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The condition wherein protein and energy reserves are depleted is…

Health Education Diploma

Q. 9 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1429)

The condition wherein protein and energy reserves are depleted is…

  • Obesity
  • Kwashiorkor
  • Oedema
  • Marasmus

Ans → (d)Marasmus

Explanation →

This question is taken from this post → Nutrition and Health MCQ | Quiz - attemp/practice

More MCQs in - Nutrition and Health MCQ | Quiz

Q. 1 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1421)

The deficiency of any essential constituent of food leads to ……

  • Malnutrition
  • Malfunction
  • Malnation
  • Marination

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Q. 2 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1422)

PEM occurs particularly in …

  • Weanlings
  • Childrens in first year of life
  • Childrens in second year of life
  • All of them

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Q. 3 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1423)

A newly weaned child is called …

  • Weanlings
  • Childrens in first year of life
  • Childrens in second year of life
  • All of them

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Q. 5 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1425)

Body building food is also known as…

  • Catabolic food
  • Anabolic food
  • Metabolic food
  • All of them

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Q. 6 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1426)

Biological value of protein is dependent on…

  • Relative proportion of essential amino acids
  • Relative proportion of minerals
  • Relative proportion of nitrogen
  • Relative proportion of oxygen

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Q. 7 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1427)

Adult protein requirements according to lCMR is…

  • 1 gm of protein per kg of body weight
  • 2 gm of protein per kg of body weight
  • 0.5 gm of protein per kg of body weight
  • 10 gm of protein per kg of body weight

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Q. 8 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1428)

Protein energy malnutrition is also known as…

  • Protein calcium malnutrition
  • Protein calorie malnutrition
  • Protein calcium maintenance
  • Protein calorie marasmus

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Q. 9 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1429)

The condition wherein protein and energy reserves are depleted is…

  • Obesity
  • Kwashiorkor
  • Oedema
  • Marasmus

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Q. 10 of Quiz-817 (Que-ID : 1430)

The condition with adequate calorie intake but relative protein deficiency is…

  • Marasmus
  • Kwashiorkor
  • Oedema
  • Obesity

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More MCQs In - Health Education Diploma

Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1652)

Salmonella is spread by

  • Flies
  • Fomites
  • Feces
  • All of the above

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Q. 23 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3341)

Elephantiasis, a chronic inflammation that results in gross deformities is caused by

  • Ascaris
  • E.coli
  • Wuchereria
  • Trichophyton

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Q. 7 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3325)

Which one of the following sets includes bacterial diseases ?

  • Tetanus, tuberculosis, measles
  • Diptheria, leprosy, plague
  • Cholera, typhoid, mumps
  • Malaria, mumps, poliomyelits

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3320)

Which one of the following disease is non – communicable ?

  • Diphtheria
  • Flu
  • Cancer
  • Malaria

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Q. 22 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2890)

Which one of the following groups includes sexually transmitted diseases caused by bacteria only ?

  • Syphilis, gonorrhoea, chancroid
  • Syphilis, chlamydiasis, chancroid
  • Syphilis, gonorrhoea, scabies
  • Syphilis, scabies, pediculosis

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Q. 7 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2875)

In vitro fertilisation is a technique that involves transfer of which one of the following into the fallopian tube ?

  • Embryo only, upto 8 cell stage
  • Either zygote or early embryo upto 8 cell stage
  • Embro of 32 cell stage
  • Zygote only

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1653)

The occurrence of typhoid is high in following circumstances except

  • Comes in contact with infected person
  • Use of narrow spectrum antibiotic
  • Living with poor sanitation
  • None of the above

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Q. 8 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1428)

Protein energy malnutrition is also known as…

  • Protein calcium malnutrition
  • Protein calorie malnutrition
  • Protein calcium maintenance
  • Protein calorie marasmus

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Q. 10 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1450)

Increase in platelet count is called …

  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Thrombocytosis
  • Thrombosis
  • None of them

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Q. 14 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1843)

Which of the following has the highest amount of polyunsaturated fatty acid?

  • sunflower oil
  • Ground nut oil
  • Palm Oil
  • Soyabean oil

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Q. 21 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3339)

Amoebic dysentery (amoebiasis) is caused by

  • Entamoeba histolytica
  • E. coli
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • Trichophyton

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2207)

Which one of these is used in sunburns?

  • Titanium oxide
  • Potassium iodide
  • Boric acid
  • Calamine

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Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1830)

Vginal sponge, means of family planning belongs to-

  • Physical method
  • Chemical method
  • Hormonal method
  • none of the these

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Q. 25 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2237)

Ammonium carbonate assay is based on the principle-

  • Acid-base
  • Iodometric
  • Complexometric
  • Conductometric

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1434)

In what condition the color of eye appears as blue?

  • When the concentration of melanin is high in iris
  • When the concentration of melanin is moderate
  • When the concentration of melanin is very low
  • none of the above

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Q. 12 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2880)

Amminocentesis is a technique used to

  • determine errors in amino acid metabolism in embryo
  • pin point specific cardiac ailments in embryo
  • determine any hereditary genetic abnormality in embryo
  • all of these

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1422)

PEM occurs particularly in …

  • Weanlings
  • Childrens in first year of life
  • Childrens in second year of life
  • All of them

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1833)

In diphtheria the causetive organism affects-

  • upper respiratory tract
  • Intestine
  • brain
  • lungs

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Q. 14 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3332)

A protein or polysaccharide molecule that stimulates antibody formation.

  • antigen
  • antibiotics
  • exotoxin
  • endotoxins

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1446)

......... is involved in formation of antibodies

  • WBCs
  • RBCs
  • Platelets
  • None of them

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1454)

Limited scope of expansion is the disadvantage of…

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership firms
  • Co operative society
  • All of them

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1453)

The highest secrecy can be maintained in

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Co operative society
  • Partnership firms
  • All of them

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Q. 1 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1451)

When businesses organisations owned and controlled by a single person it is…

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership firms
  • Co operative society
  • All of them

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2871)

Confirmatory test for STDs is

  • PCR
  • DNA hybridisation
  • all of these

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Q. 24 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3342)

Which of the following is affected by the infection of Wuchereria bancrofti ?

  • Lymphatic vessels
  • Respiratory system
  • Nervous system
  • Blood circulation

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1442)

Functions of blood include…

  • Transport of oxygen & nutrients
  • Maintenance of osmotic pressure & body temperature
  • Transport of hormones & waste product
  • All of them

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3323)

Which of the following is the bacterial disease in humans ?

  • Dysentery
  • Malaria
  • Plague
  • Both (a) & (c)

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Q. 17 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2885)

Which of the following is correct regarding the consequences of lower population ?

  • It increases the poverty of a country
  • It leads to shortage of food supply
  • It results in unemployment
  • All of these

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1423)

A newly weaned child is called …

  • Weanlings
  • Childrens in first year of life
  • Childrens in second year of life
  • All of them

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1414)

Which one is a permanent contraceptive method?

  • Male sterilization
  • Barrier method
  • Intra - Uterine devices
  • Hormonal methods

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Q. 12 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2224)

Which statement below is correct for cathartics?

  • Agents which reduce the evacuation of bowels
  • Agents which is used in case of diarrhoea
  • Agents which is used in case of acidosis
  • Agents which fastens and increase evacuation of bowels

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Q. 6 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2208)

The activity of radioactive particles passing through biological tissue depends on-

  • Ability of the radiation to penetrate tissue
  • Energy of radiation
  • surface area exposed
  • all of these

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Q. 16 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 3334)

Which form of pathogen is used in vaccination ?

  • Activated and strong pathogenic antigens
  • Inactivated and weakened pathogenic antigens
  • Hyperactive and strong pathogen
  • Preformed antibodies

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Q. 5 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1455)

The oldest form of business organisation is….

  • Partnership
  • Joint hindu family
  • Sole Proprietorship
  • All of them

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Q. 18 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2886)

The best way to decrease population of a country is

  • to educate people
  • to have better houses
  • to kill people on a large scale
  • to practice and implement familay planning

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Q. 16 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2884)

Which of the following pairs contributes to an increase in population ?

  • Natality and immigration
  • Mortality and emigration
  • Natality and emigration
  • Mortality and immigration

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Q. 3 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1654)

The pathogenesis of typhoid fever depends on following except

  • Host immunity
  • Virulence
  • Infectious species
  • Volume of organism

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Q. 25 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2893)

Intensely lactating mothers do not generally conceive due to the

  • suppression of gonadotropins
  • hypersecretion of gonadotropins
  • suppression of gametic transport
  • suppression of fertilisation

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1429)

The condition wherein protein and energy reserves are depleted is…

  • Obesity
  • Kwashiorkor
  • Oedema
  • Marasmus

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Q. 23 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2235)

Oxygen is used in the treatment of-

  • CO poisoning
  • Lead poisoning
  • Mercury poisoning
  • Blood pressure

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Q. 2 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1432)

Out of the following options which one is NOT the accessory structure of eye?

  • Eyelids
  • the lacrimal apparatus
  • intrinsic eye muscles
  • eyebrows

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Q. 4 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 2872)

Hepatitis B is transmitted through

  • blood transfusion
  • intimate physical contact
  • sexual contact
  • all of these

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Q. 10 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1430)

The condition with adequate calorie intake but relative protein deficiency is…

  • Marasmus
  • Kwashiorkor
  • Oedema
  • Obesity

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Q. 8 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1448)

Thrombocytes are called…

  • WBCs
  • RBCs
  • Platelets
  • None of them

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Q. 9 of Quiz- (Que-ID : 1429)

The condition wherein protein and energy reserves are depleted is…

  • Obesity
  • Kwashiorkor
  • Oedema
  • Marasmus

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