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What are the mane reasons of Russian Revaluation

General Awareness (GA) General Awareness (GA)

Q. What are the mane reasons of Russian Revaluation

Ans → Political, Social and Economics.

Explanation →

This question is taken from the test/quiz post: Important Questions on World History | Important Questions Russian Revaluation | Part - 1 - attemp/practice

More oneliners in - Important Questions on World History | Important Questions Russian Revaluation | Part - 1

Q. Which Event led to the Russian Revaluation in 1905

Ans → The Russian defeat in the Russo-Japanese War

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Q. What is Bloody Sunday

Ans → Hundred steelworkers died on January, 1905 outside the Winter Palace.

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Q. What is the timeline of Russian Revaluation

Ans → 8 March 1917 – 16 June 1923

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Q. What are the mane reasons of Russian Revaluation

Ans → Political, Social and Economics.

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Q. What is the date of The Khodynka Tragedy.

Ans → 30 May 1896

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Q. Who is Pavel Milyukov

Ans → The Russian liberal

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Q. Who is the tutor of Alexander III and Nicholas II

Ans → Konstantin Pobedonostsev

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Q. In March 1881, Who assassination the Tsar Alexander II

Ans → by members of the People’s Will

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More one-liners in - General Awareness (GA)

Q. Busiest National Highway in India?

Ans → NH 2 Highway

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Q. How many sessions of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha take place in a year?

Ans → 3 in Lok Sabha and 4 in Rajya Sabha

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Q. Which is the highest peak in the world?

Ans → Mount Everest. It is the highest peak of the world at 8848 m.

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Q. The width of the great plain is-

Ans → 150-300 kms

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Q. How many water reservoirs found at Dholavira

Ans → 16 water reservoirs found at The Harappan city of Dholavira

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Q. Which is the first solar city in the India

Ans → Anandpur Sahib.

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Q. The Cardamom hills is a part of which range?

Ans → Western Ghats

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Q. The purpose of Green revolution was

Ans → to increase the production of wheat and rice

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Q. Father of Yellow Revolution

Ans → Sam Pitroda

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Q. What was Adolf Hitler's real name

Ans → Adolf Schicklgruber

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Q. Who is the author of the book 'The English Teacher'?

Ans → R K Narayan

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Q. Who lost the most from WW2

Ans → The Soviet Union in terms of sheer civilian casualties

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Q. How many wildlife sanctuaries are there in India?

Ans → 566

Explanation → There are 566 existing wildlife sanctuaries in India covering an area of 122420 square kms, which is 3.72% of the geographical area of the country.

Q. Who is the father of Computer?

Ans → Charless Babbage

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Q. What are good effects come from French revolution

Ans → Democracy, equality, and nationalism

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Q. Who are the main Allied powers

Ans → Great Britain, The United States, China, and the Soviet Union.

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Q. Father of Genetics

Ans → Gregor Mendel

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Q. What is the capital city of France?

Ans → Paris

Explanation → Paris

Q. When was Nazi Germany founded

Ans → 1933

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Q. Who is the teacher of Chandragupta Mauryan

Ans → Chanakya

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Q. The Book " what I require from life" has been Written by?

Ans → J.B.S. Haldane

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Q. IN India, Which are the important sites Upper Paleolithic culture

Ans → Andra Pradesh, Karnataka, Central MP, Maharashtra, Southern UP, South Bihar Plateau

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Q. Which war happened for independence between America and England

Ans → The American Revolutionary War (1775 to 1783).

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Q. The land between two rivers is called-

Ans → Doab

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Q. What are the benefits of the industrial revolution

Ans → Increase in wealth, job opportunities, Production levels, inspired innovation

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Q. Silver Revolution started by

Ans → Indira Gandhi

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Q. Who is the tutor of Alexander III and Nicholas II

Ans → Konstantin Pobedonostsev

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Q. The variety of coffee, largely grown in india is -

Ans → Arabica and Robusta

Explanation → Coffee arabica (arabic coffee), and Robusta coffee beans are mostly grown in india.

Q. Who is the author of the book " Without Fear"?

Ans → Kuldeep Nayar

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Q. What is colonialism

Ans → A practice of domination by one power over a dependent area or people

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Q. Grey Revolution is is associated with

Ans → Fertilizers

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Q. When The Indus Valley Civilization firstly Identified

Ans → Harappa, Punjab in 1921 - 1922

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Q. Browning in cauliflower is due to?

Ans → Boron deficiency

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