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What were the reasons of industrial revolution

General Awareness (GA)

Q. What were the reasons of industrial revolution

Ans → Capitalism, Scientific Revolution, Agricultural Revolution, Governmental Policies, Good mineral resources, Growing population, and Trading opportunities

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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: Important questions on World History | Important questions on Industrial Revolution - attemp/practice

More oneliners in - Important questions on World History | Important questions on Industrial Revolution

Q. What is the Innovation of Richard Arkwright

Ans → The spinning frame

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Q. Who is the father of industrial revolution

Ans → Sir Richard Arkwright [ inventor and entrepreneur ]

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Q. In which sectors Industrial revolution happened

Ans → Coal, Gas, Electronics, Nuclear, and Internet and Renewable energy

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Q. What are the negative impact of the industrial revolution

Ans → Child labor, increase pollution, exploitation of women and children, and income inequality

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Q. What are the benefits of the industrial revolution

Ans → Increase in wealth, job opportunities, Production levels, inspired innovation

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Q. What were the reasons of industrial revolution

Ans → Capitalism, Scientific Revolution, Agricultural Revolution, Governmental Policies, Good mineral resources, Growing population, and Trading opportunities

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Q. In which Countries, Industrial revolution happened

Ans → Britain, United States and other European countries

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Q. Why does industrial revolution started in Britain

Ans → In Britain booming cotton and trade industries allowed investors on risks for make profits to support the construction of factories.

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Q. What is the Industrial revolution

Ans → The process of change from an agrarian economy and handicraft economy to industry and machine manufacturing industry.

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Q. What is the timeline of Industrial revolution

Ans → 1750 to 1914

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More one-liners in - General Awareness (GA)

Q. Which is the biggest garden in Asia?

Ans → Tulip Garden

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Q. Famous book 'India of our Dreams' is written by?

Ans → M.V. Kamath

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Q. Who lost the most from WW2

Ans → The Soviet Union in terms of sheer civilian casualties

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Q. Who is the Father of Communism in Russia?

Ans → Marx

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Q. The 'Dronacharya Award' is given to?

Ans → Coaches

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Q. Which is the largest artificial lake in Asia?

Ans → Upper lake, Madhya Pradesh

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Q. What is the date of The Khodynka Tragedy.

Ans → 30 May 1896

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Q. Famous book 'The Return of the Native' is written by?

Ans → Thomas Hardy

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Q. Who does not participate in the appointment of the High Court Judge?

Ans → Chief Minister of the State

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Q. What is the main reason of ww2

Ans → Hitler's invasion of Poland in September 1939

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Q. Highest Waterfall in India

Ans → Kunchikal Falls in Shimoga District of Karnataka

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Q. What is the capital city of France?

Ans → Paris

Explanation → Paris

Q. What is the timeline of imperialism in India

Ans → From 1858 to 1947

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Q. Which are major festivals in India?

Ans → 24 National Festivals of India and other Diwali, Holi, Sankrat, Lohri, Pongal religion festivals

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Q. Which housing system pattern they used

Ans → They use single door and windows facing opposite side of the roads and open into the central courtyard.

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Q. Which memory type is fast

Ans → Register

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Q. Oldest city in Northern Plains

Ans → Varanasi

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Q. What is the name of German Parliament

Ans → The Bundestag

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Q. Which is the largest fresh water lake of India?

Ans → Wular lake

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Q. When is International Human Solidarity Day observed?

Ans → December 20

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Q. What is federal structure of Indian constitution

Ans → Federalism is basic structure of Indian Constitution

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Q. Tuticorin Airport is located in-

Ans → Tamil Nadu

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Q. The first talkie film of India was

Ans → Alam Ara

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Q. What is the height of Kynrem falls?

Ans → 305 Meter

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Q. Who is the father of industrial revolution

Ans → Sir Richard Arkwright [ inventor and entrepreneur ]

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Q. On which ground a High Court Judge can be impeached?

Ans → Proven misconduct and Incompetence

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Q. Which river is popularly known as 'Dakshin Ganga'?

Ans → River Godavari

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Q. Which state has highest number of National Parks?

Ans → Madhya Pradesh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Explanation → Madhya Pradesh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands have the maximum number of National Parks i.e 09.

Q. Who is the author of the book "Small Island"?

Ans → Andrea Levy

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Q. What are good effects come from French revolution

Ans → Democracy, equality, and nationalism

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Q. What is the difference between Totalitarianism and fascism

Ans → Totalitarianism is about simple power whereas in fascism everything is a forcibly monolithic and regimented nation under the control of an autocratic ruler.

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Q. Where Obra Thermal power station located

Ans → Sonbhadra district of Uttar Pradesh.

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