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Ans → 1763 to 1766
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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: World History | American Revolution | Quiz on The Proclamation of 1763 - attemp/practice
Ans → The Seven Years' War.
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Ans → To stop the pirating exchange sugar and molasses from the French and Dutch.
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Ans → To limit and regulate the use of paper money in the American colonies.
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Ans → a direct tax on the British colonies in America by Great Britain.
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Ans → To provide the British soldiers with housing and food.
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Ans → To accompanied the repeal of the Stamp Act 1765 and the changing and lessening of the Sugar Act.
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Ans → Refers to a series of British acts of Parliament passed between 1767 to 1768 relating to the British colonies
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Ans → Adams’ letter in 1768
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Ans → Diarrhea
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Ans → To limit and regulate the use of paper money in the American colonies.
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Ans → 1,260,000 sq. km[ Current geography- India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan ]
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Ans → For public they built great water management with 80 public toilets and about 700 wells. Every house had own rainwater harvesting and bath system.
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