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What is the timeline of world war - 2

General Awareness (GA)

Q. What is the timeline of world war - 2

Ans → Start at 1939 and end at 1945.

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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: Important Questions on World history | Important Questions on World War 2 - attemp/practice

More oneliners in - Important Questions on World history | Important Questions on World War 2

Q. Who lost the most from WW2

Ans → The Soviet Union in terms of sheer civilian casualties

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Q. Who gained the most from WW2

Ans → The United States

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Q. How many soldiers died in ww2

Ans → 50–56 million

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Q. How Japan lost in the WW2

Ans → Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States.

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Q. How Germany lost in the WW2

Ans → Hitler's suicide and Germany were conquered by the Soviet Union with the other Allies.

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Q. Who are the main Axis Powers

Ans → Germany, Japan and Italy

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Q. Who are the main Allied powers

Ans → Great Britain, The United States, China, and the Soviet Union.

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Q. What are causes of ww2

Ans → 1] The Treaty of Versailles, 2] Economic downturns, 3] Nazi ideology and Lebensraum, 4] The rise of extremism, 5] Japan invades China, 6] The failure of appeasement.

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Q. What is the main reason of ww2

Ans → Hitler's invasion of Poland in September 1939

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Q. Who announced the start of ww2

Ans → France and Britain declared war on Germany

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Q. What is the timeline of world war - 2

Ans → Start at 1939 and end at 1945.

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More one-liners in - General Awareness (GA)

Q. What are the types of Imperialism

Ans → Colony, Protectorate, Sphere of Influence, and Economics

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Q. Which war happened for independence between America and England

Ans → The American Revolutionary War (1775 to 1783).

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Q. Longest National Highway in India?

Ans → The longest National Highway in India is NH-44

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Q. What is the date of The Khodynka Tragedy.

Ans → 30 May 1896

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Q. Who was the last king of French

Ans → Louis XVI

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Q. What is the economic source of British America?

Ans → Agriculture, Metals and Minerals, and Primary production

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Q. When Nazism ended

Ans → Early May 1945

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Q. At how mush speed Moon moves across the Sun?

Ans → 2,250 Km Per Hour

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Q. When Nazism ended

Ans → Early May 1945

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Q. What is the long form of MIMD in computers

Ans → Multiple Instruction Multiple Data

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Q. Who were the Bolshevik

Ans → Social Democratic Workers Party Workers

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Q. Which is the deepest ocean of the world

Ans → The Pacific Ocean.

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Q. Grey Revolution is is associated with

Ans → Fertilizers

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Q. Which is the first solar city in the India

Ans → Anandpur Sahib.

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Q. Which is the largest artificial lake in Asia?

Ans → Upper lake, Madhya Pradesh

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Q. Jolly Grant Airport is located in-

Ans → Varanasi

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Q. What is the difference between Totalitarianism and fascism

Ans → Totalitarianism is about simple power whereas in fascism everything is a forcibly monolithic and regimented nation under the control of an autocratic ruler.

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Q. जब प्रकाश हीरे से कांच में जाता है तो कैसा परिवर्तन होता है?

Ans → पूर्ण आंतरिक परावर्तन (total internal reflection)

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Q. Who is last king of Mauryan Empire

Ans → Brihadratha

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Q. Timeline of modern imperialism in world

Ans → 16th to 19th century

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Q. Which is the Biggest National Park in India?

Ans → Hemis National Park in Jammu & Kashmir.

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Q. Who is the author of the book "Our Choice"?

Ans → AI Gore

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Q. किस रोग को ल्युकेमिया भी कहा जाता है?

Ans → रक्त कैंसर (blood cancer)

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Q. Which part of the Sun is visible to humans?

Ans → Photosphere

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Q. Who are the main Allied powers

Ans → Great Britain, The United States, China, and the Soviet Union.

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Q. What was the time period of Region of Terror

Ans → From June 1793 to July 1794

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Q. Where the oldest human fossil was founded

Ans → 4.2 million year old human fossil founded in Africa dates

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