th century

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Q. Golden rice is a rich source of?

Ans → Vitamin A

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Q. What is the botanical name of 'Rice'?

Ans → Oryza Sativa

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Q. The Book "confessions of a secular fundamentalist is written by-

Ans → Mani Shankar Aiyar

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Q. The land between two rivers is called-

Ans → Doab

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Q. Who is author of the book " Songs of Blood and Sword" ?

Ans → Fatima Bhutto

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