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The condition wherein protein and energy reserves are depleted is…

Health Education Diploma

Q. 9 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1429)

The condition wherein protein and energy reserves are depleted is…

  • Obesity
  • Kwashiorkor
  • Oedema
  • Marasmus

Ans → (d)Marasmus

Explanation →

This question is taken from this post → Nutrition and Health MCQ | Quiz - attemp/practice

More MCQs in - Nutrition and Health MCQ | Quiz

Q. 1 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1421)

The deficiency of any essential constituent of food leads to ……

  • Malnutrition
  • Malfunction
  • Malnation
  • Marination

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Q. 2 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1422)

PEM occurs particularly in …

  • Weanlings
  • Childrens in first year of life
  • Childrens in second year of life
  • All of them

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Q. 3 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1423)

A newly weaned child is called …

  • Weanlings
  • Childrens in first year of life
  • Childrens in second year of life
  • All of them

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Q. 5 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1425)

Body building food is also known as…

  • Catabolic food
  • Anabolic food
  • Metabolic food
  • All of them

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Q. 6 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1426)

Biological value of protein is dependent on…

  • Relative proportion of essential amino acids
  • Relative proportion of minerals
  • Relative proportion of nitrogen
  • Relative proportion of oxygen

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Q. 7 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1427)

Adult protein requirements according to lCMR is…

  • 1 gm of protein per kg of body weight
  • 2 gm of protein per kg of body weight
  • 0.5 gm of protein per kg of body weight
  • 10 gm of protein per kg of body weight

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Q. 8 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1428)

Protein energy malnutrition is also known as…

  • Protein calcium malnutrition
  • Protein calorie malnutrition
  • Protein calcium maintenance
  • Protein calorie marasmus

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Q. 9 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1429)

The condition wherein protein and energy reserves are depleted is…

  • Obesity
  • Kwashiorkor
  • Oedema
  • Marasmus

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Q. 10 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1430)

The condition with adequate calorie intake but relative protein deficiency is…

  • Marasmus
  • Kwashiorkor
  • Oedema
  • Obesity

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More MCQs In - Health Education Diploma

Q. 10 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2878)

The correct surgical procedure as a contraceptive method is

  • ovariectomy
  • hysterectomy
  • vasectomy
  • castration

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Q. 25 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2893)

Intensely lactating mothers do not generally conceive due to the

  • suppression of gonadotropins
  • hypersecretion of gonadotropins
  • suppression of gametic transport
  • suppression of fertilisation

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Q. 8 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1438)

Which structure is also known as the “blind spot”?

  • optic disc
  • macula lutea
  • cornea
  • ciliary body

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1657)

Which serological test can be used for diagnosis of typhoid fever?

  • PCR
  • Widal test
  • None of the above

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2877)

Condoms are one of the most popular contraceptives because of the following reasons.

  • These are effective barriers for insemination
  • They do not interfere with coital act
  • These help in reducing the risk of STDs
  • All of the above

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Q. 10 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1450)

Increase in platelet count is called …

  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Thrombocytosis
  • Thrombosis
  • None of them

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Q. 18 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1847)

Which is not a live attenuated vaccine?

  • BCG
  • OPV
  • measles
  • pertusis

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1413)

IDDM is a type of-

  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Hypotension
  • Hypertension

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Q. 25 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2237)

Ammonium carbonate assay is based on the principle-

  • Acid-base
  • Iodometric
  • Complexometric
  • Conductometric

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1835)

In liver, Glucose is stored as-

  • Starch
  • Glycogen
  • Sucrose
  • Lactose

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Q. 19 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1848)

In general, which foods are considered to be high in vitamin K and should be avoided in large amounts when on warfarin dose?

  • Citrus fruits
  • Dairy products
  • bread and cereals
  • Green leafy vegatables

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Q. 22 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3340)

Which one of the following diseases cannot be cured by taking antibiotics ?

  • Plague
  • Amoebiasis
  • Leprosy
  • Whooping cough

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Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1421)

The deficiency of any essential constituent of food leads to ……

  • Malnutrition
  • Malfunction
  • Malnation
  • Marination

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Q. 11 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1840)

Malaria is transmitted through -

  • Female culex musquito
  • Female housefly
  • Female anopheles mosquito
  • none of the these

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1435)

What causes the size of pupil to decrease during bright light

  • contraction of circular muscles of iris
  • contraction of radial muscles of iris
  • relaxation of circular muscle of iris
  • relaxation of radial muscle of iris

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Q. 18 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2886)

The best way to decrease population of a country is

  • to educate people
  • to have better houses
  • to kill people on a large scale
  • to practice and implement familay planning

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2873)

Which of the following STDs are not completely curable ?

  • Chlamydiasis, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis
  • Chancroid syphilis, genital warts
  • AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B
  • AIDS, genital herpes, hepatitis B

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1433)

Which of the following statement is NOT true?

  • cornea is highly vascularized structure
  • vascular tunic is also known as uvea
  • the junction of sclera and cornea forms scleral venous sinus
  • melanin prevents reflection and scattering of light within eye

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1414)

Which one is a permanent contraceptive method?

  • Male sterilization
  • Barrier method
  • Intra - Uterine devices
  • Hormonal methods

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1458)

… . . .. Partner do not take part in conduct of business firm.

  • Working partner
  • Secret partner
  • Inactive partner
  • None of them

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1432)

Out of the following options which one is NOT the accessory structure of eye?

  • Eyelids
  • the lacrimal apparatus
  • intrinsic eye muscles
  • eyebrows

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1461)

The partner Neither contributing capital not taking an active part in business conduct is…

  • Active partner
  • Working partner
  • Nominal partner
  • None of them

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3321)

Which of the following pairs contains an infectious and a non-infectious disease respectively ?

  • Typhoid and AIDS
  • AIDS and cancer
  • Pneumonia and malaria
  • Cancer and malaria

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Q. 19 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2231)

Collutorium means-

  • Eye lotion
  • Mouth wash
  • Half
  • Immediately

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Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2869)

IUDs prevent pregnancy by

  • inhibiting physiological and morphological uterine changes required for implantation
  • increasing phagocytosis of spermatozoa within uterus
  • suppressing motility of sperms as well as their fertilising capacity
  • all of these

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2144)

Which one of these is used in metabolic alkalosis?

  • Sodium chloride
  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Ammonium chloride
  • Potassium citrate

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Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1451)

When businesses organisations owned and controlled by a single person it is…

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership firms
  • Co operative society
  • All of them

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Q. 20 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3338)

During the life cycle of Plasmodium, sexual reproduction takes place in which of the following hosts ?

  • Human
  • Female Anopheles mosquito
  • Male Anopheles mosquito
  • Both (a) and (b)

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Q. 16 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2884)

Which of the following pairs contributes to an increase in population ?

  • Natality and immigration
  • Mortality and emigration
  • Natality and emigration
  • Mortality and immigration

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1446)

......... is involved in formation of antibodies

  • WBCs
  • RBCs
  • Platelets
  • None of them

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Q. 7 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1437)

Which of the following is the retinal neurons present in ganglia cell layer?

  • rods
  • cones
  • amacrine cells
  • none of the above

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2207)

Which one of these is used in sunburns?

  • Titanium oxide
  • Potassium iodide
  • Boric acid
  • Calamine

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3322)

Typhoid fever in human beings is caused by

  • Plasmodium vivax
  • Trichophyton
  • Salmonella typhi
  • Rhinoviruses

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Q. 14 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2882)

In which of the following weeks of pregnancy CVS is done ?

  • 12th – 14th week
  • 8th – 10th week
  • 5th – 7th week
  • None of these

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1425)

Body building food is also known as…

  • Catabolic food
  • Anabolic food
  • Metabolic food
  • All of them

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Q. 20 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2232)

The Chemical name of Vitamin C is -

  • Ascorbic acid
  • Benzoic acid
  • Maleic acid
  • None of the above

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1429)

The condition wherein protein and energy reserves are depleted is…

  • Obesity
  • Kwashiorkor
  • Oedema
  • Marasmus

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1453)

The highest secrecy can be maintained in

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Co operative society
  • Partnership firms
  • All of them

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Q. 16 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1845)

How much retinol is equal to one I.U.?

  • 0.3 mcg
  • 0.6 mcg
  • 1.2 mcg
  • 2 mcg

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Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2142)

What is green vitrol?

  • Copper sulphate
  • Ferrous sulphate
  • Magnesium sulphate
  • Sodium sulphate

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Q. 20 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1849)

Tocoferol also known as-

  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin K

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Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1652)

Salmonella is spread by

  • Flies
  • Fomites
  • Feces
  • All of the above

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1434)

In what condition the color of eye appears as blue?

  • When the concentration of melanin is high in iris
  • When the concentration of melanin is moderate
  • When the concentration of melanin is very low
  • none of the above

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1439)

Color blindness is due to defect in ________

  • Cones
  • Rods
  • Rods and cons
  • Rhodopsin

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3327)

Hepatitis B is transmitted through

  • sneezing
  • female Anopheles
  • coughing
  • blood transfusion

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