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Which of the following is the retinal neurons present in ganglia cell layer?

Human Anatomy and Physiology Diploma

Q. 7 of Quiz-819 (Que-ID : 1437)

Which of the following is the retinal neurons present in ganglia cell layer?

  • rods
  • cones
  • amacrine cells
  • none of the above

Ans → (d) none of the above

Explanation →

This question is taken from this post → Human Eye Quiz | MCQs - attemp/practice

More MCQs in - Human Eye Quiz | MCQs

Q. 2 of Quiz-819 (Que-ID : 1432)

Out of the following options which one is NOT the accessory structure of eye?

  • Eyelids
  • the lacrimal apparatus
  • intrinsic eye muscles
  • eyebrows

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Q. 3 of Quiz-819 (Que-ID : 1433)

Which of the following statement is NOT true?

  • cornea is highly vascularized structure
  • vascular tunic is also known as uvea
  • the junction of sclera and cornea forms scleral venous sinus
  • melanin prevents reflection and scattering of light within eye

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Q. 4 of Quiz-819 (Que-ID : 1434)

In what condition the color of eye appears as blue?

  • When the concentration of melanin is high in iris
  • When the concentration of melanin is moderate
  • When the concentration of melanin is very low
  • none of the above

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Q. 5 of Quiz-819 (Que-ID : 1435)

What causes the size of pupil to decrease during bright light

  • contraction of circular muscles of iris
  • contraction of radial muscles of iris
  • relaxation of circular muscle of iris
  • relaxation of radial muscle of iris

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Q. 7 of Quiz-819 (Que-ID : 1437)

Which of the following is the retinal neurons present in ganglia cell layer?

  • rods
  • cones
  • amacrine cells
  • none of the above

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Q. 8 of Quiz-819 (Que-ID : 1438)

Which structure is also known as the “blind spot”?

  • optic disc
  • macula lutea
  • cornea
  • ciliary body

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Q. 9 of Quiz-819 (Que-ID : 1439)

Color blindness is due to defect in ________

  • Cones
  • Rods
  • Rods and cons
  • Rhodopsin

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Q. 10 of Quiz-819 (Que-ID : 1440)

Which of the following is the function of sclera?

  • gives the shape to eyeball
  • makes it more rigid
  • protects inner parts
  • all of the above

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More MCQs In - Human Anatomy and Physiology Diploma

Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1633)

Swelling in inflammation is also called

  • Vasodilation of blood vessels in dermis
  • Infiltration of neutrophil
  • Edema
  • Ischemia

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1965)

Lungs are enclosed in-

  • Pericardium
  • Peritoneum
  • Pleura
  • Perichondrium

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Q. 8 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1042)

Prostaglandin secretion is maximum in -

  • Urine
  • Amniotic fluid
  • Saliva
  • Semen

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Q. 15 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3333)

Passive immunity can be conferred directly by

  • vaccines
  • antitoxins
  • colostrum
  • both (b) & (c)

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1456)

In which of the following forms of business organization, registration is compulsory…

  • Partnership firm
  • Sole proprietorship
  • Joint-stock company
  • All of them

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Q. 18 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 494)

Which cranial nerve is attached with the eye?

  • 2nd
  • 4th
  • 6th
  • 8th

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Q. 10 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1044)

Name the hormone involved in regulation of calcium?

  • Growth hormone
  • Thyroid hormone
  • Insulin hormone
  • PTH (parathyroid hormone)

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1434)

In what condition the color of eye appears as blue?

  • When the concentration of melanin is high in iris
  • When the concentration of melanin is moderate
  • When the concentration of melanin is very low
  • none of the above

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1429)

The condition wherein protein and energy reserves are depleted is…

  • Obesity
  • Kwashiorkor
  • Oedema
  • Marasmus

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1449)

Decrease in platelet count is called …

  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Thrombocytosis
  • Thrombocytosis
  • None of them

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Q. 8 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3326)

The common cold is caused by

  • Rhino viruses
  • Streptococcus pnemoniae
  • Salmonella typhimurium
  • Plasmodium vivax.

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1519)

Which one of the following traits is not a characteristic of life shared by all organisms?

  • growth
  • circulation
  • photosynthesis
  • digestion

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1460)

The partner not sharing profit but liable for the debts of the firm is…

  • Secret partner
  • Nominal partner
  • Working partner
  • None of them

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Q. 15 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1977)

Organs of Ruffini are receptors of-

  • Cold
  • Pressure
  • Heat
  • Touch

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1439)

Color blindness is due to defect in ________

  • Cones
  • Rods
  • Rods and cons
  • Rhodopsin

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Q. 22 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 498)

The longest skeletal muscle is

  • Biceps
  • Quadriceps femoris
  • supinator
  • sartorius

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Q. 21 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2233)

Standard solution of arsenic contain-

  • Arsenious acid
  • Arsine
  • Arsenic acid
  • Arsenic oxide

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Q. 7 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1463)

The partnership wherein partners have unlimited liabilities is…

  • General partnership
  • Limited partnership
  • Both of them
  • None of them

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2144)

Which one of these is used in metabolic alkalosis?

  • Sodium chloride
  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Ammonium chloride
  • Potassium citrate

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1036)

Which enzyme does not act on dietary proteins?

  • Elastase
  • Hydrolase
  • Trypsin
  • Chymotrypsin

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Q. 18 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2230)

Salicylic acid is used as-

  • Analgesic
  • Antipyretic
  • Keratolytic agent
  • None of these

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1443)

Composition of blood is…

  • Plasma and blood cells
  • Plasma and RBCs
  • Plasma and WBCs
  • Respiratory gases and blood cells

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1532)

Which term refers to the back of the knee?

  • popliteal
  • pelvic
  • pedal
  • perineal

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1522)

The _____________ cavity is the portion enclosed by the pelvic bones

  • abdominopelvic
  • abdominal
  • thoracic
  • pelvic

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1624)

Which of the following is physical agent of cell injury?

  • Dil. HCl
  • Hypoxia
  • Viruses
  • Hot Surface

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1435)

What causes the size of pupil to decrease during bright light

  • contraction of circular muscles of iris
  • contraction of radial muscles of iris
  • relaxation of circular muscle of iris
  • relaxation of radial muscle of iris

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Q. 8 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1464)

A limited partnership consist of…

  • General partners
  • Limited partners
  • Special partners
  • All of them

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Q. 15 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 491)

The Upper jaw bone is

  • Ethmoid
  • Maxilla
  • Mandible
  • Hyoid

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Q. 11 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3329)

Humoral immunity is associated with

  • T-cells
  • B-cells
  • macrophages
  • both (a) and (b)

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3321)

Which of the following pairs contains an infectious and a non-infectious disease respectively ?

  • Typhoid and AIDS
  • AIDS and cancer
  • Pneumonia and malaria
  • Cancer and malaria

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 478)

The reserve pacemaker is

  • AV node
  • SA node
  • Bundle of his
  • purkinje fibre

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Q. 7 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2209)

Drug used in inhalants administered in the form of-

  • solid droplets
  • liquid droplets
  • gas
  • none of these

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Q. 20 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3338)

During the life cycle of Plasmodium, sexual reproduction takes place in which of the following hosts ?

  • Human
  • Female Anopheles mosquito
  • Male Anopheles mosquito
  • Both (a) and (b)

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Q. 12 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1974)

Atoconium is found in-

  • Perilymph
  • Haemolymph
  • Synovial fluid
  • Otolithic membrane

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Q. 24 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 500)

The lymph fluid is:

  • Colourless
  • Reddish
  • Light brown
  • Pinkish

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1646)

HIV AIDS is a ____ disease.

  • Autoimmune
  • Hyper immunity
  • Immunodeficiency
  • All of above

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 479)

The peritonium is a

  • Outer covering of elementary tract in abdomen
  • outer covering of thorax
  • inner covering of rectum
  • None of Above

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2208)

The activity of radioactive particles passing through biological tissue depends on-

  • Ability of the radiation to penetrate tissue
  • Energy of radiation
  • surface area exposed
  • all of these

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 482)

Which one of these glands has both endocrine and exocrine function?

  • Liver
  • Pancreas
  • Parotid gland
  • Thyroid gland

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1442)

Functions of blood include…

  • Transport of oxygen & nutrients
  • Maintenance of osmotic pressure & body temperature
  • Transport of hormones & waste product
  • All of them

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1037)

LH is required for -

  • Follicular growth
  • Menstruation
  • Fertilization
  • Tubular motility

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1435)

What causes the size of pupil to decrease during bright light

  • contraction of circular muscles of iris
  • contraction of radial muscles of iris
  • relaxation of circular muscle of iris
  • relaxation of radial muscle of iris

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Q. 7 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1524)

The ______________ system includes all the glands that secrete hormones.

  • muscular
  • endocrine
  • nervous
  • lymphatic

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