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What is the location of 13 Colonies?

General Awareness (GA)

Q. What is the location of 13 Colonies?

Ans → The eastern coastline of North America.

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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: World History| American Revolution | QUIZ ON THE THIRTEEN COLONIES - attemp/practice

More oneliners in - World History| American Revolution | QUIZ ON THE THIRTEEN COLONIES

Q. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence for 13 colonies

Ans → Thomas Jefferson

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Q. Which war happened for independence between America and England

Ans → The American Revolutionary War (1775 to 1783).

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Q. What is the independence date of 13 colonies

Ans → 4 July 1776

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Q. Which war happened in 1665-1667 between Dutch and England

Ans → Second Anglo-Dutch War.

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Q. When Dutch come to North American Coastline

Ans → 1609

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Q. Who arrive first to North America

Ans → Christopher Columbus’ in 1492

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Q. Who are the neighbors of 13 colonies

Ans → Spanish and Dutch Foreigners are neighbors

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Q. What is the economic source of British America?

Ans → Agriculture, Metals and Minerals, and Primary production

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Q. Who settled 13 colonies in America before American revolution?

Ans → British Company and Expedition Group.

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Q. What is the timeline of 13 colonies?

Ans → 1607 (Virginia) and concluding in 1732 (Georgia).

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Q. What is the location of 13 Colonies?

Ans → The eastern coastline of North America.

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More one-liners in - General Awareness (GA)

Q. Silk textiles are mainly produced in which countries?

Ans → China and India

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Q. When was WHO established

Ans → 7 April 1948

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Q. What kind of measurement system they used for measurement

Ans → Researchers found weights of 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500 units. These are different from Egypt and Mesopotamia measurement.

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Q. Who is the father of industrial revolution

Ans → Sir Richard Arkwright [ inventor and entrepreneur ]

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Q. Where decoded instructions are stored

Ans → IR [ Instruction Register ]

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Q. Who was the last of the 24th Jain Tirthankaras?

Ans → Mahavira

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Q. The period of Golden revolution was

Ans → 1991 to 2003

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Q. Which Himalayan Peak is also called Sagarmatha?

Ans → Mount Everest

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Q. the largest human cell ?

Ans → ovum

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Q. What is fascism

Ans → It is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalist characterized by dictatorial power, a forcibly monolithic and regimented nation under the control of an autocratic ruler.

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Q. The Indo- Gangetic plains covers an area of about

Ans → 7 Lakh sq. Km

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Q. What is GUI [ Graphical user interface ]

Ans → Every software widgets that the user can use to interact with your application known as GUI.

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Q. In which sectors Industrial revolution happened

Ans → Coal, Gas, Electronics, Nuclear, and Internet and Renewable energy

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Q. When was Nazi Germany founded

Ans → 1933

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Q. What ware the main causes of French revolution

Ans → Social Inequality, Drastic Weather and Poor Harvests, Tax Burden, Despotic rule of Louis XVI, Inherited problems

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Q. What is the Industrial revolution

Ans → The process of change from an agrarian economy and handicraft economy to industry and machine manufacturing industry.

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Q. Nohsngithiang falls are located in which State?

Ans → Meghalaya

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Q. The operation flood in 1970 India was associated with

Ans → White revolution (milk)

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Q. On which ground a High Court Judge can be impeached?

Ans → Proven misconduct and Incompetence

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Q. Who is the leader of French revolution

Ans → Napoleon Bonaparte

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Q. Father of Pink Revolution in India

Ans → Durgesh Patel

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Q. Tuticorin Airport is located in-

Ans → Tamil Nadu

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Q. Who is the father of supercomputer

Ans → Seymour Cray

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Q. Father of Psychology

Ans → Sigmund Freud

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Q. What was Adolf Hitler's real name

Ans → Adolf Schicklgruber

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Q. Who was the greatest ruler of the Mauryan empire?

Ans → King Ashoka

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