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Who is set to take charge as the chairman of the World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board from 2021

General Awareness (GA)

Q. Who is set to take charge as the chairman of the World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board from 2021

Ans → Dr. Patrick Amoth

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This question is taken from the test/quiz post: About World Health Organization - attemp/practice

More oneliners in - About World Health Organization

Q. How to become a doctor in world health organisation

Ans → Graduates and Post Graduates [for more]

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Q. Who was the first Director of the WHO?

Ans → Dr. B. Chisholm [1948 to 1953]

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Q. Who is the current president of World Health Organization

Ans → Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

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Q. How many countries are not members in the world health organization

Ans → Liechtenstein[UN member], Niue and the Cook Islands[ Non-UN Member]

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Q. How many countries are members in the world health organization

Ans → 194 countries as member states

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Q. Where is the first headquarters of WHO located?

Ans → Geneva, Switzerland.

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Q. When was WHO established

Ans → 7 April 1948

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More one-liners in - General Awareness (GA)

Q. Which is the rainiest station of India?

Ans → Shillong, Meghalaya

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Q. ‘Gobar gas’ contains mainly which gas?

Ans → Methane

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Q. Soils having more than 20% organic matter known as?

Ans → Organic Soils

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Q. Which statement given by Marie Antoinette's

Ans → In French- Qu'ils mangent de la brioche [English Translation- let them eat cake!]

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Q. The Cardamom hills is a part of which range?

Ans → Western Ghats

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Q. Pontiac conspiracy timeline

Ans → 1763 to 1766

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Q. Who is the author of the book "Our Choice"?

Ans → AI Gore

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Q. The direction of wind is measured by-

Ans → Wind Vane

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Q. Largest Man-Made Lake

Ans → Govind Sagar

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Q. What is Imperialism

Ans → A policy of extending the rule over peoples and other countries, for extending political, economic access, power and control

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Q. The Book "confessions of a secular fundamentalist is written by-

Ans → Mani Shankar Aiyar

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Q. Who built the Red Fort of Agra?

Ans → Akbar

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Q. In which place, houses are built on stilts?

Ans → Assam

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Q. What is colonialism

Ans → A practice of domination by one power over a dependent area or people

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Q. Which dynasty ruled in the Indo- Gangetic plains of India?

Ans → Bharshiva Dynasty

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Q. What was the time period of Region of Terror

Ans → From June 1793 to July 1794

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Q. The dew point is the temperature at which -

Ans → water vapour condenses to a liquid

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Q. What ware the main causes of French revolution

Ans → Social Inequality, Drastic Weather and Poor Harvests, Tax Burden, Despotic rule of Louis XVI, Inherited problems

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