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Who lost the most from WW2

General Awareness (GA)

Q. Who lost the most from WW2

Ans → The Soviet Union in terms of sheer civilian casualties

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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: Important Questions on World history | Important Questions on World War 2 - attemp/practice

More oneliners in - Important Questions on World history | Important Questions on World War 2

Q. Who lost the most from WW2

Ans → The Soviet Union in terms of sheer civilian casualties

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Q. Who gained the most from WW2

Ans → The United States

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Q. How many soldiers died in ww2

Ans → 50–56 million

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Q. How Japan lost in the WW2

Ans → Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States.

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Q. How Germany lost in the WW2

Ans → Hitler's suicide and Germany were conquered by the Soviet Union with the other Allies.

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Q. Who are the main Axis Powers

Ans → Germany, Japan and Italy

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Q. Who are the main Allied powers

Ans → Great Britain, The United States, China, and the Soviet Union.

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Q. What are causes of ww2

Ans → 1] The Treaty of Versailles, 2] Economic downturns, 3] Nazi ideology and Lebensraum, 4] The rise of extremism, 5] Japan invades China, 6] The failure of appeasement.

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Q. What is the main reason of ww2

Ans → Hitler's invasion of Poland in September 1939

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Q. Who announced the start of ww2

Ans → France and Britain declared war on Germany

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Q. What is the timeline of world war - 2

Ans → Start at 1939 and end at 1945.

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More one-liners in - General Awareness (GA)

Q. Which princess was married to Chandragupta after Seleucid–Mauryan war

Ans → Helena [ Daughter of Seleukos Nikator ]

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Q. Father of golden revolution

Ans → Nirpakh Tutaj

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Q. What are the negative impact of the industrial revolution

Ans → Child labor, increase pollution, exploitation of women and children, and income inequality

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Q. The book 'A History of the Sikhs' is written by?

Ans → Khushwant Singh

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Q. India's First National Park

Ans → Jim Corbett National Park

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Q. The operation flood in 1970 India was associated with

Ans → White revolution (milk)

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Q. What is colonialism

Ans → A practice of domination by one power over a dependent area or people

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Q. What are the type of architecture patterns?

Ans → Microservices, Message bus, Service requester/ consumer, MVC, MVVM, Microkernel, N-tier, Domain-driven design, Presentation-abstraction-control

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Q. How many major mountain ranges having peaks of over 1000 meters are in India?

Ans → There are 07 mountain ranges having peaks of over 100 meters in India.

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Q. What is the time of Neolithic Age

Ans → Neolithic Age (4000-1800 BC)

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Q. How many official languages are spoken in India?

Ans → 22 Languages and other more than 1500 spoken languages

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Q. What is the height of the highest waterfall Kunchikal?

Ans → The height of the Kunchikal waterfall is 1,493 ft.

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Q. What kind of weapons' they used

Ans → Spears, Knives and Arrow-heads

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Q. Who is Pavel Milyukov

Ans → The Russian liberal

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Q. Who is the leader of French revolution

Ans → Napoleon Bonaparte

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Q. What is Stamp Act

Ans → a direct tax on the British colonies in America by Great Britain.

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Q. Who is the Father of Communism in Russia?

Ans → Marx

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Q. Which is the smallest National park in India?

Ans → South Button Island

Explanation → South Button Island National Park in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands is the smallest National Park in India.

Q. What are the types of Imperialism

Ans → Colony, Protectorate, Sphere of Influence, and Economics

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Q. Who is the founder of Mauryan Empire

Ans → Chandragupta Mauryan

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Q. Diameter of clay particle is-

Ans → less than 0.002 mm

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Q. Father of Surgery

Ans → Sushrutaa Samhita

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Q. Which state is known as the Garden of India?

Ans → Kerala

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Q. Famous book 'India of our Dreams' is written by?

Ans → M.V. Kamath

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Q. The variety of coffee, largely grown in india is -

Ans → Arabica and Robusta

Explanation → Coffee arabica (arabic coffee), and Robusta coffee beans are mostly grown in india.

Q. The 'Dronacharya Award' is given to?

Ans → Coaches

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Q. IN India, Which are the important sites Middle Paleolithic culture

Ans → Bagor - Rajasthan and Adamgarh - Madhya Pradesh

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