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What is the timeline of Mauryan Empire

General Awareness (GA) Competitive Exams (SSC, DSSSB, UPSC, RRB, CET, and State Boards)

Q. What is the timeline of Mauryan Empire

Ans → 321 B.C.E. and ended in 185 B.C.E.

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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: Important Questions on Art and Culture/ Heritage | Important Questions on Mauryan Empire - attemp/practice

More oneliners in - Important Questions on Art and Culture/ Heritage | Important Questions on Mauryan Empire

Q. Who is Chanakya

Ans → Chanakya was an ancient Indian teacher, philosopher, economist, jurist at Taxila and royal advisor at Mauryan Empire .

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Q. Who was the greatest ruler of the Mauryan empire?

Ans → King Ashoka

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Q. Which princess was married to Chandragupta after Seleucid–Mauryan war

Ans → Helena [ Daughter of Seleukos Nikator ]

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Q. How many sons Chandragupta had

Ans → Keshnak and Bindusara.

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Q. Who is last king of Mauryan Empire

Ans → Brihadratha

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Q. Who is the teacher of Chandragupta Mauryan

Ans → Chanakya

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Q. What are the boundaries of Mauryan Empire

Ans → The Ganges River, the Brahmaputra, the Eastern and Western Ghats, the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea, and the Indus River.

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Q. Which is the Capital city of Mauryan Empire

Ans → Pataliputra

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Q. What is the timeline of Mauryan Empire

Ans → 321 B.C.E. and ended in 185 B.C.E.

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Q. Who is the founder of Mauryan Empire

Ans → Chandragupta Mauryan

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More one-liners in - General Awareness (GA)

Q. What is the new name of Jog or Gerosoppa Waterfall?

Ans → Mahatma Gandhi Waterfall

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Q. What were the reasons of industrial revolution

Ans → Capitalism, Scientific Revolution, Agricultural Revolution, Governmental Policies, Good mineral resources, Growing population, and Trading opportunities

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Q. How much India culture is old

Ans → approximately 250,000 years ago

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Q. Which state is known as the Garden of India?

Ans → Kerala

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Q. Father of golden revolution

Ans → Nirpakh Tutaj

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Q. Which is the Capital city of Mauryan Empire

Ans → Pataliputra

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Q. Which is the first solar city in the India

Ans → Anandpur Sahib.

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Q. Which war happened in 1754 - 1763 between French and Britain

Ans → The Seven Years' War.

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Q. What is the SI unit of Pressure?

Ans → Pascal (Pa)

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Q. The land between two rivers is called-

Ans → Doab

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Q. What is the long form of MIMD in computers

Ans → Multiple Instruction Multiple Data

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Q. Why does industrial revolution started in Britain

Ans → In Britain booming cotton and trade industries allowed investors on risks for make profits to support the construction of factories.

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Q. Which metal is non toxic in nature?

Ans → Gold

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Q. What is the time of Neolithic Age

Ans → Neolithic Age (4000-1800 BC)

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Q. How many types of computer

Ans → 7 [Supercomputer, Mainframe, Server Computer, Workstation Computer, Personal Computer or PC, Microcontroller, Smartphone.]

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Q. Oldest city in Northern Plains

Ans → Varanasi

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Q. Timeline of old imperialism in world

Ans → Third millennium BC empires of Assyria and Babylon

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Q. Silver Revolution started by

Ans → Indira Gandhi

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Q. River Bhagirathi arises at Gaumukh from which Glacier?

Ans → Gangotri Glacier

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Q. Tiruchirappalli International Airport is located in-

Ans → Tamil Nadu

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Q. Who was the greatest ruler of the Mauryan empire?

Ans → King Ashoka

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Q. Highest Waterfall in India

Ans → Kunchikal Falls in Shimoga District of Karnataka

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Q. At how mush speed Moon moves across the Sun?

Ans → 2,250 Km Per Hour

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Q. Who settled 13 colonies in America before American revolution?

Ans → British Company and Expedition Group.

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Q. What are the types of Imperialism

Ans → Colony, Protectorate, Sphere of Influence, and Economics

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Q. Pin Valley National Park is located in which State?

Ans → Himachal Pradesh

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Q. From where the Origin of Sugarcane?

Ans → New Guinea

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Q. How to become a doctor in world health organisation

Ans → Graduates and Post Graduates [for more]

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Q. How many time Mohenjo-Daro reconstructed

Ans → 9 times and each time on top of the earlier grid.

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