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In beta oxidation no of ATP molecule utilised are

Biochemistry Pharmacist Competitive Exams

Q. 10 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3810)

In beta oxidation no of ATP molecule utilised are

  • 4
  • 2
  • 5
  • Nono of the above

Ans → (A)

Explanation → In beta oxidation no of ATP molecule utilised are 4

This question is taken from this post → Biochemistry test Series | Practice Set 1 | Revision MCQs for Pharmacy and medical Exams - attemp/practice

More MCQs in - Biochemistry test Series | Practice Set 1 | Revision MCQs for Pharmacy and medical Exams

Q. 1 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3801)

Ribose is a

  • Triose
  • Tetrose
  • Pentose
  • Hexose

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Q. 2 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3802)

In the TCA malate is oxidised to

  • Fumarate
  • L-ketoglutarate
  • Succinate
  • Oxaloacetate

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Q. 3 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3803)

Heparin is a

  • Monosaccharide
  • Disaccharide
  • Mucopolysaccharide
  • Heteropolysaccharide

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Q. 4 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3804)

Transamination takes place principally in

  • Liver
  • Muscles
  • Stomach
  • Gall bladder

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Q. 5 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3805)

Amino acids linked by

  • Hydrogen bond
  • Sulphate bond
  • Ionic bond
  • Peptide bond

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Q. 6 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3806)

One example of phosphoprotein

  • Phenylalanine
  • Tryptophan
  • Casein
  • Glycine

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Q. 7 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3807)

Schlock and humph method is used to determine

  • C terminal amino acid
  • N and C terminal amino acid
  • N terminal amino acid
  • Nono of the above

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Q. 8 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3808)

Protein are precipatetd by

  • Water
  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Formaldehyde
  • Trichloroethane acetic acid

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Q. 9 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3809)

One example of sulphur containing amino acid

  • Aspartate
  • Cysteine
  • Serine
  • Tyrosine

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Q. 10 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3810)

In beta oxidation no of ATP molecule utilised are

  • 4
  • 2
  • 5
  • Nono of the above

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Q. 11 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3811)

The normal level of ketone bodies in the blood are

  • 1-5 mg/dl
  • 10 mg/dl
  • 15 mg/dl
  • 20 mg/dl

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Q. 12 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3812)

The fats are

  • Completely insoluble in water
  • Sparingly soluble in water
  • Completely soluble in water
  • Nono of the above

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Q. 13 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3813)

One example of polyunsaturated fattyacid is

  • Acetic acid
  • Butanoic acid
  • Glyceric acid
  • Linoleic acid

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Q. 14 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3814)

Fatty acids synthesis occurs in

  • Cytoplasm
  • Mitochondria
  • Heart
  • Lungs

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Q. 15 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3815)

Cholesterol contains of

  • 27 carbon atom
  • 30 carbon atom
  • 14 carbon atom
  • 35 carbon atom

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Q. 16 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3816)

One example of glycoside is

  • Cholesterol
  • Sphingomyelin
  • Lecithin
  • Gangliosides

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Q. 17 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3817)

Similarity between inorganic catalysts and enzymes

  • They have very high molecular weight
  • Both catalyse the biological reaction
  • Both are efficient catalysts
  • They temporally combine with substrate molecule

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Q. 18 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3818)

Malonate is competitive inhibitor of

  • Succinate
  • Fumarate
  • Oxaloacetate
  • Aspartate

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Q. 19 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3819)

Oxidoreductase include enzyme

  • Which are concerned with beta oxidation and reduction
  • Catalyse the transfer of group from one substance to other
  • Carry out hydrolytic reaction
  • None of the above

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Q. 20 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3820)

Wilson disease occurs due to abnormal secretion of

  • cu2+
  • Iron
  • Ca2+
  • Mg2+

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Q. 21 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3821)

The main protein of connective tissue

  • Keratin
  • Myosin
  • Collagen
  • Melanin

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Q. 22 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3822)

The sugar present in nucleic acid is

  • Ribose
  • Xylose
  • Glycose
  • Fructose

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Q. 23 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3823)

Which element is required for contraction of muscles

  • Calcium
  • Sodium
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese

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Q. 24 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3824)

Lipogenesis is the formation of

  • Glucose from fat
  • Fats from glucose
  • Fats from surplus glucose
  • Glycogen from fats

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Q. 25 of Quiz-1677 (Que-ID : 3825)

Serum and phosphatase activity increases during

  • Carcinoma
  • Pancreatitis
  • Leukemia
  • Obstructive jaundice

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Q. 11 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3886)

Drug acting as acetylcholine inhibitor

  • Acetylcholine
  • Succinylcholine
  • Dicumarol
  • Lovastatin

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Q. 18 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3868)

Which carbohydrate is exclusively used in kidney functioning test

  • Lactose
  • Sucrose
  • Fructose
  • Insulin

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 454)

Vitamin A is related to:

  • β-ionone
  • α-ionone
  • δ-ionone
  • ɣ-ionone

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Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3851)

The glycolytic pathway is the

  • Conversion of pyruvic acid into oxaloacetate
  • Degradation of glucose into pyruvic acid
  • Successive oxidation - reduction reaction involving succinate NADH
  • None of these

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Q. 12 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 562)

A mirage is the result of -

  • The reflection of light from hot sand
  • Fluctuation in the refractive index of the atmosphere with height
  • Increase in the refractive index of the atmosphere with height
  • decrease in the refractive index of the atmosphere with height

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1356)

Alkaline phosphate level is increases in which disease?

  • Rickets
  • Leukemia
  • Cardial infection
  • Pancreatic deficiency

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1359)

The first amino acid during protein synthesis is-

  • Arginine
  • leucine
  • valine
  • methionine

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3852)

Oxidative phosphorylation is the generation of

  • Phosphoglyceric acid
  • Pyruvic acid
  • ATP
  • ADP

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Q. 20 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3920)

An example of transferase enzyme

  • Lipase
  • Hexokinase
  • Esterase
  • Urease

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Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3801)

Ribose is a

  • Triose
  • Tetrose
  • Pentose
  • Hexose

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Q. 19 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 573)

Light from the sun reaches us in nearly

  • 5 min
  • 4.30 hrs
  • 8 min
  • 5.30 hrs

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 427)


  • Talakaveri in Western Ghats in Karnataka
  • Western Ghats near Mahabaleshwar in Maharashtra
  • Tamil nadu
  • Madhya pradesh

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Q. 8 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1585)

The biosynthesis of carbohydrates from simpler, non carbohydrate precursors is… . .

  • Gluconeogenesis
  • Glycogenolysis
  • Thermogenesis
  • Glycogenesis

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Q. 16 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3916)

Biotin structure is formed by fusion of

  • Imidazole and thiophene ring
  • Imidazole and furan rings
  • Imidazole and insoles ring
  • Imidazole and purine rings

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Q. 20 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 471)

The risk factor for atherosclerosis is related to:

  • Chylomicron
  • VLDL
  • HDL
  • VLDL and LDL

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