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Which one of these is a major tranquilizer?

Pharmacy Pharmacology Biomedical Science D. Pharma B. Pharma General Pharmacology General Pharmacology

Q. 23 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 666)

Which one of these is a major tranquilizer?

  • Phenelzine
  • Promethazine
  • Trifluoperazine
  • Hydroxyzine

Ans → (c)Trifluoperazine

Explanation → trifluoperazine is a drug from phenothiazine chemical class is atypical antipsychotic drug.

This question is taken from this post → Classification of drugs in pharmacology Aptitude Test - attemp/practice

More MCQs in - Classification of drugs in pharmacology Aptitude Test

Q. 1 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 411)

Suganril is common brand name for:

  • Phenylbutazone
  • Piroxican
  • Benorylate
  • Indomethacin

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Q. 2 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 643)

Which one of these is μ-opioid agonist?

  • Pethidine
  • Codeine
  • Nalorphine
  • None of these

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Q. 3 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 644)

Levodopa is amino acid precursor of - 

  • Adrenaline
  • Dopamine
  • Norepinephrine
  • All of these

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Q. 4 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 645)

The most potent CNS stimulant among xanthine bases are-

  • Theophylline
  • Caffeine
  • Theobromine
  • All of these

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Q. 5 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 646)

Chlorpromazine is useful in the treatment of -

  • Mental depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • Parkinsonism
  • None of the above

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Q. 6 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 649)

Amlodepine Lowers blood pressure by-

  • Inhibition of calcium influx
  • Inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
  • Blocking norepinephrine reuptake
  • All of the above

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Q. 7 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 650)

Cholestyramine is useful in the treatment of -

  • Arrhythmia
  • Hypertension
  • Hyper lipoproteinemia
  • Angina pectoris

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Q. 8 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 651)

Clofibrate mainly Lowers the -

  • LDL
  • VLDL
  • HDL
  • Chylomicrons

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Q. 9 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 652)

Lovastatin is useful in -

  • High blood pressure
  • Arrhythmia
  • Hyper lipoproteinemia
  • Angina pectoris

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Q. 10 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 653)

Oral anticoagulants act by antagonising the actions of -

  • Calcium ion
  • Prothrombin
  • Vitamin K
  • Fibrinogen

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Q. 11 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 654)

Glucocorticoid are used in the treatment of :

  • Inflammation
  • Inflammation and allergy
  • Skin infections
  • Allergy

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Q. 12 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 655)

The sulphonamides are :

  • Bactericidal in nature
  • Bacteriostatic in nature
  • Bactericidal only at high dose
  • None of the above

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Q. 13 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 656)

Tetracycline act by -

  • Inhibition of protein synthesis
  • Interfering in cell wall synthesis
  • Altering the permeability of cell membrane of organism
  • All of the above

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Q. 14 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 657)

Nystatin is principally effective in:

  • Candidia albicans
  • Blastomyces
  • Cryptococcus histoplasma
  • All of the above

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Q. 15 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 658)

Pyridoxine is administered with isoniazid to minimise the:

  • Hepatotoxicity
  • Neurotoxicity
  • Nephrotoxicity
  • Allergic reaction

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Q. 16 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 659)

Which one of these combination is used in Chloroquine resistance malaria?

  • Trimethoprim + pyrimethamine
  • Pyrimethamine + sulphadoxine
  • Mefloquine + Primaquine
  • None of the above

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Q. 17 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 660)

Which one of the enzyme is used in the treatment of cancer?

  • L- asparginase
  • Phosphodiesterase
  • Xanthine Oxidase
  • None of the above

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Q. 18 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 661)

Eserine acts by -

  • Receptor mechanism
  • Acting on cell membrane
  • Drug-enzyme interactions
  • None of the above

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Q. 19 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 662)

Desferrioxamine is a :

  • Chelating agent
  • Antimetabolite
  • Enzyme inhibitor
  • None of the above

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Q. 20 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 663)

Sodium valproate prevent the epileptic seizure by -

  • Depressing the CNS
  • Preventing influx of sodium
  • Preventing influx of calcium
  • None of the above

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Q. 21 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 664)

Which one of these is used with hyoscine to induce Twilight sleep?

  • Pentazocine
  • Pethidine
  • Diphenhydramine
  • None of the above

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Q. 22 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 665)

Ergot preparations are useful in migraine due to its-

  • Oxytocic action
  • Vasoconstriction action
  • α -receptors blocking action
  • None of the above

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Q. 23 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 666)

Which one of these is a major tranquilizer?

  • Phenelzine
  • Promethazine
  • Trifluoperazine
  • Hydroxyzine

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Q. 24 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 667)

Which one is a cholinomimetic agent?

  • Atropine
  • Salbutamol
  • Tolbutamide
  • Acetylcholine

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Q. 25 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 668)

Testosterone is not orally active because?

  • React with acid
  • Degradation
  • Reduction
  • Rapid oxidation of 17-hydroxy group to ketones

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Q. 26 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 669)

Which one of the following drug shows antiplatelet activity?

  • Verapamil
  • Nifedipine
  • Warferin
  • Dipyridamole

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Q. 27 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 670)

Nociceptors are associated with:

  • Chemical
  • Pain
  • Temperature
  • Pressure

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Q. 28 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 671)

Drug that shows selective antagonistic selective H1 antagonistic action?

  • Chlorpheniramine
  • Cimetidine
  • Ranitidine
  • Thioperamide

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Q. 29 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 672)

Which one is the alkylating anticancer drug?

  • Fluorouracil
  • Vincristine
  • Thiotepa
  • Doxorubicin

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Q. 30 of Quiz-266 (Que-ID : 673)

Which one is a HMGC A reductase inhibitor?

  • Rhabdomylosis
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Rise in serum transaminase

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More MCQs In - Pharmacy Pharmacology Biomedical Science D. Pharma B. Pharma General Pharmacology General Pharmacology

Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1580)

Enzymatic hydrolysis of major nutrients in GIT to yield their simpler components is .....

  • Fermentation
  • Deglutition
  • Glycolysis
  • Digestion

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Q. 22 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1402)

Peppermint oil is synonym for-

  • Mentha oil
  • Chenopodium oil
  • Cardamom oil
  • Lemon oil

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Q. 19 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1172)

Amorphous forms of drugs are

  • Usually less soluble than crystalline forms
  • Usually more soluble than crystal form.
  • Also called solvents
  • Practically insoluble

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Q. 10 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1631)

Cell mediated immunity is derived from

  • T cells
  • Monocytes
  • Eosinophils
  • B cells

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 478)

The reserve pacemaker is

  • AV node
  • SA node
  • Bundle of his
  • purkinje fibre

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Q. 17 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3917)

1 kilobase in DNA is equal to the

  • 10 base pair
  • 100 base pair
  • 1 base pair
  • 1000 base pair

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Q. 12 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 655)

The sulphonamides are :

  • Bactericidal in nature
  • Bacteriostatic in nature
  • Bactericidal only at high dose
  • None of the above

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Q. 15 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1844)

Which of the following is the carbohydrate of animal origin?

  • Glucose
  • Sucrose
  • starch
  • Glycogen

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Q. 7 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1544)

hora somni meaning

  • at bedtime
  • at sunrise
  • after meal
  • at meal

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Q. 7 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 68)

Mephenamic acid is :

  • Selectiv COX-2 inhibitor
  • Antipiratics-analgesics
  • Fenamate non-selective cox-inhibitor
  • salicylates non-selective cox-inhibitor

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Q. 20 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1143)

Mineral oil cannot be used as oily vehicle in injection because

  • It is toxic
  • It is not absorbed in the body
  • It is incompatible
  • It is not metabolised in body

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Q. 21 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1174)

In situ salt formation is a technique used in drug therapy to overcome -

  • Lack of solubility of salt
  • Poor absorption
  • Chemical instability
  • Complexation problems

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Q. 17 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 104)

The pH of tears is about

  • 6.0
  • 8.0
  • 7.4
  • 9.0

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3567)

Nutmeg belongs to the family-

  • Myristicaceae
  • Myrtaceae
  • Lauraceae
  • Caryophyllaceae

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Q. 25 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1285)

When structurally different drugs give the same clinical result, it is called-

  • Therapeutic equivalence
  • Clinical equivalence
  • Bioequivalence
  • none of these

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1513)

Select the drug which is administered orally for erectile dysfunction in men

  • Albendazole
  • Mebendazole
  • Cocaine
  • Sildenafil

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Q. 43 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 130)

Active immunity is induced by

  • Placental transfer of antibodies
  • Infection
  • Injection of gamma-globulins
  • Injection of antibodies

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Q. 21 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 664)

Which one of these is used with hyoscine to induce Twilight sleep?

  • Pentazocine
  • Pethidine
  • Diphenhydramine
  • None of the above

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Q. 20 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1054)

Lungs are covered by 

  • Pericardium
  • Pleura
  • Sclera
  • Myocardium

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1188)

Purchase indent is an -

  • External document
  • Internal document
  • Legal document
  • None of the above

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Q. 8 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1817)

Methotrexate is a -

  • Enzyme inhibitor
  • Receptor blocker
  • Alkylating agent
  • Anti-metabolic

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Q. 17 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1110)

Which of these has azocinyl moiety?

  • Guanethidine
  • Clofibrate
  • Quinidine
  • Quinine

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Q. 7 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 94)

Lemon Grass oil is obtained by steam distilation of the

  • Fresh leaves of Eucalyptus globulus
  • Fresh flowering tops of the menths piperata
  • Leaves of aerial parts of the cymopogon citratus
  • Pericarp of the ripe or nearly ripe fruits of citrus limonis

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Directions : For each question, choose a correct option from given four options (A, B, C and D)

Q. 25 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1239)

Low bioavailability indicates that-

  • drug is poorly absorbed
  • drug is rapidly metabolised
  • drug is not properly relesaed from the formulation
  • all of the above

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1543)

Latin term "mitte" means the following

  • inject
  • give
  • send
  • take

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Q. 42 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 129)

Hyperuricemia is associated with the the abnormal metabolism of

  • Purine
  • Thiamine
  • Riboflavin
  • Pyrimidine

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Q. 10 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1390)

Nux-vomica seed belongs to the family-

  • Rubiaceae
  • Loganiaceae
  • Papaveraceae
  • Apocynaceae

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 652)

Lovastatin is useful in -

  • High blood pressure
  • Arrhythmia
  • Hyper lipoproteinemia
  • Angina pectoris

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1503)

Pyridostigmine differs from neostigmine in that

  • It produces less muscarinic side effects
  • It is more potent orally
  • It is longer acting
  • It does not have any direct action on NM receptor

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Q. 11 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 487)

Glucose reabsorption takes place mainly in:

  • Distal convulated tubules
  • Collecting duct
  • Proximal convulated tubule
  • Loop of henley

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Q. 29 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 672)

Which one is the alkylating anticancer drug?

  • Fluorouracil
  • Vincristine
  • Thiotepa
  • Doxorubicin

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1608)

Where does glycolysis occur?

  • Cytosol
  • Mitochondria
  • Nucleus
  • Ribosomes

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Q. 25 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1059)

The deposition of sodium urate crystals in joints leads to disease -

  • Arthritis
  • Inflammation
  • Gout
  • Calculi

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Q. 14 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1843)

Which of the following has the highest amount of polyunsaturated fatty acid?

  • sunflower oil
  • Ground nut oil
  • Palm Oil
  • Soyabean oil

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Directions : For each question, choose a correct option from given four options (A, B, C and D)

Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1217)

Merk index belongs to the category of-

  • Primary source of information
  • Secondary source of information
  • Tertiary source of information
  • none of the above

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Q. 10 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1193)

Uniform part of a loan raised by a company is known as -

  • Public deposit
  • Equity shares
  • Debentures
  • Borrowed capital

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1070)

Carbomal, used in mild insomnia is a -

  • Monoguanide
  • Barbiturate
  • Monoureides
  • None of the above

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1542)

Latin term "talis / tales / talia" means the following

  • such
  • as
  • after
  • before

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 644)

Levodopa is amino acid precursor of - 

  • Adrenaline
  • Dopamine
  • Norepinephrine
  • All of these

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Q. 27 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 670)

Nociceptors are associated with:

  • Chemical
  • Pain
  • Temperature
  • Pressure

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 480)

Parotids glands are present in

  • Stomach
  • mouth
  • Pharynx
  • Intestine

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Q. 16 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1169)

Dextrose injection is sterilised by

  • Hot air oven
  • Autoclave
  • Tyndallization
  • Pasteurization

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1159)

Which one of these is present in compound sulphur lotion as wetting agent?

  • Talc
  • Quillaia tincture
  • Zinc oxide
  • Sodium citrate

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1192)

Patent, copyright, trademarks comes under which type of assets?

  • Current assets
  • Intangible assets
  • Tangible assets
  • Miscellaneous assets

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Q. 10 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 97)

Efficiency of ball mill depends on

  • Rotational speed
  • Density of balls
  • Volume occupied by the balls
  • All of these

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Q. 10 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3910)

Which one is essential amino acid

  • Alanine
  • Leucine
  • Proline
  • Tryptophan

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