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What is the date of The Khodynka Tragedy.

General Awareness (GA) General Awareness (GA)

Q. What is the date of The Khodynka Tragedy.

Ans → 30 May 1896

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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: Important Questions on World History | Important Questions Russian Revaluation | Part - 1 - attemp/practice

More oneliners in - Important Questions on World History | Important Questions Russian Revaluation | Part - 1

Q. Which Event led to the Russian Revaluation in 1905

Ans → The Russian defeat in the Russo-Japanese War

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Q. What is Bloody Sunday

Ans → Hundred steelworkers died on January, 1905 outside the Winter Palace.

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Q. What is the timeline of Russian Revaluation

Ans → 8 March 1917 – 16 June 1923

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Q. What are the mane reasons of Russian Revaluation

Ans → Political, Social and Economics.

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Q. What is the date of The Khodynka Tragedy.

Ans → 30 May 1896

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Q. Who is Pavel Milyukov

Ans → The Russian liberal

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Q. Who is the tutor of Alexander III and Nicholas II

Ans → Konstantin Pobedonostsev

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Q. In March 1881, Who assassination the Tsar Alexander II

Ans → by members of the People’s Will

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More one-liners in - General Awareness (GA)

Q. Father of Computer Science

Ans → Alan Turing

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Q. Oldest city in Northern Plains

Ans → Varanasi

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Q. Which of the following mountain has largest peaks of world?

Ans → Karakoram Range, it has a length of 500 km and is worlds largest peak.

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Q. Which soil Structure is best for cultivation?

Ans → Crumby Structure

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Q. Famous book 'India of our Dreams' is written by?

Ans → M.V. Kamath

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Q. What is the main reason of ww2

Ans → Hitler's invasion of Poland in September 1939

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Q. Who is the author of 'Koonalamma Padalu'?

Ans → Arudra

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Q. What is the long form of NAZI

Ans → National Socialist German Workers’ Party

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Q. What is the timeline of world war - 2

Ans → Start at 1939 and end at 1945.

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Q. The velocity of wind is measured by-

Ans → Anemometer

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Q. Which is the largest plain in India?

Ans → Indo- Gangetic plain

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Q. Timeline of old imperialism in world

Ans → Third millennium BC empires of Assyria and Babylon

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Q. What are the types of Imperialism

Ans → Colony, Protectorate, Sphere of Influence, and Economics

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Q. How many tribes in India?

Ans → 645 distinct tribes

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Q. When The Indus Valley Civilization firstly Identified

Ans → Harappa, Punjab in 1921 - 1922

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Q. What is Stamp Act

Ans → a direct tax on the British colonies in America by Great Britain.

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Q. Indo-Gangetic plains are formed by the basins of which river –

Ans → The Ganga-Brahmaputra-Indus Rivers

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Q. What are the boundaries of Mauryan Empire

Ans → The Ganges River, the Brahmaputra, the Eastern and Western Ghats, the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea, and the Indus River.

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Q. In March 1881, Who assassination the Tsar Alexander II

Ans → by members of the People’s Will

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Q. What is colonialism

Ans → A practice of domination by one power over a dependent area or people

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Q. Diameter of clay particle is-

Ans → less than 0.002 mm

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Q. Who gained the most from WW2

Ans → The United States

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