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Who is the father of computer science

General Awareness (GA) Competitive Exams (SSC, DSSSB, UPSC, RRB, CET, and State Boards) Computer

Q. Who is the father of computer science

Ans → Alan Turing

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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: Important Questions on History of Computers - attemp/practice

More oneliners in - Important Questions on History of Computers

Q. Who is the father of supercomputer in india

Ans → Vijay Pandurang Bhatkar

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Q. Who is the father of supercomputer

Ans → Seymour Cray

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Q. Who invented computer graphics

Ans → Ivan Sutherland

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Q. Who is the father of computer science

Ans → Alan Turing

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Q. Who is the father of computer architecture

Ans → John von Neumann

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Q. Who is mother of programming language

Ans → Ada Lovelace

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Q. Who is the father of programming language

Ans → Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie

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Q. What is GUI [ Graphical user interface ]

Ans → Every software widgets that the user can use to interact with your application known as GUI.

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Q. What are the main types of Operating system

Ans → Batch Operating System, Time-Sharing Operating System, Distributed Operating System, Embedded Operating System, Real-time Operating System.

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Q. Which is the first operating system in the world

Ans → GM-NAA I/O

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Q. How many types of computer

Ans → 7 [Supercomputer, Mainframe, Server Computer, Workstation Computer, Personal Computer or PC, Microcontroller, Smartphone.]

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Q. World's first computer

Ans → ENIAC [Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer]

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Q. Who is father of Computers

Ans → Charles Babbage

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More one-liners in - General Awareness (GA)

Q. Highest Waterfall in India

Ans → Kunchikal Falls in Shimoga District of Karnataka

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Q. Rain water and Bathing system of Indus Valley Civilization

Ans → For public they built great water management with 80 public toilets and about 700 wells. Every house had own rainwater harvesting and bath system.

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Q. The brightest star in the sky is

Ans → Sirius

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Q. What is Bloody Sunday

Ans → Hundred steelworkers died on January, 1905 outside the Winter Palace.

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Q. The study of Lakes is called

Ans → Limnology

Explanation → Study of fresh water ecosystem and lakes is called limnology.

Q. What are good effects come from French revolution

Ans → Democracy, equality, and nationalism

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Q. In which state is Jog Falls located?

Ans → Karnataka

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Q. किस रोग को ल्युकेमिया भी कहा जाता है?

Ans → रक्त कैंसर (blood cancer)

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Q. How many types of computer

Ans → 7 [Supercomputer, Mainframe, Server Computer, Workstation Computer, Personal Computer or PC, Microcontroller, Smartphone.]

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Q. India's First Human Atonomy Park situated at?

Ans → Phulwari ke Naal Wildlife Sanctuary

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Q. Which metals they used

Ans → Gold, Lead, Copper, Bronze and Tin

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Q. India's First Human Atonomy Park situated at?

Ans → Phulwari ke Naal Wildlife Sanctuary

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Q. Which clock system was used French at time of French Revolution

Ans → They used 10 hour in day and 100 mins in one hour old clock system

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Q. Who is mother of programming language

Ans → Ada Lovelace

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Q. Pin Valley National Park is located in which State?

Ans → Himachal Pradesh

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Q. Which format used in computer to store data

Ans → BCD [ Binary Coded Decimal ]

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Q. Who was the last king of French

Ans → Louis XVI

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Q. What is the difference between Totalitarianism and fascism

Ans → Totalitarianism is about simple power whereas in fascism everything is a forcibly monolithic and regimented nation under the control of an autocratic ruler.

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Q. Largest Man-Made Lake

Ans → Govind Sagar

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Q. We cannot see during a fog. why?

Ans → Because of scattering of light

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Q. What is basic architecture of computer?

Ans → Input Unit, Output Unit, Storage Unit, Arithmetic Logic Unit, Control Unit

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Q. Which princess was married to Chandragupta after Seleucid–Mauryan war

Ans → Helena [ Daughter of Seleukos Nikator ]

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Q. Who arrive first to North America

Ans → Christopher Columbus’ in 1492

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Q. What is the height of Kynrem falls?

Ans → 305 Meter

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Q. Who colonialism started in India

Ans → British

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Q. Scientific name of Computer?

Ans → Sillico Sapiens

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