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Ans → Political, Social and Economics.
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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: Important Questions on World History | Important Questions Russian Revaluation | Part - 1 - attemp/practice
Ans → The Russian defeat in the Russo-Japanese War
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Ans → Georgy Gapon,
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Ans → Hundred steelworkers died on January, 1905 outside the Winter Palace.
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Ans → Political, Social and Economics.
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Ans → by members of the People’s Will
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Ans → Rasbehari Bose
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Ans → Maharashtra
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Ans → 08 minutes 20 seconds
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Ans → Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Dholavira, Ganweriwala and Rakhigarhi.
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Ans → 3 in Lok Sabha and 4 in Rajya Sabha
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Ans → Microservices, Message bus, Service requester/ consumer, MVC, MVVM, Microkernel, N-tier, Domain-driven design, Presentation-abstraction-control
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Ans → To increased competition among nations and to conflicts that reason world war happened.
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Ans → water vapour condenses to a liquid
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Ans → कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट (calcium carbonate)
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Ans → The Indian President known as first citizen of India.
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Ans → Chief Minister of the State
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Ans → Third millennium BC empires of Assyria and Babylon
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